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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by debra99

  1. Curious how you are storing your wax? I know it helps to keep the sweet with the sweet, mint with mint, etc, but about the only ones I separate out are the ones with a smokey scent. I did not do that once and ended up with a whole bag full of smokey tarts :huh: I have been keeping them by vendor lately so I can find what I am looking for easier. Tonight is it Cheryl's Emerald Sea.
  2. Susan!! You temptress! AmyJo - The Fabuloso was pretty accurate! Michele - aren't back stage tours fun and interesting? We got to go back stage for Beauty and the Beast several years ago. It was a little intimidating looking out at the audience from the stage - and all the seats were empty! Tonight - CYS - Sea Island Sunrises.
  3. mpfand - Banana pumpkin? I missed that one somehow. I thought I had them all, LOL! Well, this talk about Fabuloso made me do some searching. I knew I had some old melts in that scent somewhere - and I found them! So, in the melter it is Tiffany Candles - Fabuloso! Very strong!
  4. Well, this is the 2nd time I reviewed a post this week and then did not post it! Sheesh. I hope all of you buddies in the stormy path stay safe and warm. Tonight it is Woodland - another oldie - remember Grandma's Home Brewed?
  5. Honeybear, it seems like a candle business would be a huge amount of work. It certainly isn't something you can do half-heartedly if you want to be successful! AmyJo, I remember back before I started melting tarts, I used to use Fabuloso to make the house smell good! My floors were mopped often back then! ^_^ Tonight is it Peace Offering - FA McGee [smilie=th_offtobed] [smilie=th_offtobed]
  6. Honeybear, I am jealous of your Dessa lunch! :wub: Thanks, Maggie and Michele! I also tend to melt every drop of scent out of my melts. Crazy - it is not because I need to budget them! Seems like the more I have, the longer they last so the stash just does not go down. My kids make a big deal about the candle smell in my house. They leave their coats in the front hall so they don't retain any scent. Sheesh. I keep telling them - it is candle smell or litter box. With 6 cats, you know what I choose! Tonight - Scarlet Raine - Lavender Flowers.
  7. Thanks, Honeybear and Cookie! Aria, there are a bunch of bird feeders in my yard, too! The squirrels love them too. Even with the squirrel guards. I tried getting them their own food but they ignore it and the blue jays eat it. It is a fair trade, I guess! Tonight I could smell the melt when I came in the back door! It was in the back of the house so I am impressed! It was Cucumber Melon - KAE Scented Melts. I have only melted a couple but they have been great so far!
  8. Thank you, buddies - the dizziness is better. I am sure anyone that saw me thought I was a little tipsy! AmyJo - we have a dog that likes to go out and roll in the branches and leaves under the big tree in the yard. She is a mess when she is done, and drops twigs and leaves everywhere she walk. She knows better... Tonight it is TCC Apple Butter and Caramel.
  9. Honeybear, I am glad it all worked out! You guys...sheesh, I forgot about Zeep. My wallet was happy. It is not so happy now. ;) Pretty cool to get a B&BW from a student, Maggie! I almost caved on VCS, but the timing for the opening didn't fit my day. AmyJo - I am glad you have a traveling melting now! I was supposed to go out of town last night, but ended up with an inner ear issue - too dizzy to drive. :wacko: Today I have YC -Strawberry Lemon Ice melting, I think it is one of the stronger scents.
  10. Maggie, .40 cents? Good deal...enable, enable! :D I like their warmers, those are on sale, too, but they are 12w. I am a 20+ w gal. Tonight it is Tyler - Wysteria Lane.
  11. Honeybear, I have Middle Earth also. It certainly is a fan favorite, I am not sure about it, however! AmyJo -- we only get about 2-3 inches of snow, but since we are not a "snow town" things pretty much comes to a standstill. Too many hills! I have trouble melting the fancy melts. I tend to save them. The scruffy ones go right in the melter! :blush: Tonight it is TCC - Gingertoast.
  12. Too much snow!!! Honeybear, I am glad you are getting all settled in and are having a good time! Had a first with DH tonight, he came in and said the house did not smell very good. I have a tart called Black Rose melting. Guess he is not a floral guy.
  13. Maggie, PS Cantaloupe is interesting - I thought it might be mainly PS, as those blends tend to be, but this one is a little more balanced. Well, more snow is on the way...sheesh. I am all over winter, this is bad timing! I am noticing that my plate warmer is hotter on one side than the other now. It is my first one of this brand, I am not sure if they have a certain life expectancy. Tonight - Tiffany's Serendipity Splash.
