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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Hi there... Gave Ozzy a bath earlier today ...he looks extra handsome now! He smells good too! :wub: Lit a bunch of candles after I did some cleaning and sprucing up around the house... Slatkin & Co. ~ Holiday Gumdrop YC ~ Be Jolly Candleberry ~ Country Christmas Aspen Bay ~ Apples N' Spice Maggie & sweet, I have tried LKC once before. Ordered 5 or 6 clamshells and the TAT was very quick. I think they are RTS. I don't think she has a scent description page...just a list of the scents she carries.
  2. First melt of the day is Nene's Butter Nut Crunch Bar
  3. Good Morning Melting YOCC-Zucchini Bread Strudel and Scentsationals Almond Macaroon Happy Melting!
  4. Upstairs... CFTKR-Pink Sugar Milk Downstairs... CFTKR-Bonfire Bliss Last night, I finished off two large jars of YC Holiday Bayberry and Eggnog. So, I just started a large jar of YC Be Jolly...had this from last year and never burned it. It's good...lots of clove.
  5. Good Morning Last year, our apple and cherry both blossomed early, then more cold weather and not a single cherry and a couple of apples. Melting Toasted Wildberry Marshmallow from a CF pal...really strong and yummy smelling! Leaving to go grocery shopping now...oh yay.
  6. Hello friends... Melting a couple really good ones right now CFTKR Orange Caramel Flapjack A Primitive Glow ~ Cinnamon Bun Happy Melting!
  7. Hi friends...and thanks to sweet&spicy, Maggie, and shortgal for the thoughtful birthday wishes for DS! We had a good time at Benihana last night! Yesterday, I went through my tarts and put most of the Fall and Christmas scents away for next year. I always have more than I can use for the holidays. It's always fun the next year when I pull them out and can enjoy the rest of them. Have a couple different scents melting, but they're blending nicely... Nene's ~ Cranberry Chutney Ava'a Country Cupboard ~ Pink Bread Crosscreek ~ Serendipity Homemade tart from a pal ~ Banana Cream Pie....love and thanks! Like I said, these are blending nicely and it smells awesome in here...kinda fruity! honeybear, hope the kids do okay with the wisdom teeth! What a nice weekend you had! Did your snow melt already? See you gals later!
  8. Hi there... CFTKR ~ New York Style Cheesecake Crosscreek ~ Serendipity Today is DS#1's birthday. I am now the mother of a 14 year old! Taking him and two of his buddies to Benihana for dinner tonight. Have a good one!
  9. Hello friends.... Melting Pizzelle from YOCC...very delicious sweet...I had to giggle at your tea and chai latte dilemma! You are too funny! I have been so busy with DH out of town this past week and he's not coming home until this Friday. I feel like I am constantly driving the boys all over the place. No ice skating this weekend as our rink is a big puddle with a ice float in it! Speaking of driving, I am on my way out the door to take DS#2 to play his second game of hockey today. Have a good one!
  10. Good morning Melting PUmpkin Chai Latte from Crosscreek and upstairs Fruit Loops from Lil Kitchen Candles shortygal, I'd offer to send you a Cinnamon Glazed Donut tart, but sadly, that was my last one I melted yesterday Maggie, those lingering coughs are horrible...hate that! It usually takes me a full month to get rid of a cough. Hope everyone has a great day
  11. VERY similar if not the same scent....both are Forgot to say...started another melter with HRP Keeping Room...fab! This vendor has really good stuff! Off to run several errands...drugstore, get our ice skates sharpened, Target, and if I have time...BBW & Kohl's to see if there's any good deals...
  12. Starting out with Thompson's Candle Co. - Grandmas' Cookies Have a good one
  13. Hi all...back from today's activities...lol. I did a few chores and now it's coffee break time. Started a melter with Hearth & Home by Crosscreek...shared with me by a nice waxy friend. It's quite different and good...kinda earthy and groovy smelling. Getting ready to light a few candles for the evening too...YC Holiday Bayberry and Christmas Wreath...both are near the very bottom and should go well with the Hearth & Home. sweet, I have a tall cream colored bucket I fill with faux evergreen and twigs near our front entry. I have snowflake lights on it! We are almost twinkies! Great minds! I leave it up for most of the winter. Do your lights have batteries and a timer or do they plug in? I love the timer on mine...5 hours on and then they turn off. Yum....what time should I be there? lol shortygal, is your DS still involved in scouting? DS#1 only lasted thru 3rd grade in cub scouts. I am hoping DS#2 sticks with it for at least a few more years. He seems to enjoy it and has an awesome den leader and his den mates are great kids too. Have a great evening everyone!
