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July's Star Spangled Scents

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Guest scentedstamper

Good Morning CF friends! [smilie=th_sign0164] Needing lots of this! But, I already have some yummy melting going here today:

CFTKR - Frosted Sugar Cookie, Sweet Cinnamon Cake, Spicy Cup of Joe

CCCC - Graham Cracker

SS - Cherry Chip Cake







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House cleaning for me today :lol: Debra: How did you like the bayleaf and clove, sounds like a good scent. This morning i am melting CHC-Peppercorn. I hope everyone has a good day. Dh will be sprucing up the yard at the rental property since it is going on the market to sell on Monday.

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Melting 2 great scents this afternoon-


Haley's Heavenly Scents Peaches and Cream

CFTKR Pink Sugared Mimosa


Burning YC Bay Breeze


Has anybody had trouble melting Haley's Heavenly Scents in a 24 watt combo? After almost 2 hours the tart was not completely melted. This is the first time using this vendor and tart warmer as well. Just curious.


Actually, I melted a Haleys Scent last night and this morning as well in my combo melter. It took about 30-45 to completely melt. The melter I used was from Vista also, so maybe yours is defective. It was Chocolate Raspberry Drizzle, a nice authentic scent, but the throw could have been a little better. Not bad though. I don't think it should take 2 hours, hummmm, do you have an air conditioner on or something? It really shouldn't take that long even if the room is ice cold. Try another vendors tart to be sure. Maybe there is something wrong with the melter.

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:lol: This morning I am melting a wonderful refreshing scent on this Hot morning. EW, Citrus Linen H20. My DH even likes it. [smilie=crap] This is a very strong one. I can even smell it up stairs.



Have a safe weekend everyone! Barbara

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Good Morning Everyone!


I'm melting CFTKR - Winter Plum Jelly. Just dreaming about winter since it is going to be a scorcher today, hitting at least 100.


Floridamom - The concert was great! Check out my post in Entertainment.



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Good Saturday Morning!


It looks like a beautiful day!


I just put on SH Da Lime in Da Coconut in my new Vista melter. This one melted quickly.

I think my melter is working fine. The air conditioner was on extra high here yesterday. I will be adding Haley's Coconut Hibiscus shortly. I'll see how that goes in my other new melter.





Just started burning-


YC Tahitian Tiare Flower

YC Coconut Bay

YC Ocean Water

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Good Morning!

Melting LOL - Candied Pomegranate Champagne, BG - Green Apple Pucker

Burning BBW (Slatkin) - Sandlewood Vanilla

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Happy Weekend, everyone! :lol:


I'm melting Pineapple Paprika from CFTKR. Fantastic! My fingers even smell great from when I tossed it into the melter. Sniff, sniff, yum, yum!


It's supposed to be 104 here today and I'm going to be out in it. [smilie=crap] [smilie=th_sign0164]



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Remember when we were all wishing it would get sunnier!? :?


Katz - the Bayleaf and Clove is very unique - you can smell both, and I think I like it!


This morning is starting with Shop a Holler's BahamaMama

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Everyone in scorching HOT weather.....stay safe! [smilie=th_a194] Geez Puppy, I know it's less humid in your area, :? but is it safe for U and the pups to physically exert yourselves? [smilie=th_dd5]


Earlier I remelted last evening's BG's Caramel Corn Crunch. It still had lots o smell to it and was [smilie=th_giggle] ! Now have changed to SH's Honey Graham Cracker Supreme. If yummylicious isn't a word....it should be.[smilie=th_LaLaLa]

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Excessive heat warning for our area today. High is supposed to be 112. :?


Before I leave for work, I'm enjoying Irish Cream from Scentsy. Hope everyone has a great day!

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We actually have gotten a little break from the 100 degree plus weeks we've been having here. The last couple of days have been a cool 89 or so! Today it's YC Farmer's Market. I will definitely be getting this in the jar candle for September. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Good afternoon....switched scents....


CFTKR ~ Coconut Vanilla ~ more coconut to me


CD ~ Coconut Vanilla~more vanilla to me


Can-Do ~ Lessie's Whipped Cream & Honeydew....as always, so so so goooood!


For all of my CF buddies in the heat....it's a whopping 69 degrees here right now in Michigan.

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This afternoon's melt is SH - Mango Papaya. This is a favorite of mine. :?

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Well, FP's Prairie Cake fizzled out pretty fast to somethng strange smelling..then I switched to GHBT's Coppertone...it did smell really authentic but I just couldn't take smelling it for more than an hour.


Now I am melting Almond Pound Cake from GG. MMMMMM......

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Everyone in scorching HOT weather.....stay safe! [smilie=th_dd5] Geez Puppy, I know it's less humid in your area, :? but is it safe for U and the pups to physically exert yourselves? :shock:

Aw, thanks for your concern, Sweet. Your username fits you, my dear. [smilie=th_a194] This is a Beginner Agility class so neither the dogs nor the handlers do much running. And the dogs can cool off in the water hose and kiddie pool. The first class is at 5:30PM, the second at 7:30, so we do skip the midday heat. You are so caring, Sweet!


Eeew Mpfand, 112, eh? Be cool, stay comfy, friend!


As for you and your 69 degrees, Miss Aria, I actually like the heat, so there! [smilie=th_LaLaLa] Well, okay, maybe not 104 in the shade! [smilie=th_giggle]


Carol's Pineapple Paprika still going strong!



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It's only 97 degrees here right now. I wouldn't know because I haven't left the house all day.

I've been cleaning and organizing my kitchen cabinets. It's a small kitchen, but a big job.

I found lots more room after I cleared out some old stuff. I could fit some (more) candles in here now.


I've been smelling:


FP - Prairie Kitchen jar

Busy Bee - Carrot Cake melt

SL - Avacado & Cilantro melt


These have been on all day so I'm switching out to:


Busy Bee - Bear Claws

EW - Oh Romeo in the br

I'm lighting up my assortment of votives too,


Have a good evening, everyone.

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Melting Red Hot Cowboy from Southern Star....OMG....this is strong! Smells like cinnamon and leather.

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Hmmmm.... Cinnamon and Leather sounds good to me cbgirl... I may have to try that. After much work, I have finally been able to get my Elf Cookie woodwick candle from Busy Bee going. I had tried it several times before and it would not stay lit. Now it is going strong, and the scent is filling my little bathroom.

I also had a Candledippers Bit O'Honey melt going in the living room, it smelled good and authentic when it started, but lasted less than an hour. :? Guess I will go try something else. It is only 96 degrees here, but that is WAY to hot for me! I feel so sorry for all of you guys in over 100!!

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