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Spook-tacular October Aromas!

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Have a safe trip Trep! gdcar.gif


For this afternoon, I've got CFTKR Amish Quilt melting and also warming some BBW Evergreen oil....sounds like an odd combo, but it smells quite delightful.


Gail, jury's still out on LSC? I'm thinking that is Lasting Scent Candles?


Kim, my inlaws have been feeding a kitten for a few months now. They live out in the woods and are scared he is going to freeze to death this winter. Do the kitties sleep in the straw and keep warm? Where do you put the straw? I told my inlaws that if they take the kitten to the shelter, he would probably be destroyed. He/she catches mice so that is good. They can't take him in the house because my sis-in-law is allergic. They honestly don't know what to do. Any ideas I could pass along?? Thanks. I think the kitten is about 5-6 months old.


Gotta go pick DS#1 up from band practice a-tuba-smiley.gif

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Melting Maui Luau from CBV in the bedroom and burning Country Fair Funnel Cake from CBV in the kitchen.


Haley's Candied Apple burning in the computer room with ME.


Today was the funeral and one of the most emotional days ever. My mom was a wreck and its hard as I am always used to her being the strong one. Not today. Randi was such a loved woman and will be missed so much, but I believe her work is just starting. She will bring many closer to her thru her example of faith.

Thank you all for everything. I must now stay strong for my mom.


So, did anyone read the stupid lockdown thread I started? LOL If not, head over. What a loser I am. It was only 5 2oz. tarts though........ugh! [smilie=th_december2201661-1]

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Maureen--I was thinking of you today as to me the funeral is the worst part--it is so final. I feel so bad for your mom and for all who loved your friend. I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.



For this evening it is Yankee Autumn Fruit in a large two wick tumbler and a votive. I love this scent.


I had an awful time trying to decide what candles to take on my trip. My dad has no sense of smell so I don't have to worry about him not liking anything but it was really hard to choose just a few. I have a suspicion that I left some candles and tarts up there last time anyway so it will be interesting to see what kind of a mix I find there.



I'll be on from Iowa next time we meet. Thanks everyone for the good wishes for a safe trip.

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Trep, have a wonderful time. I hope you get there and find many surprise candles that you left behind.


Let us know what you found.


Still working on the same melts/candles from earlier. Headed up to take the make-up off and settle in for the night. I'm hungry though. Ugh, too lazy to make something to eat. Cereal night probably.

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Aria, yes, LSC = Lasting Scent Candles. It'll be very interesting to see how everything performs. Harvest was beautiful, but didn't last very long. Could be because of the windows being open and the wind blowing through the house, so we'll see... I hope your in-laws' kitty will be okay!


Trep, have a safe, wonderful trip.


Maurie, I've been thinking of you. Life can be so hard. I'm sure sorry for your sadness and difficulties. I can only imagine how devastating it must be for your beloved mom, as I lost my BFF to a sudden bout of the flu when she was 48 and in perfect health. Wishing you and yours comfort as you come together in your grief.


I'm melting FM's Caribbean Queen. It's soooo yum! FM is the only company whose wax doesn't melt completely for me. I have to put half of a 2 oz. melt in a tart tin in order to get it to melt all the way. This is not a complaint, just an observation. [smilie=th_shewiggle] Anyone else notice this?



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Kim, my inlaws have been feeding a kitten for a few months now. They live out in the woods and are scared he is going to freeze to death this winter. Do the kitties sleep in the straw and keep warm? Where do you put the straw? I told my inlaws that if they take the kitten to the shelter, he would probably be destroyed. He/she catches mice so that is good. They can't take him in the house because my sis-in-law is allergic. They honestly don't know what to do. Any ideas I could pass along?? Thanks. I think the kitten is about 5-6 months old.

