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A-May-Zing Scents

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Candlefan - I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I can never understand why relatives stir up stuff when another member of the family is sick. I hope your mom makes a good recovery and that things get better with the rest of your famiy.


Jedda - Me too! Oh how I hate yard work. Stupid weeds. I can't stand plucking them.


CFTKR Tarts:

Blueberry Muffin

Raspberry Coconut Zucchini Bread

Nutmeg Nellies


YC Candles:

Mountain Lodge votive

Banana Cream Pie jar

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Katz, thanks re my avatar. I was thinking of you, Miss Master Gardener, when I posted about the crepe myrtle, and figured you'd have at least one. [smilie=yes] Best wishes to your mom.


Maurie, my goodness, you've had a lot going on. I'm sorry to hear about your mom and brother. Stay strong, and try to keep your chin up, dear girl. Sending thoughts and prayers for your family's good health.


Sweet is aptly named. She seems to always remember things like Maurie's hand injury and all sorts of posts we make. I think Sweet is remarkable for her generosity of spirit! [smilie=th_LOVE]


Candlefan, I'm glad the counselor was so helpful. That's wonderful news! It sounds like you really gained some insight and perspective. [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy] We can't control what others do. We can only manage ourselves, ya know? I, like so many, have had some serious family strife over the years. We could have been on Jerry Springer! [smilie=th_thConfus_55] While not totally healed, we all survived and are doing okay. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Keep the faith, and keep on keeping on! [smilie=th_empathy] And keep melting and burning!!


Jedda, have you ever thought of artificial turf? I have a few friends who have installed it and, while expensive, it looks terrific and they all love it. Just a thought...


Aria, I love goldfinches too! Such pretty, cheery fellows! I'm so curious about your red bird! I'm a big bird fan. And a little bird fan. [smilie=th_foolish1]


Michele, no tart orders in 2 months? Wow! [smilie=th_CONGRA34] to you!!!


I'm melting FP Sweet Lavender Melon. I'm not a floral gal but I really, really like this one a lot! I hab a stubpy nose this morning but I can smell it just fine and boy, I'm glad! [smilie=th_FULL_O17]



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Alright everyone, I give up on the yard. It looks better, but not good. I need to pick up the flowers next week, and I seriously underestimated my mulch requirements. I also need to clear out another flowerbed. The big stuff is done, and the rest can wait for a few days.


Gail, I've looked into artificial turf. One of our friends just had it installed, and they are very happy. My husband doesn't really like it, but I think he's coming around.


I just put on Kims 'Grapefruit and Mangosteen' in the living room, and it is very nice and citrusy.

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Candlefan, best wishes to you and your family at a tough time.


Aria, my kitty has been watching birdies lately too! I just feel bad that we live in a 2nd floor apartment with no trees right outside, and she is so far away from all of the action.


Today I'm melting GG Plum Crazie. I really like this -- it's a nice fruity scent if you want a break from citrus, and it seems like it has a lot of depth to it, but also some sweetness.

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I don't mind housework, (I actually enjoy it) but outdoors stuff is NOT my thing.

Jedda - Indoor housework is definitely not MY thing, I'd rather to the outside stuff. We need to be neighbors and we could trade chores. I really don't think I could do your hot weather, tho. How 'bout if you move north? [smilie=th_aa17]




It has been crazy here! Yesterday I went to DD's college and packed up her room. She will be home in a few days. Her and her friends went away for a few days to the beach. Next week we are leaving on our vacation. There are so many things to do but hopefully I will get everything done.

Michele - Ok - I'll be nosey and ask...where ya going on vacay? [smilie=th_shewiggle]



I hab a stubpy nose this morning [smilie=th_FULL_O17]

Awww...thanks for the kind words Puppy. :blush: I hope your stubpy node gets unstubped zoon!




Aria, my kitty has been watching birdies lately too! I just feel bad that we live in a 2nd floor apartment with no trees right outside, and she is so far away from all of the action.

My kitties luv to watch the birdies,too. They make chirpy noises at em and flip their tails quickly. I'm pretty sure they make videos to entertain cats, might look for one for Dakota, Christy. [smilie=th_catkiss]


I'm melting LS Apple Butter Pound Cake...awesome! :wub:

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Michele - Ok - I'll be nosey and ask...where ya going on vacay? [smilie=th_shewiggle]


We are going to Europe on vacation. We are going to Berlin, Paris and Amsterdam. Our children are all coming with us-( it is rare for all of us to be together) so it should be a fun trip. We will be gone for 10 days.


Time to change the melter but I don't know what I am in the mood for.



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Michele~ [smilie=th_WooHooRainbowWaveJack A European vacation? Lucky you! Have a blast!!!


