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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Hi everyone! :-) For the last couple of days I've been melting tarts from my dear swap buddy and also from another cf friend....all winners! CCCC Cinnamon Zucchini Rolls....yum CFTKR Country Charm...lovely Goosecreek Cozy Home...nice & warm Iheartwax Zucchini Ice Cream... Thanks ladies! As for today, I went shopping early and then after coming home and walking Ozzy, I put HHS Toasted Peppermint Twinkies on....so good! Trep, hope your kitty will be okay. Maggie, I am not much of a shopper either....what store is A&A? Hope everyone has a nice evening....I should try to wrap a few gifts later....
  2. Lit YC Icicles Also started a couple more melters.... Upstairs...CCCC Santa Baby in the MBR and DS#2's room (he likes melting in his room to make it smell good...cute kid) Nene's Christmas Bliss in the mudroom and bath It has started snowing here and looks gorgeous...lots of fluffy flakes gently falling...aaahhh Hey, where's trep? I don't think I've seen a post from her in a few days. Hope all is well. Off to bake some cookies for after the big Christmas Band Concert tonight...so excited!!!!
  3. Good morning Just started melting CFTKR Pumpkin & Sugared Hazelnut from my swap buddy Need more coffee....
  4. Good Morning...10 degrees here Starting out the day with CFOW Fruit Loop Cheesecake...nom, nom sweet, we only got a light dusting of snow, but it was sure pretty to watch! Getting ready to finish up decorating today ...better get my bootay in gear!
  5. Hi friends! We're getting some of the white stuff! I'm enjoying being in the house and watching the snow fall. I've got Christmas music playing on the tv and drinking a hot cup of fresh coffee. Yesterday, I melted another tart from my swap buddy....FP Vanilla Nutmeg Eggnog...so good and lasted all day! Thanks buddy! Got a variety of scents going right now... YC jar in Icicles and another in Heritage Pine Nene's Buttermint...completely droolworthy Scentsationals Boxwood Sage in the bath CFTKR Peppermint Meringue dc, glad you did well on your exam! I remember my days of apartment life and running up and down 3 flights of stairs with laundry! Have fun at YC! Happy Belated Birthday shortygal! Maggie, I'll bet the twins did a great job on your tree. Don't know if I'd even trust the boys to do it on their own...lol biolaeagles, I love Scentsy's Christmas Cottage...so glad you are enjoying it! skylar, congrats on your winnings! I haven't ordered from Brown Bag in ages!!!! sweet, FP Cinnamon Sugar Donuts is so good! Love that one! Have a great evening everyone!
  6. to the board Paige! Feel free to join in on any of the threads....we love "seeing" new faces here!
  7. Hi again! I've got a candle burning here next to me...YC Red Berry & Cedar and melting Crosscreek Bayberry. I love Deana's version of Bayberry. After we came home from the hockey game this morning, I did a little gift shopping and let's just say the cat and dog are going to be spoiled this year...lol. We went to the Holly Day Light Parade here in town. It was so cold! The temp was around 21 degrees! DS#1 is in the HS marching band and he said he could barely play his tuba because the valves were freezing and getting stuck! I have not put up my tree yet. I usually have to do all the decorating as the DH and both DS's aren't interested. Makes it sort of a chore....sigh. Okay...I'm off to get my comfy pj's on
  8. Hi there! I am so behind on posting and reading up on what everyone has been melting! This is my favorite thread, so I'll have to catch up asap. Right now melting a marvelous scent from my swap buddy....Nene's Persimmon Spice. It's so good and was discontinued for awhile which made me sad. Glad to see it's back. Honestly, if anyone likes spicy scents, give this one a try!!!! Getting ready to head out to a hockey tournament... Have a good one!
  9. Hi there... Melting FP Autumn Glory and burning YC Vanilla Chai and Autumn Leaves
  10. Hello friends... Melting HHS Pumpkin Cheesecake in 2 tealight melters and I have to say it's wicked good! Love her pumpkin scents! Jules, I love that scent from Nene's! Soo goooood. I have been doing the same thing and melting the same scent in a couple melters...really makes the scent throw outstanding!!!! Well, gotta shuttle the boys around town for hockey practice and karate. Have a good one!
  11. Smelling great in here! HHS - Granma's Vanilla Bean Cookies FP ~ Bear Bread Getting ready to walk Ozzy...25 degrees out! Have a good one!
  12. Melting Parisian Morning from Streetman downstairs Upstairs, I have Rose Jelly from CYS
  13. Good Morning friends...it's a cloudy, blustery morning here...pretty typical for November! How's the weather where you are? I have two FP tarts melting...Pumpkin Nutmeg Cookies and Zucchini Spice Roll. Gotta get my plug-in changed in the mudroom...I enjoyed Scentsy's Mandarin Moon so much for the last couple days that I think I will go with that again! Really good scent...has anyone else tried it? Think I will post some p0rn of recent orders I've received later on this afternoon. Anyone opposed to that? Maggie, I'd never heard that about granite before! I'm sure your new FREE countertops are going to look FAB!!!! Lucky gal! biolaeagles, Those are two of my absolute all-time favorite scents from HHS! Good luck with the haircut today! Have a good one!
  14. Good morning! Melting Orange Caramel Little Bites from CFTKR...oh my, so gooooooood! Also melting Mandarin Moon from Scentsy...love! Aaaaand, Lemon Crumb Cake from Streetman....lemony goodness! sweet, lol! Steakhouse Rolls was a sweet, cinnamony, doughy, type scent....delish!!!! Reorder!!!! Have your tried Up the Creek yet? I was sort of sad I only had one scent shot of this one! Maggie, ooooo, are you getting a granite countertop? I keep wanting to get granite in our kitchen, but hubby says NO! Our counters are only 8 years old and I really like the color, but would love granite!!!!! Gots to go grocery shopping...yuck have a good one!
  15. Good Morning...getting ready to head out with Ozzy for our 3 1/2 mile morning walk. Melting an assortment right now... HHS Granma's Vanilla Bean Cookie Streetman Gingerbread Applesauce FP Pumpkin Vanilla Mallow Bread Have a good one!
  16. Melting another fab scent from Haley's...Granma's Hot Apple Vanilla Bean Noel! Love Janet's blends!
  17. Melting Blue Raspberry Fruity Loops from FP Hope you all have a great day!
  18. Melting... Tiffany Candles ~ Candy Corn SGA ~ Grandma's Kitchen Upstairs CYS ~ Rose Jelly
  19. Melting HHS Toasted Vanilla Pumpkin Sugar Cookie
  20. Melting FP Zucchini Spice Roll Off to walk Ozzy...
  21. Melting Pecan Bars from Steetman in 2 melters Stopped at Wally World today and picked up 3 clams...Spiced Cranberries, Redwood & Pomegranate and Clear Autumn Skies Hope everyone is doing well
  22. Hello friends... Melting Tea Cakes from TBG and Tempting Treats from CFOW...taking a bit of a break from the spicy fall scents. biolaeagles, glad to hear you had a more restful night!
  23. Hi there~ Just burning YC Autumn Leaves tonight...classic fall! sweet, I believe this is The Candle Cottage that you are looking for...Click Here I saw a big display of their candles at TSC recently. I was looking for Carhartt jeans for DH and I didn't have time to stop and sniff, but I was thinking of going back when I get the chance. Glad to hear they're decent candles. Have a good night all.
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