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Melting a LSC tart...bedazzled, is this yummy one. It has vanilla bakery type scent mixed with some kinda berry. This one is a keeper. I have been happy with every single one of her scents so far. Plotting my second order he he he.

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Hey girls (and guys), I am enjoying my first night in months of the DH at work...........LOL. He has been swamped with calls for subbing custodial in our district. Tonight and tomorrow he has the 3-12 shift at one of our schools. Don't misunderstand me, I love and adore my husband but I am way too young to be living the "retired" life and spending quite SO much time with the husband.....hehe. So what do I do? I go to Can-do-candles and place a wee bit of an order and here is my reason:


Tonight I am melting Can-do-candles Pink Sugar Cookie and OMG, OMG, OMG.........is all I can say. I have never smelt anything so freaking good in my life, EVER. I had to just go and order a bag of these and a bag of Lessies Whipped Honeydew (? I think thats the name), which is a favorite of mine and few other single tarts that I adore.


Also burning a CBV candle in Baked Apple Strudel. It feels so amazing to feel like a "housewife" again. I know all this sounds weird, but unless you have been in my shoes, you cannot imagine what its like go from one way of life to the total opposite. Imagine, being a woman and NEVER having the house to yourself for more than 30 minutes (while the husband it getting the garbage together). This is totally NOT his fault and my husband is always the biggest help and never a pest, but its just different and I am not quite ready for IT.



Sorry to ramble, just trying to make sense in all of my blabbering and such. Hope everyone is doing well. I am off to go watch some TV. Even the oldest child is OUT........yay! Its so quiet here. We don't quite know what to make of "IT". We call it "IT"........hehe. Thanks guys. Talk to you all soon. I didn't even read through the posts. I had to get here and share this with you all. Now keep in mind, he is still searching for jobs in his field but this will keep him (and me) sane for the time being. [smilie=th_WooHooRainbowWaveJack

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burning a Voluspa votive in Crisp Champagne.

Jules - what did U think of the votive...can U describe the scent? [smilie=th_235F35F32] Sounds interesting. Is your avatar the same cutie patoodie kitty or a new one? :wub: They're growing by leaps & bounds!


I'm melting Cheryl's Sweet Lemon Sugar. Luv luv luv it! [smilie=th_LOVE]

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Hey girls (and guys), I am enjoying my first night in months of the DH at work........It feels so amazing to feel like a "housewife" again. I know all this sounds weird, but unless you have been in my shoes, you cannot imagine what its like go from one way of life to the total opposite. Imagine, being a woman and NEVER having the house to yourself for more than 30 minutes (while the husband it getting the garbage together).

Maurie, you crack me up! Welcome to my world. [smilie=th_lol22] A retired DH can be challenging, although I bet some are more challenging than others. [smilie=th_tease1] There's actually a specific type of depression in Japan that's called "retired husband syndrome." I'm not kidding. It's real. You can Google it. Anyway, I'm very happy your DH is working! That's got to be so good for all of you! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]


I'm burning Haley's Sinfully Hot this evening.



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I know all this sounds weird, but unless you have been in my shoes, you cannot imagine what its like go from one way of life to the total opposite. Imagine, being a woman and NEVER having the house to yourself for more than 30 minutes (while the husband it getting the garbage together). This is totally NOT his fault and my husband is always the biggest help and never a pest, but its just different and I am not quite ready for IT.


I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. My hubby is a firefighter and until 20 months ago, always worked a 2nd job. [smilie=th_pullhair]


I work from home and as much as I love him, he drives me nuts. When I am in my office working, he'll hover over me until I scream "QUIT STALKING ME!!!" I feel bad but I've worked from home for the past 11 years and I was really used to my space so I totally feel your pain LOL [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet]


I say go for the Can Do order!! I adore Donna's tarts. My favorite tart ever is her Pretty Woman and Cast Iron Cookies is a close 2nd.


I have Front Porch Blueberry Cookies in the kitchen (since last night) and Scentsy Skinny Dippin' in my bathroom.

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Good evening everyone! Tonight's scents are:



Aunt Carol's Crumb Cake-Can-Do

Vanilla Caramel Spice-BH&G (smells just like LOL's Celtic Moonspice to me, which I just melted last night)



Banana Nut Bread-Village Candle

Chocolate Chip Cookie-Yankee

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Back a ways, but I want to add my 2cents - I LOVE Fabuloso Lavendar! I don't even need a tart for a couple hours after I mop.


My DH is home for a week, out of town for a week...lots of togetherness that one week in town. I get my "alone" routine all set - and BAM! He is under foot for the next week! :wacko: Poor guy can't win!


Tonight is Scentsy's Twilight.

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Lynn, your daughter will also be in my prayers. I hope she had some good news.


Best of the bunch lately:

Crosscreek - Love Spell (perfect dupe and great throw), Monster Munch

Terri's Scentsations - Pink Sugar (milder throw), Cranberry Compote (great throw and a very good straight cranberry scent)

LOL - Iced Pastel Cookies (a favorite but discontinued - smells sorta like jelly beans), Froot Loop Cookies (I never tire of this one...soooo good!)

Sugar & Spice Candles - Red Velvet Cake


I hope everyone had a good Monday and will have an even better Tuesday.

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I'm about to change out my living room, which was Florida Sunrise from Tara's Candle Cottage. It was so good and so strong all day long (sounds like a commercial jingle), but now I can smell it only up close (in fact, I just dipped the end of my hair in wax while sniffing- grrr)

I have Deep Blue Sea from Can-Do in my room and

a single clam of Squeaky Clean from Crabby Candle Co. in my bathroom

Rainy Night in Georgia by Brown Bag which was in my sons' room yesterday was not a stellar performer, so it's going too. Yipee! I love picking out the next scents!

