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August's Heat Wave of Wax

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choke down a cup of Lavender Tulsi tea

She - Sometimes I have difficulty staying asleep. [smilie=th_pullhair] I've never heard of Lavender Tulsi tea, but if it helps w/sleep I'll check into it. U don't care for the taste, tho?


It's grey & drizzly here too, so I'm burning McCalls Sunrise Cinnamon Bun. Cinnamon Buns are always good for breakfast! [smilie=th_c032]

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Good Morning...been cloudy and dreary here all morning...now it's almost afternoon and I hope the sun comes out...pretty please. wubclub.gif


Melting again, that Vanilla Woods tart from Can-Do...enjoyed it so much last night...decided to see if there's any scent left and there is! I love this scent. rosesmile.gif I am out of several favorites from Can-Do, so this one will go on the list when I place an order soon.


DH is working a weird shift for this week only...6:00pm to 6:30am...yep, 12 hours. He is sleeping right now needless to say. The boys and I are going to head out in a bit. Maybe check out some clothes for school and shoes too.


Scary stage collapse in Indiana! Did anyone see that on the news?? It was at the State Fair there...oh my.


Take care everyone and have a nice Sunday d137c514db3aa074bba5eea16cc61342.gif

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Good Sunday Morning! Melting Berry Tart from Scentsy.


Aria, I just heard about what in Indiana. How awful!


Sweet, I agree; Cinnamon Buns are always good for breakfast! ;)

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[smilie=th_e16] forum friends!


Maggie, welcome home!


I'm melting LSC Frosted Wineberry. It's throwing great and is okay but I don't like it as much as I thought I would. I'm going to give it the boot. I have to make a bunch of deviled eggs for a party, so now's a good time to turn off the melter. [smilie=th_c032]


Hope you all have a terrific Sunday!



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Maggie, welcome home!

Thanks Gail...glad to be back! [smilie=th_76d65c2f]

It's a rainy and dreery day...perfect for candles.


YC Jelly Donut...I think this will be the last burn for it...I didn't get any throw from this candle..don't know if it's because it's from the outlet or just because it's YC?!?! [smilie=th_scratch]

K's Kreation Blue Hawaiian...also think this will be the last burn...wonderful throw on this one.. :)

FP Lemon Tri-layer candle...can't figure out what lemon layer I'm on but it smells great.



Nene's Cinnamon Glazed Fritter all over downstairs

Bliss's Wicked Thoughts upstairs...gotta be over 30 hours on this one...nice.

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Melting: Nene's Apple Fritter...heaven.


Nene's Cinnamon Glazed Fritter all over downstairs

MaggieMae - I'm making a list for a future order....do U like one of the fritter scents better than the other? [smilie=th_F_14WA116161617]


I've changed to Lessie's Whipped Cream & Honeydew. This is the last one I had of this scent from the original Lessie. Don't know what I was saving it for [smilie=th_pardon] ...but today's the day!

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MaggieMae - I'm making a list for a future order....do U like one of the fritter scents better than the other? [smilie=th_F_14WA116161617]


OK...so I am a complete spaz...I am actually melting the Cinnamon Glazed Fritter and I don't think I even own an Apple Fritter from Nene...sorry bout that..I think I was tired last night....I really LOVE the CGFritter but I think I got a bigger throw from the cups. This bag of krumbles seems to be light and I even piled the warmers full of them...in 3 rooms! [smilie=th_idontknow]


Just changed to...

Toffee Apple Crunch from Nellies Acres

Apple Bread from FM

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I have to chime in here...Cinnamon Glazed Fritters from Nene's is DA BOMB!edd7555606577aebb5898ecf40be036c.gif


Just started another melter with an old favorite from Nene's ~ Baklava

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CFTKR Sugar Corn Pudding for the rest of the day. Oh my goodness is this one ever yummy! :)

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Happy Sunday candle friends!


I am having computer issues, I am never sure when I can get on or I will get the "Web page can not be displayed" page. :crysmiley1: Once in awhile it works, so I'll jump in quick when it does!


