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March Melting Mania

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Good morning all!


Last nights melt was Chocolate Raspberry Moelleux from Blue Gecko. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised with all the scents I've gotten from them, I think they've all been so good they would be a reorder, and this one, holy smokes, what a great scent and massive throw. Hubby said it was too strong, but we toughed it out, I wasn't wasting a minute of this one!


Have a great day!


I totally agree!!!

that scent is just great and soooo strong!!! All of the Blue Gecko's scents are very strong. I am using only one cube from the clamshell and is stronger than some big tarts from other companies (I won't be naming YC [smilie=th_76d65c2f] )

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tonight I am melting


YC Blue Hydrangea- this just confirms that I am not a floral girl but I really wanted to be




Blue Gecko- Downy Lavender Vanilla- strong, I have it in the bedroom and I can smell it all the way to the kitchen where I have the YC tart melting.



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Bigred, I got a huge tart sample of that Claire Burke from Carol. Does it smell like ladies' perfume?


Tonight I'm melting Chocolate Drizzle from Cheryl. It's very rich and chocolately. Only do chocolate scents once in a while, but I'm enjoying this tonight.

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Oh, ha! I thought you were curious about training a cat, Lana. I hear you on the "why would you want to" part![smilie=th_aa17] I'd much rather just live with and love 'em! And yeah, let 'em do what they're good at - training humans. :lol:


Bigred, I hope your back is feeling better.


Cat01, sending good thoughts. How awfully sad that you've turned off your melters! :oops: Feel better.


Okey dokey, I know I'm kind of off topic here, so I'll hush up now. :P



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Doing some catching up. I haven't read the scent of the day and many of the frequented posts since I've been back in IL Sunday. So busy with work this week!


Melting Aged Merlot. Thank you my dear sweet CF friend! This smells so good! Wish I had a glass of merlot to go with it. But I'm trying to be good, at least during the week.

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Bigred, I got a huge tart sample of that Claire Burke from Carol. Does it smell like ladies' perfume?


Tonight I'm melting Chocolate Drizzle from Cheryl. It's very rich and chocolately. Only do chocolate scents once in a while, but I'm enjoying this tonight.


It doesn't really smell like perfume to me - it smells more like a musky floral. I haven't smelled the actual Claire Burke Original perfume so I can't tell you if it's a dead on dupe. My tart was also the HUGE one she sent as a thank you gift for her last sale. Those things are monster sized!

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Puppylove, two days on the spiced pumpkin nectar from Cheryl's? :P More pumpkin or nectar coming out?

Craving late night fruit this evening, so melting:

Get Whipped ~ Tangerine Twister

Crosscreek ~ Fresh Squeezed Oranges

LOL ~ Raspberry Buttercream

Heart2Heart<------------night owl lately

Hope everyone is sleeping peacefully [smilie=th_bb20]

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[smilie=th_bb20] I am meltong Bear Claw from Cross Creek. I never order bakery scents but everyone was talking about this one being great so I took a chance and I LOVE IT!!!! It is fabulous!

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Susan; I think we're all ready for the snow to be done!! This morning I am melting CHC-Bamboo Cabin. This is one of my all-time favorite scents. It is going on 8 hours melting and still going strong. I hope everyone has a safe Friday the 13th.

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Good morning! I have CFTKR's Original Sugar Cookie and Lemon Poppy Seed Cake melting away.

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Good Morning-

I am burning candles this morning. Still on melter hiatus,but figured that I could at least enjoy the flame.


Colonial-Cozy Cashmere

LOL-triple layer jar-Really Red Velvet Cake on top.

Warm Glow-Snickerdoodle

Full Moon-Wild(pillar)

Have a good day all.

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Im melting "Black Cherry Crumble" by CBV. This is one strong scent and Ive got it going in the kitchen and now its all over my house. Mmmm I like this one. Very very strong!


Love your avatar!!!!



I melted Bear Claw from Crosscreek from 8 am until 11:30 am. It was wonderful, but so sweet I got sick on my stomach. Then I remembered why I don't like bakery scents. But if anyone likes bakery scents, this is a super strong good one. I have now put on Cross Creeks Fresh Laundry and it is THE BOMB!!!! I JUST LOVE FRESH SCENTS!!!!!! My stomach already feels better. I am so glad I found out about Crosscreek on this site. These are some of the strongest best smelling tarts I have ever purchased!!!!!!!


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Hi all I just changed out scents - that Claire Burke from CFTKR was still strong this morning as was the other scents - I put them on at around 9 last night so I got 14+ hours out of them.


Now melting:


K - Lemon Sugar & Candied Violets - CFTKR - A very nice moderately strong scent


LR - Lilac - PI - This is the truest floral scent I've smelled from PI and it's quite good


BR - First Bloom - PI - This is an awesome scent



Also burning some candles:


K - Casablanca Lily - GC

LR - Spring Bouquet - YC

BR - Rose - GC

Bath - White Rose Truffle - Colonial


Also burning two YC Cherry Blossom votives in the bath.




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Puppylove, two days on the spiced pumpkin nectar from Cheryl's? [smilie=th_12E9EC16] More pumpkin or nectar coming out?

Craving late night fruit this evening, so melting:

Get Whipped ~ Tangerine Twister

Crosscreek ~ Fresh Squeezed Oranges

LOL ~ Raspberry Buttercream

Heart2Heart<------------night owl lately

Hope everyone is sleeping peacefully [smilie=th_326db8b3]


Good morning everyone. Or good afternoon to all you eastern time zone friends!


Yes Heart, at LEAST two days. I finally dumped it this morning because I just wanted something new. But it still had life left in it. [smilie=HBday] I just checked to see what Cheryl's description is because I am wildly crazy [smilie=th_tigger] about this one, but there's no description. I smell a bit of pumpkin and some cinnamon but there's something else that's just mmm mmm good. It must be the nectar, but it's not at all perfumey or too sweet.


This morning I'm melting AMS Love Spell. It's just getting started but it's yummy. I definitely smell some juicy peach. In case anyone's interested, Christy's description is: A blend of Cherry Blossom, Muguet, Red Apple and Georgia Peach, with hints of Tamarind and Blondewood. [smilie=HBday]


[smilie=th_bb20] to all!



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Happy noon!


I put on HoT - Carolina Wedding Cake this morning and it's still kicking out a yummy scent.



Question about Bridgewater Candle's Solitude scent:


I put what I thought was Solitude on last night, and although I really liked it, it smelled nothing like the floral/woodsy description. It smelled spicy like cinnamon, ginger, frankincense, cassia. That type of thing.


Maybe I grabbed the wrong tart but I could swear the label was Solitude. I even tried to fish the wrapper out of the trash can but I couldn't find it.


So, my question, for anyone who has smelled Bridgewater - Solitude. Did you find it to be a floral like the description or a spicey scent like I experienced?

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