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It was so good and so strong all day long (sounds like a commercial jingle), but now I can smell it only up close (in fact, I just dipped the end of my hair in wax while sniffing- grrr)



I'm sorry, but I just have to [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet]


I've done that before. Rub an ice cube on it, and you can pick it right off. (Okay, so maybe I've done it a few times before!)



I'm melting CFTKR "Iced Lemon Snaps" from yesterday's arrivals... It is to DIE for! Strong buttery sugar cookie, slight lemon notes. Very delicious bakery, and a "must re-order" for me! Also, even though it is a lighter fragrance, 1/2 of a bundt tart is scenting my living room nicely on my 24w plate warmer.

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I am melting Berry Bramble from YC. Its one of the treasures, and they have tarts in all of their treasures scents! Berry Bramble was one of my favs from way back. I got 2 jars and a bunch of tarts!!

Loving this one!


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Lynn, I'm sorry for the loss of your Mother in Law. But I'm happy with the news for your Daughter in law.


Today burning some candles: YC Raspberry Cream and Slatkin's Vanilla Shortbread. I hope they play nice together.


Have a great day all!

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Jules - what did U think of the votive...can U describe the scent? [smilie=th_235F35F32] Sounds interesting. Is your avatar the same cutie patoodie kitty or a new one? :wub: They're growing by leaps & bounds!


I'm melting Cheryl's Sweet Lemon Sugar. Luv luv luv it! [smilie=th_LOVE]


Yes, that's the same kitty. It's changed a lot since last week. I don't have a favorite, I swear. This one just happened to be the most awake when I had the camera.


Crisp Champagne smells effervescent, dry, not sweet but a little musky. It's a votive so i need to stick my nose in it to smell it.




Maurie, you crack me up! Welcome to my world. [smilie=th_lol22] A retired DH can be challenging, although I bet some are more challenging than others. [smilie=th_tease1] There's actually a specific type of depression in Japan that's called "retired husband syndrome." I'm not kidding. It's real. You can Google it. Anyway, I'm very happy your DH is working! That's got to be so good for all of you! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]


I'm burning Haley's Sinfully Hot this evening.




Enjoy your "me" time, Maurie, and don't feel bad about it. We all need a little space. Gail, we might need a RHS support group. Mine's a busy body who can not sit still. I, on the other hand, have no problem with a little down time. When he's around, we have to always be doing something, fixing something, cleaning something, ack.



I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. My hubby is a firefighter and until 20 months ago, always worked a 2nd job. [smilie=th_pullhair]


All I can say is most of the time I appreciated having that third day to myself. th_th1ptgno.gifYou know what I'm talking about with the F.D. th_giggle.gif


I am melting Berry Bramble from YC. Its one of the treasures, and they have tarts in all of their treasures scents! Berry Bramble was one of my favs from way back. I got 2 jars and a bunch of tarts!!

Loving this one!




I just got Berry Bramble in my order yesterday. I think I'll melt it this morning too. You've talked me into it. yes.gif


I also have Litsea and Basil from LSC melting in the bedroom.

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Good Morning Everyone!


It looks like a beautiful day.


Maurie-Don't feel bad. I do understand about the DH being home. My DH was out of work for a bit a few years back (it was only for 6 weeks) and I was craving that alone time. He always was doing something. He never knew how to sit still. Sometimes we just need to relax a bit.


Melting LSC Buttermint Candy and Haley's Buttermints. Burning LOL 32 Degrees.



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Hi buddies! [smilie=th_blij51]


My DH is a gem. We've been married nearly 45 years! [smilie=th_slider_flirt] But he's kind of a control freak and says, "You should..." a lot. And he never shuts up. Sometimes I have to fight the urge to say, simply, "Zip it!" [smilie=th_1286B215] But oh my, gotta love our guys! [smilie=th_Kusje-1]


Okay, gotta go get busy. Too much to do today! Accompanying me is CCCC Farmhouse Apple, doing such a lovely job helping me stay on task! [smilie=th_00000020]



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For this afternoon it is BBW Passion Flower, Pink Sangria, and Fresh Lemon and Yankee Lime in the Coconut and Lemon Zest. It is smelling great in here.




I guess I have one of those rare husbands in that he has been retired for 14 years now and we have had no problems. He likes to hang out in his garage or his study and never bothers me. We both are people who need a lot of space and so it has worked out great. We enjoy all of our time together which is usually in the evenings but he doesn't care where I go or anything like that and it works out great. I couldn't stand it if he was following me around Wal Mart, etc. like I see so many retired couples doing. We would both be crazed if he wanted to do that. Ha!

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hey y'all...just checking in this afternoon.

I am burning a B & BW candle in stress relief. That's one of my favorite scents from there. This is helping with the left over musty smell from the original sub floor...

We got the new sub floor in the DR, Kit and BR over the weekend. I hope all is well with everyone and having a good week.

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I'm melting CFTKR "Iced Lemon Snaps" from yesterday's arrivals... It is to DIE for! Strong buttery sugar cookie, slight lemon notes. Very delicious bakery, and a "must re-order" for me! Also, even though it is a lighter fragrance, 1/2 of a bundt tart is scenting my living room nicely on my 24w plate warmer.


Ok, I have to retract my earlier statement. Although this one started nicely, after about an hour, it fell apart. The lemon was gone, and when my son woke up, he captured it perfectly - "Mom, why does it reek of butter in here?"


Ugh. He was right. It really had started to smell of straight butter. :(

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