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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Hello friends... Melting right now is Nene's Pumpkin Creme Brulee...omg, so good. I swear Missy makes the BEST pumpkin tarts. Also have a Leaves type tart from Tiffany melting...such a classic scent. Oh yeah, and upstairs in the MBR it's Nene's Sea Island Cotton...heavenly and perfect. Maggie, bummer it's too cold to enjoy the snow! It's beyond freezing here too. We can't even skate on our ice rink because there's a layer of slush on top that froze. DH tried to resurface it, but it's still messed up. sweet, I love The Bates Motel too. It's one of the few VCS tarts I've melted so far. They were a little light, so I am letting them cure longer. Anyone ordering from The Bathing Garden this time around?? I looked over the scents and I think I'll pass. Hope everyone is warm & cozy...
  2. Good Morning Melting a tart from FP ~ Strawberry Pumpkin Noel mpfand, hope DS is feeling better Maggie, that scoopable sounds divine! biolaeagles, neat idea for the bridal shower! sweet, oh yum, time to stock up on Cinnamon Sugared Donut candles honeybear, two crockpots? Have a nice Monday everyone!
  3. Good morning Melting a couple of super yummy scents right now... FP - Zucchini Noel CFTKR - Sugar Cookie Dough Bread honeybear, praying for sweet Dharma sweet, hope you can save your Fresh Balsam candle...I love the foil trick! It's saved several candles for me! Oh frieeeends, just an FYI...S&S is open and her current tat is quick! I placed a first time order for a few RTS scent shots and a bag of brittle on Tuesday and already got a CnS from Shanna! Just thought I'd mention it
  4. Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for all the birthday wishes for DS! You are all so thoughtful! I am melting BSF Pumpkin Spice Latte...it's strong, but I'm not really loving the scent itself for some reason. Gonna turn it off. Also have FP Sugar Cookie Dough Bread melting and CFOW Fruit Loop Cheesecake...now these are YUMMY! DS's will be home from school any minute...I'm gonna need a cuppa joe. Have a nice afternoon!
  5. Good Morning! Today is my DS's birthday! It was 15 years ago, yet feels like it was just yesterday. Where's that little bundle I brought home from the hospital? Melting McCall's Laura's Lemon Loaf...thanks CF friend! This is one yummy lemon bakery scent. honeybear, it was! I love dishes with lots of vegetables. Yum. Okay, I'm going to run some errands...have a good one!
  6. Good Morning Melting VCS Over the Rainbow (rainbow sherbet & cotton candy blend)...liking it a lot! Gotta go feed Ozzy....I'm getting the stare. Have a good day!
  7. Hi! I've got a few minutes before I go fix dinner, so i thought I'd come and see what's up here! Latest melts at Aria's Place... FP Strawberry Shortcake...super delicious HHS Granma's Toasted Waffle Cone...yum Nene's Down Home...spicy and cozy Some other melts from CF pals that I've used recently FP Pumpkin Eggnog Bread...delish! Granny's Kountry Candles Butterscotch Candies...really good and strong Crosscreek Frosted Sugar Cookie...sweet and heavenly OLC Zucchini Pastry...a very, very good zb scent. Granny's Kountry Candles...Serendipity...yum...love I think that's it...I was saving the wrappers from those for a couple of days so I'd remember to post! I think VCS is only going to offer scent shots for the next restock and then all 3 products (ss, clams & flowers) on the restock after that. Ok...off to make dinner...pasta primavera tonight. Have a good one!
  8. Hi there! Melting a couple from my K's Kreations order that arrived earlier today... Kona Kookies - yummy coffee scent! Hansel & Gretel - different from most gingerbread scents I've had before...like it a lot! Maggie, the scent combo in my Tiffany loaf is amazing! I had it melting both upstairs and downstairs. I like when vendors put scents together in chunks or a loaf melt. It's like magic... I love the scents everyone is melting lately...they all sound so good. Take care friends...have a nice Friday evening! I miss trep.
