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Fall-ing in Love With September's Scents

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Should be in [smilie=th_slider_bigsleep]...I'm tired on the outside but not on the inside...ya know?


Thank you Laurie and Sweet... [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_] I am sure I will be lounging with my laptop and all will be as normal as ever! :)


Talk soon... [smilie=th_offtobed]

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That is great to hear your PD candle has a throw, Trep - I have had a couple and I don't think Paula would have been happy with quality control!


My YC tart order arrived - thank heavens they do not have to age!


I am going with their Vanilla Satin tonight.

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Hi everyone! The sun will finally come out tomorrow afternoon! I think we'll all go blind when it happens :lol: So rainy and dreary for several days - makes the thought of Fall coming even more depressing. I know everyone loves Fall, but all it means to me is Winter is coming. I don't like Winter one stinking bit :lol:


candlelove - right with ya on the Jersey Shore thing. Dumbest.show.ever. but I love it so much!


Tonite's melts:


CFTKR Shampure Clean in the living room. Wanted an omg so strong! scent down here tonite, and I knew what it would be on the drive home from work. Adore this one.


TDC Cedarwood Vanilla in the bathroom


OLC Black Linen and Amber in the bedroom. Really love this scent and glad many vendors carry it.


Have a great Friday, everyone!! :wub:

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Gooooood Moooooorning CandleFind!


Just a quick note before the breakfast & bus barrage . . .

Late last evening, Paradise Reef just wasn't throwing anymore so I decided to melt my very first ever from Candle Dippers.

I reached into the bag and (eyes closed) pulled out Bonsai.



I never thought I'd ever say *too* strong, but this is mighty close.

Holy moly!

I am re-running it this morning and I may have to turn it off!

I can't wait to try some of my other Candle Dippers. Oh where have you been all my melting-life!?


Have a wonderful day, everyone!


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Good luck today Maggie.

I am starting of my day with Pink sugar cookie dough from Candles scent from heaven and Bubblicious from shayz both are really good.

Have a great friday i am off to see what these candle dippers are

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mug.gif Good Morning...just got my youngest off to school raisehand.gif...now a little relaxation.


Melting Mulled Cider from Ye Olde Candle Cubbard...love this one...it's very tart smelling in a good way!


I also have a Swan Creek Pumpkin Spice votive burning...this is one of my top favorite scents from SC...it is incredible.


Maggie, hope your procedure goes well today. ballonenbloemen.gif Thanks for the offer of the Nellie's Acres...I may just take you up on that.


TJ's Mom, Candle Dippers is awesome....huge scent list and nice blends.


Okay, peeps, I hope everyone has a great day! 13_7_5.gif

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This morning's scents are CFTKR Cinnanut Colombian Coffee and Pumpkin & Pralines.


Hope all goes well for you MaggieMae.

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Thinking of you, Maggie, and hoping everything goes smoothly with your procedure.


Honey Pear Cider is in my melters today. Smells wonderful. Happy Friday, scent buddies. B)

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Laurie--I am not Tania but Yankee has a new one called Nature's Paintbrush so maybe that is what Tania has. It is very different. I burned some tealights of it but it is not my kind of scent. Very much a plant scent--good and strong if you like that type of scent.



This afternoon it is Yankee Apple Pie and Mainstays Apples and Berries.



Debra--I must admit I was pleasantly surprised with the performance of my Paula Deen candle. It has a terrific throw and I have read where that is seldom the case.

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Ok, so Bonsai (Candle Dippers) was SO potent I had to pour it back into it's little container and save it for another time. Wowee! I commented on it on CD's FaceBook page and she said the oil has been discontinued on that one.


I wonder what's with all the oil suppliers tanking?


I changed a few melters out, here's what's up now:

Purple Cow (CFTKR) in DS room. It's funny, the name of that scent, because when this particular DS was struggling with getting mad and mouthing off, I told him we'd make a code phrase for me to say to him for when he sounds like he's approaching the groundation zone to give him a chance to get his mouth in check, and our code phrase was Purple Cow which always made him laugh.



Mandarin Spritz (Kristin's Kandles) is in the family room.

Baby Bee Buttermilk (OMG Candles) is in my room

and Lemongrass & Olive (Candle Dippers) is in the living room.


Got a lot to get accomplished today, DD#3 is having her 16th birthday party tomorrow. It's a little before her actual birthday (for once in her life - usually I'm late with the parties), but she wanted a pool party/slip n slide bash and I didn't want to take a chance on the weather getting cool (slim of a chance as that may be - lol)



[oh, thanks Trep for the answer on Nature's Paintbrush - I didn't see it before posting, we must have been typing at the same time. Sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out ]

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[smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr Hi everyone. Today I have been melting. Mountain Lodge by YC. Burning: Limelight votive by Tyler. Salty Caramel mini by BBW. Hope everyone has a great weekenc.

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melting Wahm's Ice Cream Scoop Bread and Delightful Incense Spiced Cranberry smells really good in here. enjoy your weekend.

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All candles tonight...


McCall's jar in the scent Autumn Leaves


YC jar in the scent Gingersnaps


Slatkin jar in the scent Leaves


Scentsible Scents jar in Sweet Annie


Smells delightful over here!

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I'm burning a mini Slatkin Marshmallow Fireside candle. Wasn't sure about this one from the cold sniff, but it's another good one! [smilie=th_aa17]


sweet, I was over a neighbors house earlier this evening and she had that exact candle burning...Marshmallow Fireside...it smelled so good! I told her I was never leaving! LOL!

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I am a CD fan, too - in fact I think I will go check out my stash and see what to melt next! For now is it Cottage Hill's Vanilla Grapefruit.

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Evening, everyone! Nice and cool here tonite, and I didn't go blind when the sun came out :lol:


Tonite's melts:


LOL Bubble Mint in the living room (love it!)


LOL Avobathe in the bathroom (Lush dupe)


Shayz Hawaiian Breeze in the bedroom


Have a great Saturday, everyone!! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr

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