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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


Christmas Time, Scents Sublime

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LLVV, it is always exciting when you meet another candle nut in real life! Did you "ooo and aaahhhh" over her stash, or play it cool?


Just popped in a YC Frosty Air tart. Have avoided it because I'm not a huge mint fan, but I was surprised how much I like the cold smell, so we'll see. Hope everyone is enjoying their week!

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Hello all!!!


Whew, having a bit of a messy day here like LLVV said. Very cold, windy, and messy, but not too much of the white stuff. I would like it more if it were a Saturday or Sunday, I do not like driving in the snow or ice at all!!!


LLVV, You are absolutely gonna love the Keurig. Don't worry about anything going wrong with your machine, the company has the absolute best customer service. When I first got my 6 years ago, it would click when I opened the top to put the Kcup in, nothing major, just a little click. I called them up, they send me a brand new machine,and didn't want the old one back. I still have the new one in my basement still in a box. Really, they are wonderful. Also, I have a company that I order from, they deliver to your house, and the cups are only $9.99 for 24, not like Kohl's or Bed Bath & Beyond, that only have 18 cups for the same price.


The cookie exchange I went to last week, was sooo much fun. I came home with the most wonderful selection of cookies, which I froze for the holidays. I am gonna make another batch of the cookies I made, they came out awesome!


Last nights melt was Mistletoe & Fig, it was scrumptious and pretty strong too!


Still haven't picked up all of my gift cards yet. I do have a Xmas budget, and hoping I have a little left over, we need some saddle bags for the hubby's motorcycle, and they were a bit much to spend on Xmas. Hopefully, he'll get a bunch of gift certificates for Xmas and he will have a good start towards getting them.


I hope everyone is safe in this crazy weather. Have a wonderful day!

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All this talk of Keurig's makes me wish I could get one, but I just can't justify it since we invested in a Bunn a year or so ago. It makes great coffee, but I love the variety a Keurig offers.


Earlier today I melted Sugar Cookie from Cake Candle. Thank you CF buddy! It was delicious. Now I'm melting Christmas Buttermint Cupcake from Bella's and Silver Bells and Snowberry from Scentsy. These are all in different rooms, but are wafting throughout the house and smell wonderful together.

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Hi everyone--just got back from the Yankee store. They started an in store promotion today--all candles B2G1 and all tarts and votives $1 through Christmas Eve. Since it is an in store promo you can use coupons so I bought my two jars, got one free and had a $20 off $45 coupon so got all three large jars tax and all for $32 --not bad if you ask me. So, I am a happy gal. I came home and my house smelled so good as I had left candles in two crock warmers--North Pole and Peppermint Swirls so the house smells nice and fresh and winter like.



LLVV--how neat to meet another one of "us" at the party. Gives you lots to talk about and it is always fun to meet another addict. [smilie=th_thwoohoonaner2gy]

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LLVV, how fun for you to find a new candle buddy! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


Sillys, would you mind sharing the name of the company you buy your K-cups from? [smilie=th_myspacepunked_sign000 Stay safe driving on those messy roads!


I'm melting LSC's Apple Cinnamon, another perfectly delightful melt from this company!



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For all those having a Keurig on your wish list.....don't forget ebay. ;) Probably not right now cuz people are willing to pay bigger bucks for the last minute Christmas rush, but later, after Christmas it wouldn't hurt to haunt ebay a little. A couple years ago I was able to get a Keurig for less than half price. And now Keurig comes in a smaller size, too, so to get that one at a good price, really wouldn't be too pricey. I've heard good things about Green Mountain's Hot Apple Cider. [smilie=th_thumbs20up] Anyone try that K-cup yet?


Trep - thanks for the heads up on the Yankee tart/votive sale. [smilie=th_dancing_smile] I haven't gotten in to sniff the holiday/winter scents yet, so now might be a good time. [smilie=th_c61]


I'm melting Can-Do's Christmas Cookie.

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Hi All-


It has been a busy day around here. I went shopping for my stocking stuffers and just trying to get everything packed and ready for our trip.


I have to add that I love my Keurig also and I got it for Christmas last year. I have had no problems with it. DH likes to make his own coffee and bought a special dispenser Keurig sells so instead of using a K-cup he just puts his own coffee in the dispenser. I use the K-cups.


