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April's Shower of Scents

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Good morning all. Hope everyone's doing just fine! I'm sure sleepy today. [smilie=th_e16]


Not melting anything yet. I'm about to head out to play and train the pups, then I have a meeting this afternoon. When I get home, I'll continue with yesterday's Clean Crisp Air from LOL. It's not anywhere near used up yet, unlike my own self. :?


Have a super day!



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[smilie=th_e16] I'm remelting what I had yesterday. Caramel Vanilla by YC, and Jasmine by Home and Garden. New melt: Lemongrass by Star Valley(local co). Hope everyone has a great day.



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Quick post as I am a busy gal today. My beautiful, wonderful 4 year old

picked out today's lineup-so:


Candledippers-Dr. Feelgood

Can Do-Bear Claws

Can Do- Sea Shells

And in honor of earth day-we are melting a "Green" candle in

Green Garden Mint-pure soy and smells delish-by Empire.

I also got one in Green Apple-haven't started that one yet.

Have a great day-now I am off to work the garden-corn,cucumbers,carrots,canteloupe,watermelon,

strawberries, jalapenos,banana peppers,

green/yellow/orange/red/purple bell peppers, and tomatoes.

Will probably throw some lettuce in there too. Maybe some peas and green beans.

Not doing potatoes or onions this year.

Man- I love spring!!!

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Looks like I'm going to have to put on another tart if I'm going to get any scent going today. I think I will try pearberry from GHBT's. Don't think I have tried this one.

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Good Morning all! :P


First scents of the day for me are:


K - Paradise - Spoted Hog - One of my favorites from SH and super strong! [smilie=th_aa17]


LR - Lilac Mist - Bridgewater - Just an ok scent and I'm not getting much throw from this one at all either - very weak :?


BR - Petal Pusher - Blue Gecko - A really nice strong scent - another good one from Dierdre! [smilie=th_c56]


Bathroom - 2nd tealight on YC's Midnight Jasmine - still some life left in it

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Hey everyone, good morning!


This mornings melts were EW Coffee with Santa and somebody's Butt Naked, I forgot who lol. I've been up since 4:30, DD went on her 8th grade trip to Washington this morning, and I bawled all the way home after I dropped her off.


Hey LLVV, the medicine thing, Gina just had a sinus infection and she wouldn't finish the medicine cause it tasted so crappy, so she got another prescription to get rid of it. I knew this but totally forgot till the second time that the pharmacy can make any prescription flavored. They have LOTS of flavors. So if yours isn't flavored yet. Take whats left back into the store (I go to stop n shop), and they'll flavor it up. Gina said it tasted 1000 times better. I'll talk to you soon friend.

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Hi everyone,


Sillysmom, don't worry about your daughter..she will be ok! ( : How long is she going to be gone for? You still have all of us to talk to! lol


I only wish they had all the yummy flavor things when I was growing up! I had to drink a lot of nasty medication! ) :


LR: YC Vanilla Cupcake, Busy Bees Oatmeal Raisin Cookie, YC Cookies n Cream

BR: Busy Bees Buttercream Cupcake

Bath: Busy Bees Sugar Cookie

BR: Can-Do Fresh Strawberry

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[smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurra_fruehling3] What a beautiful spring day here! And, as someone pointed out a few days ago, yes it was snowing a week ago, and it is supposed to snow again this weekend! So I must soak up the sun while I can! We will go for another walk this afternoon. I tried GHBT's Rhubarb Apple this morning, and it was super strong, but not agreeing with my nose, so I switched it out for Nene's Johnathan Apple, which is ok, but not drool worthy. I also want to get my freebies from Spotted Hog ordered today, any suggestions for good fruity flavors from there? :P

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Today I am cleaning the entire upstairs. I chose melts which I hope will help motivate me to accomplish everything I want to. Downstairs: Lemon Grass & Olive from Spotted Hog, loft: Coconut Lemongrass from Scentsy, kids' bedrooms: Fresh Fruit from Gentle Light. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Hey everyone, good morning!


This mornings melts were EW Coffee with Santa and somebody's Butt Naked, I forgot who lol. I've been up since 4:30, DD went on her 8th grade trip to Washington this morning, and I bawled all the way home after I dropped her off.


Hey LLVV, the medicine thing, Gina just had a sinus infection and she wouldn't finish the medicine cause it tasted so crappy, so she got another prescription to get rid of it. I knew this but totally forgot till the second time that the pharmacy can make any prescription flavored. They have LOTS of flavors. So if yours isn't flavored yet. Take whats left back into the store (I go to stop n shop), and they'll flavor it up. Gina said it tasted 1000 times better. I'll talk to you soon friend.


I feel your pain.. my daughter is in 7th and they just got back from Orlando Florida. She had a blast. I'm sure it is something she will remember for the rest of her life.


