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Fall-ing in Love With September's Scents

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Happy Birthday to mpfand's DD!

Maggie, I wish you well on your surgery, I hope you're back on track really soon.

The weather has cleared, it was actually *cool* this morning and it is a beautiful gorgeous day today! I totally embarassed my kids by picking them up with the windows down and the stereo cranked.


DH is on his last day of his mini vaca - he took a 4-day weekend to work on the yard (didn't happen, now he's out there picking up limbs downed in the storm) and on DS room, which is looking GREAT. I successfully intercepted my Distinctly Pink order that arrived, I am dying to look at it - he will go to bed early because of getting up at 3am again tomorrow.

I have sorely neglected the melters, which I am about to remedy.

In my bedroom, I have Serenity Sea Mist from OMG which is very nice, but has unexpected minty note.

I am about to put on Apple and Orange Blossom from CYS in my family room, move Island Fresh Gain from LSC to the hallway and replace it with Sanguigno Orange Patchouli (also from LSC)

I will report back on how they are after they get going.

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, everyone!

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Lovescent~ How is that Candy Corned Zucchini Bread? [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4] It sounds so yummy!




It's a nice mix of candy corn and zucchini bread. Not too sweet, not too zucchini-y. :) Haha, hope that wasn't too obvious a response, but I liked it better than the Strawberry Zucchini one I had going.


This afternoon into evening's scents are CFTKR Hot Maple Latte and Caramalized Banana Cake.

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Stardust - [smilie=th_1_bigone110] I had no idea you were so dry, too. I figured that was all in the south and west. You've had a pretty big garden to keep watered then, huh?



I think Mother Nature is messing with us, Sweet. There has been rain other places in the county but not here. AAaaugh! And yep, I have to stay on top of the tomatoes and peppers most of all. There are dozens of hibiscus, a hydrangea and some ajuga I need to move but it's like a sidewalk in our yard.


LOL Endless Summer Nights in the bedroom - smells nice - I love when freebies are winners!


I just melted that the other day and it IS a nice one. I got lots of orange from it - definitely summery.



I have hate in my heart for this candle. Seriously. [smilie=th_pullhair]



LOL! Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that but I can SO sympathize with the hate. I usually relegate those losers to some far corner of the house where I don't have to look at them while they're used up. They make me mad if I see them!


Maggie - I hope you have a speedy recovery


Laurie - OMG! A leak *on* your computer? Yikes! Glad it didn't seem to bother it.


Another cold and grey and windy day here. I'm never going to get those outside things done at this pace! Today's wax is/was CBV Tiffany-D (sputtered its last... it was a good candle), Spotted Hog Goblin Sin O Mon Sugar Cake, Warm Glow orange stardust pillar, LOL Sweet Breads, AMS Apple Jack & Peel (I swear the *last* soy candle I'll buy... soy candles just don't throw worth a darn for me) and LSC Bedazzled. Oh... and I just threw on LSC's Cinnamon Vanilla because Mom fried onions. Ewwwww!!! I wish she'd remember to turn on that lovely exhaust fan when she does that. Argh!



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Mpfand - happy birthday to your DD! [smilie=party] I don't 'spose it'd do any good to tell her she's not allowed to be 14 yet... [smilie=th_F_14WA116161617]


Stardust - now, don't smack me, [smilie=th_5337c1ad] but I actually like the smell of onions frying. Add some green peppers to that and yummmm!....means there'll be somethin good for dinner. [smilie=yes]


I'm melting Angel Scented's Duck Farts from a CF friend. In case you're wondering what it smells like :blink: ... here's the description - As unique as the name implies! A truly fantastic blend of Bailey's & cranberries with spicy hints of nutmeg and cloves.

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Just back from a trip to the beach so I'm going for a beachy scent today to keep the vibe going. YC's ocean water is on the burner today - when the scent start to fade I might add a bit of some Australian Rainforest (market buy) to it to really get the vibe going (the beach was surrounded by rainforest).

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Tania, you day at the beach sounds fun! One of my friends from Scarborough (UK) says she loves September at the beach because all of the tourists have gone home and yet it is still lovely weather for enjoying sand and surf.


I have CBV Berries and Cream burning this afternoon. This one is a bit more summery, but I got out my fall scents and started putting them out for easy access during the next few months. Our weather here in Colorado is cooling off beautifully, yet we are still able to enjoy wearing shorts. I'm so glad the worst of summer heat seems to be behind us now! [smilie=th_th3de3a8c4]

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Hi everyone.


My internet has been out of service. arg. I've been back in the dark ages all weekend. Seriously, I'd rather go without running water.


