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Everything posted by deezee123

  1. Well... I think I have waited about long enough to hear ANYTHING about my Tuscaderos order. Granted, I placed the order on Feb. 2nd, but the only communication I have gotten is an acknowledgement of my order and payment. That's it. I've been tolerant and haven't e-mailed her, simply because all of you felt that it was worth the wait. However, not hearing anything at all and having $40 tied up in one order (the largest order I have made by far since finding this board) is a bit irritating. There are other companies - one in particular - that I would like to order from right now with that money. Miss commented on the Federal Trade Commission and she is correct. A refund must be provided if the item/items ordered have not been shipped by 30 days, or something like that. I can't recall the exact verbage. Now, I will acknowledge that I am a committed customer of e-tailers. At least 50-60% of all of my shopping is done online, for a number of reasons, including a chronic auto-immune disease. I truly believe there is a best of both worlds - online and brick and mortar purchasing, but this has gone a little too far I think - even for me.
  2. I've been curious about those battery operated things. Do they create enough heat for melting? It doesn't seem to me that would be the case, so I haven't wanted to put the money out... Are they just for the "looks" of a flame or do they really work as a tealight?
  3. Cyn ~ Yup, he has my reading glasses on. Poor thing, he'll let me do just about anything to him - except cut his nails. We have to visit the vet or the groomer for that. It's a good thing he doesn't realize that that I make him look so silly sometimes! :P I love that boy
  4. I have Apple Cobbler from CH in the kitchen for the 2nd day. I have to say that this is the 2nd exceptional scent I have gotten from CH. This one has an excellent throw and for a good long time. I wasn't crazy about 2 of the scents I got from her - too strong for me with complaints from the family - but this and her Birthday Cake are definate reorders! In the bathroom, I have a BBW's Cherry Blossom candle which is a nice gentle scent. Very enjoyable. And for the bedroom, I have CHC's Olive Blossum, which is a very lovely scent that permeates the room, but is subtle and doesn't take over, just the way I like it. So far, this and Cinnamon Vanilla are my 2 favorites from her.
  5. Thank you Tana and Monalisa for your help with the avatar! I'm not totally computer illiterate, but when it comes to things like this, I am definately technologically challenged! Step by step instructions that I can understand make all the difference in the world! Now I get to show you my darling Wagner. He is such a sweetheart and I call him my "Soul Dog." Those of you with pets can understand I'm sure. Even though you may have loved many dogs and/or cats over the years, there is one of them that seems to be a part of your very soul...a dog that genuinely seems to "understand" you and your moods. Wagner is that dog for me. He senses how to cheer me up when I'm down and soothes me when I'm sad...
  6. I am continuing to give "trial runs" to the many tart companies I have been sampling. In the kitchen this morning I had Clifty Creek's Sugar Cookie - delicious cold sniff, with a moderate throw on melting. I added in a Vanilla and Cinnamon from CHC, which was really nice. I just now dumped that concoction for Apple Cobbler by CH. Cold throw is great, so we'll see how it does when it melts. The living room is continuing with a YC Hydrangea candle, which is now a discontinued scent. The throw is just right, not overpowering and very pleasant. It smells like spring on this very dreary day. I have a Eucalyptus candle by BBW going in the bathroom. This is a really nice eucalyptus scent. Some that I have tried (including YC) smell like a bathroom when the toilet hasn't been flushed - YUCK! This one has a tiny bit of a lighter sweet note to it. Not sure what it is. The bedroom had Fresh Linen by Cobblestone all day. This is a pleasant Linen scent - better than any of the others I have tried thus far. I might reorder this one, but I'm still searching for just the perfect Linen scent, which I found in a discontinued Home Interiors candle. Darn! I dumped the Linen just now and changed to Country Clothelines by CHC. It's just starting to melt and I think I might like this one.
  7. I got my small Cobblestone order in today, so of course, I wanted to try something! I've got Buttercream in the kitchen, but I'm not caring for it - tons of butter, but not a "bakery touch" to it - no sweetness at all. I plunked a YC Christmas Cookie tart in with it and there is some improvement. I would definately not order this again. I probably should have gone with a sweet kitchen scent to try - think the Sugar Cookie also, but I've been trying to order some different things. I have his Watercress & Aloe going in the bedroom. This is much, much better than the Buttercream, but I probably wouldn't reorder it. It has some stronger lemon notes in it that I think I would prefer left out. The background scent is lovely, however. It is very spa-like, and that is how he described it. I have YC Midnight Jasmine in a candle going in the living room and that is just right for me. I've come to the conclusion that I am terribly picky... but... so is my family and they don't hesitate to tell me when they are disatisfied with my choices.. My teenage son regularly tells me that my candles make him gag... although I think it's the nature of an teenage boy to find something objectionable in anything parental!
