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Fall-ing in Love With September's Scents

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I am melting YC Sage and Citrus - I cut several YC in half so I could do mixology - but I guess I am too much of a purest - I usually don't like the mixes as much as the straight up plain scents...so I quit mixing. I just have a bunch of tarts cut in half to use up!

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86334.gif Good Morning friends...It's going to be a nice relaxing Saturday today. I have to take DS#1 to karate this morning, but after that no plans at all. Maybe a nice long walk this afternoon, but that is it. I can't even do laundry because my washer is on the fritz..DH is in the process of repairing it. It's only 6 years old...I think these front loading HE machines are a pain. Sure they use less water, but they are high maintenance.


Just started melting a few minutes ago...FP Ultimate Bakery...hope I like this one as it has pink sugar in it and I am not a fan of ps. I also have Nellies Acres...Pumpkin Crunch Cake in another melter...will start that one once I get back this morning.


Nancy, I am loving the fall avatars too! 86724.gif



Good morning (or afternoon), buddies! [smilie=th_blij51] I'm enjoying a cup of Pumpkin Spice coffee from Green Mountain. It's still warm here, but the cooler weather is getting me in the mood for Fall! Count me in as a full-fledged member of the Winter Hater Club. For now I'm just going to enjoy the anticipation of autumn and pretend Old Man Winter died and went to his snowy reward in the sky. [smilie=th_sign0162]


Thanks for those heartwarming hugs, Aria! You and your posts are just TOO CUTE! [smilie=th_avatar_4219]


I'm melting FP Coconut Spell. Soooo goooood!




Gail, aww, shucks girl...you made me blush. Fall is a wonderful season! I still luv ya even though you are a winter hater! I know most people don't like it. Living here in Michigan...aka Winter Wonderland...we like to take advantage of the snow and cold and enjoy it rather than sit around cursing it. I can't wait to get my ice skates on....snowmanonice.gif



OMG Aria...I love your little apple picking emotie!!! [smilie=th_slider_flirt]


Went into work for a big 2 hours and I am pooped. How sad it that? I gotta build up some energy...it was SO WONDERFUL to see all my little students from last year...now that they are in the BIG 4 year old classes...I got lots of hugs!!! [smilie=group_hug] It was so nice!!!!


New melts for the afternoon...

Harvest Kitchen from CYS

Amish Cheesecake from OMG...eww [smilie=th_puke] sour!

Changed that one out for

LSC Pumpkin Marshmallw Grahams...yum.


Hi Maggie...isn't he cute? Take it easy girl...love those little ones, so precious. I agree...most cheesecake scents have a sour smell to me also.


I want to come eat dinner at your house we are just grabbing a pizza on our way to the atv races. Shutting off my melters here but stocked my camper with some yummy scents. As soon as we get set up i will be melting pumpkin butta from shayz. Have a wonderful weekend all.


C'mon over! There is always plenty to share here! I always try to make things and have enough leftovers for another meal. Hope you had fun at the races!


Jules, you come over too girl!!!



Sweet, omg-1.gif I like the smell of the heat too! icon_eek.gif Ours was on for the last 3 mornings!


Okay, I have to get ready to head out the door with DS....have a nice day all...


utedass.gif <---Sorry! I couldn't resist! 98c56b1b.gif

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Can I ask a question here? I love reading this thread because I get good scent ideas from you more experienced melters. I am assuming these are all tarts yall are burning...so to those of you who burn different scents throughout day, are you pouring it hot back into something to use again later? Do you have mass amounts of burners? I have just started this, and I find a scent lasts me 2-3 days, even if it is on all day. So how do I change them out as quickly as you guys and still get my money's worth???


I also use 3 melters a day in different rooms, so that's 3 scents right there. Then, if one or more happened to be weak or something (or if I really can't stand the scent which rarely happens) I'll switch by the afternoon. A lot of times, I'll save the wax and move it to a smaller room for a second or third day. But, yeah, saving the wax for later use is how I get my money's worth.


After two full days of TCC Downy Fresh (which still has a lot of life in it), I've switched to CFTKR Old Colonial Hearth and Zucchini Fluff.

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Happy weekend everybody! I am melting LSC Pumpkin Marshmallow Grahams (Maggie, you and I are of one mind) and DH said "hey, that smells good" when he got up this morning. I always like it when he notices whatever I'm burning/melting. I also have 2 candles going: YC Autumn Leaves and YC Harvest. The Harvest is pretty far down in the jar, so I hope to finish it up this season.

