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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


Christmas Time, Scents Sublime

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Michele, thanks bunches for the Coffee Icon info. [smilie=yes]


SweetTart, that sounds like such a lovely birthday dinner. What a thoughtful fiance you have!


Candlefan, enjoy the snow!


Sweet, the country's weather is kinda crazy, isn't it? [smilie=th_a136]


I'm burning Slatkin's Frosted Cranberry and going to settle in with a good book.


Have a cozy, restful night, my friends. [smilie=th_slider_bigsleep]



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Yucko trep - we had mouse stench earlier in the fall - it was coming in through the outlets in the wall! We put duct tape over them and that solved it.



mp - I think grownup stockings are fun - but they can get really expensive. By the time I get the itunes, Starbucks cards, etc., I have an investment!


Tonight is Scentsy Winter Wonderland.

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Good Morning, everyone. It seems like the stench is much less this morning so hopefully it is drying up. It was coming up from the heating vents and it was pretty bad yesterday. Hopefully, it is about over. Starting the morning out with Yankee Christmas Cookie. Have a great day.

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Oh Trep, I feel for ya! In our last house there was this terrible order in the family room, downstairs...couldn't figure where it was coming from...finally after sniffing around for a while, found 2 little mice in the wall under the vent return...How they got in there..I do not know! [smilie=help] What a stink for such little creatures! PU! I guess that's the bargain for living in the country.


Sweettart~ Happy Birthday to YOU!!! [smilie=th_1819] [smilie=HBday] Sounds like you had a wonderful early birthday outing with your fiance! Enjoy your day!!!


Candlelove~ I've also been burning the Italian Christmas Biscotti...it's great isn't it?


Melting lots lately but can't keep track...


Cold Winter's Night from CYS

Glistening Snow from Can-Do

Olde Fashioned Christmas from LOL


Have a Smelly Day! :wub:

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I'm sorry I've been AWAL lately. We have been having furnace issues, so we have reluctantly decided to replace our 9 year old furnace. 1400.00 in a month's time is too much for parts. Thank goodness for 1 year interest free. I am melting Santa's Pipe. I can't remember where from.. I really like the cherry/tobacco notes. I hope everyone is staying warm and getting lots of their errands done.

We have 3-4 " newly fallen snow and I am heading to my massage guy in a bit to destress.

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Gooooood morning! [smilie=th_sml29]


Kinda funny that we've been talking about a whole new scent lately. Something tells me a tart named "Dead Mouse" wouldn't be a big seller. [smilie=th_roll] I'm glad the smell is lessening for you, Trep. A friend of mine once had the most horrid, rotten smell in her house. Couldn't find the source, couldn't get rid of it. She ended up tearing her bedroom apart from top to bottom and found a decaying lizard between her mattress and box springs. Life in the desert... [smilie=th_puke]


Katz, I'm sorry about your furnace costing you so much. That's never good, and in December, it must be really awful. [smilie=th_empathy]


I'm melting Haley's Hollyberry. It's nice, has a decent throw, everything's fine. It's just not one that makes me go [smilie=th_thwoohoonaner2gy] so I'm not sure if I'd reorder. [smilie=th_cha69]



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mp - I think grownup stockings are fun - but they can get really expensive. By the time I get the itunes, Starbucks cards, etc., I have an investment!

Isn't that the truth! My kids' stockings are like a gift in itself. They're teens now and Hot Wheels and a new box of crayons just doesn't cut it anymore! I love stockings, though. They've always been a big part of our Christmases.


This morning I'm melting Cranberry Spice from Scentsy.

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Happy birthday SweetTart! [smilie=th_f0424ea25f87db180cc7d (thread started in 'Birthday Wishes)


Trep - Glad to hear it's smelling more like tarts and less like P U in your house. This fall when it turned cold I had a mousie in...IN! :shock: in my house, too. I saw the kitties playing with what I thought was a toy, then wondered why they ALL were around it, so investigated. When I saw it was a tiny mouse I freaked [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_fluc , but was able to clamp a jar over it and take it outside. Far...FAR away. [smilie=th_m4t3zo4] Ugh. What mighty hunters those kitties were. [smilie=th_smilies-2] They all got extra tunie fishes that night. [smilie=th_catkiss]


Katz - geez, how frustrating a furnace that's only 9 years old could go kaput. [smilie=th_smiley-crying]


Michele - have a fun vacation in (hopefully!) warm Florida! [smilie=th_WE1summer013]


I'm melting Haley's Pumpkin Seed and it's [smilie=th_fabulous1] !

