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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Happy Sunday everyone! Melting a couple from CFTKR Ultimate Sugar Cookie and Honeydew & Whipped Cream. Also starting another melter with CMC Spiced Strawberry Picnic was great yesterday...the boys all had a great time. They ended up retiring 38 flags! The ceremony was nice and all the boys were so respectful. As the flags were burning in the fire....a couple of the boys were asking if they could roast marshmallows....lol. Ummmmm, no boys, don't you see all that black smoke? That would not make a very tasty marshmallow. Rivercat, glad kitty is doing better. Maggie, slugs on the window? sweet, peaches are so yummy in August. One of the towns here has a peach festival and everything is so yummy. Okay friends...off to make some breakfast...
  2. Good Morning... Melting YOCC Country Sweet Muffin and FP Raspberry Sugar Cookie Dough Bread trep, nice YC haul...I have Paradise Spice and it's pretty good! Rivercat, awww, poor kitty...sure hope the new meds do the trick. Like I said previously, our Tiger had the same problem a couple of years ago. Have they asked you to bring in a sample? That was always a little difficult to do. Have they suggested a change in food? Scout picnic today for DS#2. His den will also be doing a flag retirement ceremony afterwards. It should be very solemn and moving. Hope you all have a fantastic day.
  3. Good Morning Melting Carol's Iced Lemon Biscotti in the kitchen and TBG Flowers & Frost in the mudroom. Upstairs, it's Pink Serendipity from Carol. Best wishes to you biolaeagles! Just love babies!!!!! So cute! Need to find something to melt in DS#1's bedroom. He left a half eaten container of McDonalds fries in there and it smells nasty! Off to search for a clean, herbal type scent or something fruity. Maybe Carol's Rosemary Mint???
  4. K's Blissful Morning...need to wake up here...so sleepy for some reason
  5. Love the title trep! sweet, the blingin' brittle has color swirled in the wax...the colors are very vibrant! Some may be headed your way soon... Maggie, that's great news about Daisy!!!! Okay, now I'm reeeeally going to take Ozzy for a walk.....byeeeeeeeee!
  6. I'm such a goofball...accidentally posted this in the May thread...duh...
  7. Hi friends and Happy Saturday...it's sort of overcast here...sure wish the sun would come out! Melting Berry Lovely Cheesecake which was sent to me by a berry lovely CF friend...lol. It's goooooooooood!!!! :D sweet, hugs to you my friend...that all sounds very stressful. Okay, so on my shopping trip yesterday..... I went to Homegoods and wandered around for quite awhile. Ended up purchasing a lovely lidded basket for waxy storage, a gorgeous glass pitcher for iced tea, and a soft, plush bathmat for our guest bath. I should post a pic of the basket and pitcher for you all. The pitcher was made in Poland...love that since I am 100% Polish! It caught my eye big time! Oh yeah, I also went into Ulta and bought a pretty aqua/turquoise nailpolish with slight blue shimmer to it. I also went to Kohls' and picked up a few tops and a pair of shorts. Fun shopping trip! Well, Ozzy is wanting to go for his walk...have a great day everyone!
  8. Good Morning! Melting Pink Cupcake from CBV...no pink sugar in this one, just smells like a yummy frosted cupcake! Rivercat, my kitty had a UTI a couple years ago. He is on special food so crystals don't form in his urine anymore. Hope your baby will be okay. trep, glad all is well over there! Well, I am treating myself to a little shopping trip today...no groceries, more of a FUN shopping trip!!! lol Hey, everyone, have a great day!
  9. Good Morning! Melting some blingin' brittle from K's...Amish Cookie Bread Also have Crosscreek's Stuffed Jelly Beans melting upstairs...super sweet and yummy! Have a good one!
  10. Hi there everyone...it's raining here ...a good thing since everything was quite dry. yankee addict! Waikiki Melon is a wonderful scent for the summer. Love it. Right now I'm melting Wildberry Mousse from Streetman and Ultimate Cheesecake from CFTKR .... both awesome! Been cleaning out and organizing the master bedroom closet...sometimes I think big closets are a BAD thing!!!! Well, off to finish up and hopefully drop a bunch of clothes off at the Salvation Army. Have a good one!
  11. Hi there... Melting Marshmallow Serendipity Delight from Carol...a favorite. We may go see the Ironman movie today... Hope DH and DS are on the mend. Mimi's House is really strong...a blend of apple and some other things...it's very unique. It's fantastic any time of the year. Hope everyone has a safe Memorial Day.
  12. Good Morning friends Melting Orange Cream Cupcakes from CFTKR...heavenly. I love, love, love Coconut Milk & Lavender! Glad to hear you're liking Can-Do. Donna's tarts are awesome! I want to place an order soon and try some of her new scents including the HPC. Have you ever tried Mimi's House? MzBassman! Hope you enjoy CF! Maggie, sure hope Daisy is feeling better... sweet, lurkdom?!!! Hoping to plant some flowers today. Have a good one everybody!
