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August's Heat Wave of Wax

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This afternoon I'm melting CFTKR Wildberry Mousse Zucchini in the main rooms and CFTKR Sweet Apple Indian Bread in the bathroom.

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This afternoon it's OMG's Cucumber Melon and Aloe. It's good but I think I like the regular Cucumber Melon scent better.


It's 101 here and cloudy. What a weird summer we've had. [smilie=th_roll]



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Jedda, I had that reaction with a Pina Colada tart I had recently. I just wasn't loving it at all, yet everyone who came to the house that day told me how wonderful the house smelled. Just raving about it.




I melted it a few weeks ago, and just as it started to melt two friends came by. They both LOVED it, raved about it, and had to know what I was melting. One of them actually went home and ORDERED it. [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet]


She told me that she just loved the way that my house smelled, and she needed to have bags and bags of Haley's "Bear Claws" to melt at her house. I said "Really? Are you sure? This one?" [smilie=th_shocked_sick_big] I just didn't get it at all. It isn't offensive to my nose or anything,but I just don't love it.




I'm melting "Butterscotch Maple Cream" from BH&G. Love this one. I bought it back in APRIL and stuck it into my bakery bin, and promptly forgot about it. Oops! It smells like delicious custard and maple syrup. Very nice.

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Sweet-your soaps must have been defective as all the ones I've had make your whole bathroom or whatever room you have the soap in smell great every time you wash your hands. Take them back--they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and they should NOT have smelled like alcohol.



This evening it is Yankee Orchard Pear.


To all on the East Coast--my prayers are with you for Irene to head out to sea and quick.

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sweet, I am surprised to hear this! I've never really smelled alcohol in the B&BW soaps. scratchinhead.gif I've used them for years, so maybe my nose is accustomed to the scent? I usually get the foaming or the moisturizing ones.

Sweet, that's a bummer about your soaps. I haven't had an issue with the alcohol smell.

Sweet-your soaps must have been defective as all the ones I've had make your whole bathroom or whatever room you have the soap in smell great every time you wash your hands. Take them back--they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and they should NOT have smelled like alcohol.

Aria, Puppy & Trep - so...your soaps actually smell like they should? [smilie=th_scratch] Some of the scents I got are Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, Caramel Apple and Oatmeal Raisin Cookie and (to me) they don't smell anything like those scents. I thought maybe it was just my nose the day I tried them, so just went in and washed my hands a few times again. I guess it's not a strong alcohol smell in particular, but a chemical smell, certainly not like the scents that they use in their candles. And after I dry my hands the not so good scent lingers. [smilie=th_stink] Trep, I wondered if they were defective, too, but it seems odd to me that every one of them would be. :shock: I won't know until I go to the store and sniff the ones there. [smilie=th_sign0164] I usually buy the scented soft soaps (Dial, Soft Soap, etc) and they smell fine to me. ....back these little stinkers go.


Everyone on the east coast stay safe! Looks like Irene is weaker now. I'm praying she just fizzles and sputters out. If you can, check in and let us know you're ok. [smilie=group_hug] Speaking of the east coast, haven't seen LLVV on here lately. LLVV [smilie=The_Hi] - hope you're off on vacay somewhere having fun!


Mpfand - glad your DH will be home today! [smilie=th_blij81] Hope he brings some cooler weather back w/him 4 U.


I'm burning Slatkin's mini Spiced Cider candle. The cold sniff was promising, but it doesn't seem too strong now that I've lit it. 'Course it's a mini, so it's a little hard to tell. [smilie=th_pardon]

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Tonight i am melting butter brickle from delightful incense and its very good. Also melting bite me from uniquely u fragrance it also is very nice not to strong but perfect for the bedroom.

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No melting the last 2 days. I was too busy preparing for the storm. We will just hope for the best. The eye of the hurricane is expected to hit right in my town at 8am on Sunday. Last report was 100 mph winds and floods of 5-6 ft. They might be expecting it too be not as strong from what I have heard. We evacuated this morning and now some areas where I am in NYC have been evacuated as well.


All any of us can do is prepare for the worst and expect the best. It was so sad today seeing all the stores boarded up and it looking like you were in a ghost town. Hope the house stays intact.


Maybe by some miracle we will be spared.

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Best of luck preparing for the storm Michele. We just got through major flooding over the summer in my home in Queensland and then the state got hit by Yasi (category 5 cyclone). All you can do is do your preparations and then sit and wait. And then pick up the pieces when it's done. Best of luck - I hope you have a good book or something with you if you're in evacuation centres and if all else fails and do mental wax orders in your head.


It's 10'C outside and raining so on the burner today is YC's Spice Cake - OMG it's soooo good. It actually smells like the batter when it's being mixed instead of a cooked cake... It's down on the all time fans list. On my new little burner in the bathroom is some of the mediation blend.

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Best wishes east coast buddies - how did Florida do? I talked to a computer support guy there who said it was quite a rain storm in his area, but no damage. Hope it is the same for all of you.


Tonight is Pineapple Paradise from Scentsy - it is scenting the other end of the house, not much at the melter. Darn air currents! [smilie=th_sad-1]

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Hope everyone in the path of the hurricane stay safe! Tonight's scents:



Candy Bar Cookie-Beezy Tarts

Caramel Apple-Beezy Tarts



Carrot Cake-YC

Apple Pumpkin-YC

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Stay safe, Michele! We'll all be thinking of you and yours :D


I got a good part of my storm prep done today, and I'll hit the market for what crumbs are left tomorrow :lol: I have a good amount of food and water - praying I find one more loaf of bread, and I wanna get some snacks.


