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Guest ilovescentedthings

Silver Bells, Christmas Smells

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Hi all,


LLVV Yuck and double Yuck with the germs from the hostess. Things like that freak me out...I am one of the ones who uses a paper towel to open the bathroom door upon leaving...so since I am a real germ a phobe...(sp?) your post made my skin crawl.


Tunisianswife, please please please stop telling us about the CBV butter rum crunch pb cookie candle....I am now soooo hungry and I WANT that candle...notice I said WANT not need...but but but it sounds so yummy I may just have to make a small purchase.


This mornin I am melting Rosas Caramel nut crunch cake...


Enjoy your day everyone!

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Good morning!


Twenty degrees here this morning. No snow, but all is white due to frost. I guess Jack came for a long visit last night. [smilie=th_aa17]


Maurie, I've posted in the wrong thread before too. I bet many of us have. Glad you're feeling better!


LLVV, how are you doing today?


Aria, I love your avatar too! Are you gonna share those goodies?[smilie=th_76d65c2f] Ya know, I had the exact same thing happen with a clam of Busy Bee's Pink Fairy Dust. (Referring to your GG Drunk Uncle Bob.) I had to throw it away outside to get rid of the smell. Like you, I loved it when I first got it but after several months it was so overpowering it made me nauseous. Weird, isn't it?


Candlelove, good luck getting a lot accomplished with your shopping today.


Anjoy, you make me laugh re the CBV candle. Sounds like you're desperate around the edges for it. :lol:


I'm melting Cheryl's Maple Syrup. So far, I have to say that Cheryl's is working out mighty, mighty fine around here. I buy the scents of choice, plop 'em in the warmer, enjoy the strength and authenticity and smoothness. Ahhhh! What else could I ask for? Nuttin'! [smilie=th_prod_107_1676]


Have a great day whatever your plans are, everyone!



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Jules: I never found the remnants of my little squirrel friends heist of my Halloween display. I fed them some old bread this morning.


I think I have some peanuts in the shell. I'll toss some of those outside this morning for the little furballs.


All this talk of CBV candles made me want to dust one off and burn it.


Cafe au Lait for this afternoon.



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Hi Everyone! [smilie=th_76d65c2f]

Today I'm melting

YC Sparkling cinnamon

YC Red Apple Wreath

Candles in Peppermint Twist and Evergreen both by Slatkin



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Jules--I really like your avatar.



Glad those who have had colds are feeling somewhat better.


For the afternoon it is Yankee Blueberry Scone.


I had a nice surprise today--my birthday is a week from Friday (18th) and today some friends surprised me with an early BD party and a lovely Willow Tree nativity set. It really made my day, especially since I wasn't expecting it.

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Hi all. Its a sunny, chilly day here today. Not hearing any talk of snow, at least for the next couple of days.


Wrapped last night for 4 hours straight, and still not done. I would say I have at least another 4 hours to go. UGH!!!!


Last night I melted SSS Peppermint Patty. Holy Moly, that was one delicious, strong and long lasting melt. Definitely smelled the chocolate and peppermint in the perfect amounts. I would say this would come very close to Coffee with Santa for me, definite reorder!!!

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Just wondering if anyone has noticed a change in GHBT's???? The last two orders I have gotten have not been nearly as strong. It could just be my nose. I let them cure atleast two full weeks before I melt them.


Melting GHBT's Hippy Christmas now and this one is really strong but it is from an order about 3 months ago.


Thanks for your input!

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Thanks for the well wishes. My sniffer still isn't functioning at 100% so I'm just burning a candle - YC Christmas Wish.


It's cold and windy here so I'm really missing my Christmas smellies. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow morning. I avoided the usual sore throat that usually accompanies a cold which was nice but I feel the cough coming on. DD is starting the cough phase. Her lips and nose are so chapped from all of the nose blowing.


I'm also a germ phob. I hate public bathrooms but they are hard to avoid since I have a 5 year old. I can't seem to wash my hands enough during the day. I'm just happy that she's learned the importance of hand washing...finally.


Enjoy your smellies everyone! Maybe tonight I'll get a tart going and see how my nose performs.

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This afternoon I melted CYS The Most Wonderful Time of the Year and am now burning a candle from Carol, Pumpking Zucchinni Bread and Whipped Cream.. YUM


LLVV...isn't it nice when they finally learn the importance of hand washing? I remember with my son(who is now 9), it seemed like it took forever....now he is just like me....good or bad? I dunno...don't want to make him too paranoid. My daugher who is 3, we have a loooong way to go before she totally gets it...Public bathrooms are the worst...I see so many people leaving without washing up....gross....


denimsway, I can't remember how long ago I ordered ....I know it was more than 3 months ago but I didn't get much scent with mine either and the ones I did I thought smelled off to me...

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Jules--I really like your avatar.



Glad those who have had colds are feeling somewhat better.


For the afternoon it is Yankee Blueberry Scone.


I had a nice surprise today--my birthday is a week from Friday (18th) and today some friends surprised me with an early BD party and a lovely Willow Tree nativity set. It really made my day, especially since I wasn't expecting it.


