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Spook-tacular October Aromas!

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This morning it is Yankee Autumn Fruit and Huckleberry Layne Very Vanilla. It is chilly here this morning and supposed to freeze hard tonight but then warm up for the weekend. I won't mind the freeze as we need to kill off the last of the pollen that has been flying around and stuffing everyone up. Ha!! Have a great day, all.

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Guys.gif Good Morning! Getting ready to go run some errands and pick up some more Halloween candy. After running out last year very early in the evening, I vowed to make sure I have enough treats on hand for all the little goblins and ghoulies!


Melting Holiday Hugs from Carol....oh MY!!!! This smells EXACTLY like ginger ale!!!! And it even smells fizzy!!!! Has anyone else tried this one yet? It was the prettiest shade of pink so I am melting it for a dear friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer and is having surgery today....please pray for her. Her name is Pat and she is such a treasure. Thank you...



All these Halloween emoties are SO cute! This has probably been asked before [smilie=th_pardon]....but, where do ya'll get em?


I'm melting SH's Gobin Sin-o-mon Cake and burning ACG's Aunt Kooks Apple Cider candle.


edited to make sense [smilie=th_foolish1]


sweet, you are too funny girl...."edited to make sense" rotfl2.gif I have collected tons of smilies and graphics over the years and snag a majority of them from Photobucket. bf-skullsmile0.gif


Okay, off to run errands....have a great day kvasthexa.gif

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Must admit, I'm a wee bit jealous of all the cooler temperatures. I don't envy those storms in the midwest, though. How did everyone fare? That was a whopper of a storm so early in the year. I hope it's not an indication of what's to come.


Denny, thanks for those bookmarks. Emotis here I come.


Aria, I was out of candy before Halloween last year. I bought mine too early and can't be trusted with Twix minis in the house.


Holiday Hugs sounds so good, I'm going to order some today. I like the smell of Ginger Ale. Right now I'm going to hunt down a pink melt in honor of your friend, Pat.


Melting BG - Green Apple Pucker

adding a pink CYS - Strawberry Sage custom

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Aria--am praying for your friend, Pat.



This afternoon I am burning candles from YC in Spiced Pumpkin and Pumpkin Pie and my Autumn Fruit is going great under the lamp. It is very chilly and windy here today but sunny so it is not too bad. Just signs of the season, I guess.

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Must admit, I'm a wee bit jealous of all the cooler temperatures. I don't envy those storms in the midwest, though. How did everyone fare? That was a whopper of a storm so early in the year. I hope it's not an indication of what's to come.


Denny, thanks for those bookmarks. Emotis here I come.


Aria, I was out of candy before Halloween last year. I bought mine too early and can't be trusted with Twix minis in the house.


Holiday Hugs sounds so good, I'm going to order some today. I like the smell of Ginger Ale. Right now I'm going to hunt down a pink melt in honor of your friend, Pat.


Melting BG - Green Apple Pucker

adding a pink CYS - Strawberry Sage custom



thcoffeescreen.gif Jules! OMG, you are hysterical girl! I know what ya mean though...it is so tempting. Thanks for thinking of Pat... [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_] I think Carol may be out of Holiday Hugs at the moment. I was looking for the scent description this morning and didn't see any listed. Hopefully, she will remake that one soon. I swear it's gingerale though.


LLVV, have you tried Holiday Hugs yet?


trep, bless your heart...thank you [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_]


Off to brew some icon09_040.gif

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Prayers for Pat...hope everything will work out ok.


Today it's FM Cinnamon Bread Puddin. Gosh...I LOVE this scent!!!

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Aria-Praying for your friend Pat. I hope all goes well for her.


I haven't been melting much this past week. I just haven't felt like it. I have been burning some candles.


Today I have a quiet day home and I am melting CFTKR Candy Corn and CCCC Candy Corn Cookies. These are scenting my house nicely and are not too overbearing. Very nice.