Power on or not, I'll be kicking it old school with a generic AM/FM/Cassette Walkman - YAY :lol: REALLY wanted to find a radio of some sort, but none to be found of course. Stopped into Rite Aid on a whim, and there it was. Local tv stations will be broadcasting from AM stations during the storm, so I'm all set - don't wanna chance the TV or the comp due to power surges. I also scored 6 large Touch Lights for $1.49 each - great deal. I have a ton of AA batteries, but grabbed two dozen more just in case. Have plenty of coolers, and will freeze water flat in gallon Ziplocks for cooler ice packs - great tip I read on the net!


I could have power the entire time, but I'd rather err on the side of caution than be stuck with not much to work with! We just want this damn thing to be over with - we're ALL cranked up with the what if's, running all over creation to get prepared, and generally in really cranky moods :lol:


ANYWAY! Tonite's melties:


Crosscreek Bananalicious in the living room


AMS Vanilla Extract in the bathroom


Ten Digit Creations Funky Town in the bedroom


All are fab! Have a wonderful Saturday, and stay safe, everyone! :wub:

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I'm starting the day with a jar candle from Kohl's. The scent is called 'Ground Cinnamon' and it is pretty nice. It doesn't fill the entire house, but for a store-bought candle it's throwing very well.

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Good morning i am watching the hurricane news and getting so worried i live in oklahoma but i am from new york and all my friends and family are there. My prayers are for all those in the path stay safe all.

Today i have blueberry cheesecake icecream from wahm's and pristine clean pink from sarah's melting.

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This morning I'm trying out new-to-me vendor Sugar & Spice. So I've got Toffee Pudding Cake going and it's starting to smell good in here. :)

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Good Morning everyone! Happy Saturday! FlowerSunflowerDances.gif


I just opened my order from Scentsible Scents and I am in complete and utter heaven! hearts.gif I am so glad I placed an order to try these! Thanks to Maggie and becky for their raves that pushed me over the edge! The box is sitting next to my computer here and the aroma is just wonderful!!!


Had a great time yesterday afternoon...DS#2 was exhausted after running around all afternoon having squirt gun fights. Got to chat with all the moms about the upcoming school year.


Just finished my first cuppa77288.gif...now I need to pick out something to melt or perhaps I will just light one of my new votives in the box here. I need to take some picks to post in the wax p0rn thread first.


Praying for everyone in the path of Irene! Be safe!


sweet, I would take those soaps back for sure. Stick with the other soaps you've been using. Sorry they didn't work out for ya. Everyone's nose is different and could be your nose is just sensitive to the "antibacterial" agent that is in the B&BW soaps. C'est la vie.


Okay, gals, I am off to have some more coffee....have a great day! 77324.gif

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Irene came ashore weaker than predicted....hope it turns to just rain and a little wind as it moves up the coast for ya'll. Back out to sea...even better! [smilie=yes]


Aria - please let us know how the Sentsible Scents candles perform 4 U. That Sweet Annie is calling my name... [smilie=th_cha40]


I'm burning Slatkins mini Leaves candle and need a large one of this! :wub: This scent sez fall to me. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr

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Sheila, your storm preparations are incredible and impressive! [smilie=th_allah] Be safe!


Sweet, that's great news about Irene weakening! Thanks for the update. Fingers and toes are crossed here.


I'm melting FP Watermelon & Lime. It's plenty strong but heavier on the lime. I don't smell any watermelon, so as much as I enjoy FP, this one won't be a reorder. :wacko:



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Michelle: I hope your beach house has minimum damage. My DS and his GF are in Drexel Hill, Pa and I think they will probably just get mostly pounding rains and wind. Aria: Yes, that's me!! I love TDC Bergamot Spice. It's such a clean smelling and energizing scent.

I pray for y'all on the East Coast that this storm fizzles out some what. [smilie=th_cha40] Today I am melting CYS Fall Foilage (I think). I've had this one for awhile, but it is SO good and smells just like a Fall day in my LR. Well, I'm off to the grocery store, can't put it off any longer. Take care all..

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Aria~ Please let us know what you think of the candle when you get a chance to burn it...And how's the Sweet Annie fragrance...right on the money?

Apple Pie Ala Mode from FP.

I keep watching the news...won't know anything until is gets here, I suppose. Hope my Dad is ok on his own...he won't leave the house and come over here where at least we will be together! But, his house is stronger than mine so maybe for the best. [smilie=th_idontknow]

I can't imagine how my little 8 pound dog will make it outside!!! [smilie=th_blij47-1]

Michele and Sheila and anyone else in the path...stay safe. :)

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Thanks everyone!


I am hoping that my beach house does get minimal damage. We could not get the boat out of the water though. I had to leave a car there as well. We will just hope for the best. Even though the storm seems to have died down it might still be strong enough to do damage.


My parents are staying here tonight. NYC is supposed to get hit hard. Evacuations are in place here as well and heavy winds and flooding expected.


If we lose power at least I am prepared with my candles-LOL


Still melting CCCC Honey Butter. This is a strong one that just won't die.!

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Michele, MaggieMae, Sheila, Christy and all those on the east coast - you're in my prayers for a covering of protection. [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_] Michele - were your parents in an area called to evacuate? I'm glad they can stay with U. MaggieMae - I know your dad doesn't want to leave his house, none of us would, but I hope U can either go there or he'll decide to be with U. Are either of U right on the coast? I don't think I'd even consider letting a pet out in those high winds & heavy rain. If Daisy has to go on the floor..so be it. ;)


I'm burning Slatkin's mini Salty Caramel candle. This is a little guy, but darn strong! [smilie=th_dancing_smile]

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Stay safe all hope it dies down soon. just head the subway wont reopen until at least monday afternoon wow.

Just switched to yankee Macintosh spice and Autumn leaves

found them while cleaning out a draw and they looked crumbly

so figured i better use them. Also have serendipity going in

the bedroom i love serendipity i need to order more of that one.

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