Love the bright avatar colors, mp!


Today is YC Mango Peach Salsa - not very strong, OK for a smaller room

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I am actually melting the Cinnamon Glazed Fritter

MaggieMae - TY - it's going on the list! [smilie=th_bounce]



For this evening it is Yankee Farmer's Market, Apple Cider, Macintosh and Apple Pumpkin. My house smells REALLY good.

Trep - those scents sound fantastic, bet your house smells ahhh-mazing! [smilie=th_LOVE]

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Hey candle peeps! Long day at work - chilled out for the last few hours catching up on the DVR.


Hiya Sweet! Yes, it's Lavender Tulsi from Stash Tea. It's not THAT bad, but picture how straight herbal lavender smells in tart form, and yeah...drinking it is kinda weird :lol: Tulsi is a healing herb, and as we know, Lavender is wonderful for sleep. Bottom line is that it puts me down for the count - it's worth dealing with the odd taste. I'm a big fan of their Chamomile Nights and Mellow Moments teas for sleep as well. You can find a small selection of Stash at most grocery stores, but their full line is on their website (I only order online). I love their regular Herbal teas, too (English Breakfast, Green Tea, and Red Tea). For a quick supermarket fix, Twinings Chamomile and Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea are good too :)


Tart time!


Ten Digit Creations Tuscan Patchouli in the living room. My hands down favorite scent from TDC. Not that it needed it, but I pumped it up a bit with a few drops of Tuscan Patchouli HFO in each burner. Smelling GREAT in here!


Soy Breeze Santa's Whiskers in the bathroom


Soy Breeze Patchouli Amber in the bedroom


Have a great Monday, everyone! [smilie=th_pardon]

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Throughout the house I'm melting Yankee's 'Spiced Pumpkin'. I had a few left, and they were starting to get oily/crumbly in the wrapper. I figured that it's time to melt them!

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Good morning today in the living room and kitchen i am melting sugared strawberry cheesecake from Sarah's and in the office i am meltings zucchini bread from Kim's. Have a great day all

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Good morning....mug.gif


Fresh day, fresh tart....Can-Do's Powdered Cinnamon Donuts thbullarsmile.gif...smells great with the coffee I have brewing!


Have a great day everyone! 73681.gif

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You can find a small selection of Stash at most grocery stores, but their full line is on their website (I only order online). I love their regular Herbal teas, too (English Breakfast, Green Tea, and Red Tea). For a quick supermarket fix, Twinings Chamomile and Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea are good too :)


Sheila~ I LOVE Stash! :) Their Christmas Morning and Christmas Eve are a must have during December!!! I know what you mean about the smell & taste thing...I have the Jasmine Blossom Green Tea and at first I felt like I was drinking from a vase of flowers, but I got used to it! And the Sleepytime Celestial Seasonings puts me out like a light! [smilie=th_slider_bigsleep]


Today its all melts:

Pig Poop from Angel Scented Candles

Pink Marshmallow Cookie Dough from LSC

Ice Cream Scoop Bread from WAHM


Upstairs it: White from Cozy Cottage

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Good Morning!!


Melting LSC Bedazzled.


Thanks she and Maggie-I am going to buy the Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea. I have not been sleeping well at all.

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Hi everybody. Melting Can-Do Salty Sea Air today.


No niece yet. Right now my relatives are predicting my sister-in-law will have to be induced, which is scheduled for Thursday. As for the kitties, they have been up to some mischief lately. It seems like they are getting along slightly better on the whole, but still not BFF or anything yet. They prefer to keep their distance.

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Debra, I hope your computer issues get resolved. [smilie=th_c54]


Christy, thanks for the update. The kitties sound like they're doing fine. Waiting for a baby puts everyone on pins and needles, doesn't it? [smilie=th_anyminute]


Michele, I'm melting LSC Bedazzled too. Do you love it? It does this to me: :cupid-arrow:



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