I gave up on tarts and went to CVS and bought my favorite Lavender & Cedarwood Candle. I can't get enough of this scent.

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I'm back from errands, and round one with the school district.

Red tape = :P


CBV - Texas Summer melt to start off the afternoon. I'll add more later.

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Good afternoon. Not melting right now but wanted to say -


Jules - Never relent! Keeping going at it with the school district! You'd be amazed at where parental nagging can get you (speaking from the other side of the desk as a former teacher). You go girl and never give up!


Silly - I hope DD has a great time. Cherish your alone time with DH. I know, I'd be whaling too. My DD is already talking about having a sleepover...my gawd. How will I get through the night. I bet your DD will have a safe, wonderful, and memorable time. Now go out for a night on the town!


Have a great afternoon. I'm planning on melting Blue Sugar after DD and I get back from her karate class.

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Hi there....just popping in to see what scents everyone is enjoying this afternoon. I just finished a bunch of straightening up, folding laundry, and mopping. Time for a little mommy relaxation time before the kiddos get home from school....hmmm, I've got a little over an hour.


LLVV, don't fret, sleepovers are fun! I always love when my boys have friends spend the night. We have a blast. [smilie=th_aa17]


denim, can I come over for some peach cobbler?[smilie=th_Drglar]


Jules, hope the school district stuff doesn't stress you out too much. [smilie=th_m4t3zo4]


Puppylove, I was sleepy also this morning....of course, it probably doesn't help that I stayed up talking to my neighbor until midnight....hehe


Well, I finally lit up my new Crossroads Country Breakfast candle. [smilie=th_OMG] I am telling you....IT IS HEAVENLY!!!!!! Oh my, the scent on this one is completely and utterly a knockout!!!!! It's a combination of buttered maple syrup, apple pie, BNB, and vanilla hazelnut. DEEEEELISH!!!!!!!! My new fave scent. [smilie=th_bighug-1] The candle is burning nicely....steady flames on both wicks, no soot or smoke and full melt pool after about 30 minutes or so. :lol: [smilie=th_blij40] [smilie=th_cry2yw3]

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Aria, I'm glad you're enjoying your new candle. It sounds yummy!


LLVV, sleepovers were hard for me. We didn't let DD sleepover until just this past year (she's 11). I don't mind at all letting her have someone over, but the idea of her not here in her own bed at night is hard for me.


Scents from this morning are still going strong and smell great. I've added Tahitian Vanilla Spice in the MB and Vanilla Sunset in the powder room, both from LOL. I'm having a good scent day. [smilie=th_cry2yw3] Now, back to cleaning. [smilie=th_bighug-1]

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Spring cleaning isn't fun.



Changed out scents to:


K - Country Craft Store - Nene's - A very nice scent - I smell cinnamon!


LR - Rose Garden - CFTKR - A very nice rose scent from Carol.


BR - Waterlily & Jasmine - AMS - An awesome scent - one of my favorites from Christy.


Bathroom - Fun in the Sun - AMS - A very nice scent - saltwater, sand and suntan lotion!

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Spring cleaning isn't fun.



Changed out scents to:


K - Country Craft Store - Nene's - A very nice scent - I smell cinnamon!


LR - Rose Garden - CFTKR - A very nice rose scent from Carol.


BR - Waterlily & Jasmine - AMS - An awesome scent - one of my favorites from Christy.


Bathroom - Fun in the Sun - AMS - A very nice scent - saltwater, sand and suntan lotion!


that fun in the sun sounds like my kind of scent. i hope i tried that one when i ordered from her sunday. [smilie=th_bighug-1]


i just got home and put on clean and fresh in the kitchen (GHBT)

rose and ivey in the bathroom (YC)

citrus and cilantro (HALEYS) in a bedroom

autumn woods - GHBT in another bedroom

lavender and cedarwood -candle-lite from cvs in a bathroom

apple mango tango - missy's - in a nother bathroom

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Fruit Loops - Mookie Doodle.

Blackberry & Sage candle - Peeptoad Hollow

Wisteria votives - 5B & Co. Great scent throw with these.

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For tonight


Coconut Lime- TS this is a trully great and extra strong scent. Certainly one of the strongest tarts I have ever tried. And lasts forever also. It would be wondeful for summer.


Bellisima Bella- BG- very nice, light floral notes


Snickerdoodle- AMS- one of my most favorites AMS scents. Really comforting for this dready rainy evening and strong also.


Have a good evening everyone.

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For tonight


Coconut Lime- TS this is a trully great and extra strong scent. Certainly one of the strongest tarts I have ever tried. And lasts forever also. It would be wondeful for summer.


Bellisima Bella- BG- very nice, light floral notes


Snickerdoodle- AMS- one of my most favorites AMS scents. Really comforting for this dready rainy evening and strong also.


Have a good evening everyone.



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