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Can I ask a question here? I love reading this thread because I get good scent ideas from you more experienced melters. I am assuming these are all tarts yall are burning...so to those of you who burn different scents throughout day, are you pouring it hot back into something to use again later? Do you have mass amounts of burners? I have just started this, and I find a scent lasts me 2-3 days, even if it is on all day. So how do I change them out as quickly as you guys and still get my money's worth???


Hi Lone! I do have melters all over the world here. One in my bathroom, one in my bedroom, 2 of my DD's have them in their bedrooms, one of my DS has in his bedroom, one in the hallway, one in the living room, one in the family room, and one in each of the "spare" bathrooms. whew!


I do keep the tarts going until I can't smell them anymore, I hate wasting anything. I do sometimes move them around, for example, if one is no longer scenting the entire living room, but I can still smell it up close, I will move it to one of the closed, smaller rooms to finish it''s natural life. A lot do their swan song in the hallway.

I recently started making little votives out of my left over wax. I haven't burned one yet, tho.

Here is a thread about "waste wax":



And here is a discussion on "power melting":



And here is a photo of my recycled waste wax (I have a lot more of those now) lol:


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Just finished cleaning the master bath and am melting Bedtime Bath from LSC in there- hoping it eliminates the smell of bleach.

Mpfand - bleach is one sniff I don't like the smell of. [smilie=th_stink] I use the lemon scented one and even that's [smilie=th_a136] . Glad your DH is back home!



OMG I thought I was the only twisted one!


Sweet, omg-1.gif I like the smell of the heat too!


Laurie & Aria - you like it too? We be twisted triplets! :D Unlike you, Laurie, I even kinda like the mixer exhaust scent. [smilie=th_pardon]



Just started melting a few minutes ago...FP Ultimate Bakery...hope I like this one as it has pink sugar in it and I am not a fan of ps.

Aria - what did you think of it? Can you smell the PS in it? I have that one, but haven't melted it yet cuz I'm not a fan of perfumey waxies. [smilie=th_cha40]



I've switched to CFTKR Old Colonial Hearth

Lovescent - I've been curious about that, probably cuz it has 'colonial' in the name and to me colonial=old timey, which I like. What's it smell like? [smilie=th_confused3]


I'm burning McCall's 2-wick Country Store candle. SO good! [smilie=th_slider_flirt]

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Christy...Isn't that one AMAZING?


Aria...That little outhouse guy cracked me up!!!! [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet]


Laurie...Love those candles! Looks great!


This morning it's been:

LSC Toffee Apple Zucchini Bread

LSC Toffee Apple Praline

Auntie Di Orange Chiffon Cake Bundt


[smilie=th_thumbs20up] Have a wonderful weekend! Think I'm gonna go over the BB&W and then the orchard to take some pictures! Have a good one! :)

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Hi everyone!

Melting CFTKR Dutch Apple Crunch

Burning Slatkin Cinnamon sugared donuts

Goose Creek Spice Cake...this is so yummy!

McCall's County Store I agree Sweet ,this is a good one and don't you love the double wicks ,they burn perfect and I seem to get a better scent throw! [smilie=th_smilies-2]


Yes Aria... [smilie=th_rk01_lavatricefare] the HP machines are a pain...mine breaks down all the time and they tend to get smelly too!I'm forever putting baking soda and vinegar in them to get the smell out!



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Starting the day with Spiced Orange Harvest from Scentsy. This one is strong. Reminds me of Constant Comment tea, which is one of my favorite drinks on a cold day. Not cold here by a long shot, but it smells good, anyway. :)


Aria, your posts are such fun to read. Your emoticons make me [smilie=th_giggle]


I'm going to head over to B&BW for the 'Scent Event'. Hope everyone has a great day!

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McCall's County Store I agree Sweet ,this is a good one and don't you love the double wicks ,they burn perfect and I seem to get a better scent throw! [smilie=th_smilies-2]

Skylar - [smilie=th_200912104451] , I think the 2-wicks are wonderful - luv em! [smilie=th_LOVE] Have U tried any other scents in the 2-wicks?



I'm going to head over to B&BW for the 'Scent Event'. Hope everyone has a great day!

