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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by NMhoneybear

  1. Hello everyone! :) Michelle ~ Hope DD is over the worst of it. Be glad you’re still close enough to take care of her. That’s the worst for me with living so far that I can’t help my girls when they’re sick or need me for any other reason. DD#1 told me the other day that the night of her recent breakup, all she wanted to do was get in her car and drive home. Sharon ~ Glad to see you and happy you didn’t give up on us! Michele ~ I’m happy the lavender tart did so well for you. Did you notice sleeping better? Debra ~ That Rocket Blue Sugar Lavender sounds right up my alley. I will not go to the website. LOL I’m experimenting with chopping up the rest of a Partylite Winter Warmth candle. We’ll see... Amy ~ We're looking forward to the long weekend as well. I’m glad I didn’t decide to fly out on Monday! I’m a bit nervous about being away from my Heidi Pie, though. She is so spoiled and I can’t imagine how it will be for her. She follows me around like a puppy dog. I’ve asked DH to try and come home for lunch the days I’m gone if at all possible. P.S. Forgot to report that on Sunday, Heidi’s six month birthday, she officially became a big girl since we put her litter box in the garage where the other kitties go. It took a lot of practicing for chicken treats to get her to push her head through the flaps. Maggie ~ Can I have the link to your shop, please? I can’t remember the name of it. VCS Winchester Mystery House - Fresh apples, corn husks, and spice - light, but nice ???? Started a Partylite Woodland Hideaway GloLite candle. There’s supposed to be brighter than other candles for some reason, and believe it or not, they really seem to be. Happy Friday!
  2. I’m so happy to see this!! I’m getting used to the other thing, but this is like an old friend. Thank you so much to whoever is responsible! Debra, is it Christina we have to thank? Can I send her a goodie box of tarts?? Please let me know. Michelle ~ Sorry to hear your DD is sick. Hope she feels better soon! VCS Witch’s Chair Homemade Pinecones and Lime Type
  3. Happy New Year! Michele ~ Enjoy the party! Mpfand ~ We were up, but when the clock struck midnight, I was rearranging one of my wax cabinets, and DH was playing on his electric drum set. Sharon ~ We’re also planning to go for a walk this afternoon. A walk on the beach sounds like my cup of tea, but I’d much rather it be warm. Years ago, my DH was on temporary assignment in Portland, and we took our girls to the beach for Easter. Let’s just say we froze our butts off. Amy ~ I heard a few fireworks last night, but the kitties didn’t seem to mind at all. SB Summer Breeze VCS Cream Cheese Cookie Monster BL A Marshmallow World Dessa’s Smoky Mountain Berries ~ Thank you, CF friend. :wub: This is just starting to melt, and I can tell it’s going to blow me out of the house . Well, I know it’s the last thing I need, but I am wanting to get in on the VCS pre-order today. I didn’t do the ST one the other day, so that’s my justification. And THEN I will be on a ban.
  4. Happy New Year, my lovely peeps! , Sharon! It’s always nice to meet another wax enthusiast! I’m enjoying some Yankee myself this evening. I’m burning Christmas Cookie and North Pole. Like most of you...Amy, Debra, Mpfand...we are in for the night. Took DD#2 to the airport this afternoon (DD#1 went back to Albuquerque a few days ago), and now it is much too quiet. Miss them already. Amy ~ How sweet that your DH likes my tarts. :blush: They are really so easy to make. Zeep Chai Tea SGA Lavender Cotton Candy Frosting ~ A gift from a sweet CF friend Starlit Ooey Gooey Caramel Apple
  5. Hello girls! Debra ~ Yes, I know that pinned-down feeling all too well. Kitten gets in my pocket and sticks there like glue. Unfortunately, Heidi hasn’t been sleeping with us much anymore. I’m so sad. (Many times in the morning she sleeps by me, but not between our pillows like she used to anymore.) Now that she’s a big girl, she loves to get into all kinds of shenanigans with her big sister, Lila. And if anyone remembers, Lila never did get to sleep with us much since she had ringworm as a kitten and had to be quarantined in the bathroom after the first few nights. Not the way we wanted it at all! Michele ~ Glad you are having such a good time! Amy ~ I was trying to take it easy today as well, but the Lush store was calling our name. The girls and I had fun with the BOGO sale, but in a short time, we all got overwhelmed and had to get outta there! It was a madhouse! Homemade tarties today in Nag Champa and Celebrate Christmas Type CFOW Mrs. Claus Cookies ST Rosalie I’m thinking about a Super Tarts Preorder this Friday. She’s going to be offering all of her Advent scents, and while I didn’t get one this year, I hear a couple (Candy Cane Bedtime Bath and Christmas Cookie Butter) are TDF.