I am getting ready to watch the Biggest Loser. I am hoping Frado wins tonight because he is such a great guy. He was my DD's soccer coach for years.


I am now relaxing and melting CCCC Pink Jingle Bells. It s a very nice scent but not the strongest throw. I am burning YC Snow Angels and YC Italian Christmas Biscotti.

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Evening everyone!

We are still really cold here but tommorrow we should warm up to about 25 and it will feel like a heat wave compared to what we've had the past couple of days!


Tonight I'm melting CFTKR Apple Flapjack and Cherry clove Chutney and

Scentsy Gingersnap


Have a great night!

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Eeeeeek! My post just got poofed away!


I am too tired to re-type....


  • burning Holiday Sparkle from Colonial
  • melting Spiced Pine from Can-Do


Hope all is well with everyone...nighty-nite

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Thank you all for all the Keurig info - sounds like we have lots of fans here! The ebay tip is a good one. I don't know why I don't think to look for things (other than tarts, LOL!) there!


I am home late tonight and I have a nice lil tart package from a buddy - thanks so much! [smilie=snoopy] I am gonna melt Cheryl's Spicy Winter Sensations while I get ready for bed!

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Good Morning everyone. I am starting out the day with Yankee Juicy Grapefruit. We have a dead mouse either under the house or in the walls and so I needed something strong to cut the odor. I just hate it when that happens--it has been a really long time but once in awhile one of the little critters dies in an inconvenient place. [smilie=th_gagme] Have a great day everyone--I need to buy groceries and do some house cleaning and cooking.

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I love pugs..owned them for years at one time! DD wants a coffee maker...don't think I am springing for a pricey one though!


Recent melts:

YC evening primrose

YC Christmas cupcake...yummy

Lasting Scents voodoo love

YC kiwi berry...really like this scent, but the tarts are so weak I had to double it!

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Just started melting...'Tis the Season from Crosscreek


Well, after a busy weekend and two snow days, the kids are finally back in school today...thank goodness. I need a vacation.


Today I have some shopping to do, some baking, laundry and gift wrapping.



Have a great day everyone! eggnogsantas-vi.gif

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Hey all!


Just checking in real quick, I have to go to a wake for my best friends dad, soooo sad.


Anyway, Puppylove, I get it from a water distributor thats local here, I'm sure if you call around, I know for a fact lots of those distributors, sell other stuff and most are now selling the K-cups. Make a couple of phone calls. I know I end up like I said with 25 cups for $9.99 rather than 18 for $9.99 in the stores. Let me know how you make out.


Will try to check back before the weekend, tomorrow is the funeral and then I've got last minute Xmas stuff going on.


Have a great day everyone!

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Aria, your little Santa emoticon is so cute! My to-do list mimics yours; shopping, baking, gift wrapping and laundry.


Just found out last night that my in-laws are coming for Christmas. I'm glad I hadn't shipped their gifts yet! Now I need to go shopping for stocking stuffers for them. I don't want them to feel left out Christmas morning. What kind of stocking stuffers do you get someone in their mid 70's? [smilie=th_scratch] I had a hard enough time with their gifts! This morning I'm melting Sugar Cookie from Scentsy. Have a good day, all!

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MPFAND, I have the same problem with my inlaws little stocking stuff. I went to the dollar store, got funny stuff, magnifying glasses, pill boxes, all little stuff like that, little gift cards for coffee, fast food, they always seem to love that stuff.

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MPFAND, I have the same problem with my inlaws little stocking stuff. I went to the dollar store, got funny stuff, magnifying glasses, pill boxes, all little stuff like that, little gift cards for coffee, fast food, they always seem to love that stuff.

Oh, those are great ideas! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy] We have two dollar stores nearby that are pretty good so I'm going to check them out. Thanks so much!

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Aria, I've had posts go poof too. Don't you just hate it when that happens? :mad: Love your exhausted Santa emoti!


Sweet, I haven't tried the apple cider K-cup. Need to, need to. I bet it's really great!