  9. Hi there...yes, it is still quite cold here! But, the boys are back to school! Melting a loaf from Tiffany Candles in Lemon Meringue/Birthday Cake/Serendipity....OMG, sooooo goood! I think her version of Serendipity is my all time favorite. Upstairs, Bubble Mint from SI...really fantastic...sweet and refreshing at the same time! sweet, my minivan is 14 years old...You're darn tootin' I give her a pat on the dashboard for starting up in the freezing temps!!!! cookie, hope your car is fixed now. Rivercat, I've heard of one hospital here having patients with the flu on life support! Please be careful! Enjoying the peace and quiet!
  10. Hi there! Staying inside where it's warm. The boys had no school today and again tomorrow. It's just too cold, plus we must've gotten at least 15 inches of snow yesterday. Melting Maple Pumpkin Bars from CFTKR and Miss Scarlett's Cookie Bread from K's. I got my CnS from K's already...anyone else? That was fast!!!! What orders is everyone waitin' for? SMT Vintage Chic Scents Kringle FP I think that's it for me... Have a good one everybody!
  11. Hi there...reporting in from the deep freeze here in Michigan. Man, it's cold. The sun was out this afternoon, so I bundled up and took Ozzy for his walk. I was actually sweating by the time we got back home. Melting and burning a bit of a hodge podge right now. YC jar ~ Sugar Plums YC votive ~ Sparkling Cinnamon Melting Nene's ~ Plumberry Spice and Buttermint HHS ~ Cake Bake ~ this has been going all afternoon and still kickin'! Thanks to the CF buddy who shared this one! It's so good! Upstairs I have FP Pink Mallow Laundry dc, Hope you had a nice day! You are still so young yet...enjoy your youth. sweet, Yay for purdy snow!!!! We're expecting more Saturday night into Sunday....6 - 12 inches. Plus, super cold temps and winds. DH is supposed to fly to St Louis on Monday...yikes! I am thinking the kiddos won't be going back to school on Monday either. Those naughty kitties...bless you for taking care of them. debra, what is the kitty tube thingy made out of? Is is like a shelter for them? I can't imagine how any living creature survives the long, cold nights we've been having and are going to have in the coming week. Well, we are due for a "warm-Up" of sorts tomorrow 30 degrees!!! DS#2 and DH are going on a 3 mile hike with the scouts in the afternoon. A bunch of the other parents and I are going to have a fire, hot chocolate and hot dogs for the boys at the park where the hike ends. Should be fun! Hope you all have a nice evening...stay warm!
  12. Hi friends! We got a ton of snow! How about you sweet? Did you get any? We also have very frigid temps too! Maggie, it's coming your way!!! I am currently melting Granma's Fruity Loops by HHS...a gift from a sweet CF pal...so strong and yummy! I also have another HHS tart melting...Granma's Vanilla Bean Cookie...another yumm....Haley's rocks I was on here earlier and lost my post somehow. I got irritated and didn't feel like retyping....I have calmed down now.lol biolaeagles, prayers for your family
  13. Feeling lazy... Maggie, I love the title...glad your DS got home safely. Pumpkin Cider Cream Filled Cake...are you kiddin' me??? Yum!!!!! sweet, I was browsing K's scent list and Cafe Brulee Bread sounded divine! I reeeeaaaalllly like her wax and want to place an order soon! Our ice rink is up...hubby got a late start and just filled it last week. With the super cold temps we are having, it'll freeze in no time. Just praying it stays cold and no unseasonal warm weather!
  14. Good Morning! Wishing everyone good health, Joy, laughter, good times and Prosperity in the New Year! First melts of the year at Aria's Place are both from CF pals and they are DEEEEELICIOUS!!!! Nene's Fall Festival and Daphne's Buttery Gingerbread Pumpkin Cheesecake...I am in heaven right now. We had a nice time last night...DS#1 had a couple friends over and they played games and had pizza & snacks. Teenagers sure like to snack...lol. DH & I played ping pong, air hockey and foosball with DS#2. By the time we got to bed, it was almost 2am! The boys are now starting a thrilling game of Axis & Allies... Have a great day everyone!