  6. Merry Christmas, my sweet scent-loving friends! ???? Just popping in for a quick helllo. I didn’t sleep well last night and don’t feel well, but I’ve been busy most of the day. Christmas is a lot of work! I’m taking a break before I have to get more of the dinner going. Melting Christmas stuff all over the place, but my favorite that seems to be overtaking everything else is a small Gold Canyon jar candle in Days of Christmas. What a powerhouse scent! Hope you all are enjoying Christmas.
  7. Darn! I thought I posted yesterday! :o I must have forgotten to hit post. How's everyone doing?! I've been busy doing last minute running around. Did the last of my grocery shopping late last night, and was so proud of myself, but DD#2 wasn't pleased that I took too long in the store (she didn't want to go in so waited in the car ). Maggie ~ So sorry you're missing your precious Daisy. I know that is hard. BL Mrs. Crachit's Eggnog Pie ST Holiday Inn still going strong today Scentsy Lavender & White Balsam CFTKR Holiday Pomegranate ~ a gift from a sweet CF Pal Burning YC North Pole Have a good night, all! We picked up DD#1 from the airport today and our family is together for the first time in this house since moving in last January. Loving every minute of this.
  8. Hello ???? Michele ~ Bowling in pajamas sounds like so much fun! Debra ~ Cute that your kitties are hiding under the tree. Mine loved lounging under there until they got chased out by the presents. Amy ~ Travel safely home. Then you can breathe a huge sigh of relief. ST Die Hard ~ Pine Needles and Sugar Cookie ST Rosalie ~ This Twisted Peppermint and Coconut Cream Pie blend is AMAZING. Burning YC Christmas Cookie. Have a nice day.
  9. Merry Christmas, Susan! See you next year! Amy~ You are almost home. Focus on all the love your fur babies are going shower on you. Maggie ~ Hope you get lots of relaxation this break. You deserve it! And here’s to DH finding things to do “outside” of the house. Michele ~ I see you’re still at it! ???? Hope the luncheon went well! Where on earth do you get all of that energy?! I need some. Mpfand ~ Music always helps with productivity, doesn’t it? ???? ST White Christmas ST Ron ~ in honor of my DH just cause VCS Spoonful of Cookie Monster FP Mystery tart ~ And it’s a real mystery what’s in it. Not a big fan whatever it is. Scentsy My Dear Watson Picked up DD#2 this afternoon and she’s now napping. Glad I got most of my wrapping done! Now just have to make sure the kitties stay out from under the tree so they don’t rip into the packages. Lila is already at it.
  10. Congrats to your DS, Mpfand! AmyJo ~ Debra ~ Sorry you were the recipient of a middle of the night phone call. Hope you didn't have to get up too early in the morning. Michele ~ You are the Christmas queen. VCS Spoonful of Cookie Monster Zeep The Baker’s Wife Burning PL Balsam Snow. Have a good night.
  11. Hi there. Susan ~ Yes, good thing the power didn’t go out. Amy ~ Safe travels! BL The Year Without A Santa Claus ~ Gingerbread Pumpkin Caramel Pretzel Bake Zeep Wine and Dine Zeep Sweetheart I finally got our tree decorated yesterday, and my next goal is to have presents wrapped under the tree by Thursday when DD#2 gets here. No pressure here.
