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Tonight I still have Autumn Celebration melting. It's been going for most of the day and it's still putting out a strong scent so I'm going to probably let it go for the rest of the night. If it runs out of scent then I'll change to either Blueberry Muffins or Caramelized Pear.


I hope that everyone's little ones have a healthy and restful night and that everyone who's not feeling well feels better tomorrow. Good night.

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So sorry to hear that Gage is having trouble again Heidi. But if he's interested in playing those games he is for sure feeling better. Today I'm still melting the coconut curry custard.

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Guest Anonymous

Awwww....poor little Gage, Heidi. Hope you guys get a good nights rest and he feels much better tomorrow! :lol:


Melting Vanilla & lime - sample for Candle Haven. Yum!

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Hope the little ones are better, Cat & Heidi.


Mountain Berry - unnamed vendor. Very nice scent. I wish it were stronger.


Neva's Nepolitan - Momma's Soy Tart Mart. Just put it in.


Herb Garden - Bella's. Very strong, a little too gardeny for me.

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All yesterday's melters have been rotated to the smaller rooms. The starring melt tonight is lovely - it is jelly beans from Things that Make Sense. I only used 1 cube and it is drifting through 2 rooms.


I hope you all have a restful night and a good day tomorrow! :lol:

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Still feeling fruity huh jason? :lol: I'm still not melting because the workmen have not finished in my house, and it's a mess. The refrigerator is in the den, etc. Hopefully they finish today...and then the rest of the week I :P 'll be painitng.

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Tonight it is YC Vanilla Lime. I always forget how much I enjoy this one for some reason.


Jason, I am the same way with the Vanilla Lime--I just love it but forget about it until I melt it again.


This morning it is Yankee Star fruit and Orange--love it.

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Guest Anonymous

Melting Cucumber Melon (can't get enough of this scent in the summertime) - Pure Integrity.

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Good Morning!


I am melting Carol's Coconut Cream Cake right now.....smells so delish!

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Good Morning all and thanks for the well wishes from yesterday.


Heidi-I hope your night was restful and that Gage is faring well today.


This morning I am burning a few candles as well as melting.

I am burning Sugared Clementine-MB, Key Lime Pie-MB, Cranberry Spice-Vendor?

Melting-Good Day Sunshine-Nene's, Coconut Cream Pie-Busy Bee


I think the combo will be nice-or maybe it's overpowering,since I can't really smell all that well! :P

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Good morning! Gage had a good night, and slept until 6:30, when he climbed in bed with dh and I. I took his temp a minute ago, and it's 100.7. Last night, it got up to over 103. He now has the rash all over his body, so I'm almost positive he's allergic to sulfa, just like I am. Although I hate to see him miserable, I'm glad I know now not to let him have that type of medicine anymore.


For the morning, it's:


angel food cake from the mississippi mama in the kitchen

monkey farts from missy's tempting tarts in the living room

sheer gardenia from yc in the computer room


I'm still icing my bedroom melter, so as soon as that's done, I'll get one started in there.


Have a great day, everyone!

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I haven't posted in this section in awhile. I usually just change out my melters every other day now, since we spend so much time outdoors.

Today is Crosscreek's Monkey Farts, which I have had for awhile and was kind of afraid I wouldn't like. But...it's fantastic ! Very pleasantly surprised.

Also melting is Can-Do's Coconut Lime Verbena.

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Heidi, just to let you know, I'm allergic to sulfa also, and when my daughter was sick they gave her sulfa. I was worried, but they told me that its not hereditary. But lo and behold she got a rash all over. I took her to the emergency room and they gave her the same thing I have in the house Benedryl. So, just give him a dose of the liquid benedryl. It doesn't hurt them if they don't need it. I'm sure the rash will go away. It may take 2 doses, but for sure it will work. Thats exactly what they told me in the hospital. So now I don't believe its not hereditary. Let me know how it works out, Linda

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Feel better Gage! I hope he gets better soon. I hate it when my DD gets sick. It's no fun watching your child be sick.


My order from Candles from the Keeping Room just arrived. After tearing it open, I decided to start off with Butter Drop Cookie! This is to die for!

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Heidi, just to let you know, I'm allergic to sulfa also, and when my daughter was sick they gave her sulfa. I was worried, but they told me that its not hereditary. But lo and behold she got a rash all over. I took her to the emergency room and they gave her the same thing I have in the house Benedryl. So, just give him a dose of the liquid benedryl. It doesn't hurt them if they don't need it. I'm sure the rash will go away. It may take 2 doses, but for sure it will work. Thats exactly what they told me in the hospital. So now I don't believe its not hereditary. Let me know how it works out, Linda


I told them at the hospital that I was allergic to sulfa, and they told me that it can be hereditary. My dd took it around a year or so ago, and was fine, but both Gage and I are allergic to it. Thanks for the advice about the benadryl. So far, he's not itchy, thank goodness. When I had it, I thought I was going to claw my skin off. LOL!

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Guest Anonymous

Heidi, the Benadryl helps to just 'calm' the system down too, even if he isn't actually itching. I do medical typing and doctors use Benadryl for things you would never imagine - lots of times just for anti-anxiety.


Anyway, melting Crosscreek's Clean Sheets upstairs and Can-Do's Watermelon downstairs....I'm loving the way things are smelling in here right now. Too bad I have to leave to take the kids to a movie. But how fun it will be to walk in the door in a bit [smilie=th_thumbs20up]

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