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Posts posted by AmyJo

  1. Good morning ladies,


    I hope everyone is well. The cooler weather is a welcome change here in Ohio, 56 F this morning.


    Mpfand - I'm so sorry about your a/c - that's a big hit, and with temps like yours, you've just got to have it!


    Susan, that CFOW peach scent sounds tempting. I do love peach. [smilie=yes]


    This morning it's:

    VCS Grandma's Pearls, from overnight - such a beautiful lavender scent, so peaceful.

    Zeep Mambo Beach - orange, sea air, driftwood - in multiple warmers. What a difference a long cure makes - beautiful!


    Have a fine Tuesday,


  2. Good morning dear ladies,


    Thank you all for your kind, sweet words about my Montgomery. It means a lot. I'm having a kind of tough time. Remembering all our happy walks in the woods is helping.


    I missed the CFTKR restock and the VCS baseball intro and the two new VRC Loaves of the Month - but I have so much beautiful wax to enjoy -- and I admit defeat, I can't order everything, even though I've been trying. [smilie=th_th1ptgno]


    Aria, I hope you had a wonderful day at the graduation!


    Mpfand - did you have Zeep Beach Towels in the loaf or in the clammie? I have the loaf and it throws me out of the room, after curing for maybe a month (and I think Ashley had poured it about a month before that loaf shipped, so two months total). The warmer I usually use for that one is pretty hot. [smilie=th_idontknow].


    Honeybear, I'm glad you're enjoying the CFOW Salty Sea Air...I agree, so completely beautiful. And I know you and DD#1 are nervous about her trip... [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_] Sending you a big hug.


    Well I couldn't sleep so I've been starting up a few odds and ends since the wee hours:

    CFOW Butterscotch Coke Float - yes I know I should let this cure but it smells so delicious and it's throwing well already!

    CFOW Beachwood - divine. A bit of a story here...Michele had a Moon Cake in Beachwood Vetiver that I completely lost my mind over because it was so unusual and so gorgeous. And it was discontinued. Michele found an oil called just "Beachwood" and because she is such a dear, she sent two samples of the new one - and it's the same as the previous discontinued scent. Sooooo lovely. She poured this just last week and it has been throwing like a champ all night, frankly too strong for just the bedroom. Amazing scent.

    FP Macintosh Apple - scrumptious. I had to turn it off after just five minutes in the living room because the whole house filled up and it was fighting with the Beachwood. [smilie=th_biqazm1]


    Have a good Monday, all. Thanks again for being so sweet about my big guy.


  3. Hello dear everyone,


    I have sad news to share. Yesterday, after Montgomery had made himself sick with the thunderstorms, he was sleeping on and off and I just stayed near him and didn't go out. He wasn't himself, and I hugged him and told him how much I love him, that it was all right. He kept putting his paw on my arm. He gradually became more and more still and then he slipped away. He was 12, a good long life for a big dog like him. I think the past week of multiple storms was too much for his nervous system.


    He was the dearest dog I have ever known, a fearless farm dog and livestock guardian when we had a family farm, and my loyal protector when Steve was playing evening shows. We walked together many miles in the woods and when a man bothered me one time, Montgomery made it very clear that he should stop. That was his fiercer side, and it was very effective.


    I knew this would be a tough one. I have loved many animals in my life and this is always hard, but he was a special, calm, loving friend and I have been dreading this day. I am so grateful that we slept together on the floor the last couple of nights.


    I kept Jack Sparrow and Carnival by the Sea going all night, actually on the good advice of a dear friend, and this was a great comfort to me.


    To everything there is a season. He was a great blessing in my life.


    Thank you for reading this and for your friendship in scent,


  4. Good morning everyone! [smilie=th_smiley-yawn]


    Another rocky night with thunderstorms. Montgomery ended up making himself sick, he was so upset. So we are not exactly bright-eyed this morning. I hope he will sleep it off and wake up refreshed. It's a clear day, thank Heaven. As a little added touch, the coffeepot seems to have conked out - it's a conspiracy!! - so a quick trip to Wally's is in order. [smilie=th_insane]


    Susan, I admire the work you do so much. I think caregiving is such a tough job and I hope it is rewarding for you, because as you say when you lose a client to their passing, this has to be heartbreaking. I know her life was much better because of your caring hands. Sending you a big hug. [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_]


    Honeybear, I'm sorry DD#2 is fighting both a cold and jet lag! I'm glad you finally got the CFOW order. That's good stuff, isn't it?! I absolutely agree with your daughter on the Zeep Beach Towels - the sea spray / lemongrass / laundry combo is one of my favorite summer scents.


