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A Scentember to Remember

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The Slatkin Ginger Vanilla has a stronger cold sniff than the actual burn BUT for some reason not known to me, I REALLY like it. It is not as strong as Vanilla Coconut, if that helps. I suggest you buy either the 3-wick or a few of the smaller ones when they are having a sale. Keep your receipt and if you don't like them, you can always return them. Works for me!


Afternoon melts:


Front: Candle Dippers ~ Orange Pomegranate ~ my first melt from them and wow, really like this scent


Back: SSS ~ Tropical Twister ~ always a good one for me (although medium throw)



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Well, I got a couple of complaints of the Candledippers Vineyard... boys said it smelled too "girly" :P Hee hee. So we replaced it with some LOL Dole Whip... one of my all time favorites!

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It is rainy and gloomy here in Georgia. We had some awful storms last night.


I'm melting Autumn Fruit from Yankee.


Olive - I saw on the weather channel that GA got a ton of rain. :P Hope you're safe & dry!

Anyone else on here from there? [smilie=th_e16]

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sweet....I'm in Tennessee and we have also been getting so much rain!


Today's melt is Bread puddin' from Can-Do.

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sweet....I'm in Tennessee and we have also been getting so much rain!


Today's melt is Bread puddin' from Can-Do.


Awww....Cindy, I'm sorry to hear that. Seems TN has gotten a lot of storms this summer. [smilie=th_e16] Stay stafe! :P

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Good afternoon and evening!


I've been out playing with pups most of the day but now I'm home and melting Nene's Louisiana Diva.


Those of you getting bunches of rain, stay safe and dry!



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thanks, Cisley. I am going to try that scent.


good evening, all. I've been playing with all these tarts today. I'm finding the BrownBags are on the mild side, or they start out strong then soon fade after an hour or so, but I've tried the Autumn Leaves and Raspberry Zinger. both very nice.


tonight it's CFTKR- Apple Crisp in the kitchen and Welcome home in the LR. both are so nice.

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This evening I'm melting a CFTKR sample - Warm Vanilla Sugar. Nice scent but too light for me.

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Denise, I do find many of Carol's scents to be on the light side. But, even though I've had a lot of misses with her scents I've also had some great hits.

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Denise: I have found the same thing, when they are light, they are light, but when they are strong, wowie zowie, they are great!!!


Evening melts:


Front: Can Do ~ Sugared Cranberries ~ a tad light for me, my husband likes it just fine


Back: CBV ~ Cherry Almond ~ nice scent but I HATE dealing with the wax after it's cooled. If I don't pour it, it's a pain to get out of the melter.



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Tonight's melts are:

Alternative Breeding - Big Bad Apple

WnS - Mele Kalilimaka (in DS's BR)

Burning candles:

YC - Macintosh Apple

Gold Canyon - Grape

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Hi everyone! Sorry I've been such a stranger lately. I am a grad student and this is one of my worst semesters ever in terms of managing my workload, plus I joined a fantasy football league so that has taken up some of my computer time.


Anyway, I really enjoyed a couple of my SH candles this weekend, Honey Graham Cracker Supreme and Lemon Poppyseed Muffin. Then today I was enjoying a tropical-scented tart (Caribbean maybe? it was yellow, GHBT I think) and accidentally left the melter going all day while I was at school. Oopsie! Luckily the apartment hadn't burned down when I got back. At least it smelled good for the gremlins who occasionally eat things out of our fridge (so DH tells me...).

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