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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Right now, I'm enjoying a couple scents shared with me by some dear CF friends.... K's Kreations ~ Dreamy ZB...yummo! Streuselkuchen...another delish scent! I've missed a couple days worth of posts...off to catch up on the boards!
  2. good morning Melting Lemon Summer Cake from Carol mpfand, I just read about your lovely trip...and your DS is a sweetie for turning on the melters for you! Gail, good to see you! I still love candles too, especially in the evening. trep, Red Velvet is a winner! I love it as well. Rivercat, hope you were able to finish your taxes. Have you ever had done somewhere like HRBlock? It's a little bit pricey, but DH and I think it's worth every penny to have them deal with it...lol. Well, it's sunny here this morning...not sure if it's gonna last. Keeping my fingers crossed! Have a good one!
  3. Good Morning...heading out the door in a couple minutes... Melting CFTKR Fruit Slices and FP Buttercream Orange Danish Have a great Friday everyone...I'll come back later when I have a few minutes to catch up!
  4. Good morning friends Enjoying two scents from FP right now...Banana Berry Hotcakes and Serendipity Vanilla Confusion Grocery shopping day today...
  5. Hi friends and Happy Sunday! It's supposed to be a nice day here, but right now it's cloudy and the wind is blowing a gale! I have some nice scents going....downstairs - Ultimate Sugar Cookie and Raspberry Bear Claw from CFTKR and upstairs - Lavender Sheets from Streetman. Two thumbs up! honeybear, we got the free Gevalia coffee maker yeeeeaaars ago and it still works great! Their coffee is very yummy too. I love to buy whole bean and grind it fresh as well. It is funny how our noses change! I used to hate coffee scents or anything with lemon in it. Now I love both! debra, oh dear, hope things calm down at your house. Have you ever watched My Cat From Hell? It's a show on Animal Planet I believe. That guy gives lots of good advice on dealing with feline behavior. Well, friends, I am going to finish my coffee and enjoy the peace and quiet...everyone else is still asleep!
  6. Hi there everyone! Melting Ultimate Bear Claw from Carol...another incredible blend! This scent is mouth-watering! sweet, I like my coffee HOT too! I like the idea of a single cup machine, but those little cups seem so expensive. trep, hope you find a good replacement for your candle...lol! Okay, friends, going to fix lunch...wishing you all a fantastic scented day!
  7. Hi friends! Only 1 melter going so far today....CFTKR French Vanilla Pound Cake...delish as always. That sounds great Maggie! I love McCalls candles! sweet, is it one of those that brews one cup at a time? I did not see it. DH and I have gotten addicted to lately. I buy the ground coffee at the grocery store and make it in our coffeemaker at home. I usually use half Blond and half of one of the darker roasts like the espresso or french roast. Yummo! I like the idea of the one cup at a time machines, but they seem expensive by the time you buy the little cups of coffee grounds. I usually just make a full pot or half a pot at a time. Have you tried the Keurig machines at all? Oh and sweet, my dear, you will LOVE central air! I still love the summer heat, but the ac is great on the super duper humid days and nights! You will sleep like a baby! We got ours installed 2 summers ago after living for 6 summers without it and so glad we did! Have a great day everyone!
  8. Thanks Maggie! The Scented Princess is new to me...first time I've heard them mentioned. I'm so out of the wax loop...lol. Hope to get some at some point this afternoon!
  9. Great title! I love the month of April. Hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter! Downstairs I have CFTKR Sugar Cookie Dough Bread melting. Upstairs, I have YOCC Pink Passion melting Have a great Monday everyone!
  10. Hi there! Meltin' downstairs... Orange Creamsicle ~ Crabby Candle Lemon Bread ~ Butterfly Lane Upstairs in the MBR...Nene's ~ Wedding Bouquet Maggie, what's Purple Sandalwood smell like? Gonna take Ozzy for a walk http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m48/tntmom69/smileys%202/walkingwhi
  11. Good Morning...Happy Sunday Melting Nene's Cheesecake...oh how I love this scent! Droolworthy! Glad you gals like the ant emotie! While searching, I was getting a little itchy looking at images of ants! debra, would love to see a pic of the puppy when you get the chance ...does he/she have name yet? Have a good one!
