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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


November's Feast of Fragrances

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SweetTart, I've had zero luck with YC too. Used to just love 'em but anymore, I can't get a throw no matter what I try. [smilie=th_scratch] Sorry to hear you're not having any luck either.

PuppyLove- Oh you too?! Well im glad to hear that im not the only one who feel like that becuz you know how YC is such a popular.. Sux you didnt had any luck with it also. Well hey at least we have others that we love! ...eyed with suspicion becuz of bakery scent..too too funny you. Lol. [smilie=th_giggle] I know wat you mean about that becuz im exactly the same too with them bakery scents when i melt them. Hehehe!


Maureen- Oh congrats on your son promotion! Wow he is 20 and is an assistant manager. Cool Cool. Sounds like to me that he has everything plan out on what he wants to do in the future. Thats great to hear becuz there will be people out there who doesnt really know what they want to do or wants to change career. *cough cough*..like me. :mellow: But hey im trying my best to do my best. But good to hear that about your son. Good luck to him. ^_^



Sweet, you asked about my timer - it is hooked up to my 24w warmer and one comes on just before I wake up and one right before I get home. It is great!

Debra99- cool cool..


Busymom- Your turkey emoticon is hilarious!! Lol. [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet]


Joan- Oh how cool and exciting that you are going to catch the midnight screening of Harry Potter with your DD and friends!! I love Harry Potter!! Can i come?! Lol. Yeah i know, such a kid i am right?! Hey dont judge me! Hee hee! But yes definatley gona watch that this weekend. Have fun you. :D


Aria- Aww sorry to hear nothing has been smelling good for you lately. Bummer indeed.


LLVV- oh very good to hear that about your DD. You must be proud of her to do so well like that. Sounds like a good idea for you to take her to get some cool boots at Payless to congratulate her. She must be excited and happy. But ya kno what, Payless aint no payless anymore now a days dont you think? its getting kinda pricey lately. What happen to Paying-Less?! Lol


Well I am planning on plotting my next order with CFTKR since my stash is getting low and so happy happy me to go plan my shopping for scents. But i went to check again and notice that her Strawberry Milk was gone! :o I was planning to put that on my list to order. Now its gone. :( It sounds so interesting to try. [smilie=th_sign0164] Still excited to go order. Yey! :laugh:


Recent melts:

YC Christmas Cupcake

CFTKR Lemon Noel, Denim, Holiday Hugs and Sea Island Grapefruit

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Well SweetTart, here's the thing. I didn't even go to work today as I got ZERO sleep last night. My boy knows what he wants, but is so confused as to how to manage it ALL. He took this position and his first day brought him home sick to his stomach. He is one of the best closing AM's with the company and is known for his precision and accuracy. Well, the damn draw was $140.00 under and he spent 3 hrs. trying to find it and get a manager to pick up the phone. Stupid manager calls him back half asleep and tells him "oh yea, just close out and I will explain it tomorrow". He came home so upset and was second guessing EVERYTHING he has just decided on, work and school and he gas guzzler truck..........just all of it. Plus the job is an hour away. He just texted me and said that the store manager just got in a crap load of trouble within the past few hours. I'm thinking they sent my son over there to clean the store up, but geez the kid is only 20. Between his stress, DH's stress of looking for work and blah blah.......no wonder my stomach is sick everyday too. I'll stop now.


Anyway guys, I did enjoy some lovely Edward Cullen (from CBV) in the bedroom today...........LOL It was a scent shot and I love Victoria's take on Edward. Its such a soft honey floral scent, without being to sickening on the honey. Now I am burning a candle from CBV called Citrusmoon and another candle from Ozbun candles in Pumpkin Souffle and they are both amazing. The Ozbun PS is so so so yummy. Probably my favorite pumpkin scent from any company thus far. Off to play some Solitaire on the computer. Hopefully, it will take me away.

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Hi All-


Nothing melting again today. My DD was home for a few days. She keeps me so busy when she is here. She lives in the city but has been out of work for 2 months now. Had a job interview today that went well. Keep your fingers crossed please as this unemployment has been getting to her. When my kids are depressed, I am depressed. Between that and guy trouble it has not easy for her.


My younger DD has been driving me crazy lately too. She has been having boy troubles a well and I just feel so upset for her.


Everyone sounds like they have some good scents going lately. I am not ready to go with the Christmas scents yet.


I can't believe that on Thanksgiving weekend I will be decorating the house. I like to do it then because everybody is at home. That will start the real shopping for me. I have started but am trying to finish up early because we are going to Disneyworld the week before Christmas. I hope it puts me into the holiday spirit. I am usually too overwhelmed by all the running around to really enjoy it. My DS is the only one not coming with us. He has been working so hard and has moved to the city that I rarely see him. I miss him.


Sorry I sound like Debbie Downer but this hasn't been a great week. Hope to catch up on the boards. That always makes me smile.

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Okay, I put the Christmas music station on the radio and so I am melting Christmas-y scents....lol These are agreeing with my nose!


CFTKR - Holiday Sparkle...nice fresh tree scent


Blue Gecko - Peppermint Noel...last one and it's very good



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Michele - sending good thoughts that your DD's interview brings her a good phone call! [smilie=th_834c9e54] [smilie=th_blij81]


I'm melting Nene's Home Baked Bread. I want to burn a candle, too, but can't decide what scent goes with that. [smilie=th_cha69] I need a homemade vegetable soup candle. :lol:

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Been down and out a couple of days...pulled some muscles in my back. I just hate it when i do this...getting old I guess!


