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Guest ilovescentedthings

Silver Bells, Christmas Smells

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Dabba...sorry about the tree.


We actually ventured out before the blizzard arrived and DD got to see her movie. We had lunch and I'm heading down to the treadmill to work off lunch. To keep me motivated I have Carol's Chocolate Orange Truffle melting and a beautiful fireplace to look at.

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Well we're about to go to my brother in laws house to play Cranium (so fun) about 1/2 hour away and we're expecting 6-10 inches of snow... going to bring clothes and toiletries in case we get stuck up there. No snow yet.


Burning Jacks Gone Cranberry by Crosscreek, festive. Hubby hates it so it's in my office LOL. I like it, it's different!!!


Bringing Christmas Cookies (Crosscreek) to the brother in law's his wife loves the Yankee Version so I am sure she'll love the dupe.

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Mmmmm - Finally got the exact right combo I have been looking for this season! I'm melting Can-Do's Christmas Tree in a tealight melter, and also burning YC's Mistletoe (2-wick tumbler). For some reason those both working together in the room are putting me in Holiday Heaven!! I'm working a little extra today so in my office I'm burning a Bayberry candle from CHC, and upstairs melting her Mistletoe (leftover from last night). With all 3 of my favorite holiday/tree scents going together, sipping my hot cocoa while I type, and listening to the kids in the other room popping popcorn and watching 'The Santa Clause' - I feel thoroughly in the mood for Christmas now. (Except the popcorn scent is now taking over - grrr.)

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Wow, I'll have to try to remember to cut my LOL Rocky Mountain Christmas before melting. I've never done that. Is it best to use a knife or are scissors easier?


Sharonana, thank you for the good thoughts. Much appreciated and needed! Last year's wreath and garland experience sounds pretty awful. It's a shame the reality so often doesn't measure up to the fantasy, eh?


Melting CFTKR's Country Charm this afternoon, a gift from a special CF friend. Thank you!! [smilie=th_hmph] This one is really pretty. And charming. Definitely Country Charm charming! Lovin' it!



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I made it back from the mall unscathed--it was very busy but didn't seem as bad to me as last Saturday but maybe I am getting used to it. At any rate, we ate brownies and exchanged gifts and had a thoroughly nice time.



I am trying out a new scent for Dawn at HL--her five year old daughter talked her into mixing cranberry and yellow rose so I am trying it out for her. It isn't completely melted yet but believe it or not it smells really good. Not a combo I would ever think of but it is going to be good I think.



Dabba--did you find another tree? Too bad it couldn't have hung on for another week. Hope you found one you like and could decorate without too much trouble.



To all of you with snow--be careful.

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(((Gail))) Hope everything works out okay.free-love-smileys-879.gif


Oh...the garland and wreath were nothing but a thing...


That's why I'm so glad that I now have wax to replicate the scent of fresh pine or whatever I feel like smelling at the time.free-happy-smileys-843.gif


Also...just wanted to say that the Strawberry Noel is really, really nice. dancing-baby.jpg Love that baby shaking his bootay!lol-053.gif

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I think my original tree probably didn't get enough water because the dogs kept going underneath it and drinking out of the tree stand [smilie=th_hmph]


This afternoon it's GHBT red delicious apple...strong and authentic!


I went to the mall today, and it was packed. However a store manager told me people aren't spending much :?

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I hope everyone has safe travels this weekend and if it's snowing you have plenty of wax for the duration... I am melting Wickandpetal Christmas splendor. It is a palm wax melt, smells great and was a nice birthday surprise from a friend. I hope everyone is having a nice evening.

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Wow, I'll have to try to remember to cut my LOL Rocky Mountain Christmas before melting. I've never done that. Is it best to use a knife or are scissors easier?


Gail - I use a sharp knife that I keep specifically for tart cutting. LOL's wax isn't that hard, tho. Just, please be careful! [smilie=th_empathy]


Just put on the last melt of the evening, Scentsy's Cutiepie Cupcake, from a CF buddy. :?


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Hey everyone! We are having our first snow storm of the season, and its lookin to be a blizzard! I got up at 7am to do my food shopping, then went to do a little of last minute stocking shopping. Made some nice chicken soup and now we're going to veg for tonight, we'll see how tomorrow goes. The snow is supposed to stop by noon. I would normally love a nice storm on the weekend, but not the week before Christmas, just not good timing. Be safe everyone who is in the path of this storm.


Today I melted Figgy Pudding from CYS, mildly strong scent, not very long lasting, and right now its YC Mountain Pine. I love this scent!!!!


Have a wonderful wintery night everyone!

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Last melts of the evening:

YC Christmas at the Beach...strong but didn't last :?