Trep, ewww, I hope the mouse cadaver is easily found and dumped. [smilie=th_gagme]


Sillys, [smilie=th_teks0311] for the info on the K cups distributor. I'll have to check that out! So sorry to hear of your BFF's father's passing. I hope the wake and funeral are lovely.


I'm melting Haley's White Christmas. This one's hard to describe, but it's a definite reorder. I smell eucalyptus, evergreens, maybe a hint of vanilla, maybe a touch of mint. It really makes me think of walking out the door after a fresh snowfall.



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Silly-Sorry about your friend's dad.


No melting for me yet today.


Gail-I have bought K cups for discounted prices on coffeeicon.com.

Give them a try. The prices are better than in Bed Bath and Beyond.

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That stench sounds awful, Trep! Thank goodness it didn't happen in the summer heat thought.


This morning I wasn't in the mood for a candle, so I just scooped some wax out of my BBW Moonlight Path candle into my electric melter. I've been enjoying the scent all day, but now it has pretty much faded. I think I might empty it out and start melting YC Bayberry, an all-time Christmas favorite of mine.


We are finally supposed to get a little accumulating snow along Colorado's Front Range this evening. I'm so excited! The last significant precipitation we had in the Denver area was way back in July, so I'm hearing about all these other snowstorms around the nation and feeling a bit jealous. Yesterday was so sunny and warm that everyone was driving around with their windows rolled down and people were walking around in short sleeves, no jackets.

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LLVV- Oh how awesome to find out another candle fanatic!! I on the other hand, havent found someone i know who have the same candle fanatic interest. :( But i have you guys and me all happy. :wub:


Puppylove and Aria- Oh i hate when that happens with the whole typing and it just POOF like that!! Frustrating isnt it? [smilie=th_gif] and when that happens you cant remember how you word things from that previous post and found that the last one sounded way better. [smilie=th_u51]


Well yesterday fiance found out that his schedule had change and have yesterday off so he wanted to take me out yesterday for my bday since he wont be off saturday. So sweet of him. We went to Rainforest Cafe and had a lovely delicious dinner and great service from our waiter. Not only that, i bought a mixed drink where i could take the sovenior glass home. It was a nice bday dinner i must say, thanx to fiance of mine. [smilie=th_slider_flirt]


Recent melts:

CFTKR Guava Fig

CFTKR Orange A Peel- Oh my goodness!! This is even better when melted comparing it with the cold sniff!

Can-Do Cucumber & Cream- this smells like the cucumber melon from BBW mixed with cream! Very nice!

FM Pineapple Milkshake- this i didnt really like for some reason. It had an unpleasant undertone like old artificial not so good pineapple scent kinda thing.

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We are finally supposed to get a little accumulating snow along Colorado's Front Range this evening. I'm so excited! The last significant precipitation we had in the Denver area was way back in July, so I'm hearing about all these other snowstorms around the nation and feeling a bit jealous. Yesterday was so sunny and warm that everyone was driving around with their windows rolled down and people were walking around in short sleeves, no jackets.

Candlefan - [smilie=th_sSig_what] ....no snow? First, Puppy...who lives in the desert....says it's gets really cold, there. :blink: Now you, in Colorado....where I always mentally picture having snow.....doesn't have much of it. [smilie=th_th1ptgno] Go figure. [smilie=th_cha40]


Trep - hope the mousie stink [smilie=th_stink] doesn't last long and you find a waxie that's stronger than it.


I'm melting Nene's Honey Graham Pie Crust. Yummmm!

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Tonight I'm melting

CFTKR Toffee Pie

Scentsationals Berry spice

Mia Bella Home for the Holidays

CFTKR Fir and Balsam

Have a nice evening everyone!

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I apologize girls, as I have not read the most recent posts. Just a busy time here like everyone else, no different. Miss the forum here and whats been going on. I hope to be on more soon.


Today I am burning candles and not melting. I have YC Christmas Wreath in the kitchen and YC Happy Christmas in the living room. Then I have a Christmas Tree candle going in my bedroom as well. It was a gift from my son's GF's mom. Its from Organic Living...which I am thinking is something spun off from like Home Interior.


Love the Christmas Tree scents around for the holiday's, not straight pine though.......bleh! Have a wonderful end of the work week all. Take care and talk soon.

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