Aria - Not Kim, but I have ferals every winter and they do well. Pretty amazing. There's lots of info on the web about putting a 'house' together for ferals if you search on it. A sturdy (sturdy!) box packed w/hay is good protection & provides warmth. If not hay, just make sure the 'packing' is something that won't hold moisture. Anything that gets wet & stays wet is bad and they will freeze. A box can even be built from wood and lined w/the shiny stuff hikers/campers use to reflect their body heat back on them, then filled w/hay. I usually put the box behind bushes to help protect it from the wind a little more. There are some no-kill shelters, but sounds like there might not be one in their area? Is the kitty feral, or have they been able to touch/pet it to get it used to people? If so...maybe an ad in the paper would find it a good home.


Maurie - I know this was going to be a difficult day, been thinking 'bout U. [smilie=th_bighug-1]


Getting a late start, so no melting. I'm burning B&BW Pumpkin Patch candle. Luv the candle glow on cold, drizzly nights. :wub:

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sweet, thank you so much for your advice and wisdom! I think the kitty may make a nice pet for someone. He/she is friendly and will come over to them if they are outside in the yard. The kitty also plays with their dog outside. IMO, my inlaws should have done something about this before now and the cold weather coming. They've been feeding him/her for the entire summer. He frequently sleeps on their porch on a rocking chair. I'm going to suggest a wood box with hay. Are the ferals near you spayed or neutered?


Tonight I've been enjoying YC Moonlight Harvest...watching Detroit 187...good show. Anyone else watching?

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Maurie~ Hugs to you and your Mom... [smilie=group_hug]


Trep~ Safe trip to you!



Maple Pumpkin party tart from Carol....loving it!

It's a Mystery from LOL upstairs...very mixed up...not my cup o' tea.


Earlier it was:

Autumn Wreath from LOL and Fall Festival from CFTKR

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Aria, my recent kitty came from a nonprofit called Friends of Shelter Animals - there are other groups, too, that take animals that may not get placed in homes and foster them until they can be placed. Petfinder.com helps you see what is available in your area. Often these are the cats you see in places like Petco in their adoption areas.


One thing about shelters - kitties tend to go fast. It is the poor momma kitties that get sent to the rescue foster homes.


Today I am on the third evening melting of my OMG! Trick or Treat. This thing just keeps going.

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[smilie=th_fabulous1] Debra...I love OMG Candles....she has some scents that last for days!! I'm melting OMG Wild Mountain Honey and I've had this one last for 2 full days at a time! [smilie=th_thumbs20up]

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Hi everyone!!


PuppyLove- That hasnt happen to me yet with FM tarts. I usually melt only half of them and still they are awesomely strong and has melt completely and easliy for me. Thats odd and interesting that you still have to use a tin foil to melt just half of them... :huh:


Long time no see you guys!! Well my contract has ended with my job and they will no longer extend it. [smilie=th_sign0164] Gotta move on and be back on the job hunt. Maybe I will find something better with nicer people to work with too. Fingers cross. I am officially outa work and ironically been busy. Bump into my bro the other day and been hanging out with him and his wife chit chatting and catching up with things and having dinner for the past couple of days. Its nice to see him and his wife again. If it wasnt for me not bumping into him that other day, I think we wouldnt have hang out like this. So its nice. ^_^


Recent melts:

CFTKR Tuscan Melon & Sweet Apricot- Nice and strong

Nene's Jonathan Apple(freebie)- Like it with great scent throw. Smells just like YC Macintosh Apple in my opinion.

FM Poolside Paradise- Love it, but when my mom came over having this melted, she didnt really like this very much. Lol. Goes to show how our noses are diff who might like diff scents. Lol

LOL Cantaloupe- Lovely cantaloupe scent but has weak scent throw. Couldnt smell it at all and when mentioning it to fiance, he said he didnt even know i had the melter on. Lol. No likey...weak <_<

LOL Juicy Watermelon- weak scent throw

LOL Cheeky Cherry- Wow this one has a nice strong scent throw! :o

LOL Ruby Red- Nice grapefruit scent with great scent throw.


So far with my first time melting LOL, its been half and half loving it. Some are really weak and some are nice and strong.

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Hi Everyone!

Today I'm melting

Autumn Harvest From CFTKR

Ferris Wheel Treats Crosscreek and very yummy!

Haleys Cinnamon Donuts....this is [smilie=th_1_bigone110]

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Good morning!


Trep, have a safe and nice trip.


