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March Melting Mania

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Melting Can Do's Grandma Thompson's Secret Recipe..... probably my all time favorite. I am running low on Can Do tarts....I think i need to order more [smilie=th_LA839B1117]

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*snort* thanks Fleur. :lol:

It's hard to believe how much cabinet space I used to have before a year's worth of tart and candle orders.


Lana, that's funny! :shock: [smilie=th_LA839B1117]


Debra, Candle fumes? Wow.

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*snort* thanks Fleur. :lol:

It's hard to believe how much cabinet space I used to have before a year's worth of tart and candle orders.


Lana, that's funny! :shock: [smilie=th_LA839B1117]


Debra, Candle fumes? Wow.


Jules.... funny how those cabinets fill up! :lol:


Melting Cozy Cottage's Raspberry Rainbow and Cherry Fairies.

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Guest Anonymous

Today I'm melting Lovespell from Mookie Doodle in the living room, Midnight Pomegranate from Crosscreek in the bathroom, Strawberries and Champagne from Cat Lady in the bedroom and I'm actually burning a candle someone gave me in the kitchen...Fresh Mango from Village Candles. It actually smells really good and has a nice throw, I never burn candles, lol

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Good Morning! Too funny you guys! I am thankful that I actually adore my in laws!


I love that Poolside too Deb-I got a bunch of them on my last mega order. Did she discontinue that one?


This morning-before I get outside and start re-landscaping flower beds(yuck-about three years worth of red mulch to clear out so we can rock the beds) I have put on a bunch of springy scents-

Still smelling that Candle Haven-Cherry Blossom

Also still melting that Fruta Tazon-CYS

Put on- Buttermint Frosting-Get Whipped

Dreamsicle-Gentle Light

Red Poppy-Phebes


Have a great day!

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Guest scentedstamper

Good Morning! It smells like a coffee/pastry shop in here today! Melting: BG Creme Brulee (FABULOUS!), Berry Vanilla Cream Puff, Forever Alice, EW Cup of Joe Pumpkin and AMS Red Velvet Cake. Also burning the remains of a Warm Glow votive in Snickerdoodle and a small twinlight from Illuminations in Most Wonderful Sugar Cookie.


Have a great day!


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Happy Anniversary, Jules: I'm so glad you are here to put your daily "throw" on things. This morning's scents are Carol's Sandalwood. This is my last tart, so time to visit her soon. I am burning a candle my SIL gave me from Old Louisville Candlemaker. It is Honeysuckle and Lemon. Usually, I would not be able to handle a scent like this, but it is actually very nice. The guy that makes the candles uses recycled wax. I hope everyone is having a great morning. It is sunny and suppose to be 70 this afternoon. [smilie=th_f5a39fcb]

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Good Morning! Too funny you guys! I am thankful that I actually adore my in laws!


I love that Poolside too Deb-I got a bunch of them on my last mega order. Did she discontinue that one?


This morning-before I get outside and start re-landscaping flower beds(yuck-about three years worth of red mulch to clear out so we can rock the beds) I have put on a bunch of springy scents-

Still smelling that Candle Haven-Cherry Blossom

Also still melting that Fruta Tazon-CYS

Put on- Buttermint Frosting-Get Whipped

Dreamsicle-Gentle Light

Red Poppy-Phebes


Have a great day!



Cat, what do you think of your melts from Phebes?

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Good morning! I'm still melting Cookie Jar. I love my new YC burner. OMG, I'm in love!

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Good morning!


Melting CFTKR's Melonade and Tropical Infusion


Have a nice day everyone!


Lana...your post was very funny! [smilie=th_f5a39fcb]

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Hi everyone.[smilie=th_balloons]


I'm off to the training yard to play with pups, so no melting happening this morning. I can almost smell all the goodies you guys have going on though. Mmmmm, sounds like a lot of good stuff!


[smilie=th_slider_congratulations] on your anniversary, Jules. I'm glad we have you!


Lana, you are too funny!


Darling, maybe a coffee smellie will help wake you up. Sounds like it'd go good with the Blueberry Cheesecake.


LLVV, I'm glad you love your YC burner!





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Just melting yesterday's remnants of MTT's Hazelnut Coffee. Very strong and long lasting. I'll change out scents when I get home. I am going out to lunch with two friends.

I hope everyone enjoys their day!

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Good morning! I'm still melting Cookie Jar. I love my new YC burner. OMG, I'm in love!


Post a photo why dontcha?

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Hi Cyn-

I have ordered from Phebes a couple of times. I have really liked some of the scents. Some not so much.


They last about 4-6 hours and are not in your face,more of a great backdrop scent. Just when you think that you aren't getting a scent-you'll get a waft of fragrance. Good scents-just not overpowering.

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I'm in tart withdrawl. Now that I get up and workout and shower at the gym before work I rarely have time to melt unless it's my day off :shock: I think I may start taking tarts in my purse to work to huff on my breaks. Or wear them in my bra to smell good [smilie=th_balloons] Just kidding, that's a bit too much!


Happy 1 year on CF Jules [smilie=th_f5a39fcb]

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I'm in tart withdrawl. Now that I get up and workout and shower at the gym before work I rarely have time to melt unless it's my day off :( I think I may start taking tarts in my purse to work to huff on my breaks. Or wear them in my bra to smell good :shock: Just kidding, that's a bit too much!


Happy 1 year on CF Jules [smilie=th_balloons]



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Happy CF Anniversary, Jules!


I don't think I even posted yesterday! I had a busy day shopping, getting a haircut, going to eat at family's house, going bowling with friends and then capped the night off with a rare trip to the clubs in the "gayborhood", haha! It was fun. Didn't even get to melt. I did some damage with my $1 coupon at Yankee on my shopping trip.

Today's scents:

Mountain Lake-YC: First time melting this and I love it. May have to get a big jar of this.

Lavender Vanilla-YC

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After sorting through my YC goodies, I put a Strawberry-Kiwi in my melter. It took a little while to get going, but now, its wonderful, scenting my whole downstairs! I will go back for a jar in this scent!!


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