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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by debra99

  1. Arkcandle - I think that Marshmallow Fireside is my most favorite scent from B&BW. I have a serious stockpile. :wub: I also have an older Scentsy going- a little different that mpfand - but close! It is Vanilla Suede.
  2. Amy Jo - I also think BH&G are strong and they seem to last on the shelf quite awhile without losing their scent! OrangePanda - have you been able to locate Vegan candles? Tonight - TCC - VBN.
  3. Tonight is one with a loooong name: FP: Blackberry Wildberry Mousee Coconut Crème Birthday Cake! ;)
  4. Dabba! Hello! Tonight - a YC that I think has been one of their best: Passion Fruit Martini.
  5. Wowie, Michele, that could really have made a mess! Glad it wasn't worse! mpfand - those are two of my favorite scents! Tonight - TCC - Christmas Splendor.
  6. That is progress, Honeybear! I am glad you will enjoy your new home soon. Maggie - it is so funny, out here we get really cranky at snow days! Tonight it is Cheryl's Cherry Plum.
  7. Maggie - it was a pretty good movie, the make-up is pretty impressive! Oh no, mpfand - I hope your tum is all better now. Lazy tonight - just a B&BW candle - Blueberry Pumpkin Patch.
  8. We are glad you have joined us!
  9. I hope you get to have a Happy New Year soon, honeybear! How frustrating! Maggie - my NY are pretty dull. We went to Darkest Hour on NY Day. Biolaeagles - that is a big move! I hope you enjoy your new home. Tonight it is ST, It Wasn't Just a Dream - from a nice Candlefind buddy!
  10. Welcome back, mpfand! Michele - this is a tough time to be sick, too much going on! I hope you are better soon! We did an early dinner out, that is about it! Home to Netflix, most likely asleep by 10! (Until the firecrackers start...) Tonight - Eggnog, Scentsy - thank you candle-buddy!
  11. Maggie, that is my goal, too! I would like to start new next year, I have tarts left over from several years so I am determined...hopefully I am not still melting these in March! Tonight it is an older YC - Holiday Bayberry.
  12. Goodness, Honeybear, you need that house to close pronto! Fingers crossed for you! And - the Teddy description sounds wonderful! Still cleaning out Christmas scents - tonight it is Crosscreek, Rocky Mountain Christmas.
  13. Back to work... I hope that you all got lots of presents! Tonight it is Candy Cane - Cheryl's.
  14. Maggie, I hope your neck gets better soon. Today it is Cheryl's - Christmas Tree Farm.
  15. Mpfand - have a relaxing time! I hope you all have your shopping done! Tonight it is one of my usual Christmas scents - Mistletoe by YC.
  16. First day of winter! It is feeling pretty nippy! Tonight it is only my Super Tarts Advent calendar. There have been some interesting blends - I hope they are going to be available to buy!
  17. I hope your move goes well, Honeybear. Tonight - Tis the Season - Fox Willow (thanks, buddy!)
  18. Thanks, Maggie - I may need to take a look at the store, I will let you know if I can not find any! Tonight YC - Winter Glow.
  19. Tonight it is Sleigh Ride - Cheryl's. I have several Christmas scents that are shaped like gingerbread boys and they are very cute, hard to melt.
  20. Honeybear, I am glad you are getting some answers, hopefully they will bring some peace. Today was early Christmas as kids are heading out of town. Christmas Splendor from Cheryl's.
  21. Honeybear, I am so sorry. I know this will be a difficult Holiday Season for you all, you are in my thoughts and prayers also.
  22. Honeybear, I also try to burn up one candle before beginning another. Otherwise I end up with shelves of half burned candles. Maggie - I have never tried Ashland - do you think I should make the trip to Michael's? Favs to look for? Tonight - FP Coconut Lemongrass Marshmallow.
  23. Honeybear - that is a lot going on during the Holidays! Sounds like you will have good help though! I zipped around today, we are doing Christmas early since DS will not be here on the actual weekend. I have trouble getting it done at the usual time, this condensed time is stressful! Michele - good for you for sitting that one out! I planned to just get a couple Christmas scents...and...well... Tonight it is LoveLee Natural - Element, a Lavender Coconut Milk blend.
  24. Honeybear, I am so happy this is over for you! Michele if you figure out how to quit ordering, give me the secret. My intentions are always so good... Today - SGA - Broadway Nights, a pistachio blend.
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