Thank you, Trep. I like yours very much too.


What a thoughtful surprise. You might not have been surprised if they had done that closer to your birthday. Plus you get to enjoy the nativity set longer this season. You've sure got some good friends.



I'm going along with the Cafe au Lait from CBV

added: FM Cafe Machiato in two melters


This is making me crave a cuppa.

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I just switched my scents for the evening and pit on Busy Bee Eggnog in 2 melters. I am burning CBV The Porridge Pot.


Tunisianswife-I am liking this very much. It is definitely a comfort scent. It smells to me like a big bowl of oatmeal with vanilla, maple, honey and brown sugar.


I did not get as much Christmas shopping done as I would have liked. I have just not been in the mood. Maybe tomorrow. Time is running out.

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good eve, all.


Barbita, that rum scent of Carol's sounds so good. I've never tried nor seen it.


Denimsway, I ordered just once from GHBT back I think in Sept. the tarts I got were strong but the oil didn't seem like it was a good quality, if that makes sense? snozzberry,doodlebug,winter candy apple, pineapple paprika. all very strong but not high quality smelling or something. I think I have a snozzberry left. I remember that I started cutting them in half because of the strength, but also because of the odd or 'off' smell, as you all describe.


Trep, what a wonderful birthday surprise and Jules is right-more time to enjoy your nativity scene.


LLVV, I too am a bit of a germaphobe. I love it in the winter because I don't remove my gloves in the store. lol I have hand sanitizers all over the house and car, purse, and although they never feel clean until I really wash them, it does do in a pinch. I also use nail brushes and have one at both sinks. first thing when i come in from shopping, I scrub them down but good!


candlelove, thanks for the porridge pot review. glad you like it. I ordered it today in a scent shot, along with the rasp. tomato leaf that Maurie loves.


Hubby and I went out this afternoon for Indian buffet and then some shopping at Trader Joe's. we love Trader Joe's; always so fun to see what they have there. staff is always so nice and friendly too. traffic was atrocious at the mall. went to Kroger's which is inconveniently located behind the mall premises. parking lot was a sea of cars. For a minute, I had to think if it was thurs or Fri. got some gingerbread coffee at Trader Joe's. having a cup now and really good. not that fake tasting, but real ginger and clove you can see in the coffee ; not overpowering but you know it is there.


also, you know those creamers I don't like but have been buying and enjoying? I bought the peppermint mocha today. OMG, it is CBV peppermint bark in liquid form. I could drink it straight(and I did take a few slugs)


why do I always write a tome?


all candles now-CBV coconut praline,butter rum crunch pb cookie surpise in the LR, all is calm in the kitchen, fresh laundry on the melter in teh BR, and Peace in the bath.


enjoy your eve, all. was so bitter blustery today but beautiful sun.


eta: went back and read some older posts: anjoysmom-lol sorrya bout the tempting. I want to dig down into the peanut butter layer but I'll be good. Aria, when I sniffed Drunk Uncle Bob, there was a remnant of little red riding hood which blows me out of the house, so I only put half in and yeah, it is a strong one for sure.

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Maurie - glad you're feeling better! Your kitty avatar is too cute...looks like one of my girls. I can't talk her into wearing the Santa hat, tho.... :lol:


LLVV - hope you get your smelling abilities back soon and feel better. :?


Melting A Cheerful Giver's Beary Nice Spice. It's pretty light, hardly any throw. Only have one tart in tho, so maybe I'll try adding another. :?


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Last melt of the day is Honey Gingerbread from Can-Do! I got a whole bag of this one and I'm so glad I did!!! [smilie=th_Drglar]

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My nose is on the mend and I can smell tonight's tart - Toffee Crunch Flapjack. Wow, another great flapjack scent. I love the smell of maple. I'm also burning Christmas Wish.


I hope that you all have a wonderful night.

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Starting this day out with Candy Corn from HL. I had planned to do her Mocha Mint instead but I am cooking a roast for lunch and I thought that might not mix as well with the cooking smell.


I am enjoying my nativity scene a lot. The gals that gave it to me are very sweet friends.

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also, you know those creamers I don't like but have been buying and enjoying? I bought the peppermint mocha today. OMG, it is CBV peppermint bark in liquid form. I could drink it straight(and I did take a few slugs)


OMG! Heeeeelarious!!!! Thanks for the belly laugh tunisians! I also love the Peppermint Mocha....btw, I read somewhere that it is going to be a year round flavor, not just for the holidays! [smilie=th_bomb]


sillys, wow, you have a lot of wrapping to do! 4 hours!!!! [smilie=th_c61] Mine usually takes about an hour or so. I usually just wrap in paper though....no fancy bows or ribbons! I usually do my wrapping at night after the boys go to bed.


trep, what a sweet birthday gift......sounds beautiful.


LLVV, glad your nose is on the mend.....I wash my hands frequently and am constantly reminding the boys to wash their hands also. I use those Clorox wipes on doorknobs a lot.


sweet&spicy, I got minimal throw from Beary Nice Spice when I tried it some time ago. How did yours work out?


Starting out the day with YC Christmas Cupcake!

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