  12. Hi friends. Thank you for the hugs and good wishes. Really love you all. Susan ~ Hope you didn't have to travel far with all of that snow! Michele ~ Again, I am in awe of all you do. You are simply amazing! Amy ~ You keep making me laugh with all of the poop talk. Montgomery having poop the size of a boot... Debra ~ I miss CandleDippers. Loved her wax. Maggie ~ Soon you will be on vacation. I'm excited for you to have a break. BL A Marshmallow World ~ Peppermint Coconut Marshmallow Fluff Cake Zeep Oktoberfest VCS Fezziwick's Christmas ~ Thanks to a sweet CF friend Hope everyone's having a good day.
  13. It’s been a busy week. I’ve been helping DD#2 from afar with moral support. She had two big papers in French to write (10 and 15 pages each), and a comic book in French, plus a big English paper. She will be done at 3 o’clock today. And DD#1 is dealing now with a breakup and I can’t be there. This is the worst part about living 500 miles apart. You all have been so productive! Good for you! These days, I take each day as it comes, but hearing all your talk almost makes me feel guilty that I don’t have any lists, nor do I really care if I get it all done. LOL My tree still isn’t even decorated. But it’s just the two of us here, and we think it is pretty enough with only the lights and an angel on top. Besides, DD#2 will be here next week and she’ll love to help decorate it. I did get a new ruffled red tree skirt yesterday that the kitties look so pretty sitting on. They are wonderful Christmas decorations in and of themselves! I’ve had a lot of other things on my mind with tomorrow being the anniversary of my brother’s unexpected and untimely passing last year. Speaking of kitties, for a little kitten, Heidi pie sure plants some nasty stink bombs. Her litter box is still next to the toilet in the master bedroom, and I need to stay on top of it constantly. We have had a couple of field trips where I have taken her out through the pass way into the kitty area in the garage that has two litter boxes, but she hasn’t done her business out there yet. She hasn’t figured out yet how to push her head through the flaps, but I’m sure Lila will teach her in her own good time. BL Jingle Bell Cookies SGA Lemon Lime Fizzy Pop
  14. Debra ~ Hope you can make a dent in your list. I’m not getting anything done. I need to get this puzzle out of here! Susan ~ Your candle is making me feel like baking! And that’s something I rarely do anymore. Amy ~ Bet your DH and fur babies can’t wait to see you! Michele ~ You are amazing! How do you do it all?! Enjoy your wonderful party this evening! Melting some pumpkin VCS wax from July 2017. Two are light and one I was sitting right next to and couldn’t smell at all. VCS Headless Great Pumpkin VCS Spirit Seance VCS Ghosts & Apparitions ~ dud ST Mixed Berries Birthday Cake ~ my own potion pack blending Have a good day!
  15. Mpfand ~ Your dinner sounds yummy! Amy ~ Glad to hear you were able to catch up on some sleep. Debra and Maggie ~The Front Porch order was left on my front porch (haha), but my other two went to the mailbox and I didn’t get down there until today. Just didn’t feel well yesterday to go. Everything smells so good, though, now that I’ve had a chance to sniff! Susan ~ That Marshmallow Man sounds familiar. I wonder if I have that one in my stash. How was it? BL The Santa Clause ~ Cider Donut Milkshake topped with a Vanilla Frosted Graham Cracker BL Christmas with the Rockettes ~ Serendipity Peppermint Cream Candles Homemade Candy Apple Sleigh Ride Zucchini Bread Burning B&BW Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow and GC Pumpkin Cider. That Twisted Peppermint candle is one strong candle! I actually had to blow it out for a while because it was overtaking everything everywhere!
