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March Melting Mania

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Happy noon!


I put on HoT - Carolina Wedding Cake this morning and it's still kicking out a yummy scent.



Question about Bridgewater Candle's Solitude scent:


I put what I thought was Solitude on last night, and although I really liked it, it smelled nothing like the floral/woodsy description. It smelled spicy like cinnamon, ginger, frankincense, cassia. That type of thing.


Maybe I grabbed the wrong tart but I could swear the label was Solitude. I even tried to fish the wrapper out of the trash can but I couldn't find it.


So, my question, for anyone who has smelled Bridgewater - Solitude. Did you find it to be a floral like the description or a spicey scent like I experienced?


Jules I have a large Solitude jar and it does smell more like you described, with hints of powdery floral - it's really good but just not like the description. I have a tart too but haven't yet melted it. If the tart was white, then you definitely melted Solitude.


Bridgewater's Plumeria is more of a spicy one too but also really good - that tart is red. It's very different than the usual plumeria.

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Good to see you posting again MommyluvsNoah!


Today it's Sin City from EW. This is one strong tart and smells wonderful! [smilie=th_326db8b3]

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Good afternoon smellie lovers! Thanks for that description of Cheryl''s pumpkin scent puppylove. I love when there are extra notes in a scent to make it unique.

Welcome back mommyluvsnoah. Blackberry jam butter cookies is a good one. I like Crosscreek's too.

I'm melting LOL ~White Chocolate Peppermint Bark (a custom heavy on the peppermint). [smilie=th_326db8b3]

CCCC's ~ Pink Crush

EW ~ Pink Sugar type

Nene's ~ Orange Coconut Torte (in a small room)

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Hello there, Mommyluvsnoah! :lol:


Thanks Bigred. Yes Solitude was a creamy white color, and I did like it but got no floral from it. Sanity has been restored. Even DH commented on the cinnamon scent last night. No lotus petals, white rose or orange flowers.

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Good afternoon....and happy Friday the 13th!!! LOL


No melts going right now, but I do have my brand new Goose Creek jar candle burning. The scent is Spice Cake and it's very good. A very nice bakery scent...more cake than spice I think, but still fantastic! I really like the look of the jar and the label is very pretty....very rustic looking. I 'won' this candle on ebay and I think I may go back for a couple of their pillars....

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Hi Everyone!


I had a very busy day yesterday. No time for melting. Today it's GHBT Dragon's Blood. This is a new scent for me. Too soon to tell if I like it.

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Howdy Mommyluvsnoah! :lol:


My AMS Love Spell is going strong and smelling wonderful. The peach has faded somewhat and now it's more like apple plus some other fruity scent. Almost a hint of citrus. I'm likin' it a lot!


Boy, some of the scents you all are melting/burning sound really yum!



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Hi Mommy!


Denim - I also get a little queasy from bakery scents - odd, huh? I like them at first, then...


BidRed - Whoa - you must feel like you are in a florist shop! How lovely.


We had Taste of Home magazine's cooking school here this week. I went and won a huge bag of ziplock bags and storage containers as a door prize. Can you believe it? I sat there trying trying to figure out how I could use them to store tarts! Over the edge...I have gone over the edge. :lol:


I melting left over Christmas because I don't want to climb the stairs to put them away with the rest of the Holiday melties. The How Very Merry (last years) from Cozy is amazing - strong and it just won't quit! The Crazy for Candles Reindeer Poo is very strong, but the clamshell wax has gotten all crumbly - almost need a spoon!

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Hi Mommy!


Denim - I also get a little queasy from bakery scents - odd, huh? I like them at first, then...


BidRed - Whoa - you must feel like you are in a florist shop! How lovely.


We had Taste of Home magazine's cooking school here this week. I went and won a huge bag of ziplock bags and storage containers as a door prize. Can you believe it? I sat there trying trying to figure out how I could use them to store tarts! Over the edge...I have gone over the edge. :shock:


I melting left over Christmas because I don't want to climb the stairs to put them away with the rest of the Holiday melties. The How Very Merry (last years) from Cozy is amazing - strong and it just won't quit! The Crazy for Candles Reindeer Poo is very strong, but the clamshell wax has gotten all crumbly - almost need a spoon!



[smilie=th_jaja] You're over the edge...but you have the cutest avatar. [smilie=thank_you]

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I got home from work early today.


Still finishing up the YC Blue Hydrangea.


I will exchange it for something fruity soon, have Strawberry Kiwi from Blue Gecko ready nearby.


Also have Blue Gecko Downy Lavender Vanilla.

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I got home from work early today.


Still finishing up the YC Blue Hydrangea.


I will exchange it for something fruity soon, have Strawberry Kiwi from Blue Gecko ready nearby.


Also have Blue Gecko Downy Lavender Vanilla.


I love the Blue Hydrangea but it is a strong floral.



I still have all the same scents going and I seem to have gotten my GC Casablanca Lily candle under control finally although it still hasn't formed a full melt pool all the way out to the sides but at least the wicks aren't drowning any longeand it isn't tunneling any more either. The Lemon Sugar & Candied Violets from Carol is an awesome scent - a new favorite.

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Melting Amish Quilt from GHBT. This is so good. Also Cozy Christmas from AMS. I can never get enough of this!

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