CHC Old Fashion Christmas...doubled up..moderate

GHBT spiced apple pecan...moderate


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Good evening!


Silly, I also love Mountain Pine. It's strong and true to its name. How are you doing on your side of town. DD is freaking out because of the wind. It took her 40 minutes to fall asleep which is rare for her. I'm staying close by in case it wakes her up. Last thing I want is for her to have nightmares from the wind for a week.


Tonight I'm melting Carol's Cherry Almond (yummy) and Maple Sugar Flapjacks. It's hard to smell the maple syrup part because it's a flapjack scent but her flapjacks are so good that I bought it. I'm burning my YC Christmas Cupcake Jar. DH is in the doghouse tonight. He had the nerve to sleep all afternoon while I cooked, cleaned, and entertained DD. Then, upon awakening he wanted to know why I didn't pour a drink for him. I was like, A - you slept all day you can help me out by getting a drink and B - I never know what he wants to drink with dinner. Sometimes it's lemonade, sometimes it's iced tea, sometimes it's wine. On top of that, I'm PMS-ing so he really picked a bad day to say that after a nap and leave the bed a mess. Right now I have 0% guilt about the big box of tarts that arrived yesterday.

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I don't blame ya LLVV... [smilie=th_c032]


Gail ~ Thanks for your thoughts...It was my Mother's dearest friend and she was always at our house growing up. I'd come in from school and find them drinking coffee in the kitchen a lot. I haven't seen her since my Mother died.. it was a sad day.


We have about 12 inches now and it's still coming down! It's not good snow for a snowman...very powdery. I just finished shoveling a path for Daisy so she can get around outside and she wouldn't go near the nice little path I made. She's only about 10 inches high. When the DH went to his car she followed him and jumped into the snow and disappeared! [smilie=th_empathy] Then she came bounding back into the house. Crazy dog. I hate how the snow sticks to the fur....My DS wrapped her up and she's cozy now.


Melting Tree Farm from WnS..realistic. I hope this snow ends soon....we will definitely be stuck indoors tomorrow if it doesn't... :?

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In the living room I have mistletoe melting and also a candle in Christmas Tree..very nice


In the comp room I put on Orange juice cake from LOL...but no scent at all...am dumping for something else and pitching the rest of those tarts. Tons of duds from LOL lately.


We are skipping the snow this time around but still have lots left from last week and suppose to have another storm the 2 days before Christmas...will have to tell my daughter to stay put..just not worth it

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I hope everyone is having a good time and staying safe.


Most memorable today:

Pink Frooty Cookies - CCCC

Banshee Bread Pudding - SH

Fizzy Pop - Primitive Tart Shack

Fresh Linen - CHC


all of those were wonderful!

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Woke up to a winter wonderland.... and it is still snowing! [smilie=th_c032] Looks like we will be staying home today.


Started the melters with a couple of cozy HOT scents;

Sugared Gingerbread Pie

Coffee at the Clause's


Have a great day everyone. To my fellow "east coasters".... stay warm and safe!

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Good morning!


We are buried in snow. It's so high from drifts that our mailbox is buried. We're staying in today and baking cookies. Yummy!


I'm melting Carol's Cherry Almond and Raisinbread with Buttercream Frosting.

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Maggie, my condolences to you and your family. [smilie=th_c032]


Momuvtwo, your evening sounded so cozy last night.


Sillysmom, the best place to be during a storm is cuddled up in your own home with hot soup on the stove.


I'd sure like to see pictues of the snow...sigh. We had a cool, clear night last night which was perfect for the Christmas party we went to.


Sweet, the candy cane stuck to the wall is attached to a life-sized construction paper elf that looks more evil than good, because the elf ears are pointed like horns...but the eyes are little heart cut-outs. DS took a little artistic license on this project. :?


This mornings scents:


YC - Silver Bells melt

YC - Cranberry Peppermint jar

YC - Mountain Pine jar

YC - Christmas Cupcake jar

Crosscreek - Berry Christmas melt

CP - Maids a Milking melt


Cozy up today, everyone. Stay warm.

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Good morning!


Today I am melting Crosscreeks Frosted Sugar Cookies....this one is really delish!


Have a great day.....not much snow here and it is sunny out!!!

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Yep...we're snowed in too! There's probably about 18 inches outside and my path is gone. :?


Thanks for your words Jules.


Melting Under the Mistletoe from Soyshine Scents this chilly morning. [smilie=th_c032]

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I don't usually like YC but I was at Bed bath and beyond shopping so I picked up a few tarts and got some Christmas Cookie ones, wow, this is a delicious scent and throws very well!!

I want some snow!!

Send some to Texas ok? I have Christmas Cookies going in the LR and BR.

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