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Good morning. Today I am only melting YC Macintosh apple in the kitchen. My mom is coming for a visit and she doesn't like alot off scent. She does love the Macintosh though so that's what I'll stick with!

I got a new electric burner in the mail yesterday and my 8 year old daughter decided it was hers...so she now has one :roll: Anyways, she has CFTKR Strawberry Ice Cream in.

Have a great day everybody [smilie=th_cocktail]



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Good morning. Today I am only melting YC Macintosh apple in the kitchen. My mom is coming for a visit and she doesn't like alot off scent. She does love the Macintosh though so that's what I'll stick with!

I got a new electric burner in the mail yesterday and my 8 year old daughter decided it was hers...so she now has one :lol: Anyways, she has CFTKR Strawberry Ice Cream in.

Have a great day everybody :?




Have a nice visit with your mom. And, way to go for getting your dd started at a young age. LOL!


So far this morning, it's yc's evening primrose in the computer room, and cranberry cocktail from missy's tempting tarts in the living room. The cranberry is on the 2nd tealight, and it's still majorly strong. I love it!

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Hi everyone. I haven't started melting anyrhing yet, it will be late this afternoon before I can melt, but I will be melting: mystery tart from Nellies, and finishing up pink sugared lime from Carol's. Have a great day.



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Good morning!


Florida Mom - My DD did the exact same thing to me!


This morning I'm melting Country Berry Hotcakes and Ginger Fuiji Apple. When I melted the apple one in my 40 watt light bulb burner it didn't smell like anything wonderful to me but I held on to the other 7 tarts I had in that scent. I'm so happy that I did because it smells yummy in my 24 watt hot plate melter. It's so strange how these things work.

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Guest Anonymous
Good morning!


Florida Mom - My DD did the exact same thing to me!


This morning I'm melting Country Berry Hotcakes and Ginger Fuiji Apple. When I melted the apple one in my 40 watt light bulb burner it didn't smell like anything wonderful to me but I held on to the other 7 tarts I had in that scent. I'm so happy that I did because it smells yummy in my 24 watt hot plate melter. It's so strange how these things work.


LLVV - I have personally found out the hard (and expensive) way that the melter can make ALL the difference in the world.....

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Guest Anonymous
Valley Girl.....I have not ordered the brittle before....but just knowing the strenght of Lessie's products I would say you would get really strong stuff! I do love Apples and Peaches too. You should try Mimosa Breeze....it's really strong and a beautiful scent.


I second Mimosa Breeze....I just placed another order from Lessie (some lockdown - couldn't resist :?


I have Tuscadero's Green Tea & Cucumber going right now, along with Candle Haven's Sunshine & Sheets upstairs (this is ONE strong scent).


Thanks girls I will add Mimosa Breeze to my fall order list. I appreciate the suggestion. Today I have one melt going so far Soy Lovelys Rosemary Mint, very fresh and cool.

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Only apple simmer oil so far, spent the night in the ER with my MIL who had a mini stroke...fortunately I had called her (she lives alone) and knew something was not right. She is hospitalized for now and getting better.


Dabba - Christmas in July? Tell me more.


Jason - I too, weakened this week, melting the rest of a coconut cream pie in the BR. It had almost given up, but I hadn't!


jersey - nice to have you back in tart land!

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Guest Anonymous

Just melting Tuscadero's Better than Sex cake right now. Not sure what else will melt later.

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Debra, I hope that your MIL makes a good recovery and that everything will be ok.

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Ok, so I couldn't bring myself to dump the Pumpkin Souffle, so I moved it to the bathroom. I usually don't do food or spice in the bathroom as it just doesn't seem right somehow, but I didn't want to throw this away yet. I put on Oatmeal Raisin Cookie from Candle Haven in the living room. Found my strong one for the night!

That was one of the first scents I ordered from Lessie and it's still one of my favorite!

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Debra- I hope your MIL makes a full recovery. My grandma suffered mini strokes for several years and eventually developed dementia.


I just realized that this probably made you feel even worse, not better. :?

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Guest stardustgirl
When I melted the apple one in my 40 watt light bulb burner it didn't smell like anything wonderful to me but I held on to the other 7 tarts I had in that scent. I'm so happy that I did because it smells yummy in my 24 watt hot plate melter. It's so strange how these things work.


It is strange; I'm still trying to get the hang of what works where.


I burned my Chandler Lane Columbian Hazelnut Roast in my metal tealight burner last night, but noticed that parts of the wax weren't melting and the candle is a bit far from the pot. I popped it out this morning and put it in a smaller ceramic tealight burner. The dish is about and inch smaller and the flame is much closer to it. It also has a base that comes up higher around the side of the flame, so I'm guessing that blocks any errant drafts and holds the heat in. It really was strong today. I had it in the bathroom (since the fan is running in here) and the scent wafted clear out to the hallway. :?

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Debra - I am glad you called your MIL when you did and I hope she will recover. It is scary when our loved ones live alone. I call my MIL every morning and every evening just to "check in".


Amish Quilt - LOL

Paradise - LOL

Satsuma - Cross Creek

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Melting Ginger Mango upstairs (Candle Haven). Haven't decided what to melt downstairs yet. I've been upstairs cleaning all morning!

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melting watermelon margaretta. not strong enough. smells great just needs to be much stronger.


I ordered five bags of tarts from victorias today. she has free shipping!!!! [smilie=th_e3301ae2]

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Debra--I hope your MIL makes an full and quick recovery. How wonderful you called her when you did.


Jersey--so glad to have you back.


We are having storms this afternoon. We actually went a whole week without any which is a first for this year. Guess they are back.


Still have Lilac Blooms and Honeysuckle from Bizzy B's going. Will change out in an hour or so.

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Guest Doe

Busy Bee- sugar cookie and pink fairy dust

Nene's - sweet treats

House smells so....... good

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