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The Person Below Me Game

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You're funny, Maggie! I don't know much about Heartsy, but they have several deals every day, really good deals at least 50% off. I think it's just for Etsy sellers. There's a certain number of vouchers offered for each deal and when they sell out, the sale is done. I haven't tried them but I do watch the sales.


I don't burn a candle every single day, but more often than not I have one going in the evening. Lately it's been PI's Grape. Mmmmm!!!


The person below me types really fast.

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Thanks Gail...I'll check that out! :)


I type "kinda" fast.


The person below me is buying or has recently bought a new pair of sandals.

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I came close to getting a new pair, but then thought of one of the cats that luvs to bite my bare toes [smilie=th_shout] , so I passed em up.


The person below me likes catsup, but not mustard on their hotdog.

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Nope, I don't. I wear glasses when driving and don't want to pay big $ for a prescription pair, so I just put up with the sun.


The person below me is going to visit a YC store to check out their SAS.

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No, probably not...unless I get a gift card from a student.


The person below me sometimes orders scents based upon the name.

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No, but DH and both kids do. :huh:


The person below me eats more fruit than veggies.

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Well, um, because I see lots of dirty cars on the road. Mine's usually the worst! :huh:


And how did YOU know I just planted two butterfly bushes a week ago?!?! [smilie=th_200912104451] We is psychic, you n me. [smilie=th_31]


The person below me loves iced tea in the summertime!

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Many years ago, but, yep, I have.


The person below me would choose frozen yogurt over ice cream.


I just planted two butterfly bushes a week ago

Puppy - those really do attract the butterflys! [smilie=yes] Hope U get lots and can take pics of em!

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Hey...let me get on this bandwagon...I want some butterfly bushes too! I keep meaning to get them but have never stopped to do it!


These days, yes, frozen yogurt it is!


The person below me usually has a glass of "something" next to them while on the computer.

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Hey...let me get on this bandwagon...I want some butterfly bushes too! I keep meaning to get them but have never stopped to do it!

MaggieMae - It's not too late - go get U some!


Goodness, no, I don't (can't). :o With all these kitties flying to and fro around the computer, having any liquid around it is an accident waiting to happen. [smilie=th_th1ptgno]


The person below me hates to kill bugs in the house and assigns that task to someone else.

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Sweet, thanks, I'll have my camera at the ready!


Maggie, jump on the ol' bandwagon and get some butterfly bushes! We can all start a whole new thread under "Off Topic" and talk about butterflies! [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_]


I hate to kill bugs so I take 'em outside whenever I can. Now, icky flies or black widows, they just gotta get squished. [smilie=th_sign0164]


The person below me has had no luck with palm wax.

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That would be me! [smilie=th_Whistle] But a little birdie named "Sweet" told me that Busy Bee has some good palm...they are on my "to try soon" list.


The person below me likes painted toenails in the summer.


Oh...I'm going to the farm this week to get me some Butterfly bushes...now where should I plant them????

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No painted toenails 4 me. I have a kitty that likes to bite bare toes [smilie=th_roll] , so I cover em up.


The person below me likes grapes, but not raisins.


MaggieMae - I'd ask at the place where U buy them to make sure, but I think the butterfly bushes do well in sunny spots. Or was that a rhetorical question? :lol:

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