  14. Good Morning CF peeps! Melting BL Orange Vanilla Coffee...yummers honeybear, we always left our tree up until Epiphany when I was a girl. Believe it or not, most years my dad would get our tree only a couple days before Christmas when the lots were practically giving them away for free...lol. I love GC candles...they seem to last so long. sweet, both you and shortygal are making me want some chocolate chip cookies! Prelit trees are very convenient! Poor kitties...no where to play and hide! Maggie, your living room colors sound beautiful! Busy day ahead here...taking DS#1 to karate, then this afternoon taking DS#2 to a pinewood derby car building clinic. Have a great day
  15. Good Morning Friends! Melting CFTKR Pumpkin & Pralines...love any of Carol's pumkin scents! shortygal, Nene's Fall Festival is fabulous! Putting the last of the holiday decorations away today and ice skating with the boys this afternoon. Enjoy your day everyone!
  16. Melting Plum Pudding from CFTKR...yum Burning Slatkin Fresh Balsam Nomad by Nature - Nice gifts!
  17. Good Morning Melting Harvest Spice from Thompson's Candle Co.....such a favorite! That's awesome Maggie...it will last you many years. I have a black leather Perlina bag that I purchased several years ago and it has been my winter purse ever since and still looks as good as the day I bought it. I love Thompson's Spice Cake!!!! Have a great day friends!
  18. Just started melting CFTKR Maple Pecan Corn Muffins...not usually a fan of maple, but first whiffs of this one are Carol got me again with another yummy sample! Happens every time I order! Cat, You're not the only one! Getting sidetracked is the story of my life Christy, hope you feel better so you can enjoy your waxies! I'd love to see P0rn of your candles! Maggie, did you find any good deals at the Coach outlet? Okay, I am off to brew some fresh coffee and work on getting my tree down. I'd much rather be outside ice skating with the boys! Maybe later... Had to get DS#1 bigger skates...his feet got huge since last year!!!!!
  19. Melting>>> Holiday Cheesecake and Sugar Cookie Bread ~ both from Ava's Country Cupboard and very good! Jules, hope your DS feels better today
  20. Happy New Year! I posted on the December thread this morning...oops Just added another melt to the mix...CFTKR New York Style Cheesecake ~ it's delish and my favorite cheesecake scent. trep, congrats on the thread title!
  21. Melting two homemade tarts from a dear CF friend Banana Nut Bread Sour Cream Spice Cake
  22. Good Morning It won't be long now...2013 will be here! Wishing everyone the happiest and heathiest NEW YEAR!!! Just started a couple of melters and enjoying a nice, fresh cup of hot coffee Pumpkin Cookies from Shayz...a favorite...strong and wonderful Welcome Friends from FP... CF pal for sharing...can't wait until this one warms up because the cold sniff is fantastic and unique! Toasted Hansel & Gretel from HHS...another favorite...Janet has so many great scents...sure wish her the best in 2013. One of the sweetest ladies ever! This morning, I am doing a grocery run. This afternoon we're going to the movies Tonight, we are staying home, playing games and snacking. Have a great day!
  23. Hi everyone! Yoo Hoo! Sweeeeet&spicy! Crossroads prOn has been posted! Candles downstairs... YC Christmas Wreath YC Holiday Bayberry YC Eggnog Upstairs melting Pink Ninny from HHS Have a great night!
  24. Good Morning friends... I am melting two really yummy scents this morning... :wub: FP ~ Autumn Glory...thanks to the pal who shared this one with me...it's very spicy and perfect. Nene's ~ Buttercream Caboodle...hands down THE BEST buttercream scent I've ever tried. Reorder! sweet, I'll post the pics today for sure! So happy to hear that the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie is a thumbs up! I haven't burned it yet, but I'd say the maple note is very light on Farmhouse. I'll keep you updated when I burn it. Overall, it has a spicy scent to it...and some light fruit notes...a nice blend on cold sniff. It was hard for me to choose just two scents! We leave our tree up until after the New Year...will probably take it down a day or two after. I leave out all of my snowmen decorations. Should be an interesting day here....already had some teenage ... Have a nice Sunday everyone!
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