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A Scentember to Remember

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Good evening!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY DABBA! I hope that you go yourself some scented goodies!


Aria, I loved Autumn Gold. I don't have any more votives left...sniff sniff. Do you have a YC outlet close by? I saw a ton of them at my store. I think the jars were medium sized. I think that Carol also sells a scent that's a close dupe. I can't remember the name right now but I remember stocking up on it last year because it was such a similar scent. I'll have to go rummage through my tarts and find out for you.


I can't believe how much I enjoyed Comfort & Joy today. I didn't think that I was going to be super crazy about it from the description but it's sooo good. It kind of reminds me of Be Thankful but a little bit spicier.


Right now I'm melting Almond Pastry and burning Harvest and North Pole. I unwrapped Pineapple Cilantro and will light it up tomorrow morning during breakfast. It smells just like the Pineapple Cilantro that Candles of Eden sold.

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Hi peeps. I hope you all had a good smelling day.


Tonight's lineup:


BG - Harvest Spice Cake

Can-do - Vanilla Apple


I've been cracking the homework whip around here for what feels like the entire afternoon and evening. sheesh. If they would just get it done right away they would have had the whole evening to play. But no....

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I hear ya Jules!


Melting Forver Alice from BG....and it is EXCELLENT!!! Now I know what all the hub-bub is about on this forum. Blue Gecko has moved into my top 5. The scent is still as strong after 4 hours as it was when I first put it on. Saving it for tomorrow.


Good Night all! [smilie=th_ecd36868]

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Good morning!


Dabba, [smilie=th_f0424ea25f87db180cc7ddd90b43762af4c] Hope you have a great day!


I've got Carol's Pumpkin Spice going....terrific scent - can really smell the pumpkin on this one!


LLVV, thanks for the heads up on the Autumn Gold jars at the YC outlet. Nearest one to me is about 45 minutes away. I'd love to be able to stock up on this scent!


Gotta go get the boys ready for school and then head out for a walk. I have a cute little kitty (who's not so little anymore, BTW) sitting on my lap and purring....he is not going to be happy that I have to get moving! It's a cool morning and he is wanting to sit and cuddle!

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Good morning!


I'm melting Carol's Comfort & Joy and Almond Pastry. I am also burning YC's Pineapple Cilantro - great scent!

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good morning, all.


I've got YK Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin going now. I want my tarts! lol I'm so anxious to try them(never have)


hope everyone has a good day and a relaxing fun weekend. As for me, I work weekends only(7p-7a) so I am opposite most of the world.

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Hey, y'all. I'm glad to be back on line. I am melting BG-Country Cottage. This is such a great scent. Today is store and errand day. It's a beautiful, sunny day, so I hope to enjoy some of that also. Have a great Friday, everyone.

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Good morning!


I love all the new avatars too. Very pretty! And the autumn scents sound soooooo good. [smilie=th_help] It's going to be 95 here today, so I'm still in summer mode. Continuing with AMS's Honey Coco Mango from yesterday. It still has an excellent throw this morning. Mmmm, mmmm good!!


Katz, good to see you up and running again. Withdrawal is terrible!


Maggie, I'm glad you're enjoying Blue Gecko and Forever Alice. BG is just great and FA is fantastico!


Aria, what could be better than a cute kitty in your lap? Not much!





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I had a half used GC jar in mulled cider leftover from last year. I lit it about an hour ago and it is going strong. Delicious scent and filling my entire downstairs!!


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Gail, 95 degrees? [smilie=th_dd5] Stay cool! We're on our way to 73 degrees here.


Kim, so glad you are back online! Our wireless thingy died about a month ago and I went through some serious withdrawals..... [smilie=th_help]


I've just now added Cinnamon Donuts from Dew Drop Scents....soooo good and smells like the real thing!


Well, I am off to run a few errands, pick up some groceries and maybe a quickie stop at Parisian.


BTW, has anyone ever tried the Townhouse Flipsides pretzel cracker thingys? They are so good and very addictive!

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We're still reaching triple digits here in Vegas! UGH! I am so done with this heat!!



The last melts I put on were:

CCCC Candy Corn Cookies

CCCC Frosted Pumpkin

Scentsy Buublegum

Scentsy Vanilla Cream

Haley's Lemon Chiffon

Haley's Mrs. Claus Cookies

CCCC Coca-Cola

CCCC Pink Peeps

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I'm sorry for those of you still suffering in the heat. We have had a much cooler than usual September here, for which I am grateful. Looks to be even cooler next week! Leaves are beginning to turn, yay! Today's melt is Cafe Vienna-LOL (very good!) and burning my HL Blueberry Muffins candle.

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Well, no new melts here, because I am going out the door on a road trip to Candles by Victoria. Should I pick up anything for any of you? :P


I am So ENVIOUS that you are close enough to drive there. I would give anything to be able to walk in there and buy what I want!!


Melting "Musk" from country heart candles. Its great!

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Aria--I love the flipsides crackers. I have been thinking of trying the cheddar ones but so far have just had the plain ones.



For the rest of the day it is Yankee Blueberry Scone, Vanilla Cupcake, Christmas Cupcake and Vanilla Cookie. I had HL's new Mulled Cider on earlier and it is really different for this scent. Much sweeter and more appley--loved it.

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