Maurie, Thinking of you and your mom. I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm trying to use up my tarts from yesterday so I can check out Carol's new scents that I just bought. My YC BOGO order just came too.



CFTKR: Country Sweet Bread



Slatkin/BBW: Autumn

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Hey everyone, been a crazy week from hell here..


First to you my friend Maurie, I am sooooo very sorry to hear about Randi. I'm sure the funeral was so hard for you and your Mom. I'm praying for both of you....if you EVER need to talk, you have my number!


LLVV, so funny what you wrote about BBW throwing up all over your credit card bill...I hope your dinner with Dad went well, and I'm praying for him too!


Well last week was just crazy, first I had to get my cesspool pumped, then my washer took a crap, so I had to order the washer and dryer, the dryer was on its way out as well, then off to replace my vacuum, so it was to say the least a very expensive week. So I've been running to myn sisters house every 3 days to do some laundry, what a pain!!! And today, my back went out. So...I'm trying not to move around too fast today.


I hope you all are having a wonderful week, and a great day!


I've been trying all the new Xmas scents from YC this week, I will post tomorrow, what I think so far, forgot the names!

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Hi everybody. [smilie=th_wave]


SweetTart, thanks for your input on FM. I appreciate it! Having to use the tin isn't an issue for me and I'll definitely be ordering again. I'm just a bit curious about this odd little phenomenon. I'm sure sorry to hear about your job. You have an amazing attitude though. Keep keeping your chin up, girl. Good things will hopefully come your way soon. My son and his wife both lost their jobs awhile back, son got a different job then got laid off 8 months later. They had such a tough time, but guess what? He was recently hired somewhere else, almost immediately promoted and is now earning an awesome pay with terrific benefits. I hope the same for you, my friend! [smilie=th_31]


Oh Sillys, what a horrid week you've had! [smilie=grrr] Things are bound to get better now. [smilie=th_sign0162] Holding a good thought for a big improvement this week!


I'm melting Cinnamon Vanilla from Lasting Scent. It's just heavenly on this cold autumn day. I took all my LSC melts and repackaged them this morning. The scents are now staying in the bags where they belong instead of seeping into the surrounding air so I'm a happy gal. [smilie=th_dancing_smile]



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Sweet: Great tips for people with outside critters. I am going to line my boxes with some of the reflective stuff first. Mine are inside a carport, but I think this will give a little more warmth to them and the straw will help too.

I am melting Cozy Cottage Haunted Heart. This is from a CF buddy.. [smilie=th_teks0311] Also, I have a votive in my FR going, EE Nightmare.

No more stuff breaking down for you Silly. That's the way our crap goes around here, it all goes at once. Usually it's plumbing, well, or cars.


Have a great afternoon. It is a perfect 10 here.

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Sillys-Sorry about the awful week you are having.


Melting Kim's Candy Corn and burning White Barn Warm Vanilla Sugar and For Every Body Sugar Cookies. I finished up 3 of my candles last night. Yay!! :D

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Maurie, so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending prayers your way.


Today is a beautiful fall day. I have the balcony door open and there's a lovely gentle breeze wafting around the scent of my candle and tart going. YC Autumn Wreath jar and YC Autumn Gold tart.

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Awww, geeze Sillys....all that happened to U in one week??!! :wacko: It's just gotta get better from here on in. Sounds like U could use a day off to rest and regroup.


I'm melting K's Kreations Hillbilly Homebrew. This is at least 2 years old and still smells wonderful. [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy] Also burning ACG's Juicy Apple candle.

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You guys are so darn amazing. I appreciate all the thoughts and concerns. Its been rough, but I think I will be reconnecting with a few special friends through all this. I know Randi would want this.


Nothing melting today. I had something on earlier from LunaBleu and had to put it out. I have a headache and it just wasn't sitting too well with me. I cannot handle the smell of anything right now.


Have a good night all.

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Silly, Sorry about the bad weekend. I really wish they'd put sewers in.



Tradiational Pumpkin (CFTKR)

Sweet Harvest Pumpkin (CFTKR)



Autumn (Slatkin)

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