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July's Burst of Scents

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I'm looking for someone with the Frankincense scented tart. Nothing else, just Frankincense .... maybe with Myrrh. Any suggestions? I know this is the wrong place to post it but I couldn't get into the correct place to post this.

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katz--so sorry for your loss--what a shock that must have been. I guess it is a lesson to us all to say kind things to those we care about while we have the chance. This poem has always said it all for me. As far as I know the author is unknown--






I would rather have one little rose

From the garden of a friend,

Than to have the choicest flowers

When my stay on earth must end.



I would rather have one pleasant word

In kindness said to me,

Than flattery when my heart is still

And this life has ceased to be.


I would rather have a loving smile

From friends I know are true,

Than tears shed around my casket

When this world I bid adieu.


Bring me all the flowers today,

Whether pink, or white, or red;

I'd rather have one blossom now,

Than a truckload when I'm dead.



For this morning I have on Scentsationals Strawberries & Cream. Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning...


Melting Apple Pie Zucchini from Shayz


Michele, so sorry to hear about your loss...take care friend


katz, sorry to hear of the sudden loss of Harry


Hope you all have a peaceful Sunday

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Guess I'm wrong about cats not liking dog food so much.

Puppy [smilie=The_Hi] - You're probably right about cats in general. We just probably have special cats. [smilie=th_giggle] [smilie=th_biqazm1]


I haven't melted anything since June 29th.

Cookie - I sure hope U didn't have power all that time! :wacko: Have fun camping!


Katz - So sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your good friend. [smilie=th_empathy] The 'suddenly' was a blessing for him, but hard on his family & friends.


Trep - I like your poem. [smilie=yes] It's a good reminder for us that we're presented with opportunites every day and to act on them when they are.


[smilie=th_we0081] two new members - werkn4wax and KittyJ! [smilie=th_wave]


I'm melting Swan Creek's Roasted Espresso. [smilie=th_LOVE] It's supposed to be cooler soon. We were 2 degrees shy of our record 100 degree temp yesterday. I hope we've left the oppressive heat behind us. [smilie=th_ee29]

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Good Morning all. [smilie=th_316785e4]


Trep~ That is a a beautiful poem...thanks. :)


Hey Sweet~ I heard that the storms yesterday would bring relief...not much change here...still humid and hot. Yikes. :o


The Sweet Fixations tarts are still as strong as they were yesterday and they have been cooking all night long. They have passed my test!! Hooray! Great company as far as I can see! Will put something new on in a bit for a change. ^_^

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Hey Sweet~ I heard that the storms yesterday would bring relief...not much change here...still humid and hot. Yikes. :o

MaggieMae - I don't think the change is happening as fast as we'd like. [smilie=th_anyminute] Our temp (supposed to get to 87 degrees) is much better than yesterday's, and the current 65 degree dew point is better than yesterday's 72, but it's still a little on the humid side. The winds have begun to come from the north, so that should help. It got up to 88 in the house yesterday :wacko: and now it's down to 84. So.... a little better. :)


I'm melting Can-Do's Honey Gingerbread, always a fave! [smilie=th_slider_flirt]

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Thank you all for your kind scentiments. Trep: The poem is beautiful, I really appreciate it today. I haven't even started melting today. Temps are slightly better mid 90's today. _smileyfacehugging_.gifI"m so blessed to have all of you in my world>

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I am melting Cinnamon Zucchini Rolls from Crosscreek th_slider_flirt.gif We went to a local farm store a little while ago and got some fresh baked blueberry pie th_i-m_so_happy.gif I wish I had a tart that could accurately capture the scent!! :)



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trep-That poem was beautiful.


Katz-So sorry for your loss also.


Tonight I am burning YC Caramel Pecan Pie. Just started but I can smell it already.

Slatkin's Summer Boardwalk

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Good evenin' [smilie=th_smiley-yawn]


Earlier today I put on:

Pear Zucchini Bread from Orchid Lake...strong and nice...just wish it had some spice.

Zucchini Buttercream from Sweet Fixations...nice but not my fav ZB scent.

Homemade Funnel Cake by Val...delish!! Thanks! :)


Now it's:

Mango Mandarin from Nene's- a favorite.

Mulberry Mandarin from Swan Creek and a gift from a CF pal...thanks! :)


Poor Sweet...88 in the house? That's rough! I hope you had lots of fans going!!! [smilie=th_dd5] I was doing lawn work at my Dad's...it was a scorcher...I hope it cools off for tomorrow!


Have a [smilie=th_goodnight]

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Looks like I have been melting OOB tarts...


I melted Pinepple Cilantro from Lakeside Luminaries - can't find the site.


I melted Black Currant and Casis from Norman's - can't find the old site. I see one that could be a newer one, but no tarts.


Sheesh! Anyone know the scoop on these?

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Today, I have:

- Hyacinth (Dream Tarts) - nice & not heavy floral

- Wildberry Corn Pudding (Sniff My Tarts) - I love Wildberry and Corn Pudding tarts - the combo is pretty good


werkn4wax...you could try Country Light Candles for Frankincense and Myrrh:



I tried a set of the Aromatherapy tea lights years ago and found the throw to be quite light except for the "Tranquility & Sedating" which was stronger than the others. The scents were all nice. If she would make them in tarts, I would try them again (I have much better luck with tarts than candles).


Good luck with your search!

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bf-beach.gif Good morning


Melting Harvest Indian Bread ~ CFTKR


This was in a sampler from my last order. I've melted a couple of the Indian Bread scents so far and I'm just not crazy about them. There is some sort of odd note that just doesn't agree with my sniffer.


Off to pick out something else to melt....

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I am starting the day with Flip Flops from HHS. I can't believe Monday is here again wacko.gif I am glad the temps are looking to be lower this week.

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Switched to Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream ~ YOCC This is much, much better! Thanks to the sweet CF pal who shared this one with me! c4f15b4a50f9814c468e4007dc82bc98473.gif

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