Mpfand - [smilie=th_LaLaLa] I'm trying really hard to not go. Let us know what you think of their new gingerbread scent. [smilie=th_myspacepunked_sign000



This afternoon it is BBW Cranberry Woods Oil--fabulous

Trep - I got the Cranberry Woods in a candle and luv the cold sniff! :wub:


I'm melting BH&G's Ginger Spice Cake. It's so YUMMMM! I've liked every scent I've tried of theirs so far - winners for sure! [smilie=th_cc15]

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Kitchen is a YC Amber Glow--not liking it too much right now

and Living room is Haley's Pumpkin Spice Latte YUM!


We have rain clouds and thunder over our droughted land right now---come on rain you can do it!!!

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Good afternoon


Still have the tarts I started this morning....Pumpkin Crunch Cake from Nellies Acres is super yummy. This a palm wax and a CF buddy sent it to me to try. I have to say that the palm wax is not a HUGE thrower, but I am getting plenty of scent for my kitchen/dining area...seems it is getting stronger as the wax gets hotter.



Aria - what did you think of it? Can you smell the PS in it? I have that one, but haven't melted it yet cuz I'm not a fan of perfumey waxies. [smilie=th_cha40]


sweet, I actually really liked it a lot. I could smell the ps, but it was toned way down by a sweet, cakey scent. It's still going fairly strong. It doesn't smell perfumey to me...would you like to me to send you one? I have a few extras and wouldn't mind at all! Email me if you're interested...tntmom69@yahoo.com





Christy...Isn't that one AMAZING?


Aria...That little outhouse guy cracked me up!!!! [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet]


Laurie...Love those candles! Looks great!


This morning it's been:

LSC Toffee Apple Zucchini Bread

LSC Toffee Apple Praline

Auntie Di Orange Chiffon Cake Bundt


[smilie=th_thumbs20up] Have a wonderful weekend! Think I'm gonna go over the BB&W and then the orchard to take some pictures! Have a good one! :)


Hey there girlie...get any good pics? I did some damage at B&BW earlier today...ordered online. I was thinking of going to the store, but it's about 1/2 hour away and just decided I didn't feel like driving. I've done a ton of driving this week. Did you get any goodies?



Hi everyone!

Melting CFTKR Dutch Apple Crunch

Burning Slatkin Cinnamon sugared donuts

Goose Creek Spice Cake...this is so yummy!

McCall's County Store I agree Sweet ,this is a good one and don't you love the double wicks ,they burn perfect and I seem to get a better scent throw! [smilie=th_smilies-2]


Yes Aria... [smilie=th_rk01_lavatricefare] the HP machines are a pain...mine breaks down all the time and they tend to get smelly too!I'm forever putting baking soda and vinegar in them to get the smell out!




skylar, Country Store is a classic scent...I never tire of it. I loved my washer when I first got it. Hate, hate, hate the mildewy smell! I got some of the Tide washing machine cleaner packets and they seem to help, but you have to keep up with it regularly.


Off to take a nice walk...it's sunny and in the mid 60's here...beautiful.

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Gorgeous autumn avatars, everyone! They all make me go "Ahhhhh!" [smilie=th_LOVE] So do all these great sounding scents!


Cute and darned funny outhouse guy, Aria. And about the cold weather, I can only imagine how breathtakingly beautiful your Michigan winters must be! [smilie=yes]


Maggie, I hope you get some great orchard photos. Will you share them with us? [smilie=th_myspacepunked_sign000 Have fun!


I had a front loading HE washer about five years ago. Couldn't wait to get rid of the thing. [smilie=th_hmph]


The family vacationers are home now. It was DH, DS, and DS's three little girls. They all had a fantastic time, especially the girlies on their first camping trip. I'm so glad!


I'm melting FP Lemon Lavender. It's got a heck of a throw and is nice, but I guess I'm not a big fan of Lemon Lavender. [smilie=th_scratch]


Have a terrific Saturday, everyone!



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[smilie=th_sHellobar] All!

Hey there girlie...get any good pics?

Did you get any goodies?

[smilie=The_Hi] Aria, since I went straight over to the mall to catch the BB&W sale I ended up missing all the good light and ditched the orchard. I will try again tomorrow. I ended up with 4 candles.. :ssshopping: Autumn, Leaves, Marshmallow Fireside and Cinnamon Sugar Donuts. I tried to get the one you mentioned, Winter Night, but the salesgirl looked at me like I was nuts and kept telling me I meant Mountain Leaves. I kept doing this... [smilie=th_cha60] I might just order online and take a chance.


Maggie, I hope you get some great orchard photos. Will you share them with us?

