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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Melting Rainbow Confetti Cake from UTC
  2. Good morning Melting S&S - Marshmallow Birthday Cake Noel (with some coffee in the background.).....yummo! honeybear, hope you find your wedding pics! I still remember when we moved to our present house there was a box of stuff that went missing. It wasn't anything important like pictures, but it's still just a mystery to us what happened to it! Regarding your house, summer is a slow time for real estate. It should pick up in the fall and winter. DH sold houses for awhile and he once told me that February is the month with the most closings. Hang in there. Well, DS#2 and I never got to organize his room yesterday because a friend of his ended up coming over. Maybe today..... Still finishing laundry and hope to get to the grocery store today...oh the THRILL! Hope the paparazzi doesn't show up Have a good one!
  3. Good morning.... Just one lonely melter going so far.... Lemon Sugar Pound Cake/Watermelon Cake/Whipped Cream ~ This is a beautiful wax chunk from Dairy-Aire....it even has a tiny lemon wedge on the top. I just turned the melter on, but on cold it smells very creamy and summery. Maggie, kudos to you for being a painting fool! Hey, that rhymes! sweet, seems like Fall is here already with the cool temps we've been having! Won't be long! We do love that pumpkin coffeemate here too! biola, packing and moving is a great time to get rid of all the extra stuff that you don't need/want anymore. DS#1 starts band camp today and tomorrow...just a couple hours each day and then he goes ALL DAY next week. He's excited since he is the proverbial "bank geek"....lol. However, someone is going to have tired feet from all the marching!!!!!! As for me, I've got laundry to do today and then helping DS#2 unclutter/organize his room to make way for the new bookcase we got at IKEA. Have a good day!
  4. Tonights melts... CFTKR ~ Butter Brickle Little Bites...OMG! So good!!!!! TSC ~ Summer Taffy (I think that's what it is...too lazy to go look at the wrapper...lol)...this is really fruity and fairly strong. It was a lovely chunky wax melt sent to me by a pal on CF. Susan, great news! So happy for you! sweet, you're getting the same weather as we are here...plus it has cooled of quite a bit. Sure doesn't feel like July!!!! Our pool is not getting much use this summer. Maggie, are you all finished painting girl? Rivercat, hope it cools down a bit for you! honeybear, hope you have some luck on your car hunt soon! biolaeagle, sounds like you had a great weekend! becky, told ya 5B had some good votives! I haven't ordered any in a while...like at least a few years. Now I got the itch! Anyone watch the show "Mountain Men" on the History channel? DS#2 and I are addicted to it...fascinating how these guys live! Talk about a tough life. Speaking of DS....he had an absolute wonderful week of camping with the Scouts. Bless his heart. He earned his Firem'n Chit which means he can carry matches and start campfires and his Totin' Chip which means he can carry and use a pocketknife, ax and saw. He also finished some more requirements for his next rank and some merit badge requirements as well. They keep them busy at camp!!!!! I'm hoping he has great memories of his experience in Scouting. Lifeime memories. Anyhow, hope everyone has a great night!
  5. Tonight's melts... Dairy-Aire ~ Lemon Pizzelle...from a CF pal Lovin' it! Tiffany ~ Coconut Lime Verbena...a favorite CFTKR ~ Hot Orange Danish...another favorite from Carol DS#2 comes home from Boy Scout summer camp tomorrow! I've missed him!!!!! Have a good one .... the weekend is here!
  6. Hi there.... Melting FP Strawberry Sticky Buns, Can-Do Vanilla Bean Noel and S&S Caramel Praline ZB sweet, glad to see ya back! Maggie, Good Grief, that's a lot of painting! Hope Daisy doesn't keep leaving you presents! Speaking of pets, my "house" kitty, Tiger, has been liking going out in the yard with me while I garden and has caught 3 field mice (beyond our yard is a corn field) in the last week and a half! He brings them over to me! Once they stop moving, he loses interest and just leaves 'em there. Gee thanks Tiger... Gross. biolaeagles, Congrats on the upcoming move! Bummer you have to pack up the waxies! dabba, hope you're enjoying your HHS goodies! debra, I remember when I was a little girl and my dog had puppies. I was always broken hearted to see them leave one by one. It's hard not to get attached to them when they're so little and cute! Heading off to bed soon.
