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Giving Thanks for November's Scents

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Melting Coconut Curry from Angel Made Scents. Wonderful! In the bedroom it's Doodle bug from GHBT's! Have a great night!! :shock:

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Melts for today have been:


Frosted Sugar Cookie

Blackberry Jam Butter Cookies

Vanilla Buttercream Crunch

Wildberry Scone


Pumpkin Spice Lattè

Christmas Cookie

Java Twist

Birds of Paradise

Goumet Sugar Cookie


Frosty Farts

Drunk Apples

Time to add some new ones. I freaked out today when I had the Vanilla Creme Buttercrunch bag on the floor...bent down to take a whiff, and there sitting on top of the bag was a dynamo-sized roach! :shock: After my initial shock, I got a tissue and said to him," out of all these scents, you couldn't have picked a stronger one? Is that the best you can do?" I was a little perturbed that he had the audacity to walk on my tarts! Down the commode HE went!!!

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Dang Heart, how long did you let each one melt? This morning it's YC macintosh apple in two melters.....heading out to Charlotte, NC for a day of shopping. :lol: :P

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LLVV, My family and I watched the Shuttle go up last night from my front yard. It is a truly amazing sight the whole sky lights up this orange glow and then you see this trail of fire from the rocket boosters. Everytime one of the shuttles goes up we stand outside and watch it and everytime it gives me chills. My daughters will leave notes all ove the house with the time for lift off so we don't miss it.


Melting today, Nutmeg Nellies, Holiday Garland and Holiday Candied Fruit. All from CFTKR.

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Good morning.


I've got FM - Tuscany on one side of the house and CP - Rockefeller Center on the other side of the house.


Happy Saturday.

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Good morning!


Twinsmom, you're so lucky that you get to see the blast off in person! That's very cool!


This morning's melts are Sugar Cookie and Pink Sugared Spruce.

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Good morning! So far, it's downy clean breeze from missy's tempting tarts in the living room. I'll get the other melters going after I have my coffee and take a shower. We had thunderstorms all through the night, and even tornado warnings, so it was a wild night here. Power stayed on, thank goodness, especially since dh wasn't here with me. I'm a chicken home alone without him. [smilie=th_jaja]


Have a great Saturday, everyone!

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Guest Anonymous

Good morning!! I am starting out the day with everyones favorite Coffee with Santa, this is a first time for me! So I really hope I like it!


CFTKR-- Bear claw in BR


Almost country-- apple spice in the Hall


Have A Wonderful Saturday!

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Morning everyone....It's such a crappy day here. I'm feeling so lazy!


Today I'm melting CocoaPink's Orange Cranberry Spice.

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This morning I am melting Cheryl's 7-up Pound Cake in the comp room. A real fav of mine.


In the living room it is Sugar and Spice's Pancakes (with blueberry note). Have looked at this vendor several times but this was my first order due to the sale. This is doing nicely and they are 2 oz tarts. I wanted to check out before ordering a large amount. I got the grab bags of 8 (2 of them) and there was a nice selection of scents and no duplicates. Since this is an Iowa vendor, it will be great to support a fellow Iowan in this economy.

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I just started baby magic from missy's tempting tarts in my bedroom. I haven't started anything in the computer room or kitchen yet, since my darn back just decided to go out on me while I was in the shower. It figures I'd have trouble since dh is out of town. :? Oh well...at least I have a bunch of movies recorded on the dvr, so I'll probably be parked in front of the tv for the rest of the day. :?

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OH Heidi, I'm sorry that happened again. Ouch!


Watching The Hulk today to make sure it's alright for the kids to see. At least Edward Norton is in it.


I switched melts to:


CYS - Creamsicle Cotton Candy

CYS - Pink Lilacs

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Dang Heart, how long did you let each one melt? This morning it's YC macintosh apple in two melters.....heading out to Charlotte, NC for a day of shopping. :P :P

Dabba, the time varies depending on the melt...anywhere between 30 minutes and 10 hours. I do change them out frequently, amd some are tossed out if they are duds. What else can a lady do but replace the melters with other burners and new scents? :?

I don't always post everything I am melting. Just too many to list. :?

This morning "main melts" :lol: are CoCoMintFrost ~ Can-Do, TS ~ Lemon Sugar, EW ~ Blue Sugar, LOL's Citrus and Balsam, and Crosscreek's Buttermilk Pancakes. Do I dare mention the others? A "ten hour" isn't going yet today, so I better get moving!

Hope you have a nice shopping day Dabba, and take it easy Heidi...sorry about your back.

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Jules, how is that Rockefeller Center? What's it smell like and is it very strong?


Today I'm melting Yankee's Pumpkin Pie.


Hi Jason,


I just got CP's Rockefeller Center in yesterday's mail. [smilie=th_m4t3zo4] I had it going all last night and again today.


It was strong but didn't chase me out of the room. I put it in my hottest melter last night and after a while it got a powdery scorched smell so I poured it into a lower temp melter and it evened out nicely.

I noticed a berry (wine?) and evening air most with tree in the background and like a sparkly sweetness. It smelled like the foyer or the lounge of a very expensive hotel. I don't know, maybe I was influenced by it's name, but I liked it. It smelled like a fancy Christmas party. - better after dark.


It wasn't homey or comforing - more like a night out on the town. [smilie=th_happy096]

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Great description, jules - makes me want to try it!


Today I am getting caught up on my melting.


Cheryl's Amish Friendship Bread (raisin? Is that what I smell?)

Cheryl's Midnight Cove - wowie, this is a strong one! [smilie=th_happy096]

Angel Made - Frosted Lime Cupcakes

Sheba's Indian Harvest Pillar - with a new life as a melt.

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