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February's Fabulous Fragrances

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It has to! It was one of those mornings where-everything went wrong and its sooo bad that you sit down and cry-then laugh.


Let's just say that after I went down and found my basement flooded, my DD locked me down there so she could have a free for all in the kitchen. (4 years old) When I finally escaped-there were rice krispies all over the place. This is just a taste of my morning! I will say that-I got the water leak fixed-the krispies cleaned up-and a good story to hold over her head. When DH called me at his lunch break- I cried-then we both laughed.


What a fabulous day here in Missouri!


Thanks for checking in on me.

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Yikes, Cat - what a morning! Good thing all you had to clean up was the

Krispies when you got back upstairs!


Today's office scent is Lavender Vanilla by Blue Gecko.

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Cat....I could'nt help but laugh at your post! That's a memory!! My 3 and 4 year old Grand babies love to lock me outside!! It must be the age! That's so funny to them!!

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Cat... I am sorry I couldn't help but giggle, because that is something that could totally happen in my house! Kids think they are so sneaky... and I hate it when I am so furious I cry, just to turn around and laugh my butt off!

There was a bit of new snow on the ground this morning, so I put in my last Winter Wonderland from LOL... so strong and it smells just like a Christmas tree. The boys in my class are always a fan of this one.

I also got shipping notifications from Carol, Missy, and AMS.... so I should have a whole boatload of new candles on Tuesday, just before I leave for San Fran! [smilie=th_ecd36868]

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It has to! It was one of those mornings where-everything went wrong and its sooo bad that you sit down and cry-then laugh.


Let's just say that after I went down and found my basement flooded, my DD locked me down there so she could have a free for all in the kitchen. (4 years old) When I finally escaped-there were rice krispies all over the place. This is just a taste of my morning! I will say that-I got the water leak fixed-the krispies cleaned up-and a good story to hold over her head. When DH called me at his lunch break- I cried-then we both laughed.


What a fabulous day here in Missouri!


Thanks for checking in on me.


Aww you poor thing! Chin up. [smilie=th_slider_hi5]


4 year olds are very mischevious little creatures, aren't they?



Still melting the WONDERFUL Lavender from LOL in the BR but I changed the LR to Christmas Splendor from AMS, another great scent from Christy!

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Cat - you did have a bad morning. I'm sure my son would have locked me in the basement but we didn't have one when he was little. His daily antics included knocking over his milk at EVERY meal. I know he did it on purpose. Not even a small child can be that clumsy.


I'm melting Sweet Potato Pie from Cozy Cottage.

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I'm getting ready to burn AMS-Tribal nights votive. The Eucalyptus Spearmint is doing great and I can smell it in my family room. I'll report on the Tribal Nights later.



*ok, so it's later-- the Tribal Nights fills my bathroom and smells so good. I smell leather!!

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You guys are hilarious! I'd rather lock myself in the bathroom-at least I have smellies in there! Trust me I treasure all of it!


I am just thankful that she is the last one left at home during the day-I have 4 girls so its always crazy around here! Most of the time her and I get along famously,but some days-well-she locks me in the basement!




I am making salsa chicken today so the chicken is putting out its own thing-but I am also adding Vanilla of Pearl-CFTKR to the mix.

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Cat, I'm sorry for your awful morning, but you sure gave us a chuckle and almost made me wish I still had a little one at home. [smilie=th_slider_hi5]


I'm melting Ginger Fig in the kitchen and LR, Lilac Linen in the powder room and Amber Blush in the MB, all from LOL. Fireside from Phebes is in the loft and it's scenting that area nicely.

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Ok Cat... what is Salsa chicken? My husband just called and reported to me that our freezer came unplugged so we have 2 big chickens that need to be used up ASAP! I guess it is just a wonderful day all around. I also wanted to tell you that when I dropped my son off at the sitter he announced that I tried to cut off his finger, and I burned him, causing the sitters jaw to drop down like a cartoon. [smilie=th_slider_hi5]

Truth be told, I did smash his finger in the bathroom door cutting him... almost a week ago, and he burned his finger last night touching a lightbulb in a dog house over at the neighbors. I know he sounds abused, but I promise the child is just fine..... In case you hadn't guessed, he is 4 as well. :lol:

It is so fun to be a mom!!

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I've got Peppermint Kiss Kiss by EW going in the kitchen! WOW!! One strong tart! Also Island Fresh Gain from AMS in the bedroom. WOW!! Another strong tart!! [smilie=th_slider_hi5]

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I've got Peppermint Kiss Kiss by EW going in the kitchen! WOW!! One strong tart! Also Island Fresh Gain from AMS in the bedroom. WOW!! Another strong tart!! [smilie=th_slider_hi5]


I melted the Island Fresh Gain from AMS (it was one of my freebies) this morning and yes it is nice and strong and surprisingly pleasant for a laundry detergent type scent which usually isn't my favorite type of scent.

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Ok Cat... what is Salsa chicken? My husband just called and reported to me that our freezer came unplugged so we have 2 big chickens that need to be used up ASAP! I guess it is just a wonderful day all around. I also wanted to tell you that when I dropped my son off at the sitter he announced that I tried to cut off his finger, and I burned him, causing the sitters jaw to drop down like a cartoon. [smilie=th_slider_hi5]

Truth be told, I did smash his finger in the bathroom door cutting him... almost a week ago, and he burned his finger last night touching a lightbulb in a dog house over at the neighbors. I know he sounds abused, but I promise the child is just fine..... In case you hadn't guessed, he is 4 as well. :lol:

It is so fun to be a mom!!


They are all the same aren't they?-Salsa chicken is super easy and yummy! Just throw those chickens in the crockpot with equal parts salsa and water and cook til its falling apart. It melts in your mouth and is great if you just throw some cut up potatoes in the mix-the flavor is incredible. Low fat too!

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I'm melting EW-Fairy Forest this afternoon.


Katz - what did U think of this one? I got one too & the cold sniff is good. Is it perfume-y? (hope not). [smilie=th_slider_hi5]


Melting EW's Banana Nut Bread. Really good!

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