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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by mpfand

  1. Oh, yes. It was with my 24 watt electric melter. I had it pretty full and when I went to turn it off I bumped the table it was on and wax sloshed everywhere. Luckily, nothing was permantly damaged, but it took me awhile to clean it up! The person below me is sometimes embarrassed to admit to mere aquaintances how addicted they are to their tart/candles.
  2. I wish; probably about half that. The person below me waits for a sale before placing an order with a new e-tailer.
  3. Not melting anything this morning. We're off to the kids' soccer game. It's supposed to hit 100 here today so I'm not too sympathetic with those of you who think it's hot where you live. :cry:
  4. Not true! My scent addiction started with candles, but I now melt tarts exclusively. The person below me loves floral fragrances.
  5. My daughter had left over spaghetti and the rest of us had a multi grain baquette with salami and cheese.
  6. I am a total B&BW junkie and have my 10 year old daughter hooked, too. Her favorite is the bubble bath in Moonlite Path. I use practically everything they carry; signature collection, aromatherapy, true blue spa and the anitbacterial products. Like my home fragrances, I am seasonal when it comes to bath and body products. B&BW offers great fragrances for every season. There's nothing better than dousing yourself with Cucumber Melon when it's 100 degrees outside! The one fragrance I use all year is Jasmine Vanilla. I just love it and it stays on all day. Boogie, I'll have to try the Orange Ginger for summer. I'm already counting down the days until their semi-annual sale in June!
  7. Honey Butter Buns from Bella's in the kitchen and LR. Off to decide what to melt in the MB...
  8. Melting Fresh Pear from Angie's in the kitchen and LR.
  9. My daughter has been asking for spaghetti so that's what I'm going to make tonight along with a tossed salad.
  10. Sage & Pomegranate in the kitchen and LR from Soy Lovely.
  11. Razzle Berry Swirl in my daughter's room and Citrus Splash in my son's room. I think these were samples from Tuscadero's. They were only labeled with the name of the scent. Both smell wonderful, though.
  12. Kids' soccer practice tonight so dinner will be hotdogs, baked beans and honeydew & cantaloupe.
  13. Did you get the free shipping too? Shanna has entered a 'candlefind' code that will give free shipping to CF members indefinitely - combines with other sales offers too. I went back to find where I posted that shipping info and I can't find it now - So sorry if you didn't get to take advantage of it this time, but hopefully on a future order if you like her stuff........ Yes, I got free shipping in addition to 20% off. It was too good to pass up! :) I am melting Coconut Cream Pie this morning from Candle Haven.
  14. Creamy Mango in the kitchen/LR from Candle Haven. I just placed my first order with Sugar & Spice. Couldn't pass up the sale I found on the sales page: 20% off your order, plus free shipping for orders over $25!
  15. Tomorrow is a new day. Hugs to you! :P
  16. Tonight I am making French's Crunchy Onion Chicken, mashed potatoes and veggies.
  17. Zucchini Bread is still going strong in the kitchen/LR, but I had to turn off the Violet Lime in my bath. My daughter informed me that it's "disgusting". :? I'll melt it after she leaves for school!
  18. I have Zucchini Bread from Candle Haven in the kitchen and LR, Violet Lime from Soy Lovely in the MB and Tranquil Waters, also from Soy Lovely is in the powder room. Have a good evening, everyone!
  19. I love Sonic. We have one 4 miles from us so sometimes we ride our bikes there in the evening to get an ice-cream or something. Tonight we are having something simple, and, though not entirely nutritious, definitely kid friendly; chicken patty sandwiches, mac & cheese and either carrot sticks or fresh sliced strawberries.
  20. I'm so glad you won! What a great early birthday present. Be sure and let us know what you get.
  21. This morning it is Painted Lady from Cheryl's. This was from a Candlefind friend so I'm not sure what it's supposed to smell like and I can't detect anything specific, but I do like it!
  22. This morning it is Bergamot & Tarragon from Scentsy. My family was so sweet this morning. My daughter gave me new pajamas and from my son, a watch with 7 changeable bands. Also, beautiful cards from them and my husband! I loved watching their faces as they presented me with their gifts. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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