  8. I started with Pity Pat's Pound Cake by CanDo in the kitchen, but it died out very quickly. Instead of pouring it out, I supplemented it with Birthday Cake by CH - this one is aboslutely a keeper and one of my favorite bakery scents ever. I love Vanilla Cupcake by YC, but I think this even has that one beat! I have combined Midnight Jasmine and Water Garden both by YC in the living room. Lovely combination and better than either one of them separately. I have another CanDo tart in the bathroom - Blue Sky - which has very little throw, even in the bathroom. I like the scent when I can detect it, but probably wouldn't reorder it. In the bedroom I have Dogwood by CanDo. Again, it has very little throw, although the scent is pleasant. I'm having a bit of trouble getting this one to melt with my tealight warmer, but I think it's the warmer, not the tart. The flame is a little too far from the bowl, in my opinion. I'll reserve judgment on this one. All in all, I'm not enjoying CanDo all that much. I probably wont' reorder unless I find a couple of scents that really appeal to me.
  9. Like Cyn, I'm carrying on like crazy today! Kitchen ~ repeat of Birthday Cake by CH - absolutely wonderful and definately worth a re-order! Living Room ~ I'm trying out Garden Terrace by CH. The cold smell was just my kind of floral, but it's a bit overwhelming as it melts. I'm using my very first electric melter for this one, so I'm glad I could just turn it off and let it sit for a bit. I have a feeling that half of a tart might be all that's needed for this one. Bathroom ~ I'm trying out Windchimes by CanDo. I've not decided about this one yet. It's definately appropriate for a bathroom, but I'm not sure I like it enough for a repurchase. Bedroom ~ Pretty Woman by CanDo. This is another "just ok" scent. the throw is mild to moderate, which is my preference, but there are other scents I like much better. I think I might pour it out in a bit and start up Downy by CanDo. I really like the cold smell on that one.
  10. I've got Birthday Cake by Candle Haven going in the kitchen and it is FANTASTIC! Absolutely a true scent for sure ~ and they were packaged with little colored sprinkles on the top ~ Too cute! This is the first CH tarts that I've tried. I have a feeling there is another order in my future.... I tried Can-Do's Glazed Donut this morning, but poured it out after an hour or so. The throw was so-so, but I wasn't crazy about the scent. I still have a YC Carnation candle as well as another Can-Do carnation in the living room from yesterday. Even together they remain a lite scent, but I like it. I have a YC Midnight Jasmine candle in the bathroom and I'm on my 3rd tea light of Satin Sheets by CH in the bedroom. I"m still loving that scent - unexpectedly so ~ and it's still going strong!
  11. I came home to 3 boxes of goodies today! Needless to say, I had to try a few things out... I have CanDo's Mom's Apple Pie in the Kitchen together with a YC Buttercream candle - a very appetizing smell. I like apple scents and although this one is good, it's not my favorite, so I'll probably keep looking for one I like better. In the living room I am melting CanDo's carnation with a YC Carnation candle. Both have a very light throw. It's a very pleasant scent, but you definately have to "pay close attention" to smell it. In the bathroom, I'm on my 3rd day of Sea Island Cotton by BBW, which I really like. Finally, in the bedroom, I have CH Satin Sheets melting. I received this as a sample and given the description of it, I would never have ordered it on my own. I am pleasantly surprised! It's a nice evocative scent and has an excellent throw yet not overpowering. My husband walked in and said "What's that you're burning? I like it." That's as good as it gets! It will probably be a staple here.
  12. I started out with yesterday's leftovers in the kitchen - Vanilla on Steroids from AromaSoy. It lasted through 3 tealights - a little too strong for me starting out, but by the 2nd tea light it was perfect! Actually, I have to admit I was almost afraid of it! Now I'm trying her Walnut Fudge Brownie and it smells good enough to eat. I would never have considered trying this one, but I think I would order it again. In the bathroom I have been into Sea Island Cotton frangrance oil all day - a very soft scent from BBW that's perfect for a bathroom. The living room is filled with YC's discontinued Hydrangea - one of my favorite springtime scents - which I NEED today! It's been raining and nasty all day. I'm on my 3rd day of YC Egyptian Cotton in the bedroom. This is a really nice scent in the candle, but too strong for me in a tart. Very relaxing and fresh.