Gail, as long as I can figure out how to get them on without my DS coaching me, I will surely try! [smilie=yes]


This late afternoon it's:

Carol's Autumn Morn, which arrived in a lovely waxie package from a CF pal today. It smelled SO GOOD that I just HAD to melt it NOW!!! I love this so much, I just MUST go get myself a JUMBO bag soon! [smilie=th_smilies-2] and [smilie=th_teks0311]

CCCC Spiced Apple Fritters... [smilie=th_00000020]

Have a good one! :)

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sweet, I actually really liked it a lot. I could smell the ps, but it was toned way down by a sweet, cakey scent. It's still going fairly strong. It doesn't smell perfumey to me...would you like to me to send you one? I have a few extras and wouldn't mind at all!

Aria- [smilie=thank_you] for the offer, but I do have it already. I wasn't sure about the PS note & was askeered to melt it. What a woose. :lol: I can always pour it back into the cup if I don't like it.



I'm melting FP Lemon Lavender. It's got a heck of a throw and is nice, but I guess I'm not a big fan of Lemon Lavender. [smilie=th_scratch]

Puppy - I can do Lavender. And I luv lemon. But, put the two together and it's [smilie=th_puke] for me, too. I know several on here really like it, tho. How's Hobbit? Back to his spry little self? [smilie=th_snoopy]



I tried to get the one you mentioned, Winter Night, but the salesgirl looked at me like I was nuts and kept telling me I meant Mountain Leaves. I kept doing this... [smilie=th_cha60] I might just order online and take a chance.

MaggieMae - I'm pretty sure that's in their holiday line and is only available online in the mini right now. I think it goes to the stores next month. Did you get the free gift that had the new Gingerbread candle? Whatcha think of it? [smilie=th_c032]


I got out my candles from last fall and am burning Slatkins Pumpkin Patch. [smilie=th_1_bigone110] ...this got a full wax pool very quickly (maybe cuz it's 2/3 way gone?) and I got wonderful scent right away! :wub: I like both the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin and the Pumpkin Patch, but think the PP is stronger.

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MaggieMae - I'm pretty sure that's in their holiday line and is only available online in the mini right now. I think it goes to the stores next month. Did you get the free gift that had the new Gingerbread candle? Whatcha think of it? [smilie=th_c032]

Thanks for the info Sweet!!! [smilie=th_thumbs20up] No wonder she was confused! I did get the freebie candles...The Gingerbread smells like vanilla and marshmallow... [smilie=th_idontknow] I smell NO gingerbread whatsoever...maybe I got a dud. Did anyone else notice that? However, the Marshmallow Peppermint smells quite nice. I am already hankering to head back for the winter scents...so lovely.


Added Little Black Dress from Country Home Scents upstairs. The VooDoo Love finally petered out.

[smilie=thzzz003] Goodnight.

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Mpfand - [smilie=th_LaLaLa] I'm trying really hard to not go. Let us know what you think of their new gingerbread scent. [smilie=th_myspacepunked_sign000

I agree with Maggie on the Gingerbread. Maybe once melted the ginger will come out. I hope so, because I love a good gingerbread scent! I do love the Marshmallow Peppermint, though! Candied Sugar Plum is yummy smelling, too. The bag that they came in is really cute! I bought Marshmallow Fireside, which I'm melting now, and I just love it! Not usually my kind of scent, but this is really good.

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Hello everyone! I've been melting LSC Fireside this evening, and I'm loving it! This is one of the first truly brisk, Autumn evenings we've had so far this year, so it's a perfect melt for the occasion.


Just got back from taking my DD and one of her friends to their first, official high school homecoming dance. I can't believe my baby is growing up so quickly! It was so fun watching all the students arriving in their dresses, suits and corsages. [smilie=th_c2e41937]


Earlier today I was burning CBV Blackberry Cobbler, followed by CBV Peanut Butter Cookies. Yum!

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How's Hobbit? Back to his spry little self? [smilie=th_snoopy]

Gosh, [smilie=th_teks0311] for asking, Sweet. You're such a peach! He's finally feeling tip top and his "daddy" and I are relieved and happy. I'm still taking him to the holistic vet for a thorough going over but the appointment's a week and a half away. Thank you again! [smilie=th_ef3416a0]


Candlefan, what a sweet post about the homecoming dance. I hope everyone had a thoroughly delightful time and created some wonderful memories! :cupid-arrow:


I just got home so am remelting FP Lemon Lavender. It's faded a bit now so I'm liking it more. Also lit my McCall's Spooner Farms candle.


G' night all!



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