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July's Star Spangled Scents

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Kim, congrats to your son on his new job! Bet you're proud!

This afternoon:

Missy's Tempting Tarts ~ Red Velvet Cake (excellent & unique...makes me want to try more MTT again)

Cheryl's ~ Butterscotch & Creme Brulee (fabulous custom in a chunkie melt)

Can-Do ~ Sweet Milk (from a buddy...smells yummy with my bakery scents today)! :P








edited for spelling

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Good afternoon everyone! Welcome back home Kim! I had to stop melting the Busy Bees Pink Frosting, my hubby came home for lunch and said that he could actually taste it and that it burned his throat, lol. So anyways, this afternoon I have:


CFTKR-Bear Claw

Nene's-Peach Orchard


Have a great one!

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My DH has been working for Boeing for 24 yrs. He works at the Long Beach, CA facility. The Long Beach Director of Quality just transferred to the Philadelphia helicopter division a few months ago. Good man whom I've chatted with at parties and get togethers.


Congratulations to you and your son! Boeing is a good company to work for. :P

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Congratulations Kim. Your DS is off to a great start.


I've spent the last three days camped out waiting for the space shuttle to launch and watched the launch get scrubbed THREE times, three days in a row. We were close enough to see the launch pad.


We had a good time camping and all but it was hugely disappointing. The days were beautiful and then right before the launch schedule a typical summer storm would roll through and ruin everything...then just as quickly the storm would be gone but it would be too late. Very frustrating.


So many people from all over had come to see this but no go. NASA will try again tomorrow evening...but we're not able to be there. [smilie=th_f5a39fcb]


When I came home, I was surprised at how fragrant our home still is after being away so long. My candles have change the way our house smells entirely. It's permeated everything. Smelled pretty good though, so...


Tonight is FM - Coconut Lime Vanilla

Can-do - Magnolia Orange Blossom

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Good evening!


Katz - Congratulations to your son! Boeing makes some fine looking planes.


Jules - We've also been waiting for the shuttle to take off. DH, DD, and I love watching it on TV. At one point DD said that she was going to go to outter space too.


Tonight's scent adventures:



CFTKR - Strawberry Jam



YC - Tropical Fruit, Fresh Cut Herbs.

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A nice afternoon of yard work is now over...


Melting in the front ~ fresh squeezed pineapple from CFTKR ~ it smells wonderful. I've got a winner on my hands.


Back melt ~ Creme de la Creme ~ Crosscreek. Never tried this one before and it is really nice.


Ilovescentedthings: What lady said is true, for me too. For the most part I have found that tarts are much stronger than candles. After finding Candlefind, I switched to tarts for that reason. When you get a really good strong tart with a wonderful fragrance, to me, that is what it's all about.


My candles, for the most part, will now be background scents to go with the tarts.



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Still burning Coconut Leaves candle. It's a nice scent but on the light side. Added Coconut Cream Pie by Crosscreek and Sugared Shortbread by Rosa.

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I put my CFTKR scents on this morning. They are still strong after 12+ hours. I don't think I am a fan of Bay & Citus though. Too much patchouli for me.


Katz- Congrats to your son on his new job! My DS also is now living in the Philadelphia area. He is going to grad school. It is hard when they move out. My oldest is moving to Manhattan in September. Youngest DD will be going back to school in August. It will be very quiet here!

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Tonight I'm burning GC - Casaba Melon Sunset. Very nice summer scent and strong! :P



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Guest ilovescentedthings

I just wanted to say good morning to everyone! I need to get ready to go deliever newspapers now,by the time I get back I'll figure out what were doing scent wise..Yesterday my daughters had a melt going in their room downstairs of lol caramel apples.

Were staying with my folks and don't have control of the AC,and so it was needless to say at 8pm it was still 97 degrees in the house. Makes me not want to melt anything,cause its hard to enjoy it when we are sticky,hot feeling. That is why we didn't really melt yesterday. And today its supposed to be over 100 outside again . [smilie=th_23_32_7]




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Thanks to all for your kind words and sentiments. I will miss Ryan, but I know this will be a great job in his field. Denny: He may end up working under this guy. . I'm not sure of his official "job description" but I will find out--it is a very small world. Jules, I think it would be sooooo awesome to watch the shuttle go up. I am mixing 2 scents this morning, left over BG-Country Cottage and LOL-American Dream. It's raining here so on to my [smilie=th_76d65c2f]. I hope everyone has a great day.

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Hi eveyone,


This morning I am melting Can Do's Blueberry Pie. Her tarts perform so well with the little tins she sells.


Last night I melted Rosas Bakers Vanilla...no scent at all


Then I burned a votive from Carol, Bear Claws with an overpour of Sugar Milk...that little votive scented up my whole living room! Fabulous..


So there you have it, 2 tarts that I put in the same melter, (Rosa's) with no scent and here comes this little votive and knocks the socks off ya!


Eanjoy your day everyone!

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[smilie=th_76d65c2f] Good Morning! Beautiful morning here in Michigan....loving this weather. Like I always say, you can't beat a Michigan summer!


Feeling great this morning....gave myself a pedi last night and my feet feel so soft! Running around in sandals and flip flops sure dries them! Anyone tried a ped-egg yet? Works great, but be careful not to take off too much dead skin....[smilie=th_23_32_7]


Melting LOL White Cake again this morning....a remelt from yesterday morning actually. This is one strong scent....wow!


Oh yeah, last night I melted a new one from YC ~ Moonlight Harvest ~ OH MY, that was one strong tart! Not sure if I LOVE the scent....it was good and super duper strong, but not sure if I'd repurchase. There was something about the scent that was sort of weird to me....go figure. :roll: :roll:


I've got to get movin' here.....heading out with the boys to the library and a few errands. Need to get a few bags of cedar mulch for my perennial beds also. Kitty litter is running low also.....boy, with 3 litter boxes and 2 kitty-cats, we sure go through a lot of litter! :shock: :shock: :shock:


Ciao....see everyone later on! Happy Melting!

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Morning all. Today's melts are-

Pink Lemonade-Southern Star

Apple Cellar-Can Do

Vanilla Decadence-Nene's


I got up and could still smell the GG Draft up my Skirt from yesterday-wow! That almost never happens!


Congrats to your son-Katz! Exciting to start out your "adulthood" with such a great career.

Aria-Love my ped egg,but you are right-be careful on using it. I have never done it,but my best friend has-her feet were so sore she could barely walk. Aaaah...the price of beauty!

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