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A-May-Zing Scents

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Candlefan: I hope your Mom is improving every day. Gotta love families..there's a sh*t stirrer in every family. Hang in there and be strong. I am leaving tomorrow to take care of my Mom and I want to thank everyone for being so kind with the get well wishes. I'm not exactly sure how long I will be there but I will return home when I'm sure she can mange by herself. This afternoon I am melting CHC- Bamboo Cabin and also picking out some tarts to take with me. Have a great weekend everyone. [smilie=th_BringItOn]

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Melting CYS- Blue like jazz- this one is very interesting. I can smell the blueberry and a nutty scent. I really like it. Bummed that CYS is closed. I hope that OMG keeps all of her scents available.

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Hi guys, sorry I have not been around lately.


candlefan, yikes I only have 1 sibling as well and we just got into a major argument the other day. Right before I went to pick my mom up to bring her to the ER because she fell off her back porch. Landed on her upper leg and hit her head on the ground. Thank God all check out ok. She is 69 but strong like bull.

I hope your mom pulls through this and that you and your dad can find some strength to mend.


I think the world is falling apart, no joke. Everyone around me is struggling with so much. Myself included.


Katz, I am sorry to hear about YOUR mom and that her fall wasn't so lucky. How old is she? Yikes did they have to cast anything. Hang in there and make sure to come here for some retrieve. It helps.


Smellies have helped me tremendously. After spending 1/2 a day on Sat. with my mom in the ER, Sunday I had to bring my brother who had 5 grandmal seizures(brain surgery at 17 left him with scar tissue and seizures, but not like THIS). He had a slip up and forgot his morning meds. He checked out ok too, but it was a FULL weekend and I can sympathize with everyone going through trials right now. Then of course there is your typical KID trouble's and husband issues and work and house and and and.............we must all try to be strong.



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Oh yea burning candles from CBV in Coconut Hibiscus, Chai Tea and a candle from LOL and the layer I am on is Cherry Coconut. Burning a Glade candle in the mud room too.


Melting only CCC from CBV and its comforting me. Getting ready to order Dominoes I think.


Yea, can someone PLEASE slow this ride down. Im done, I want to get OFF. Its making my head spin. You know, this ride called LIFE.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's fall and your brothers seizure...oh my gosh...so much at once! I hope everyone is feeling better today!


Just reheating the Blackberry Jam Butter Cookie and Blackberry Sugar since I got in from work...now, what should I cook? [smilie=th_F_14WA116161617]

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Did you notice Luna Bleu seems to be MIA? I ordered from her "30 Customers Only" sale and then the tornadoes hit Louisiana...She hasn't posted on FB or had any communication since. It really makes me worry about her and all those poor people...I sure hope she is OK!!! My DS insists that the internet is out in parts of Louisiana so she might be ok but unable to get online...I sure hope so.

MaggieMae - I got the email about that sale and I remember that she said something about being too busy and not on FB much. I think she said there was someone that checked it, tho and to contact them w/any questions. Unfortunately, I deleted the email. Maybe someone on here still has it? [smilie=th_thsignA]


Candlefan - saying prayers that your mom has a complete recovery. The counselor sounds like a good idea and I hope will be helpful in communicating with your dad and sibling. [smilie=th_bighug-1]


Maurie - geez...you've been in the ER too often lately, huh? [smilie=th_empathy] I'm glad to hear your mom and brother are ok. How's your hand - it healed ok?


I'm melting Can-Do's Amish Apples. Delish! I also found a Glade candle in Creamy Custard/Blushing Apples in the grocery store and think I'll try it out tonite, too.

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Oh dear...the Snozzberry Heaven was NOT for me...changed it for Nene's Blackberry Jam Butter Cookie...always a goodie! ;)


I didn't like the Snozzberry Heaven either, MaggieMae. I changed it out to Fresh Fruit Slices. That one was a little better, but had a funky smell after a few hours.


I decided to try LOL's Creamy Pumpkin. Gotta love pumpkin any time of the year! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]

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[quote name='Maurie97' timestamp='1304545957' post='160600'

Yea, can someone PLEASE slow this ride down. Im done, I want to get OFF. Its making my head spin. You know, this ride called LIFE.


I can SO relate to this, Maureen. I have been feeling the same exact way. Hope it helps to know that you are not alone. [smilie=th_empathy]

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Sweet&Spicey.............you actually remember my hand issue? Well its all healed but I cannot put a ring on my ringer finger first thing in the morning. I'm thinking my hand will never be the same. Its all good though.


Thanks for asking.


Only thing melting now is CBV Chocolate Chip Cookie and Grumpy Girl Strawberry Moonshine.

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Candlefan, I'm so sorry. Hope your Mom gets better each day and I really hope the counselor can help you through this.