  14. Yep, we have snow! I hope it goes away reaaaal fast! I hope those of you who have tomorrow off have a fun day! Tonight - Tiny Tarts - Pink Sands Cantaloupe.
  15. Amy Jo - very clever, going and getting a melter on the road! And - 70 degrees for you ... and we are going to have snow tomorrow! Sheesh, I knew my daffodils made an appearance way too early! Maaggie, I found soot on the top of one of my wall a few weeks ago - I tried to clean the area - and ended up washing the whole wall! Arkcandle - Attie sounds like she has a lot of personality! Today it has been SGA - Pink Chiffon Lavender Birthday Cake.
  16. Augh...I just lost my post...starting over. Honeybear - 10 years? That could be a record! I have some that are 8 years old that still throw fine. Wax bans are so hard - I get all set, then someone I like goes out of business - so I have to do a "last order"! Tonight is one I did not expect to like - Cheryl's Caramel Drizzled Marshmallow. Yum! I need a big ol' bag of this one!
  17. Honeybear, I think the putz keeps getting putzier. Did I make up a word? The kind you love to hate! Oooh - I love melter shopping! There are so many anymore. I have a few too many of those, too... No 3-day weekend for me, Arkcandle. I am jealous - back to work on Monday. Tonight it is Vanilla Cake Pops - Cheryl's.
  18. Funny you should mention that, Michele! I have to ignore some of the boxes and focus on what I need to get melted, or it is a wee bit worrysome! Do you think that they will let me melt these in the Retirement Home? They should last that long! ;) Costco must be a Valentine's tradition, Honeybear! My DH just called from the Coscto parking lot asking if we needed a chicken! :D I am really enjoying Poldark - it has a great "bad guy"! Lots of interesting twists and turns. Tonight it is YC Pumpkin Wreath in the melter.
  19. I just heard that, Cookie! Darn! Another one of our "ol' dependables". Glad to see we have hummer fans! Ours over-winter here so I have to keep watching to be sure the syrup does not freeze! Maggie - I have almost made it all the way through my vendor Christmas wax!! I still have BH&G, but those seem to keep for awhile. And Poldark - I am watching season 3 - IMDB show a possible season 4. I am curious about the same series done in the 70's. Speaking of BH&G - my Walmart is very slow at getting the new stuff. I see there are wall plug ins now that I need to check out. Tonight - Cheryl's - Cucumber Mint.
  20. Arkcandle - even the smell of food on an airplane is sorta iffy to me! Mpfand - I know, I have a small drawer with Can-Do and Crosscreek tarts that I will take my time melting. Anyone feed hummingbirds? I have 3 feeders and those little critters are keeping me hopping, keeping them filled! Tonight it is Velvet Sugar - Me Time Melts.
  21. Susan - you are the bestest waxie enabler!! Thanks for all the heads-ups! Mpfand - yes, in January we were notified that Can-Do would not reopen. Tonight I am watching Poldark - love it! Anyone? And...burning B&BW Vanilla Snowflake.
  22. AmyJo - the cookies were a chocolate chip type - except I used pecans, mini M&Ms , and white chips. All of you with snow!! I an still watching the daffodils and daphne bloom in our 55-60 degrees. We had so much ice and snow last year, I am very happy with this. ;) Tonight it is Can-Do - Snow Angels. Gonna miss her! :blush:
  23. Cookie - is the New Moon the "old" vendor? I just put Cranberry Clove in the melter from New Moon - but I bet it is about 3-4 years old! Maggie, I think the cookies turned out well - I set them out, went to a meeting and when I was done there was only 1 left! :huh: It's almost Friday!
  24. Speaking of baking - I am baking birthday cookies for the office tonight. AmyJo - I hope your freezing rain is gone - that really shuts down our area when it happens. Honeybear - I think I would like that YC scent...sounds like it is time to go sniffing, too! Tonight it is Pine Cone Wreath - Sensibly Posh
  25. My calico kitty has learned to take the lid off the kitty kibble. She actually unscrews it! Now she is keeping me hopping, She wants attention - she takes off the lid! I'd get annoyed, but it is sorta cute. Yes - I have BLOOMING daffodils! We are going to have a mess if we have a cold snap. Tonight it is CYS - Irish Spring.
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