Today I've been melting OMG Bearclaws Cheesecake...this is absolutely wonderful!!! I've got to get more of this one!! [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]

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Hi Everyone--I have been out all day --hit the Yankee friends and family sale and got the white smashed mosaic tart burner and I have Crosscreek Christmas Cookie going--smells great. I also received a nice gift today--it is the musical lighted snowman from Hallmark. I just love it--so it has been a great day. Have a nice night candle friends.

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Good morning!


Trep, that's a beautiful tart burner you got! I'm saving mine for January. I can't wait to see how beautiful it will look when lit up.



Blackberry Jam Butter Cookie Zucchini Bread - CFTKR

Queen's Cake - CFTKR



Banana Nut Bread - Black band! Found it as a second at the outlet a few months ago. I actually don't smell a difference between this one and the non-black band one I recently bought.


Cranberry - YC


Edit: Just added Coffee Bean to my tart burner.

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Hi everyone,


Sweet, yup, while DH is away I'm melting whatever I want and don't have to hear the "aggravating" comment. :D


Aria, your nature center field trip sounds grand! I love that kind of activity with kids!


LLVV, you have every reason to be proud of you daughter. What a great little gal she must be!


Maurie, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Edward Cullin in the bedroom. Well, I think I'm glad to hear that. :blink: Just kidding! All in good fun! Hope I made you giggle, friend. [smilie=th_giggle]


Candlelove, I'm sorry your DDs are having troubles. I know exactly what you mean about "When they're depressed, I'm depressed." Part of being a mother, I guess... I hope their situations improve dramatically and quickly! Hang in there. [smilie=th_empathy]


CBGirl, hope your back gets better fast!


It's a cool and breezy fall day. I took Hobbit to the regional park and we had heavy rain. Not water, but beautiful golden leaves showering down on our heads. It was soooo lovely!


I'm melting CFTKR Autumn Morn, perfect for this kind of weather, and a gift from a thoughtful forum friend. [smilie=thank_you]



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I'm procrastinating a bit before starting cleaning up my house for Thanksgiving festivities ahead. It's so much more fun to browse through all the posts! [smilie=th_coffeespew]


So far this morning I have been burning Haley's Pecan Pie and melting Can-Do Warm & Cozy. Smells good in here even if everything isn't all cleaned up yet!

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Hi CF Peeps!


Out shopping all morning....exhausted, but no time for rest...gotta finish putting groceries away and start prepping some din-din. We eat early on Friday because DS#2 has hockey practice at 6:00, so we eat around 4:00.


I had fun shopping ssshopping.gif...got a few Christmas decorations for the house which I have not done in a few years. Got a cute set of blocks that spell out "Believe" and a couple of pretty plates with trees on them for a two-tiered wrought iron stand I have. I think it'll be great for cookies!!! I am hosting Christmas Eve this year...that means around 40-50 guests at my house, so I need to be organized beforehand so I can actually enjoy the party!!!


Can you guys believe that I bought 4 cans of Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce? 8_5_4.gif This is my family's favorite even though I prefer the tradtional cranberry orange relish....my boys go nuts over the jellied stuff!!! What kind do you guys like?


I've had the remnants of a large jar of YC Be Thankful on my warmer. Smells great, but I think it's about done.


Gonna start a melter with Crosscreek's Funnel Fried Twinkies!


Have a great afternoon!

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I'm now melting Haley's Hansel & Gretel's House. The scent description says orange, lemon, bergamot, ginger, nutmeg, honey, clove, vanilla, cocoa. But I'd describe it as Cloud Nine in wax. [smilie=th_dancing_smile] I'm definitely going to have to get this in a candle. A great big ol' one!


Gail, wiping drool off my chin

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Hey y'all..

I haven't been able to check in ..been helping DH for the past 2 days cleaning out the WHOLE attic. I've been sorting through stuff, 2 truck loads to Goodwill and today he insulated the attic. I was his assistant manning the apparatus that I had to load the blocks of insulation into. I'm tired and still sorting through a few things. I am melting CCCC Vanilla Pine Cones this evening. and Carol's End Harvest. I'll try and check in tomorrow, I'm out of wack and tomorrow is store day.

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That is a lot of guests, Aria - do you have Christmas cookies? If so, add one more!


The cranberry relish thing is so interesting - my son has made it his project to make it every year (since he was 15). He researches recipes and has a great time. But, we still have to have a can of "jellied" because it is not Thanksgiving to some relatives without it!


Tonight I am melting L&L Honeyed Pumpkin.

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Scents over the last few days:

CFTKR - Vanilla Bomb

LSC - Peppermint Bark

MD - Pumpkin Spice Patchouli

Burning Mainstays - Pumpkin Spice

Slatkin - Eucalyptus Mint

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thank you Gail and Sweet for your kind words...I think I am on the mend...feeling better today. Melting Lemon Pucker from OMG Candles.

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Happy birthday Jason! [smilie=th_ef7d03c7] Hope you have a wonderful day! (thread started in Birthday Wishes)


Aria - Hard to believe, but I've never tried the canned cranberry sauce. :shock: Does it have whole cranberries in it?


Cookielady - [smilie=th_empathy] hope your cold goes away soon so U can enjoy your waxies.


I'm melting CrossCreeks Pumpkin Tassies...yum! [smilie=th_dancing_smile] ...and burning Slatkins Pumpkin Patch.


Have a great weekend everyone! [smilie=th_Animated20Dogs20wavin

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