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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by mpfand

  1. I'm continuing to melt Bergamot & Tarragon until after we get home from the kids' soccer game. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
  2. Good to know about the Island Kola Nut. Candle Haven also has a dupe that's pretty good. This evening it's Bergamot & Tarragon from Scentsy.
  3. I also suffer from migraines and find that Bella's Lavender Coconut Milk is a nice, relaxing scent.
  4. Tonight will be hamburgers on the George Foreman with coleslaw. The kids will frown at the coleslaw, but, hey, you can't always please everyone! My son doesn't like pasta salad and my daughter doesn't like baked beans so I'll make coleslaw, which neither one of them like. LOL My husband and I love it, though, so I still make it occasionally and insist they try it in the hopes that they will learn to like it. Does anyone prepare something different if someone doesn't like something?
  5. I agree with Jason on the Berry Tangerine. I dumped it this morning and replaced it with YC Mango Peach Salsa, one of my favorites from YC.
  6. Evening melt in the kitchen and LR is YC Berry Tangerine.
  7. We love nachos and have them on the week-ends quite often for a quick and easy meal. We discovered that left over chili also makes a great topping!
  8. Planning does make a huge difference. I do enjoying cooking, but sometimes get "burned out" trying to come up with meals that will please everyone, are nutritious and easy on the budget since it seems groceries are going up at the same rate gas is. I think tonight it will be burritos since my husband will be working late. The kids have fun making their own so I'll hear no complaints from them.
  9. Still melting Apricot Freesia downstairs. It needs to be dumped, but still haven't decided what I want. In the MB it's YC Ginger Citrus.
  10. I just got a bag of the grubby stars in this. One of my favorites from Bella's.
  11. Yum, Susan. Think I'll make hamburgers on the George Foreman one day this week. Cat, nothing wrong with soup and sandwiches. My husband and I love tomatoe soup with grilled cheese. Debra, your husband sounds like mine. When he has dinner duty for whatever reason it's almost always corndogs or frozen pizza! I hope you feel better soon! And Jason, I would love to eat at your house sometime! My husband doesn't really like steak so we rarely have it. I came from a "meat and potatoe" family so I still crave it once in awhile!
  12. The age old question. I do about 90% of the cooking in our house and I struggle almost daily with what to prepare. I strive for variety and nutrition and, of course, something that the whole family will enjoy. Tonight I strayed from the norm and made buttermilk pancakes, sausage links and cantaloupe.
  13. Downstairs it's Apricot Freesia from Candle Haven and my daughter picked YC Vineyard for her bedroom.
  14. One of my favorite orange scents is Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper from Candle Haven.
  15. Dumped French Croquembouche and am now melting Homespun from Candle Haven.
  16. Melting French Croquembouche from Things That Make Scents in the kitchen.
  17. Melting Creamsicle Bundt Cake from LOL in the kitchen and LR and Exotic Coconut from Bella's in the MB.
  18. Taking a break from and . Does anyone else's house get trashed over the week-end? Mine always seems extra dirty after the whole family has been home all week-end. Melting Tahitian Vanilla from Candle Haven in the kitchen and LR. Wonderful fragrance.
  19. Warning: this is a very addictive forum!
  20. That was my impression of that fragrance too. :? I smelled that at BB&B the other day and was wondering how it was. I thought about buying a couple of tarts and now I'm glad I didn't. I'm melting Honeydew Melon from Candle Haven.
  21. Finally home from the kids' soccer game and shopping. Just cleaned out the kitchen and LR burners and put in Fresh Cut Cantaloupe from Scentsy. This one is really good!
  22. Eileen! That's fantastic! Being a stay at home mom for the past 13 years I've gotten quite creative at saving money. I give my guys their hair cuts, do my own nails and color my own hair. I do get it cut at a salon about once every 3-4 months. I found a style that works with my naturally curly hair and doesn't need constant trims. I only shop sales, clearance and coupons. I don't deprive myself of things like a few new tops every season, but I only buy them on sale or clearance. At Kohl's the other day I found a pair of pajama pants for $1.20 and a beautiful sweater for next winter for $4.00. I also shop for Christmas and birthday gifts all year. I recently bought my nephew two shirts at Target for .98 each. They will be given to him for his birthday in August along with a toy race car (marked down from $10.99 to $5.24). I never pay full price for anything at Michael's because they have such great sales and 40% coupons every other week. You don't have to buy the Sunday paper, either. I find them on-line or in store. Anyway, I could bore everyone and go on and on, but I won't. I've really enjoyed reading the different ways everyone saves money.
  23. Melting Tuscadero's Baton Rouge upstairs in the loft and downstairs in the kitchen and LR.
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