Today is a Cozy Cottage Scents day. I have Panna Cotta upstairs, and this is remarkable, so yummy, and downstairs I have Baked Alaska. These go well together! House is delicious.


I just switched out the Baked Alaska for Bathing Garden Berry Pancakes.

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MaggieMae - I got the email about that sale and I remember that she said something about being too busy and not on FB much. I think she said there was someone that checked it, tho and to contact them w/any questions. Unfortunately, I deleted the email. Maybe someone on here still has it? [smilie=th_thsignA]

Thanks Sweet! I have that newsletter and I did email to that address (which is her regular one) but she never ended the "First 30 Orders" sale...she must have had a million people order after 9 days. Between that and she isn't answering emails (she always has answered mine) and not posting on FB at all...I fear something might be wrong. The news on those storms really floored me!! I hope I'm just a worrier regarding this. I'll let ya know if I finally hear from her.

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A lot going on this rainy and dreary night...



2 Vanilla Cake candles from Simple Living

Beautiful Day from Yankee

2 Pink Sands candles from Yankee

2 Vanilla Bean Noel chunk votives from K's Kreations



Auntie Di's Tropical Cupcake

Auntie Di's Tropical Vanilla

Spotted Hog Lemon Starburst Whippet


[smilie=th_slider_bigsleep] Goodnight

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Wow! Thank you for all the kindness and support, candle friends! You guys are great, and I will pray for all of you having struggles, too. I'm so glad we have each other to lean on! [smilie=th_aa18]


Meeting with the counselor helped me and my husband tremendously. I don't know that things can be fixed with my folks and sister, but I can see that we need to set down some firm, protective boundaries, and now we have a solid plan in place for doing so.


The counselor said I clearly have post traumatic stress disorder, and that is why I have been feeling so lousy lately. (The symptoms are linked to my painful childhood years and resurfacing in all the latest conflict.) It feels really good and hopeful to know that I can get help and get my life back on track again.


Hmmmmm, wonder if aromatherapy might help... ;)


Tonight I'm burning my double wick YC tumbler in Ocean Water. It's such a relaxing, happy scent for me because I love visiting the ocean. I find so much solace and peace in watching the waves roll in.

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I'm starting my morning with Yankee's 'Midsummer's Night' and Glade 'Moonlit Walk & Wandering Stream'. Such a nice blend, and a very pleasant way to start the morning.


My day is filled with yardwork - yuck. I don't mind housework, (I actually enjoy it) but outdoors stuff is NOT my thing. We have a tricky yard - mostly full sun, awful sandy soil, and watering bans most of the year. I have killed hundreds of dollars worth of flowers/trees/shrubby things over the years. I have paid for professional help. I have worked until hands were blistered and backs were sunburned, and yet my yard still looks like crap. Every year. We tell people to 'look for the tan bungalow with the yard that is clearly in transition'. We tell people that our landscaping style is 'war-torn badlands fusion'.


We are about to just pave the whole thing and paint it green, so that I can pretend that the lawn is all one shade of green. Of course, the stupid neighborhood association will NOT let that fly. ;)


So today is cleanup. Rip out dead things. Cover large patches of land with mulch. Put some sort of colorful-something into terra cotta pots for the porch. Hack back shrubs to a reasonable shrubby shape. Cry, because you can bet it'll look like death again in a month.


Have a happy Thursday!

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Candlefan, your positive attitude is commendable...and yes, I think aromatherapy will help. cool.gif Best of luck moving forward.


Jedda, it's already so hot outside. th_cha40.gifYour poor brown thumb. I'm with you. I can't grow a single thing. (DH handles the outside now) I've tried garden after garden with horrible results. Bravo to you for trying.


This morning I'm melting:


Front Porch - Brown Sugar Nut Bread (from a dear CF buddy)

and Cozy Cottage - Caramelized Pralines

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Melting Nene's Honey Gingerbread today.


Watching the goldfinches in our backyard....they are so adorable. There is also a little red bird out there, but it's not a cardinal. Will have to see if I can find out what kind of bird it is. Oh yeah, my kitty is also enjoying watching the birdies!!!!


Have a terrific day everyone!hello-chick.gif

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Good Morning!


It has been crazy here! Yesterday I went to DD's college and packed up her room. She will be home in a few days. Her and her friends went away for a few days to the beach. Next week we are leaving on our vacation. There are so many things to do but hopefully I will get everything done.


Today's melts are Can Do Sweet and Creamy and Can Do Powdered Sugar. I need to go sort through all my stash and see exactly what I have to melt for the warmer weather. I have not ordered tarts in 2 months. I know I have plenty to melt I just have to sort through.


Have a great day everyone!

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It's BH&G Wild Berry Cheesecake @ work today....This is such a GREAT strong scent...love it!!



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