  13. Greetings on this cold, cold morning! I am working at home today, so I'm continuing yesterday's Snickerdoodle by AromaSoy in the kitchen. I am liking it much better today. Not quite as strong, which is more my preference. I haven't decided which new goodie I will try in the bedroom yet. I will be working there today, so it needs to be a "motivating" scent. I'm thinking of trying Persian Lilac Mist - a little spring to counter the cold!
  14. My blue to those of you feeling the pain of loss is a YC Midnight Garden candle. It is one of their swirl candles combining Midnight Jasmine and Water Garden. Very lovely scent and very appropriate when thinking of our beloved mothers. I received my AromaSoy sampler order today and I'm trying Snickerdoodle in the kitchen as I write. These things are strong! In fact, when I opened the mailbox, I already knew I had received an order from somewhere because I could smell it before I saw it! I surely love scents, but I'm not so sure I like them so strong. I guess it's hard to find just the right middle ground sometimes. I will say they are packaged beautifully. My only disappointment is that she has included primarily bakery scents, which are not what I would have chosen - I'm more into the clean and light floral scents. I'm trying a "Light Blue for Women" here in my bedroom, but I might have to put it out or open a window since my eyes are watering. Just curious... are the soy melts usually this strong? Some of the other scents that were included are Vanilla Cream, Vanilla on Sterioids, Persian Lilac Mist, Frosted Cinnabun, Lemon Gumdrops, Pralines and Buttercream, Gingerbread Cookies, Cosmopolitan, Walnut Fudge Brownie, and Black Cherry Bomb. Any thoughts on these? What should I try next?!
  15. To be honest, I think men have just as much capacity to enjoy entertaining the olfactory senses as we do - it just makes some of them feel less "manly" so they don't want to say anything - doesn't mean they aren't taking it in! I for one, really take pleasure in the fact that my husband likes candles and tarts. We don't have a lot of major interests in common and this is something small that we enjoy together.
  16. Hi Jersey (btw, I'm a Jersey mom of 4 also!) ~ I also have a husband who is a candle lover. He's not terribly picky however, and he always takes my giveaways... He also likes to take the remnants of the Yankee jars and makes layered candles out of them. Some of the other company jars, especially Colonial, have jars that warrant some degree of re-use. He certainly takes advantage of it! I figure as long as he's happy - I can continue to splurge on candles and tarts without any complaints! He's a good man, that husband of mine!
  17. I've got a variety going throughout... In the kitchen it's a Sugar Cookie candle by Beanpod, and for a little added umph, I have YC Christmas Cookie tart going. In the family room I have a YC swirl candle of Water Garden and Midnight Jasmine. Lovely scent! Last but not least is a Sea Island Cotton candle by BBW in the bathroom. I'm loving it! Doris
  18. It appears that I have neglected to introduce myself, so let me begin! My name is Doris and I have been married to my wonderful (mostly because he likes candles too) husband for 28 years. I have 4 children. My eldest is working on his doctorate and just became engaged to be married in August! My next son is an engineer, and probably not far behind in marriage with his lady friend. Then I have a son who will begin college this fall and my only daughter who is a high school sophomore. I feel truly blessed with my family. I am a registered nurse and my full time work consists of investigating nursing home abuse and neglect throughout the State of NJ, where I live. I am also a therapist part-time, but if I ever retire, it will become my full-time occupation. I love it and I can't ever imagine myself not working. My husband is a teacher and feels the same way I do about my work. It's a good thing we love our jobs because not too many people can afford to retire in NJ!! I am totally and completely addicted to candles. I have been teased multiple times about all of the "stashes" I have. I can almost guarantee that I have in excess of 50 candles (not the small ones) that I have acquired through sales, etc. I LOVE a good sale! I also enjoy tarts and probably have at least a couple hundred of those lying around. I am excited to learn that there is more to the world of tarts than Yankee! I took advantage of 2 Super Bowl Weekend sales and can't wait to take possesion of my goodies! I am also a very dedicated dog lover and have 2 of my own. Quinn is an American Eskimo dog who is 14 and a diabetic, and Wagner is a big white shaggy dog mix who is 6. Whereas Quinn is quite a bright girl, Wagner on the other hand is the Forrest Gump of dogs. They are both rescues and I love them dearly. Considering the horrible existences they led prior to being rescued - especially poor Quinn, they surely live a life of luxury now! It's great to have found a place that "understands" me and my love of things scented. Not too many people do! Doris
  19. I see that some of you have ordered a warmer from NorthWest. I'm considering doing that also as I think it's time to try the plug in variety! Now ~ has anyone thried their candles? I don't find a review and I would like to give it a try. Any suggestions or recommendations on scents from there? Thanks! Doris
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