  16. Hello, my sweet friends! Sorry, I’ve been MIA. Sunday was DH’s birthday so DD#1 flew in for a few days. We shopped, relaxed, worked on a Christmas puzzle, and just savored each other’s company. We did hit the Yankee store and with my BOGO coupon, we each got a large jar and then one free small. She got Christmas Wish and I got the new Poached Pear Flambe. Hoping this Pear is as special as the one you all are talking about! Susan ~ How nice to have just a bit of snow. Pretty without the mess! Mpfand ~ Enjoy your parents. They sound like they’re getting the royal treatment! Debra ~ Hope Sophie decides to stop playing games and eat properly. Maggie ~ Love your new word for relax...”blob”. So cute! Can I use it, please? :wub: Michele ~ Enjoy nails and lunch today! Sounds like a relaxing day! You need it after all your running around. Aria ~ Glad you’re enjoying the tarts! It’s sure a fun hobby. Amy ~ Sorry to hear you’re not sleeping well. Can’t wait till you’re home in your own bed! Zeep I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus ~ not getting much here SGA Lemon Lime Fizzy Pop ~ Put this on last night in our bedroom and DH asked what smells good. Today it’s needing to go because it’s starting to smell like Lysol. Starlit Blackberry Sugar Cookies BL Strawberry Pine Cone Wreath Burning GC Cherry Blondie and Almond Biscotti. Trying to use these up so I can move on to some Christmas scents. LOL Today is a mombo delivery day for me. Hope DH works late! My $100 Front Porch, and SGA and Swanky Cyber Monday orders are all out for delivery. Have a great day!
  17. What a cute title, Maggie. SB Pink Peppermint Zeep Oktoberfest Homemade Lavender Apples & Oak
  18. Sorry you had such a sleepless night, Michele. I don’t ever drink coffee in the evening anymore. I’m so sensitive to caffeine that even decaf will keep me up. (Decaf does still have minute amounts of caffeine.) But if you’re used to drinking decaf at night, the pots must have gotten switched for sure. Darn. Glad you got the package, though! Debra and Maggie.~ These days, I make a concerted effort not to let that holiday anxiety get to me. I do what I want to do and feel I can do and don’t succumb to the pressure. It’s just not worth it. Besides, it’s too commercialized these days anyway. Tonight it’s Zeep Flat White and Sideburns. I might have to change the Sideburns one out in our bedroom. Not sure shaving cream, tobacco, and caramel is exactly bedtime worthy.
  19. Susan ~ Sorry things were so stressful for you. Glad things are back to normal for you! Amy ~ I’ll bet deciding what wax to bring is first and foremost in your mind. BL Monster Mash Munch ~ Green Apple Cinnamon Glazed Donuts with Cream Cheese Frosting Wilma’s Lush Gothic ~ This was a dud.
  20. Hi there. :) I don’t see my last post from yesterday. Ugh. Maggie ~. Don’t feel bad. Our tree is up, but that’s about it. DD#1 wants to help decorate it this weekend when she comes for DH’s birthday. Amy ~ Brrr. I don’t envy your cold weather one bit. And speaking of mail, I think my November binge packages are about to start rolling in , starting with a small Beezy Tarts order tomorrow. I still have my Front Porch, which is taking far longer than I expected ( I could’ve sworn she was RTS.), my ST Wax Wednesday order, Swanky Black Friday, and SGA BOGO Cyber Monday. I am now officially putting myself on a ban until Spring. You heard it first here! BL Micky’s Fun Wheel ~ Sugared Coconut Cherry Kettle Corn SGA Coconut Pear Birthday Cake Homemade Salty Sea Air Lavender Toasted Marshmallow
  21. Aria ~ So glad the tarts made it to your door and that you’re enjoying them. Aww...That’s the hard part of being so far from our babies. We can’t rush in to help them when they need it. But yes, they do find their own way. Amy ~ Bet your Easter warmer is the cutest. Wish you could share a picture here! Debra ~ Last time I was in Walmart, I noticed they had a ton of Yankee wax, but I didn’t have time to look. You better take a peek! SGA Pink Serene Waters ~ Enjoyed this gift from a sweet CF friend all night long. I had trouble sleeping, and each time I woke up, there it was. So pretty! BL Arriel’s grotto again Wilma’s Pink Watermelon Colonial Emerald Fir ~ a gift from a sweet CF pal Have a nice day.