  7. Dabba, have you tried Tiffany Candles yet? I highly recommend her tarts! Plus, the TAT is fast! Her website says 14 days, but I usually get my orders in 7 - 9 days average.
  8. Tonight's melts... Re-melting Beezy Circus Concession from a couple nights ago...just lit another tealight. I only used half a scent shot and it's still very fragrant. I also detect a slight bit of Pink Sugar in this scent, but I'm not postive. At any rate...it's a reorder for me! In another melter, I have Streetman's Bazooka Blast melting...love! Upstairs, FP Vanilla Laundry...really a good "laundry" scent...the vanilla mellows it out quite a bit! biolaeagles, good luck on the house hunting. Maggie, how are you enjoying WWS? Would you order again? Michele, I think everyone should have calming scent in their home! What a better place the world would be, huh? Dabba, hope you get your Haley's soon. I did not order, but I've heard that others have starting getting theirs. Let us know! sweet, where are ya girl? Hey everyone...off topic, but I went to IKEA with a girlfriend for the first time yesterday! We had fun walking around. It was interesting. I ended up purchasing two bookcases for the boys' rooms which is really the reason I wanted to go! Most of the decor is not my style, but I saw a few cute/interesting items. It's just me and DS#1 home all week...DH is back down in Alabama for work and DS#2 is camping all week with his Boy Scout troop! This is DS#1's last week of drivers training. Then he gets his Level 1 permit! Hope everyone has a great evening!
  9. Tonights melt is from Beezy ~ Circus Concession. So, so, so good! I highly recommend John's wax. Everything I've melted so far has been tremendous...good throw, long-lasting and just incredible yummy scents. Has anyone else melted Beezy?
  10. Tonight's melts... SMT ~ Bubblegum & Cotton Candy...delish HHS ~ Pink Noel Cake Batter Ice Cream...not a huge Pink Sugar fan, but love it blended with bakery! Upstairs I have UTC Cashmere & Silk melting...really lovely scent! Have a good evening!
  11. Hey friends! Afternoon melts... FP ~ Banana Bubblegum & Rainbow Sherbet SMT ~ Cotton Candy Bubblegum Hay Creek ~ Loopy Poundcake The FP Wild Mountain Honey that I had going this morning was NOT for me at all. It's a super sweet floral and gets a lot of raves. That was the main reason I ordered....I got sucked into the hype....lol. biolaeagles, did you take any pics of the milk incident? Would be funny to see later when they're older! katz, hope your DS is recovering quick from the surgery...ouch! Maggie, I love the combination of coconut and mint. I think Can-Do used to have Coco-Mint Frost and I loved it.
  12. Starting out the day with... Waxie Lady ~ Lemon Glazed Sugar Cookies downstairs FP ~ Wild Mountain Honey upstairs DH got home Monday so it's been nice having him around although his sleep/wake schedule is all out of whack. He has to leave again early Friday morning for 16 days. Cloudy here right now and quite cool! Hope it clears up and gets warmer!
  13. Tonights melts! Tiffany ~ Birthday Bash TDC ~ Bora Bora
  14. Tonight's melts... Upstairs Tiffany Candles - Honey Bunny...really a nice scent...clean and soothing at the same time. Rest of the house... Scent Illusion - Bubble Mint...oh my garsh....FAB! Susan, keeping you in my thoughts for your MRI. Maggie, bummer about your beach day...phooey! mpfand, hope you have a nice trip! sweet, I would usually just melt something I'm in the mood for and remelt the next day if I only got a couple hours of scent. biolaeagles, surprisingly, the zb is very light in S&S Cake and Ice Cream ZB...I was getting more of the cake and vanilla ice cream. Still yummy, but needed more zb to me. Have a good night!
  15. Starting out the day with ~ S & S Cake and Ice Cream Zucchini...yum, creamy and wonderful
  16. Okay, I was getting ZERO throw from the L3. Switched to CFTKR Sweet Lemon Gumdrops and not sure about this one...it has an odd undertone to it. Like a weird musky note...may have to switch again.
