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Happy birthday cbgirl! (thread started) [smilie=th_f0424ea25f87db180cc7d

And wishing you another happy birthday on your real birthday LLVV! [smilie=HBday]


I'm melting SH's Spider Cider & Deadly Donuts and burning ACG's Juicy Apple candle. It's smelling pretty applelicious in here. [smilie=th_LOVE]

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Happy Happy Birthday to the birthday girls. Hope your day brings you something very special.


Hey, isn't LLVV getting all those freaking YC's today? LOL I'm officially JEALOUS.


Linda, man you did have an exciting pumpkin picking experience. Did you come out east by me or stay out by you? I cannot believe you remember my anniversary is the same day as your BD. You have got a better memory than me.


Aria, Baked Apple Strudel by CBV is one of my favorite scents from Victoria. However, I have it in a candle. Not in a SS. I find many of CBV that are too strong for me are much better in candle form. I am like you and do NOT like em super strong. I don't want to leave the house smelling like what i am melting.


I have NOTHING melting. Yep, you heard me right, nothing. Just not in the mood. Came home and took an early bath and I am just relaxing and headed off to watch some TV for the night. Its been a very blah dragging day today. I'm tired.


Night all. [smilie=th_slider_bigsleep]

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[smilie=party] WOW!! 2 birthday celebrations today!!!


[smilie=HBday] cbgirl!!!


[smilie=th_1819] (for real this time) LLVV!!!



Minty Mallows from Whiff and Sniff

Keylime Cake from Fragrant Memories


This probably sounds like a crazy combo....but I love it!!! [smilie=snoopy]

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Thanks so much everyone for the Birthday wishes!! Melting Ultimate Bakery from FP and Santa's pipe from AMS. Both are SO good!!

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Aria - I love, love, love your witchy cat!


Jules and SD - I am not a bread pudding fan, either. I am actually sort of mystified by it, LOL!


Trep - have you melted down halfway or more yet in a big YC with the lamp? Wondering if once the distance to the bulb is further away if it makes any difference.


Tonight is Candy Corn - from CD (and Brach's!)



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Actually DID put something in the warmer before work today. I am enjoying my favorite from CBV, Reese's Peanut Butter. If you are iffy about chocolate scents (like me) and love PB (like me) this is something you must try. I swear I want to spread it on bread and eat it. I have the soft "scoopable" wax in this scent and it almost looks like Nutella. Its wafting in the computer room as I type and I am in heaven. If you are new to CBV or want to try a perfect light chocolate/candy scent please please please try this one. I swear I can even smell the salt in here, from the peanut butter. Creamy, salty/peanut/chocolate amazingness. OK, enough rambling on this one today.


I so miss my Candied Apple candle from Haley's. I may cry.........lol Not sure where this came from. Maybe I'm thinking they would work good together....IDK. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr

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Good Morning! 00000aaapumpkin-1.gif


[smilie=th_f0424ea25f87db180cc7d LLVV and cbgirl!!!





Aria, Baked Apple Strudel by CBV is one of my favorite scents from Victoria. However, I have it in a candle. Not in a SS. I find many of CBV that are too strong for me are much better in candle form. I am like you and do NOT like em super strong. I don't want to leave the house smelling like what i am melting.




I agree, I thought it smelled really nice when I got the first whiffs, but then it just started taking over. Maybe a lower wattage melter would do the trick?



Aria - I love, love, love your witchy cat!



Thanks! _witch__by_darkmoon3636.gif


This morning I am burning a candle - Country Breakfast from Crossroads Candles. This is one scent I truly love. It is beyond wonderful. Also, these have to be the cleanest burning candles ever. Each jar has two wicks and the wicks never need trimming. NO SOOT and absolutely zero wax residue on the side of the jar. Highly recommend these candles.


We're expecting high winds and rain today, so I am staying put. It's supposed to get ugly. Will have to go pick up DS#1 after band practice at 3:30 and that is it.


trixters.gif Have a great day!

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Good Morning [smilie=th_blij51]


Another wet cold one here in the mtns..burning a YC Lemon Lavender..this scent is an old favorite that is just so perfect!! I am a lavender nut...nice mixture here!!


Aria, love your little witchies [smilie=th_autumboy] They make me smile!!


Have a good one everyone [smilie=th_aola]

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Good morning all. [smilie=th_oregonian_mornincoffe


Yesterday evening was a scent fest. Votives in Spiced Orange, Spiced Pumpkin and Caramel Apple from Kristin's Kandles. Candles in Harvest Spice and Apple Orchard from Haley's. Ahhhh!


This morning it's Apple Caramel Crunch from LSC. Loving it! [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]



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Thank you so much everyone! It means a lot.


CBGIRL: Happy birthday to you!!! [smilie=HBday]



Chocolate Covered Strawberries - CFTKR

Happy Birthday Cupcake - CFTKR (forgot to melt it yesterday)



Beware! - YC

Pumpkin Patch - YC

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I forgot to mention...I know that there are a bunch of YC Shortbread Cookie fans on here. It's now available as a rare treasure on YC's site. I read that the B2G2 coupon isn't working with Shortbread Cookie right now but YC is going to fix this problem and it should work tomorrow.