  22. Good morning. Debra ~ That Rocket scent sounds delicious, mostly in the way you describe it, because I normally don’t like Pumpkin Pecan Waffles. You’d never know I was a pumpkin lover, but for some reason, this scent is too much of something. And you’re not alone in the leftover department. Amy ~ I don’t blame you for wanting to stay away from ladders. We’re going to wait until next weekend to do more holiday decorating. DD#1 is coming for DH’s birthday next Sunday and she asked me to wait for her. Michele ~ I’m so sorry DH has to leave again. Big hugs to you! But I’m glad you got a lot done. That’s a good feeling, and now you can relax. So nice that you’ve gotten all your shopping done. Mpfand ~ Yes, and it’s even harder when the person is oblivious to the problem. It just makes me nervous to see someone drink so heavily in such a short amount of time! Fortunately, the powers that be must have heard my cry and, though I love my SIL dearly and welcome her anytime, her boyfriend’s friend an hour from here invited them for football tonight and to stay the night. That gives DH and I the last day of his vacation to ourselves, and that is a blessing. So grateful. BL Ariel’s Grotto ~ Pink Sands, Fresh Strawberry Slices, and Blue Cotton Candy BL Hot Chocolate Sugar Cookie Dough Burning PL Beautiful Blue Sky ~ fresh citrus and juicy orange peel combine with aromatic eucalyptus, cedarwood and sandalwood. Not sure how I feel about this one. I absolutely love the way PartyLite candles burn, but they just don’t have as many of the types of bakery fragrances I love. Have a great day!
  23. Hi girls You all are being so productive! I’m jealous! We did put up our tree a couple of nights ago, but no other decorating yet. My SIL and her boyfriend came in yesterday from Wisconsin and are staying here for a few days. it is quite stressful. I’d never met him before and it is unsettling since he is an alcoholic. Is it Tuesday yet? ???? SH Gingerbread ~ Thanks to a sweet CF friend. Dessa’s Sugared Vanilla Shortbread SB Baja Blossom Tuscany Lemon Sugar Cookies ~ This scent recommended by Carolooni smells just like Trix cereal. Yum
  24. Happy Thanksgiving, my sweet friends! I’m also so grateful for all of you. Thank you for being here each day to support me in this crazy, fun wax obsession. You are the only ones who truly get it and I appreciate you! Amy ~ Yum! I’m definitely going to check out the Honey Baked Ham place soon. Maggie ~ I hope you get some down time this weekend as well. You sound like a busy beaver! ST Susan ~ Chocolate Orchid, Fireside, Cotton Candy Frosting, and Mallow Fluff BL Apple Brown Betty Zucchini Bread Burning GC Almond Biscotti and Waffle Cone Have a wonderful, safe holiday!
  25. Mpfand ~ You’re probably just having sympathy pains. Feel better! Amy ~ A Honey Baked Ham sounds good! I’ve never been there, but there is a store right down the street. Maybe I’ll check into it! Michele ~ I’m excited for you getting to pick up DH. I got mine a couple of nights go and the airport was insane. I even got lost for a bit. It was so stressful! Hope your experience is not like that. Debra ~ We’re getting cooler here, too. It’s down in the 70’s now. Maggie ~ Darn that you missed out on the pies. BL Thankful ~ Vanilla Nutmeg and Warm Maple Syrup BL Monster Mash Munch ~ Green Apple Cinnamon Glazed Donuts and Cream Cheese Frosting BL UGGS Pumpkin Butter Funnel Cake GC Dragon Flower Tea Lit my GC Autumn Walk candle for the first time. Love this one! And finishing a small YC Autumn in the Park. I’m sad the girls won’t be here for Thanksgiving. It will be the first time ever we are not together. DH and I are not planning anything. We’re going to take it as it comes. It’s probably a good thing because I haven’t been feeling well lately anyway. Hope everyone traveling out there stays safe. Happy Thanksgiving!
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