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August's Molten Melts

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You know I do, Jason. bookmarked it. [smilie=th_Hnh5] Thank you.


Sharonana, Let 'er rip! Look out neighborhood! [smilie=th_f5a39fcb]



I'm about ready to switch out scents for this afternoon too. I just haven't decided what I want to smell next.

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Jule!!! [smilie=th_Hnh5]


I dumped the mango salsa one...I think it was old and not very strong. Blech!


I emptied the last of 3 bags from Nene...Pink Grapefruit, Coconut Milk and Sweet Orange and Chili Pepper.


I reeeeeeeeeeally need my orders to come in soon and am anxiously awaiting for Nene to reopen. [smilie=th_f5a39fcb]

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Sharonana, it sounds like you are dangerously low on melts. [smilie=th_Hnh5]


I want to jump right into Skylar's avatar. That is beautiful.


I decided on SH - Zucchini Bread. It filled the house so I haven't put anything else on.


I [smilie=th_f5a39fcb] the smell of a zucchini bread melt, but I've never made the real thing, so I have no idea if it really smells like this. Has anyone ever baked Zucchini bread?

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Yes Jules...getting very, very low.................just put an order in at Pure Scents, so I have orders from 4 places that I should be getting soon. :shock:


I was trying to be a good girl and use up all my old stuff. Well I did! :lol:


I see you are from Florida...where abouts? We are in Millbrook, AL...only about 3 hours from the beach.


We are planning a trip this weekend to Pensacola. We were there last month. We just love the beach, although it looks like it might rain this weekend. :cry:


I certainly hope not! [smilie=th_sad-1]

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S, I'm way down south of Tampa. It takes us a day just to drive out of the state. :lol: Pensacola has a beautiful beach. It'll be fabulous, even if it rains. Blackwater River State Park is up there in the panhandle. Great place to chill. :shock:

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Jules...we have stayed at NAS Pensacola the last few times we were there...it's very clean and very cheap! :lol:


The lodge is right on the beach. It's a really nice place.


What's really great is that it doesn't get overly crowded. You have to be able to get onto the base to be able to get on the beach.


My husband is retired air force.


I think any day at the beach is a good day. :shock:

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Tonight it's Orange Sherbet from Crosscreek - an old favorite, and absolutely no fuel notes. :shock:


I'm also melting Orchard Afternoon from CFTKR - a sample that Carol had thrown in with one of my orders a while back. I love this one! I thought it would be more of a floral but I actually smell a ton of clean, fresh apple in it. This goes on my plotting list.

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Tonight's melt is AMS Caribbean in 3 melters and I am burning YC Island Guava. This candle has a strong throw.


Cisley-Is CFTKR Black and Blue the last of the stash from Carol you just ordered? Just curious.


I am trying not to order although I am waiting for the HOT sale to order since I really need to go through some of my stash like sharonana did. It might take me awhile though but I am starting to feel a little wasteful. DH said everywhere he looks in the house all he sees is candles!!!!!

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Welcome back, Jason.


Sharonana, being a florist sounds divine. How sad that you can't smell the flowers though. Boo hoo!


Trep, stay safe! I hope the severe weather doesn't do any damage.


Jules, I've made zucchini bread. I make it with chocolate. Smells and tastes divine.


Just got back from a day hike. Went with a good friend and her brother, who's visiting from Long Island. What a great time we had! Now I'm doing laundry and melting CFTKR's Lemon Magnolia. Sounds lovely, doesn't it? But there's no scent at all. :shock:


Have a good evening, everybody!

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Jules - zucchini bread is delicious! If you like the way your tart smells, I think you'll like the bread, too. Yummers. It's plentiful at the market right now. Let us know when it's ready....k? :shock:


Melting Cheryl's Pineapple Dream. Maybe I'll dream I'm in Hawaii... :lol:

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I'm melting CFTKR's Vanilla Frosting tonight and burning YC's Almond Cookie and Vanilla Cupcake. It's a yummy smelling night tonight.

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I agree with our buddies, jules - zuchinni bread smells pretty much like what you are melting! (Eyeing the enormous pile of squash I harvested this past weekend. This stuff mulitplies faster than rabbits!)


Jason - oh good! I was hoping for a website. I love the looks of the votive jars.


Tonight is Candles by Lucy - Cherry patchouli ( wish it was stronger)

and Scandalous from Candle Dippers just getting going.

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Jules - My zucchini bread recipe is 29 yrs old and is pretty traditional. Some of the ingredients, besides the grated zucchini, are cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, and walnuts (optional). This should give you an idea of what it smells like. Always enjoy baking it in the fall. It is very moist and yummy. I have never tried SH's melt so I don't know how it compares to the real thing. I hope this helps.


Jason - Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed candle shopping. Sounds like you had a great time.


This evening I'm melting SSS - Pink Lemonade in 2 melters. Just love this one! :shock:

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Thank you, zucchini bread bakers.


To me, Z Bread is a scent that smells the same from every vendor. I'll have to try my hand at making some this fall. I make a decent Banana Nut Bread so I bet I'd do alright with zucchini.


I can still smell the tart. Good one.


Good night, all.

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Regular zucchini bread is good but chocolate zucchini bread is great.




Carol states it is the last of the season. There are 3 bags left but I have a lot of ordering and stash to go thru before I get back to her so I doubt if it will be there when I made another purchase. Guess it's a spring/summer thing, don't know.


Tonight I have been melting:


Front: CFTKR ~ Plum Currant Preserves ~ nice fragrance and strong in a subtle way


Back: CFTKR ~ Southern Style Vanilla ~ sample ~ smells very nice but not as strong as a few of her other vanillas. Has a sweetness to it though that is very pleasant



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Thanks for the welcome backs, although I was only gone a couple of days and I brought you all along with me! DP was making fun of me for posting on CF in the hotel room. Tonight's melt is another YC combo- Fruit and Cloves, a mix of Farmer's Market and Mulling Spices. Smells great!

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