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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


Happy New Year with Scents of Good Cheer!

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Laurie - luv your candle accessories....so purdy! [smilie=th_happy096]


Mpfand - I think U win the high temp of the day award. Get out the suntan lotion! :lol: We have a freezing rain advisory for tonite and tomorrow morning. [smilie=th_baaaaa] I'm SO hoping it doesn't materialize. I can drive in snow. No can do ice.


I'm melting Nene's Cake Batter Ice Cream. Vedy good vanilla! [smilie=th_ahaaha]

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Laurie - I love all the pretty beachy things - so nice!



Debra - it's a house blend from Candles By Victoria. She and one of her daughters came up with the scent based on the description of the character in the books. I can totally relate to the "you DO smell good" line uttered by Alice, because if this candle is any indication, the scent is hard to resist.




mpfand - 73? [smilie=th_LaLaLa]


Today I melted LOL's Powdered Cinnamon Doughnuts, and had one of those "who's baking" moments when I forgot I had it on. We actually were baking today (bread and cookies) but not cinnamon doughnuts so sit messed with me for a minute. That one's a keeper. Strong enough to be really good without singeing your nose with spice, and 1/2 a popp tart lasted more than 8 hours.


I think now I'll toss on my last AMS Peppermint Patty. It's a nice one, but doesn't stick around long.

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Laurie, great photos!


Silly, I'm glad your DD is feeling better.


Today's memorable melts were:

Homemade Cheesecake from Cuyahoga Valley Candles. One of the first cheesecake scents I've actually enjoyed. Also did another Blueberry Muffin but still didn't care for it.

Blueberry Muffins and Gardenia from Sparklepuss both had good throws. I didn't find the gardenia scent very authentic.

Not much luck with Pixiedust Scentsations today. 7Up Pound Cake, Pralines & Caramel and Pink Sugar Cookie did not have much ooomph.


Same candles.

Going to bed with Sugar Cookie Dough Bread from Sugar & Spice. Now this is mmmmmmmmm!


Have a good evening, all!

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Good Morning [smilie=th_oregonian_mornincoffe


Its a cold rainy/icy morning here in the mtns of NC and I am trying to muster up some strength to move forward!! Having off yesterday was nice but I am dragging today!!


Melting Carols incredible Fresh Picked Strawberries cause it REALLY makes me SMILE [smilie=th_ecd36868]


Have a really nice day everyone [smilie=th_806e4b7f]

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Hey y'all: It's a little foggy here this morning and the snow is melting ,but we are in for some very cold weather this weekend. I really could use some sunshine to lift my grumpies.. [smilie=th_WE1summer013]

I am melting Can-Do Oklahoma Snowdrifts. This is a great scent and I wish I had ordered more of it. I hope the world is right with everyone today and I will catch you later.

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G'mornin' buddies. [smilie=th_oregonian_mornincoffe


I'm melting Haley's Hansel & Gretel's House, one of my big faves. [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]


Hope you all have a good day. Those of you in cold areas, snuggy up and stay warm! [smilie=th_autumboy]



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Good Morning!


The weather is terrible here. Snow, rain, ice and slush. I had to go out in it this morning. Supposed to go out tonight but I am thinking of cancelling. It is just a nice day to stay inside.


I am melting Can Do What's Cookin? and LOL Cookie Dough. I am burning YC Iced Christmas Biscotti , PI Oatmeal Cookie and Warm Glow Candy Corn. This is great candle burning weather.

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Morning! [smilie=th_oregonian_mornincoffe


I have the same weather Michele...YUCK!



Apple Pumpkin Fritter from LOL

Apple Butter Poundcake from LSC

Apple Flapjacks from CFTKR


[smilie=th_dancing_smile] Can't wait for them to melt!

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It's true... it IS good candle-burning weather! It's grey here but at least it's not snowing.


It has brought out the annoying door-to-door people though. I don't get it - our neighborhood has numerous no soliciting / no loitering / etc. signs up, and I have a No Solicitors sign under my "UNWELCOME" gargoyle sign next to the doorbell, and 80% of those dingalings still ring the bell or knock.




I don't answer the door, but it's still irritating because they make the dogs bark. And bark. And bark.






Oh well. Back to focusing on wax - yum! It's day THREE for Hello Dolly from CBV in the pups' room, Lucky dogs. It had toned down enough that I couldn't smell it in here, but that's a much smaller room and they get that treat. I want a candle of that one.


Today it's Gingerbread from LOL. Another yummy winner from them. I hope I get my box from them soon... I need some 32 Degrees bad.


Have a great Tuesday!


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After finishing up the Zucchini Cupcakes from Crosscreek, I put on Hansel & Gretel from LSC. Sadly, I have to dump this one. It is not a bad scent, but it is just not pleasing to my nose. I think there's molasses or something in it.


Moving on...Carol's Jelly Donuts now

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Popping in after a rough morning of waxtastropies and bad bulldogs-lol!

Any one want a slightly used, naughty bullie? [smilie=th_806e4b7f]



Blackberry Jam Butter Cookie-CFTKR

Cool Citrus Basil-Kristen's


It's all competing with the huge pot of chicken soup I got going on.

Hope you all have a great day, I am off to find a replacement melter... :crysmiley1:

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I have a No Solicitors sign under my "UNWELCOME" gargoyle sign next to the doorbell,


Seriously? Do you really have a gargoyle that says unwelcome?

You sound like a kindrid spirit.

I want one!

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Popping in after a rough morning of waxtastropies and bad bulldogs-lol!


Hope you all have a great day, I am off to find a replacement melter... :crysmiley1:



What happened?? Did your doggie break your melter?

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I'm melting a lovely, lovely scent from a forum friend, Nene's Strawberry Pine. Who knew I'd like this one so much. Apparently, my friend knew! [smilie=th_bighug-1] Thank you!!!



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