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Good morning!


Katz, I hope you have a wonderfully warm winter with the new furnace. Maybe in the long run it will return the investment because the new furnaces are supposed to be energy effecient.


My stocking was always one of my favorite gifts. My mom always filled it with so many little goodies. She does the same now for my DD.


Great update on my dad!!! We fired his old oncologist last week as this just was a jerk and he wasn't treating my dad's pain problem properly. He also took several days to return phone calls and 3 days at a minimum to write out a new prescription for pain meds for a person having level 10 pain. Jerk jerk jerk and a word that begins with a d barely begin to describe this idiot oncologist.


The new oncologist is amazing. He's located within a major cancer center on LI. Not only does he focus on treating the cancer, but his priority is to ensure a good quality of life and treating the side effects of cancer such as pain which my dad, up until this morning, was having a lot of. I just called my mom and she told me that his pain is already greatly reduced. I called him and he sounded so happy and hopeful on the phone. Getting him there was a major effort and without his home health aide there would of been no way for us to do that. She knew exactly how to mobilize him. When my dad arrived he was fine but once he sat in the wheelchair he was in level 10 pain again. The cancer center's staff immediatley got him situated in an examination room so he could lie down and relieve the pain. His old oncologist could care less. The new oncologist's main goal is to fix the pain, not just numb it with more narcotics. He examined my dad to find the source of the pain. Whatever he did, he found the new perfect drug combination because my dad is so much better. He's now on Celebrex which is an anti-inflammatory which my dad needed a long time ago. The old oncologist didn't want to give him this because he was afraid of my dad getting an ulcer. Jerk jerk jerk. Celebrex is also an anti-colon cancer drug. He also gave my dad a muscle relaxer that is commonly used to treat sciattica which is what my dad was diagnosed as having before the tumor was found. The tumor is causing the sciattica.


He is also going to systemically treat the cancer that has spread into his bones with a treatment that his prior oncologist never told us about. They are going to inject him with a radioactive solution that will not only target this painful tumor but also all of the other ones that aren't yet painful. It's sort of like systemic radiation treatment. Since he will be radioactive for a few days he will have this done as an inpatient in the hospital. He's very excited to be getting a private room. :-P The oncologist then looked over all of my dad's records and was a shocked look on his face said, "I can't call this colon cancer yet. None of the pathology says this. It's likely but not a sure thing yet. Why didn't the oncologist do any genetic studies on this tumor?" I told him I had the same concern as about the pathology because none of it says it's coming from the colon. There is a tumor in the colon but it may be premalignant. There are tumors elsewhere, especially in his lungs. His common colon tumor marker is also normal which is just plain weird for someone with so much disease. The oncologist is going to get all of the pathology slides, and do the genetic testing on the tumors and find out where the cancer is definitely coming from and which chemo will work best. My dad will resume chemo shortly after the radioactive injection. I loved this doctor. He had issues with stuff that I've been having issues with for months now. I didn't tell him my issues beforehand. He just started talking about all of this stuff and my eyes lit up. I was like, yeah...finally a doctor who can think and question things. A doctor who will treat and fix a problem instead of numbing it or putting a temporary and ineffective band-aid on it. Yesterday was just amazing! There is still no cure and we all know this. But for him to be out of pain and feeling better is all that we need. If he can get some more months or years and still feel good then we are happy with that. I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I think my Christmas present came early this year.


I'm melting:

Chocolate Raspberry Drizzle - CFTKR


I'm burning:

Christmas Tree - YC

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Candlefan, enjoy the snow!


Thanks, Gail, but wouldn't you know it, the snowstorm completely fizzled out-- absolutely nada! Nothing. The weather forecasters said that the storm, which had looked very promising, hit dry air and weakened. Right now, there's no potential snow or precipitation in sight, so I don't know what to think! This year the mountains are getting heavy snow, which is where our drinking water comes from, so I guess I better not complain. Everyone here is being warned to water all our trees and bushes, which I suppose I better go do before I forget.