Gail~ Hope your nose unstuffs soon and I second the vote for Miss Sweet!!! [smilie=th_december2201661-1]


Just to mention...I hate indoor and outdoor work...doesn't everybody? LOL [smilie=th_pardon]


Hey...I contacted Luna Bleu and Tanya got back to me...she is fine and I am a BIG worry wart!!!



Today it's Lemon Drops from Bay Laurel and the SH Lemon Starbust is still going.

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Michele, what fun! I sure hope you will have some pictures to share with us.


CCS - Toasted Marshmallow (My absolute favorite marshmallow. I haven't found another I enjoy as much as this one.)


SH - Rainbow Sprinkles (This was OK, light), Caribbean Strawberry (Tropical, I smelled more pineapple than strawberry. Moderate throw).


Nene's - Panna Cotta (OMG, so good! Creamy bakery scent, moderate throw)


Cuyahoga - Mata Hari (This was OK, a bit perfumey to me. Moderate throw.), Moon Lake Musk (Not a big musk fan, but I did like this one. Almost a baby powder type of scent. Moderate throw)


Tara's Candle Cottage - Bear Claws (Liked this MUCH better in a smaller room - delicious!), Biolage (Wonderful and strong), Tropical Zucchini Bread (I blended this combo but I'm not crazy about it).



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Good morning everyone! I'm not melting anything yet, but last night I put one of those little 1.6 oz Slatkin candles in my tart warmer. It was 'Salty Caramel' and it was SO strong. I literally turned off the melter after 5 minutes, and you can still smell it throughout the house this morning.


It smelled exactly like caramel popcorn, but being so strong made it almost offensive - like you couldn't get it out of your nose. I was eating a snack last night, and it didn't taste right because all that I could smell was caramel corn. I also got a slight burnt note to this one... Even before melting it, I sniffed it a few times, and along with the sweetness and salty popcorn scent, I swear I smelled smoke. Enough so that I checked around the house for a source, and went outside to see if one of the neighbors was having a fire. Nothing! I wasn't cooking, wasn't ironing, didn't have any other cause for a smoky smell. A while later. When I melted it, I smelled the same thing. It freaked me out a bit, but since we're now about 12 hours later and the house is still standing, I'm going to blame the candle! :)

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[smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr WOOT WOOT!! Its Friday!!!


Today I am melting K's Kreation's Mulberry...wonderful happy scent that is filling my living room up so nicely!! I am really enjoying all of my yummy K's scents!!!


Have a very nice day [smilie=th_E_JUMP16667]

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CFTKR Tarts:

Banana Flapjacks

Brown Sugar Crumble Crepes



Banana Cream Pie jar

Sea Harbor tea lights

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This Friday: Front Porch...ultimate bakery. I added to it Olde Primitive Treasures vanilla sugar waffle cone. It was a little mild.


Also melted Olde Primitive Treasures olde fashioned strawberry milkshake. This was awesome!

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Good morning everyone! I'm not melting anything yet, but last night I put one of those little 1.6 oz Slatkin candles in my tart warmer. It was 'Salty Caramel' and it was SO strong. I literally turned off the melter after 5 minutes, and you can still smell it throughout the house this morning.


It smelled exactly like caramel popcorn, but being so strong made it almost offensive - like you couldn't get it out of your nose. I was eating a snack last night, and it didn't taste right because all that I could smell was caramel corn. I also got a slight burnt note to this one... Even before melting it, I sniffed it a few times, and along with the sweetness and salty popcorn scent, I swear I smelled smoke. Enough so that I checked around the house for a source, and went outside to see if one of the neighbors was having a fire. Nothing! I wasn't cooking, wasn't ironing, didn't have any other cause for a smoky smell. A while later. When I melted it, I smelled the same thing. It freaked me out a bit, but since we're now about 12 hours later and the house is still standing, I'm going to blame the candle! :)


Jedda, yikes! I'm glad it was only a candle scent and not a fire. I've done the run around the house check for fire too. Not fun. Kind of funny now, but not fun while you're smelling smoke.


This afternoon, while I wait for over 30 minutes on hold with Centurylink th_th1ptgno.gif, I'm smelling a Yankee trio of votives. Cherry Lemonade, Fresh Cut Herbs, Lemon Lavender


Other candles going:


Valuspa votive - Pink Magnolia

Slatkin - Seaside Escape

Yankee - Ocean Water

Yumlicious - Coconut


After being on hold this long, I'm going to need to hang up and go get DS. I'll have to start all over again. argh!






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Good Afternoon! :)


Today it's

Anginettes Butter Cookies from Spotted Hog

Banana Zucchini Bread from CFTKR

...added Bananas Foster from Nene

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