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Hi buddies,


I started out the day with LSC's Baked Apples. SO good! Now I'm melting a wonderful pink Raspberry Guava from SSS for Aria's friend Pat. I hope all goes well for her today and into the future.



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Aria, i will say prayer for your friend Pat.


Burning candles this evening YC Spiced Pumpkin and Pomegranate Cider. Melting YC Mandarin Cranberry.

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Skylar - Happy birthday to you! [smilie=th_8d1933ff] (thread started in Birthday wishes)


Denny & Aria - thank U for the emoties sites! [smilie=th_yourock]


Aria - YES! [smilie=th_thumbs20up] I think Holiday Hugs was one of the first ones I melted from my last order from Carol. I ooo'd & ah'd over it in this thread about a week or so ago. It's SOOOOOO good! When I can't find a scent in Carol's store, I look at her feedback and can usually find someone who has left feedback on the scent I'm looking for. Click on it and you can see what the description of it is. I'm saying prayers for your friend Pat. [smilie=th_bighug-1]


I'm melting CrossCreeks Scarecrow Hollar.

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CBV Twilight scent shot (1/2) in the bedroom and Reese's Peanut Butter Scoop-some scent in the kitchen. I am headed up to bed very soon..........vedy tired tonight.


Hope you all had a great day. I didn't get to read everything so I hope I didn't miss anything very important.

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Aria, I have your friend in my heart, and a pink Bubblegum by Scentsy in my melter.


Halloween candy, OMG, what a ritual! I have to buy a bag early and "test" it so I know what to buy for real! And then half the time we are not home for the evening- more for me!! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr

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[smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr Happy Friday everyone!!


Sending up special prayers for Pat!! Bless her!!


Its a cool 36 degrees here this morning...lovin it [smilie=th_thwoohoonaner2gy]


Melting Carols incredible Pink Pumpkin...OMG this scent is amazingly awesome!! [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]


Have a blessed day [smilie=th_autumboy]

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[smilie=th_bb20] Everyone--it got down in the 20's overnite but should be a nice afternoon. I am starting out the day with Yankee Spiced Pumpkin and Vanilla Cupcake and Huckleberry Layne Very Vanilla. Hope everyone enjoys their day.




Aria--how did your friend Pat's surgery go? I pray she makes a swift and complete recovery.

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Fall has finally arrived in the desert and I'm loving every minute of it! Melting Haunted House from Bella's, Pumpkin Roll from Scentsy and a little pink for Pat; Flirtatious from Scentsy.

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Good afternoon!!


I want to thank everyone for all the heartfelt wishes for Pat. Her surgery went fine. She will face a lot in the upcoming months. I'll keep you posted from time to time on her progess. Again, thanks so much.


sweet&spicy, I do recall you raving about a scent last week! That must've been Holiday Hugs....what a fantastic scent. Thanks so much...your a good woman!


Melting Can-Do's Spiced Clove this afternoon. I was gone for most of the day helping out at school. Halloween is always so fun for the kids at school...treats, pinatas and games. One of the moms made the cutest "eyeballs". Donut holes dipped in melted white chocolate and then an m&m for the iris and squiggles of red icing making the eye look bloodshot. She then stuck a plastic fork in each and had them all standing in a box lined with that crinkly shredded paper. I think she may have had something like sand or styrofoam underneath to make them stand up. Anyhow....they were a hit with the kids!!!!


Have a great afternoon!

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Hi there everyone!

Today I'm melting Fabulous Fudge Brownies from Gold Canyon

YC Frosted Pumpkin and Candy Corn

CCCC Hot Apple Pie one of my favs from Deana


Sweet ..thanks for the birthday wishes,I had a great day !


Aria Prayers to your friend Pat,I hope everthing works out for her.

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Happy birthday Sillysmom! [smilie=th_ef7d03c7] (thread started in Birthday Wishes section)


Aria - those donut eyeballs sound adorable - in a perfectly goulish way just how kids like em! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_fluc


Just starting to melt CrossCreek's Yummy Mummy.

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