LLVV, I'm sure hoping for the best for your dad and family. So glad to hear some better news!


Melting the rest of Can-Do's Chocolate Gravey this afternoon.

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Wonderful news and so much hope and life quality for your Dad. The doctor/patient relationship is a very powerful combo and it sounds like you have found the right doctor.

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Hey there guys! I am baaack! smilie008.gif I got a new mouse for my laptop...the touch pad stopped working! I now have a cute, wireless red mouse and it works perfectly! bananaxmas.gif


I'm melting Pink Christmas from Crosscreek. Not a huge fan of the "pink" scents, but this one is really good. It's got a pine-y note.img22.gif


LLVV, so happy to hear your news...contined prayers. angelic.gif Sounds like the new doctor is really on the ball. It's good that your Dad's pain is being treated. Hugs.


SweetTart, 5430129c.gif Hope your day is awesome!


Trep, hope you get rid of the Eau de dead Mousie scent!pong.gif


sweet&spicy, Pumpkin Seed sounds cool...is it spicy or just pumpkiny? scratchinhead.gif


Off to fold sheets from the dryer...Have a nice evening!



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[smilie=HBday] SweetTart --hope you are having a wonderful day. How do you like having a December birthday? Mine is Saturday and I have always kind of wished it was in the summer rather than so close to Christmas.



LLVV--so glad you got a different doctor for your dad. Sounds like you have a keeper this time. I will continue to pray for his healing.



This afternoon it is Yankee Vineyard--this is one strong scent but I love it.

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sweet&spicy, Pumpkin Seed sounds cool...is it spicy or just pumpkiny?

Aria - the Pumpkin Seed was both! Really liked it and it lasted forever. [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy] It was one of the big 2 oz cups, so I cut it in half. If you'd like to try it, shoot me an email (found in the member area) and I'd be very happy to send you the half! ;)


LLVV - I'm so happy that you've found what sounds to be an excellent physican for your dad. [smilie=th_clap1]


I'm melting Lasting Scent's Cinnamon & Sugar from a generous CF friend. [smilie=thank_you] It's sugar & spice & everything nice! [smilie=th_yay]

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That is really great news, LL. I bet this gives all your family some peace of mind now.


Skylar - you have a bunch of super neat avatars. I am very jealous! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]


Today is Haley's Christmas Splendor once again...I think I overbought!

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Good morning. WE are getting some more snow this morning. DH was able to get my battery charged late last night. Furnace guys are SUPPOSE to be here in the AM to put the new furnace in. I have been at home all week and really need to get some stuff done. I found a melt from EW. I think this was a tester that Riss was considering for her line. It's called Snow Fairy. Hopefully, it still has some scent left. I am also melting Santa's Pipe. This one is still packing some scent. Have a great day everyone.

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Aria - the Pumpkin Seed was both! Really liked it and it lasted forever. [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy] It was one of the big 2 oz cups, so I cut it in half. If you'd like to try it, shoot me an email (found in the member area) and I'd be very happy to send you the half! ;)


That is so nice of you...I was just curious since the name was so different. You enjoy that other half girl.


I'm melting Orange Crumble Cake from Can-Do...very delish.


I am going to run errands and then do some things around here. I have a coupon for a free poinsettia from our local tree and garden place! They always have beautiful trees decorated and displayed...I'll probably end up buying at least one ornament too!


TeddyWreath.gif Have a great day and happy melting!

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Katz - glad you're closer to getting your furnace. Hope you're able to stay warm in this cold/snowy weather. [smilie=th_autumboy]


I'm melting Cheryl's Christmas Wish. Sooooo good! [smilie=th_cc15] I've been checking Cozy Cottage wondering why she never put her Christmas scents up. Now I know why...just saw it's for sale. :shock: :crysmiley1:



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Good morning!



Blueberry Zucchini Bread - CFTKR



Christmas Tree - YC

Gingerbread - YC

finsihing up Pumpkin Pie - YC

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