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Everything posted by debra99

  1. Friday!!!! Went by B&BW tonight on my way home. They have some pretty yummy candles right now. That I don't need. ;) We are doing a Secret Santa at work and I found some good stuff! Tonight - Funnel Cake - Cheryl's.
  2. Oh gosh, Honeybear, it is so hard when out kids hurt! I am glad your Realtor is looking out for you! Tonight - S&S - Nectarine Mint.
  3. Good to hear, Honeybear! Do you guys have wax everywhere? Not wax stashes, but dribbles of wax on counters, floors, etc.? I am not sure how it happens, but it seems I clean up a lot of stray wax blobs. Wheeeeee, Michele - a warm shower!!! Tonight it is CBV - Asian Garden.
  4. Hiya, Aria! We have not heard from Sweet and Spicy for a bit. I ordered from Carol, too. I always look at everyone else's orders and wonder how I missed so many good scents! Honeybear - I sure hope you get that offer soon so you can think about other things - like shopping and melting!! Candlelove - I forgot about the cold shower part!! I guess it is like being at summer camp? Tonight it is Day 3 of my advent calendar, a combo I would not normally choose with maple, but it is OK!
  5. Oh goodness, Michele - what a mess! So glad it was not an even bigger one! Honeybear, here is the link to the Candlefind article about Scent Burst. These are BH&G. I see the ones I had were Candle-lite and those were more of the earthy scents. Scent Bursts I see them on Amazon and at Walmart (online too). They tend to be cheaper in the store. I almost had an Advent calendar fail! I got the ST one - and forgot that it was December already!!! Time to catch up! Also, melting YC Line Dried Cotton.
  6. Nice title, Michele! Maggie, I cannot remember the full name of the scent but it had Bergamot which I usually like. This one smelled sour to me. And - Hot apple pie is one of my favs! Tonight it is CJ's Candle Corner - French Market.
  7. Wowie, Honeybear! That is amazing - and really good news! Good thoughts and prayers coming your way! Maggie - are those the first ones you have tried? I have another bag to try but I was not crazy about the last scent so I am stalling... :blush: I just put on a retirement party for a colleague we have worked with - she is has been there for 40 years. That does not happen much any more! I am pooped, all went well! :) Tonight it is The Melting Duck - Sweet Dreams, a lavender and pink sugar blend.
  8. We are missing some of our buddies! Tonight it is Autumn Day - Cheryl's.
  9. Gosh, it is late tonight and I haven't started my melters... Guess I will just clean them up and get them ready for tomorrow.
  10. I have had a fall-fest, trying to use up the punkin's. Mainstays - Apple Pumpkin Cheryl's - Apple Pumpkin Strudel Crosscreek - Hayride CYS - Pumpkin Brulee Coffee
  11. Michele - did you do a little shopping at ST? ;) I see SGA has a sale... :wacko: Must. not. look. Tonight - YC - Autumn Leaves
  12. Happy Day-after-Thanksgiving! We were not home for the day and I regret not having leftovers! :( Honeybear - ST - Harry's Holiday - I tried it!! It is really a good one! The baguette is noticeable when it was first melting, not strong - but I was looking (sniffing?) for it. I did not notice it much as the day went on, just mainly Blue Sugar! Thanks for letting me try it, now that note won't frighten me off!
  13. Honeybear - I am going to try the "bread" scent this long weekend when I have time to really smell it. I am getting excited to check it out! Tonight it is Mountain Mist - Cheryl's.
  14. Good evening! Honeybear - YES! In fact, I just sent you an email! Thank you! Tonight it is a candle since I got home so late and my melters are full! B&BW - Autumn.
  15. Michele, I end up buying BBW candles every time I go in the store. Go for soap - buy candles... ^_^ Tonight it is an older SGA sample: Mellow.
  16. I have a bunch on bookshelves, too, Michele - they got too heavy once and crashed down so now I limit what is on the shelves! Wowie, Honeybear! That's a bunch of plants. Do you have favorites? I used to have several African Violets. Tonight it is S&S - Pumpkin Pie Noel.
  17. I would hide them too, Michele! I guess mine sorta area already hidden, come to think of it! Honeybear - did you have to tell that you needed a trailor for wax? My DH would have fun with that one! Tonight it has been SGA: Pisatchio Lemon Cookie Noel.
  18. Well! Looks like I should do some chopping! Tonight it is After the Storm - Happy Hippy.
  19. I have so many candles, I keep thinking I will burn my way through them but I am not making much progress. I keep thinking about chopping and melting them... Welcome home mpfand! Tonight it is another YC - Strawberry Lemonade Ice.
  20. Good candle scores, Michele and Maggie! Odd how our noses and tastes change. :huh: Tonight I have YC - Crisp Morning Air.
  21. Michele, sounds like a great time! Today it is CJ's - Paradise Beach.
  22. Dabba, I have window shopped several times, but have not purchased. I have quite a few HHS I should use up first! Today was melt...dump...melt...dump...it seems like everything I picked was low in the scenting department. Finally ending up with a smelly one - Apple Pumpkin Strudel, Nene's.
  23. MNhoneybeaer - it must be old, it is gmail. Is the same only Hotmail now? I hope to hit the sale, but sheesh! That's a "school" night, LOL! Not sure I will make it awake until the opening! Tonight it is HHS - Toasted Bubblegum Cotton Candy.
  24. Hi Dabba! OK, Mnhoneybear, I tried again! Today it is Finn and Jake - ST. (A grapefruit and pink sugar blend)
  25. Michele - sounds like another one I could like! Tonight TCC - Lavender - one of my favorite lavenders!
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