  13. Hi everyone! Time has been flying by lately....can't seem to get everything done Melting Orange Caramel ZB from CFTKR and another one from a sweet CF friend...Sweet Lemon Confection Vanilla Bean Noel...it's smellin' just too yummy in here! Upstairs, I have Can-Do's Coconut Milk & Lavender melting...lovely! Yoo Hoo! Sweet&spicy! Did you see that Donna at Can-Do now carries a dupe for your beloved Honey Pear Cider by Scentsy? Just sayin'.... Off to take Ozzy for a walk....have a good one!
  14. Starting off with Orange Marmalade Bread from FP...love their bread or "dough" scents so much! Well, garage sale is over...and I'm very pleased with the results. For me, garage sales are not about making a ton of $$$. I love the fact that I am reclaiming space in my home, and love being able to offer items that people will actually use! Most of the people that stopped by were very nice and I met some new friends too. Win-win!! sweet, hey there girl...I did take an electric melter out to the garage yesterday! I melted Nene's Payapa Clafoutis...which was nice and fruity and perfect. A few people commented..."wow, your garage smells good!" Ended up selling an extra melter that I rarely use to a sweet gal. Then, I went inside and grabbed a couple handfuls of tarts and put them in a bag and told the gal "happy melting!" She was thrilled to pieces. Think I may have created a new wax lover! mpfand, how's the lil' puppers doing? Michele, how's the beach house after the storms last year? Maggie, Lilac is such beautiful scent for spring...my neighbor has HUGE lilac bushes in her yard and the fragrance is incredible right now! rivercat, OUCH!!!! Naughty bee Well, off to make brekky...have a good one! ...hehehe...
  15. Honeybear, almost forgot to say Congrats to your DD on all of her awards!
  16. Good Morning...just a quickie post.... Melting Ultimate Bear Claw from CFTKR :wub: Day 3 of the garage sale today...last day! sweet, I thought of bringing a melter out to the garage with me and haven't done so yet. Maybe I will try to do that today...thinking of where to put it so it doesn't get knocked over. Maybe on my potting bench thingy.... Thanks to everyone who wished me luck...we are doing pretty good with the sale...getting rid of several big items that have been taking up a lot of space! The weather has been perfect...pleasant and no rain. Have a good one!
  17. Hi everyone! Melting Ultimate Bear Claw from Carol...so fantastic! Yesterday, I melted Pistachio Pudding Cake from K's and it was uber strong and wonderful smelling. Well, got lots to do today...garage sale Thurs, Fri & Sat. Forgot how much work they can be! Have a good one!
  18. Good Morning friends Melting Ice Cream Scoop Bread from Carol...yummo! Getting ready to have a garage sale next Thurs, Fri and Sat. Hoping to get rid of some "stuff"!!!!! biolaeagles, wishing you the best on your upcoming blessed event! I have two boys...4 years apart...love little boys! Rivercat, love hand knit blankets...and the baby will too! Shhh, don't tell anyone, but my 10 yr old still sleeps with what's left of a blanket that my sis knitted for him! lol Maggie, hey there girlie...and thanks for the compliment on my avatar! honeybear, wow, you've been busy! That pool will be great in the summer heat. Congrats on your DD....what a smarty! Gotta love that feeling of pride...nothing like it! Well, friends, you all have a good day...I am off to take DS#1 to karate. Need more coffee....
  19. Good morning! Melting Farmhouse Treats from CFTKR today Teacher Appreciation lunch is today. I signed up to bring a salad, so I need to get that together and drop it off at school. Have a good one!
  20. Good Morning! Melting a combination of melts in one melter...CFTKR Jelly Donut + CFTKR ZB + HHS Toasted Marshmallow = Off to take Ozzy for a walk Have a good one!
  21. Today I've been enjoying YOCC Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream...so good and it's been going and going and going.....!!!!
  22. Good morning! :sFun_eye: I am here 2 days in a row! Melting a sweet treat from a CF buddy...OLLIE'S Soaps...Lemon Cheesecake Donut Shop...love it! Upstairs, it's LKC Serendipity Noel...heavenly ...thank you dear CF friend! Maggie...thanks for the birthday wishes for DS! Gotta make a quick trip to the grocery store and then come home and start cake pop production Have a good one!
  23. Hi everyone! Just burning a candle tonight...YC Green Grass Christy, congrats on passing your doctoral exam We had a fun, but busy weekend. Tomorrow I am going to be making cake pops for DS#2 to take in to school on Wednesday for his birthday treat. My baby is going to be 10!!! I'm exhausted and heading off to bed.
  24. Hi friends! I've been so busy lately. Life can sure be crazy sometimes. Melting a couple from CFTKR ~ Serendipity Marshmallow Delight and 7UP Zucchini Bread Honeybear! Sorry I'm a day late! Off to make dinner... Oh yeah...trep, it was snowing here earlier too!
  25. Up and busy already this morning...got a lot I want to get accomplished today along with chauffeuring the boys around. Upstairs melting Pink Sugar Cookies from Crosscreek Down here melting Birthday Cake from Sassy Girl and Waffle Cone ZB from LKC...lovin' both of them and they are smellin' great together! Thanks to the sweet CF friends who shared them with me.
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