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I'm going with a candle today -


CBV Green Apple


It's stormy and windy and just in case the lights go out, I'll be able to see and not trip over a dog!

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Only 2 more school soccer games left for the season, but DD has been brought up for Varsity games a couple of times, so we shall see. Travel games don't end till the weekend before Thanksgiving when its usually freezing cold. Hate that!


CBGirl and LLVV, hope you had wonderful birthdays!!


Maurie, we went out by you to Windy Acres, always go there.


Aria, What does Country Breakfast smell like?


Dabba, how was your carnival, love those school things.


Last nights melt was YC Sweet Strawberries, yummy....

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Busymom - I love lavender also. I have been hoarding my Lemon Lavender!


Thanks for the info, Trep - and have you tried it on smaller nonYC candles, like a 4-6 oz soft wax type? Questions, questions!


This morning was Dark Candles - Falling Leaves

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Sweettart~ Sounds like things are going better than ever with your sis-in-law... [smilie=th_blij81] !!!

MaggieMae- yeah i guess so, hee hee! Thanx... :wub:


Maureen- From haley, I just order about 20 tarts from clean scents to fruity scents and a 10oz 2 wick candle to try her out. Thanx for asking. :D


PuppyLove- your kiwi strawberry sounds good :)


Aria- good to hear you had a blast at the haunted barn & hayride. Im planning to go to a haunted prison attraction this friday. Excited about it. and i would love for the real strong scents to take me away! Take me away scents, take me away! Hehehe! [smilie=th_giggle]


sillymom- oh wow you saw Kourtney Kardashian, scott and her baby?! How interesting. I wonder if they are really how they are in person like how they are in their reality show.


nygal- your experiment of pure fruity heaven sounds awesome! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]


Well today is such a windy day! They didnt call Chicago the windy city for nothing...Lol.


Melting CFTKR Brandied Pear


Happy Melting everyone!

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Actually DID put something in the warmer before work today. I am enjoying my favorite from CBV, Reese's Peanut Butter. If you are iffy about chocolate scents (like me) and love PB (like me) this is something you must try. I swear I want to spread it on bread and eat it. I have the soft "scoopable" wax in this scent and it almost looks like Nutella. Its wafting in the computer room as I type and I am in heaven. If you are new to CBV or want to try a perfect light chocolate/candy scent please please please try this one. I swear I can even smell the salt in here, from the peanut butter. Creamy, salty/peanut/chocolate amazingness. OK, enough rambling on this one today.


Maurie, you're making this sound irresistible! I'm hungry for something sweet now.


decided to experiment today, and i took half of Crosscreek's Limey Good Cotton Candy and mixed it with half of Front Porch's Strawberry Glaze...*sigh* pure fruity heaven [smilie=cloud_9]


You are a mad scientist, nygal. Great scent morphing.


Everyone in the weather today, stay safe and keep those candles handy for when the power goes out. It looks really nasty on the Weather Channel.


LLVV, thanks. I am one of those YC Shortbread Cookie fans. SSS Marie's Pink Cookies reminds me of this scent for some reason...minus the pink part. Both are darn good.


I'm back home after errands and an surprise brunch with a dear friend.

Moneypenny's - Lemon Bundt Cake jar candle

Kayloma - Chestnuts & Brown Sugar jar

CFTKR - Autumn Morn melt (shaped like a leaf, and smells divine)

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Aria, What does Country Breakfast smell like?



sillys, it is the most interesting scent...very bakery and a little smokey if that makes any sense. I normally don't like maple syrup scents and there is definitely maple syrup in this one, but it's very buttery and smooth, not pungent. Crossroads candles burn just like a Slatkin 3 wick, but with only 2 wicks. Beautiful!


Burning YC Spiced Pumpkin and melting YC Gingerbread. The Gingerbread is taking ove the entire house.


Sounds good! yum.gif




Aria- good to hear you had a blast at the haunted barn & hayride. Im planning to go to a haunted prison attraction this friday. Excited about it. and i would love for the real strong scents to take me away! Take me away scents, take me away! Hehehe! [smilie=th_giggle]



SweetTart, it was so much fun...scary, but in a good way...lol. Let us know how the haunted prison is, okay?? Have fun! I have a super duper powerful sniffer with the strong scents. However, sometimes the strong ones are good...I do have 2 boys and a DH!!!! P - U !!!! pong.gif


Okay, so this is what I have right now....


McCall's jar - Autumn Leaves...so good!


CFTKR - Winter Cabin...love the sandalwood in this scent.


Enjoying a nice cuppa coffee with some Pumpkin Spice Coffeemate...so yummy!



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I'm new to the whole tart thing, and I just got my first order ever, from Spotted Hog, and I am melting.... Sleepy Hollow :) It smells so good - made me think of kicking through the leaves on a cold october night, trick or treating. It's really hard to explain though - it's got a smoky element, like woodsmoke, so if you like that you'll like this, but there's a lot more to it. A sweet, food-ish smell too. So interesting and different. It's a bright sunny day out here in Northern Cali though, so it's a bit incongruous, but I'm liking it.

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