Speaking of running water, it's been raining all day long. It's so cozy. I've been burning up a handful of old votives and a couple of jars. My Woodwick Tuberose jar is almost finished. Melting Candedippers - Garden of Eden.


Today I put away the summer decorations, and took a few of the fall decorations. Only a few. th_pardon.gif

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[smilie=thank_you] Laurie and Star for your kind words! :)

In honor of DD's birthday today I'm melting Happy Birthday from Scentsy. How is possible that my baby is 14?

[smilie=th_f0424ea25f87db180cc7d to your DD!!!! Sadly, time flies!


It's a nice mix of candy corn and zucchini bread. Not too sweet, not too zucchini-y. :) Haha, hope that wasn't too obvious a response, but I liked it better than the Strawberry Zucchini one I had going.

Thanks Lovescent! I think that sounds like something I would like...I asked because sometimes things don't mix well...YKWIM? I didn't care for the last Strawberry ZB scent I had recently either.... [smilie=th_pardon]


Jules~ Sorry to hear about the "lost internet" weekend...I know what you mean...it REALLY stinks!!!! Glad you got it back! :)


Tonight it's: Serendipity from Snickerdoodle Creations...smells nice!

Have a great night! :)

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I hope you had a great birthday celebration at your house, mp!


Jules - what a long weekend to have computer trouble - was it like being back in the 70's? ^_^


It is finally getting really hot out here, hard to think it, but I miss the rain we had most of the summer!


Tonight is House of Soy - 4 Leaf Clover

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Hi all! It rained small farm animals all day and most of the night here :lol: It was coming down to beat the band while I was out running after work errands around dinner time - always the way! Thank you, rain bands from former Tropical Storm Lee :angry:


Jules - Happy you're back online! I was so glad I grabbed a car charger for my phone before Irene hit. It was nice to check Facebook and email for signs of life as I sat here in the dark for 38 hours, believe me :wacko:


sweet - Oddly enough, I sauteed peppers and onions for Italian Sausage sandwiches tonite - I was like wow! when I saw you mention it as I scrolled through the thread - cool :lol:


Tonite's melts:


TDC Black Tea in the living room


LOL 32 Degrees in the bathroom


Tara's Pink Princess Cake in the bedroom. Sooo not a bakery person, but I wanted to test a freebie before putting rest of my order away once I buy storage for it tomorrow. I've read her tarts need curing - definitely not in this case!! It's crazy strong - yay!


Have a great sleep, everyone! [smilie=th_slider_bigsleep]

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We could really use some of that rain.

Good morning starting my day off with vanilla frosted cinna rolls from wahm's and son just got up for school looking for the real cinnamon rolls.

have a great day all.

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Good Morning!


It looks like another dreary day here. I am melting CFTKR Stuffed French Toast.


Jules-A weekend without internet? That must have been so hard.

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Good Morning...the beginning of the school year is always so hectic around here. I posted yesterday morning and never made it back here for the rest of the day. The boys have a full day today, so hopefully, I'll be able to catch up on things. I have a couple of projects I want to start around the house too. One is painting DS#1's room and the other is building some decorative shelves. Yes, I said building!

This should be interesting...I'll keep ya posted...lol.


Melting Carol's Glazed Cinnamon Donuts...I completely adore this scent. Smells identical to Nene's Cinnamon Glazed Fritters. I also lit my YC Grapevine & Oak candle. I am hoping both of these scents overtake the self cleaning oven smell...lol. My oven was filthy, so I started the self cleaning thingy around 6:30 this morning while making lunches. Hopefully it should be done around 9:30 and I can wipe up the ashes and have a sparkling clean oven. I am always amazed at how clean the oven is afterwards! It is a miracle.


[smilie=thank_you] Thank you so much for all your kindness!!! [smilie=group_hug] I'm sure I'll be melting and posting as soon as I'm home!!! LOL



Aria...I love her: Autumn Wreath, Gypsy Witch, Charleston Home, Toffee Apple Crunch, Hot Apple Pie, Pumpkin Crunch, All Spice & Pumpkin Creme Brulee. There was only 1 scent that made me [smilie=th_puke] but she doesn't sell it anymore.




Maggie, thanks so much...those all sound like scents I would pick! Yay! How was the surgery? Or maybe you didn't have the surgery yet...I have to go back and find out. Anyhow...take care girlie.