  17. Starting the day with L3 Extreme Fruit Salad. Need. More. Coffee.
  18. Pass the coffee please! Two melters going so far... FP ~ chunky loaf in Happy Birthday which is Caramel Iced Birthday Cake, Cinnamon Buttercream Noel Birthday Cake, Marshmallow Ice Cream Birthday Cake Nene's ~ Cinnamon Glazed Fritters...the last of a bag of crumbles. Have a lovely day!
  19. Three melters going this evening! S&S ~ Honeydew Pink Sands SGA ~ Everything but Her Kitchen Sink CFTKR ~ Sugar Cookie Dough Bread Oh and almost forgot...one melter going upstairs too...FP Brown Sugar Rose Bliss Susan, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers friend biolaeagles! ...we ARE reading soulmates! This is the first Louise Penny novel...if I like it enough I will probably read the others in the series. Love Khaled Hosseini...have you read The Kite Runner? That's another great one. I've yet to read his other novel A Thousand Splendid Suns...another on my list of future books. I've heard good reviews of the Deborah Knott series by Margaret Maron also. Ditto the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Do you read hard copy or do you use a kindle? I'm a library girl myself...lol. Maggie and honeybear, glad I have some company with young drivers!!!! Good Lord, help us! sweet, Cinnamon Zucchini Rolls...soooooo yummy! I love Deana's zb scents!
  20. Another gorgeous morning here....delightful! Starting out with FP Cinnamon Sugar Cookies Vanilla Latte debra, the kittens sound too cute! biolaeagles, the book I just finished was And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini Great read....didn't want it to end. Now I am starting How The Light Gets In by Louise Penny...a mystery set in a small town in Quebec. I love novels about small towns. And you? Any good books? DS#1 starts drivers training tomorrow morning! Have a good one!
  21. Starting the day with... S & S ~ Cake and Ice Cream TDC ~ Cafe Vienna Gorgeous morning here! Hope everyone had a nice holiday yesterday!
  22. Melting a couple tarts right now... FP ~ Strawberry Sticky Buns K's ~ Roastin' Marshmallows...thanks to the cf pal who shared this one with me! Maggie, a couple I know recently did the same thing switching their dining room and living room! They love it! sweet, we're getting the cool temps here too! May go down to 48 degrees here tonight! Great sleeping weather!!!!! Michele, enjoy your weekend at the beach house! Off to try to finish a book I'm reading... Nite, Nite....
  23. Beezy Tarts is open if anyone wants to get an order in! Tonight I've got a couple yummy scents from CCCC melting... Berry Strudel Bake Vanilla Bean Noel biolaeagles, it is divine and long lasting...still going in the 20w hotplate right now! It's on my reorder list since this one was my last scent shot. I think you'd like it! ilove, Maggie and CF pals, Scented Baskets is legit and yes, those are CFTKR tarts. I've ordered warmers from Barb before and she always sends one of Carol's tarts along with the warmer!
  24. Scents we're enjoying right now here at Casa Aria Scentsationals...Coffee Cake Swirl K's...Cafe Swirl...thanks CF buddy! S&S...Funnel Cakes & Waffle Cones honeybear, never a dull moment at your place, huh?
  25. So far, I have FP Banana Bubblegum Rainbow Sherbet melting. sweet, I love Crossroads candles too...Orange Vanilla sounds perfect for the summer! Rivercat, c'mon over and visit us here in Michigan! We'd love to have you! Michigan summers are particularly beautiful! honeybear, hoping your toe is on the mend! Yay for being able to score some LSC waxies! biolaeagles, are you guys still napping over there? mpfand, have fun at Disney! debra, believe it or not, a break from waxies is sometimes a GOOD thing. It gives your sniffer a rest. I took zero wax on our vacation and we were so busy, I didn't miss it. But, when we came back home and I put that first tart in and got the first whiff....I was in heaven!!!! Illuminutty, Maggie, ZUCCHINI COFFEE ICE CREAM?!!!!! Are you kidding me?!!!! drooling over here.... Okay friends, hope you all have a good Monday...have to register DS#2 for hockey today and I want to also try to head over to HomeGoods to find a bed for Tiger. He has taken a liking to my Vera Bradley duffle bag and has been sleeping on it since we came back from vacay! Little stinker.
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