  15. OMG! Sweet , girl....thanks for the belly laugh! You are such a kook. I forgot to post our plans....DS#1 was going to have a few friends over, but not sure yet. You know teenagers...last minute plans. We're gonna have pizza, pop and some snacks and probably play board games!!!!
  16. Melting Country Mama's Candles ~ Orange Chiffon/Sugar Cookie/Granny's Pie Crust
  17. Hi friends I have just one melter going so far today - Streetman Raspberry Ice Cream Scoop Bread...yummo. This is a good raspberry...some raspberry scents smell yucky to me. I once had DH tell me a raspberry tart I was melting smelled like paint thinner! I don't remember who it was by, but it was not good at all. sweet, yep, my lil' Tony is a mini melter for sure! Actually he's 10 and getting quite big...lol. He tends to like strawberry, cotton candy, blueberry and sweet scents! My teen, Nathaniel, also has a melter in his room, but rarely turns it on unless I walk in and say to him "It stinks in here!" He likes more "manly", herbal type scents, but recently melted BSF Peppermint Mocha and loved it. I am off to the grocery store...yippee.
  18. Hello friends! Here's what's melting over here.... Scentsy Frosted Ginger Cookie McCall's Laura's Lemon Loaf...from a CF pal...delicious! K's Away in a Manger In DS's room ~ Strawberry Cotton Candy from FP. I think I've created a junior wax addict...lol. That's about it for now. Should be a nice, relaxing day...no plans. Have a good one!
  19. Hi everyone...omg, I am so exhausted from all the holiday festivities In yesterdays' mail, there was a lovely package of waxies from a very thoughtful gal here at CF! Thank you so much! Some vendors I have never tried and the cold sniffs are fab. Sooooo, tonite's melts include Berry Creme Brulee from Starlight Chandling...thank you....smells so delicious. Have a good night everyone....
  20. Good Morning Thanks Maggie...and like you, I have quite a few things to accomplish today. Luckily, wrapping is done except for the robe and slippers I got for DS#2. Can you believe my 10 yr old wanted a bathrobe? He always sees me in my soft, comfy robe and he said he wishes he had one...lol. Melting Zucchini Noel from FP....so delicious. Off to make a quick trip to the grocery store....I hope. Have a good one!
  21. Getting ready to hit the hay...just blew out my YC Icicles jar sweet, I've baked several kinds of cookies this week...love baking and listening to Christmas music. Looks like some of the "C" scents are out of order on Deana's scent list...Coffee Bean is about halfway down on Page 2. The service we attended today for our friends dad who passed away a couple of days ago was just beautiful and very touching.
  22. Good Morning... Melting Pumpkin Marshmallow Cupcakes...smells really delicious! We have a coating of ice on everything this morning. It looks pretty on the trees, but not very safe for driving or walking. sweet, FP Sugar Cookie Moonspice Bread is very yummy! Have a funeral to go to later on...a good friend of ours lost her dad unexpectedly. Hope your dad is doing better Michele. With all this talk about coffee scents, I am going to say that Carol's Coffee Bean is one of my all time fave coffee scents!!!! I think Deana at Crosscreek carries the exact same scent. It's gooooooooooood!!!!! Okay, friends, off to wrap a few last minute gifts.
  23. Hi there Melting Eggnog Sugar Cookies ~ CCCC Vanilla Bean Noel ~ Tiffany Candles Sugar Cookie ZB ~ CFTKR Have a great evening
  24. Good Morning friends...like my outfit? Melting some fantastic scents this morning! CCCC ~ Warm Winter Pleasures...thanks to my swap bud for this one...it's vedy nice! BH&G ~ Snowy Evergreen Forest...wowza! Thanks to a CF friend for sharing! :D FP ~ Sugar Cookie Dough Bread...a favorite Nene's ~ Gingerbread Latte...thanks again swap buddy for a yummo coffee scent :wub: biolaeagles...sorry to hear that your lil guy is sick...hope he feels better Well, off to make a fresh cup of coffee and do some baking and wrapping. Have a good one!
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