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August's Sizzling Scents

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Hey all! Hope everyone is having a good week so far! Today's selections are:




Sage & Citrus-Sniff My Tarts



Farmer's Market-Yankee

Midsummer's Night-Yankee

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I have Lessie's Prim WIshes simmering from my NEW order from Can-Do...I was so happy to get some new Fall smellies from Donna. It is feeling more like Fall slowly settling in in the evenings here. This has been a very nice preview to a wonderful Fall. I'm also melting. My youngest DS starts back to his classes tomorrow. He goes to a local Jr. College so he still lives at home. I hope everyone is doing fine..




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Christy...I hope this move is good news for you! :)


Yes, it is very good news. This will put me about an hour's drive away from the university campus where I have an unfinished degree, as opposed to halfway across the country. I have really felt the distance being all the way out here, and am looking forward to making progress on my degree in an easier living situation.


Today I'm melting LSC Cake Batter Ice Cream and Can-Do Peach Magnolia Raspberry.

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DH and I recently found out that we'll be moving halfway across the country in December

Christy - [smilie=th_1_bigone110] ...that 's big news! Hopefully you'll be settled in before Christmas?


sweet, Ozzy will be staying in a kennel while we are gone. We're going to Cedar Point on Wednesday and Soak City on Thursday

Aria - I'm sure Ozzy will be just fine. Too bad he couldn't go - I'm [smilie=th_f5a39fcb] while picturing him coming down the waterslide...


I'm melting OLC's Zucchini Pear from my spring swapbox. Vedy good! [smilie=th_aa17] We had a summer storm roll thru a few hours ago and it cooled it off even more - had to put a light sweater on. Fall's coming...fall's coming... [smilie=snoopy]

BTW - for some reason the emoti's aren't animated 4 me anymore. [smilie=th_confused3] I like to use them, so I will, but have to try & remember what they say/do, so ...just in case I use the wrong one - my apologies up front. [smilie=th_pardon]

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Maggie ~ All of your pumpkin scents sound amazing! I can't wait for Fall...and with it comes the famous hot-air balloon festival here in New Mexico. So pretty! [smilie=th_slider_flirt]

Thanks Honeybear....do you go up in the balloons? I would love to do that again...it's so beautiful!


Christy~ Sounds like a great move! Good luck!!!



Changed out two melters:

Buttercream Drizzle Zucchini Bread from S&S...LOVE IT!!! [smilie=th_slider_flirt]

But I kept in the Pumpkin Marshmallow Grahams..it is so strong and D-licious!!!

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Christy--hope your move goes smoothly and that you will be happy in your new location.



Starting the day with Scentsationals Comforts of Home--I have only done this one one other time and I loved it--smelled like apple pie but it is just beginning to melt and I seem to be getting whiffs of pine. My nose must be off this morning , <_<

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Good Morning!!


It is starting to feel like Fall !


Melted yesterday LOL Mango Mandarin Iced Tea.


Todays melts-


CFTKR Indian Sweet Bread

Bella's Zombie Zucchini

Blue Gecko Warm Apple Cider


Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning!


I have Crosscreek Marshmallow melting here at the office, one of my favorites from this vendor :)


Have a great day everyone!


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I just sat down with my coffee cup here on the bed and started getting a good whiff of the LSC Pink Sugar Cookie, when one of the kitties, Dharma, came to visit me. Suddenly, all I could smell was litter box. ICK!!! [smilie=crap] Funny how the girls forget their responsibilities so readily. [smilie=th_F_14WA116161617] While DH is out of town, they are supposed to stay on top of the litter box. Looks like it's mom to the rescue...yet again. [smilie=th_sign0164]


In the kitchen, I have LSC Brown Sugar Crumble Muffins. YUM-O!

Also have homemade Baby Powder, Pink Flip Flops, and Lemon Pound Cake going.


Have a good one. :)

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Good morning


melting LSC Tangerine Peach Ice tea. Very nice, fruity, cirusy but not aggresive sneezing type citrus.


I am really liking LSC's ice tea scents, the tea note is very soothing and takes down the tarness or sweetness of the fruit.

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Very dark and stormy here this morning. It's keeping the temps way down. Unusual for August, but a welcome change. The weather put me in the mood for a fallish scent so I dug through my swap box and came up with Apples & Spice from Swan Creek. :)

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Very dark and stormy here this morning. It's keeping the temps way down. Unusual for August, but a welcome change. The weather put me in the mood for a fallish scent so I dug through my swap box and came up with Apples & Spice from Swan Creek. :)

Dark and stormy days are so cozy. We've had heat and sun this week.


I cut into my Pineapple Upside Down Cake loaf melt from Butterfly Lane. It felt like cutting into the real thing. Very tempted to bite it.





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A Candle Dippers day:


- Kamikaze - pretty nice

- Tangerine Grapefruit - really good

- Southern Memories - really good & super strong! (gardenia & honey)

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