Mpfand - happy birthday to your DD! [smilie=party] I don't 'spose it'd do any good to tell her she's not allowed to be 14 yet... [smilie=th_F_14WA116161617]


Stardust - now, don't smack me, [smilie=th_5337c1ad] but I actually like the smell of onions frying. Add some green peppers to that and yummmm!....means there'll be somethin good for dinner. [smilie=yes]


I'm melting Angel Scented's Duck Farts from a CF friend. In case you're wondering what it smells like :blink: ... here's the description - As unique as the name implies! A truly fantastic blend of Bailey's & cranberries with spicy hints of nutmeg and cloves.


sweet, I also love the smell of onions frying in butter! I think I could put caramelized onions on anything! I have melted that Duck Farts scent before. I ordered from Angel Scented a few years ago and really liked most of what I got. They have some really unique scent names!!!!


Okay, I am going to get my butt in gear here...have a great day everyone!



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Thanks Lovescent! I think that sounds like something I would like...I asked because sometimes things don't mix well...YKWIM? I didn't care for the last Strawberry ZB scent I had recently either.... [smilie=th_pardon]



It mixes very well (the Candy Corn one). It's not as sweet as say a Butter Cream one, but still scrumptious, and it was a lot better than some of the berry ones I've tried. I don't know if it's just that I don't really like berry or if the berry FOs are just not that good.


This morning's scents are CFTKR Black Cherry Cake and Jelly Donut.

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Melting Carol's Glazed Cinnamon Donuts...I completely adore this scent. Smells identical to Nene's Cinnamon Glazed Fritters.


Maggie, thanks so much...those all sound like scents I would pick! Yay! How was the surgery? Or maybe you didn't have the surgery yet...I have to go back and find out. Anyhow...take care girlie.

Thanks Aria...I don't go in until Friday morning :)

I am glad to hear about Carol's Glazed Cinnamon Donuts and I'm writing it down. [smilie=th_d6ac145d] I LOVE Nene's CGF but I am leary of trying new donut scents cause a lot of times they smell "yeasty" which makes me gag.

As far as Nellie's Acres...Would you like me to send a couple for you to try? It's not as though I am gonna run out of tarts any time soon... [smilie=th_5337c1ad] ...That way you can try them out...whatcha think?


I don't know if it's just that I don't really like berry or if the berry FOs are just not that good.

[smilie=iagree] I was thinking the same thing about me...but I do like Wildberry Zucchini!


Well, today it's all bakery...

Carmelized Pralines from LSC....yumo!

Zucchini Apple Bread from Cozy Cottage...yumi!

Southern Tea Cakes from Cozy Cottage...YUM!

Have a good one! :)

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Mpfand, I hope your DD had a great birthday!


Jules, no internet is the pits! Glad to see you back! Candle Dipper's Garden of Eden is one of my faves in wax and in B&B.


Hi all! It rained small farm animals all day and most of the night here.

Thanks for the chuckle, Sheila! [smilie=th_giggle]



... and the other is building some decorative shelves. Yes, I said building!

This should be interesting...I'll keep ya posted...lol.

... I am always amazed at how clean the oven is afterwards! It is a miracle.

Yes, please DO keep us posted on your building project, Aria! I hope it goes smoothly and turns out great! ITA about the self-cleaning oven being miraculous. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


Maggie, thanks for your praise re Nellie's Acres. So many of her things look terrific and I especially have my eye on some of the doggie themed items. I need to put together some kind of gift basket for my dog club's big fundraiser next month and NA has a lot of lovelies!


I'm melting LSC Summer Melons and it's absolute perfection on this 99 degree day. [smilie=th_LOVE]



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Maggie, thanks for your praise re Nellie's Acres. So many of her things look terrific and I especially have my eye on some of the doggie themed items. I need to put together some kind of gift basket for my dog club's big fundraiser next month and NA has a lot of lovelies!

Gail...I would be happy to send some out to you too!! Just let me know if you'd like to try! :)


Added Goldilocks from CBV...I love her unique blends...and this one is GOOD! ;)

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It's raining again. I'm supposed to be mowing the lawn, but apparently it isn't going to happen today.


Added Haley's 'Caramel Zucchini Bread' to the living room melter. It is ok, but I don't get ANY caramel scent. This one smells like straight-up ZB to me!

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MaggieMae, Wildberry Zucchini is the only berry one I like, too. :)


Soon to go on the melter: CFTKR Harvest Zucchini and Caramelized Apple Praline Zucchini.

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I just changed out my melters to CFTKR Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake. These are the first chocolates I am trying from Carol. They are starting to smell good.


What a dreary day here! I feel like it was Labor Day and all of a sudden the weather changed. I brought out my fall clothes. Tomorrow and the rest of the week the weather should warm up.

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