  12. Hi there... debra, good luck with the new puppy! Ugh Jules...I hate ants...pesky lil' buggers they are. Melting Pink Cupcake ~ CBV and Welcome Home from Nene's Hope everyone is having a nice Saturday.
  13. Downstairs... CFTKR ~ Serendipity & Sugar Cookie Crabby Candle ~ Fruity Skittles Upstairs... FP ~ Lavender Sugar Cookie Bread Dough I sure could use a nap...
  14. Good morning Melting Apple Blueberry Bread from FP today...excellent! I am pretty sure my orders from Crabby/Dutch Candle and Nene's are being delivered today! Yay! Off to the grocery store...blech... Have a good one!
  15. Hi friends, Melting BH&G Orange Cream Cupcake and YOCC Banana Cream Pie downstairs. I'm also burning a YC large tumbler in Home Sweet Home. I love this scent. Upstairs, Lavender Sheets from Streetman Candle. I love this scent! It's a blend of lavender, vanilla, coconut cream and caramel. Hope you all are doing well.
  16. Melting English Breakfast Zucchini ~ CFTKR Upstairs, melting Pink Sugar from Nene's
  17. Hi there! Melting Toasted Caramel Zucchini from HHS....it is HEAVENLY...lol. Have a great day peeps!
  18. Melting Toasted Marshmallow Zucchini from HHS...so yummy sweet, we got lots of skating in this winter...it was great weather wise! Unfortunately, we usually aren't able to skate much past the first week or so of March. The temps just fluctuate too much to keep the ice solid. DH has already taken down the lights and will start taking the rest of the rink down gradually. Getting ready to hop in the shower... Happy Melting everyone!
  19. Hey there Candle Friends! So dreary here today, but sort of warm. We're heading back to 30's for the rest of the week. Almost all of the snow has melted and the ice rink is a pool now. Melting a few tarts here and there.... CFTKR ~ Serendipity Marshmallow Delight FP ~ Lavender Sugar Cookie Dough Bread L'il Kitchen ~ ZB Smells pretty yummy, but competing with homemade chicken noodle soup. Hope everyone has a great evening!
  20. Good Morning Melting Sugar Cookie Latte from Carol...a big-time favorite of mine Hi sweet, I love Coffee Latte Zucchini...it's a winner. Carol's tarts are so popular. It was just sheer luck that I got these when she opened up in January. I don't know how she keeps up with it all! rivercat, I love the snap sticks too! You just *snap* off as much as you want to melt...no fuss, no muss! Aaaand, they're so colorful and pretty! Have a great Sunday everyone!
  21. Good Morning friends....I haven't been here in a few days! I have been busy with the boys' activities and just general running around. I got my first time order from Streetman Candle Company yesterday...very impressed. I melted a small piece from one of the snap sticks in Island Fresh and it made my house smell so awesome and fresh! Back to bakery scents for this morning...CFTKR Coffee Latte Zucchini and FP Vanilla Cupcakes Have a great day everyone!
  22. Tonights scents... McCall's Mulled Apple Cider candle downstairs FussAssMcGee ~ Just Breathe upstairs ... wonderfully relaxing Maggie, how frustrating that the stain is not matching! Love how you say "the old DH" sweet, seriously, I've never met a "dough" scent that I don't like! I am having a jumbo of tea...ahhh... Have a nice night friends.
  23. Here's a little re-cap of my latest melts... HHS ~ Mrs. Claus Buttercream Drizzled Bread...good, but not very strong FP ~ Funnel Cake Bread...weak, but sort of yummy CFTKR ~ Pink Sugar Milk...love CFTKR ~ VBN/Raspberry Coconut ZB...omg! CFTKR ~ Lavender & Moonspice...totally droolworthy CFTKR ~ Crunch Berry Crisp...reeeeally good FP ~ Gain Laundry...this is about the only "laundry" type scent that I really enjoy....it's a fantastic clean scent CFTKR ~ Sugar Cookie Bread Dough...another droolworthy...put "dough" in any scent and you've got a winner IMO!!!! I think that's it....for now.
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