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A Scentember to Remember

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Good morning everyone!

I chose SSS, Raspberry Guava this morning. I'm trying to finish my summer melts this week.

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Good morning!


ARIA - It's CRANBERRY WOODSPICE! I have it melting right now...very very close to YC's Autumn Gold...maybe even the same.


Right now besides Cranberry Woodspice I also have Buttered Maple Oats melting and am burning YC's Pineapple Cilantro.

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Good Morning !


Trying a new one from Nene's this morning....Ginger Milk Latte`.....love the name and the cold sniff is pretty darn good.


lana, love your pics! Both you and FSIL have very contagious smiles! :shock: I see that sac 'o melts you are holding! Love it!


Not too much planned today....I may venture to the mall and visit YC.


Have a great day!

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Lana, great pictures! I too, love your bag of loot. You hold those melts like they are made of gold. :shock:


Can-do Lemon Lime (need more of this sweeter and less tart than a Paradise type )

Busy Bee - Pecan Log

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Good Morning All!

Everyone's melts sound wonderful!


For this morning I'm melting

Sweet Surrender Harvest Spice and Apples

Can-do Spicey Apples and Peaches

YC Shortbead Cookie




Lana,thanks for sharing your lovely pictures,I bet that was one fun trip!


Jules...I also love Can-do's lemon -lime,it's such a nice scent.

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Changed to Can-Do, Apples Oh My.

This is wonderful! I'm smelling juicy apples and a touch of spices. YUMMO!



Lana, It looks like you had a wonderful day. :shock: [smilie=th_WooHooRainbowWaveJackie_vi7] Lots of goodies!!

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Lana - [smilie=th_thwoohoonaner2gy] such yummy tarts you found! Your happy faces look like you had a wonderful, fun day.


Aria - what did you think of the Ginger Milk Latte? I got that, too and am not sure about the cold sniff.... :?


Tunisianswife - do those sweet pups in your avatar belong to U?


Melting Nene's Cafe Vanilla Latte. Don't think it's vanilla-y enuf for me. Still good, tho.

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Lana...enjoyed those pics!...I'm sure I would have needed a wagon to haul my purchases out! [smilie=th_thwoohoonaner2gy]


Very humid day in SC...starting out with YC juicy orange (weak) and Can-Do garden terrace (love it, and it is strong!)

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Happy Saturday Everyone!


Lana, love those pictures! So great that you can hang with your FSIL!




He is truly a young man that I will be proud to call my son. He refers to us as Bonnie & Clyde, because he says we are partners in crime!


With my daughter being sick, and my job driving me totally insane, I have been in a really bad humor lately. He called me up Thursday night, and told me that I was taking off Friday and we were going wherever I wanted to go, because he had to cheer me up.


Melting Blue Gecko's Peppermint Noel.

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Good morning,


Wowza, that FSIL of yours is a definite keeper, Lana! Verrrrry thoughtful young man! Thanks for sharing the photos. They sure made me smile. How is your daughter doing? I've been thinking about her for weeks.


I'm melting CFTKR's Watermelon Cotton Candy. It's competing with a yellow cake baking in the oven and holding its own quite nicely. Such a great l'il meltie!


Have a terrific Saturday, my friends.



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Good Morning Everyone!


Wow ~ Saturday is a wet one here. We are going to clean the house ~ Yipee


Front melt: Can Do ~ Blackberry Croissant ~ very, very nice


Back melt: Can do ~ Blueberries & Cream ~ yummy (someone suggested this one and I can't remember who it was so THANK YOU, I would never get something with cream because I'd figure it would drag down the fragrance but it smells nice and sweet)


Lana: Wow, what a nice FSIL and what a Stash! Thanks for sharing your photos with us.



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Lana - [smilie=th_thwoohoonaner2gy] such yummy tarts you found! Your happy faces look like you had a wonderful, fun day.


Wow, Lana what fun! looks like you came away with a scrumptious stash!


Aria - what did you think of the Ginger Milk Latte? I got that, too and am not sure about the cold sniff.... :?


I'll be interested to see what that is like because I ordered that from Nene's also and was one of my top must sniff/try first scents


Tunisianswife - do those sweet pups in your avatar belong to U?


Yes, it's my lhasa and one of my shih tzus that was taken two years ago. Both were strays that I got from the shelter 6 yrs ago. I recently(about 3 weeks ago) added another shih tzu that just turned a yr 9/6. I love my tzus! thanks for asking



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Lana....great photo's! Thanks for sharing!


Susan....your dogs are precious!


Today it's Spiced Pumpkin Brulee from BG. Wow!! Love this!!

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Awesome pics Lana and FSIL: He's your "partner in crime". I can hear it now: Sorry hon, your Mom and I spent all of our grocery money on our little candle road trip. But, our home will sure smell good this week!!. This beautiful, crisp Indy afternoon I am melting SSS-Apple Jack. I hope everyone has a great day. :P

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Aria - I just want to make sure that you saw my prior post at 8:23. It looks like you were posting at the same time I was and I'm not sure if you ever saw my post about YC's Autumn Gold. Anywhoo...CFTKR's version is Cranberry Woodspice. I think you'll love how similar if not exactly the same the two scents are. I haven't smelled Autumn Gold in a few months but I'm 99% sure that it's a 100% scent match.

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Melting Caramel Spice in the kitchen and living room, Satin Sheets in the MB and Luxe Vanilla in the powder room, all from Scentsy. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!


Lana, loved your pics! Your FSIL sounds like a keeper.

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This afternoon I am burning Country Fair Funnel Cake from CBV !!! :P



Lana it looks like you had a good time. Congratulations on hitting the jackpot with that FSIL of yours. I wish I could say the same about mine. I like him just fine, but he wouldn't be my "partner in crime" that is for sure. Your a lucky lady. :lol:

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Wow! I'm melting Can-Do Vanilla Butter Fudge for the first time ever, AND :P

It won't be the last time! It smells like buttered popcorn with a hint of sweet and bakery.

I will be ordering tons of these next time!

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Good morning!


ARIA - It's CRANBERRY WOODSPICE! I have it melting right now...very very close to YC's Autumn Gold...maybe even the same.


Right now besides Cranberry Woodspice I also have Buttered Maple Oats melting and am burning YC's Pineapple Cilantro.


I LOVE CRANBERRY WOODSPICE! I think you are correct...the two scents are very similar. I know I have some of that CW around here, probably haven't melted it since last winter. Thanks so much girl!



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