    Michele, glad you had fun with the bowling luncheon and church dinner. And happy that you too got your CFOW order, that makes three of us! Where to store things - the eternal question - I have a basket system but I seem to be approaching capacity - melt, melt! I hope you have fun at your nephew's graduation party. [smilie=party]


    Maggie, thanks for the advice on the microwaving before chopping! I never ever would have dared to do that. And as for this poison oak, this is the first time I've ever had any reaction to any plant in my life and I'm not a fan. [smilie=angry] I'm outside a lot and I will take your guidance to heart, to wear long sleeves and wash right away. It itches like the dickens but the calamine spray is excellent. It says this can last up to three weeks but I'm hoping that's just an Internet hoax. [smilie=th_aa17]


    Debra, thanks for enabling on the CFTKR restock! [smilie=th_LOVE] I am doing my best to not look over there...maybe just a quick peek... I said I wasn't going to add any more vendors but then Maggie made those blends on OPT and the order was gorgeous and there is no end to this... [smilie=th_cha40]


    Well as mentioned I received three boxes yesterday - Christmas in June! - and the orders were all beautiful:

    CFOW - several bags of chunks, two bags of assorted small adorable shapes, and the Large Unicorn which is so adorable I am sure I won't be able to melt him. Michele went completely over the top!

    Zeep - a smaller order because I still have things curing, but three new summer melts - completely gorgeous, fresh colors and lovely scents. They will be on the curing shelf for a couple of months.

    OPT - my first time with this vendor and I'm delighted - such pretty chunks in a lovely meltable size and Maggie's great blends.


    Well this morning it's an assortment - turned things off last night when Montgomery was ill so some are holdovers -

    SGA Banana Moon Pie - I love this - just like it sounds and while I'm not usually a huge banana fan, this is really delightful - soft banana scent with a bit of bakery, making me hungry.

    CFOW Carnival by the Sea - I may have mentioned that I love this - in two melters and my most beloved of all wax scents.

    ScentSations Guava Peach - so juicy and tempting, a big summer scent.


    OK it's off to The Store for a new coffeepot. Have a great Saturday all!


  5. Good morning everyone and [smilie=th_bb20] !!


    Thanks ladies, that's exciting to get to choose the title. ????


    We had big storms last night and the power got knocked out again, so I brought out a bunch of old BBW and YC candles for every room for light and scent. It was actually lovely to smell them again and I will fit them into the scent rotation. [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon


    Maggie, I saw the schools around here wrapping it up this week and wondered, are you done with the school year yet? And hey I have a question - you asked me if I microwave my loaves before I cut them. [smilie=th_sSig_what] That's the first I've heard of that! I guess it keeps it from breaking apart? How long should I leave it in?


    Debra, that Basil Nectarine sounds so delicious and I hadn't seen that combo before. You asked if I ride on bike trails and actually we live in the countryside so there are lots of winding roads with very little traffic. I just got this used bike and took it for its first spin yesterday - really runs nice. I don't go super fast. [smilie=th_giggle]


    Susan, you mentioned that Watermelon Honeydew and it sent me digging for melon scents. [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]


    Michele, that Red Lipstick sounds tempting and I can't wait to receive that same sampler. I hope you have a wonderful time at your bowling luncheon! [smilie=th_ahaaha]


    This morning I had that delicious note in my email - package delivery - and so I scurried up to the Post Office to find a note saying, see the desk. Which I did. And there was not one, but three boxes waiting for me :upssmiley1: ...big surprise because I had gotten the shipping notice from only one! It was Zeep, CFOW, and OPT. I haven't opened them up yet...savoring the moment....will report back later.


    So overnight it was:

    SGA Serene Rain Forest - this was so comforting...lavender, marshmallow, spearmint, hibiscus...it was lovely to sleep to. DH even commented how much he liked it.


    And today it's a VCS day! I loooooove Kirby's blends!

    The Chicago Outfit - blackberry, mango, ginger ale - so crisp and refreshing

    An Offer You Can't Refuse - strawberry shortcake, blueberry cheesecake, lemon poppyseed - a favorite of all bakery scents for me

    Tally Me Banana coin - honestly, light and fragrant on cold but nothing melting. Maybe it needed to cure longer.


    His Largeness The Pyr hauled me through some poison ivy or oak and my right arm is a sight to behold. Calamine Lotion is my new BFF! [smilie=th_cha66]


    Have a lovely day!


  6. Michele, I hope you will enjoy those beautiful CFOW scents as much as I have!????


    30 years of bowling sounds like good fun and camaraderie.


    I'm only melting small pieces of each scent of that sampler in each melter. This is probably the sixth go-round and I've finally come to the end.


    I usually change out the melts three times a day if I'm working from home- around 5 am, noon, and around 6 pm. That said, if it's a favorite mix or individual favorites, they will go until they're done smelling good. For example, Jack the Clipper didn't get changed out for almost two days, and today's SSA Sampler won't get changed because it is just delicious. The sixth melter still has the FP Beachwood from yesterday. ????


    Ooooh you'll have fun sniffing all of that today! Please let us know your impressions!



  7. Good morning everyone!


    I am taking two vacation days today and tomorrow. The weather is good, I have a new/old bicycle I bought on Craigslist, and I'm thinking a couple of rides are in order. I never could get back in gear after Memorial Day so I might as well give in. [smilie=th_snoopy]


    Maggie, you are so right - those little SGA pies are like a treasure. I just keep looking at them and sniffing them. I'm going to let them cure for a month and maybe by then I can bear to cut into them.


    Debra, that's a question I always ask myself - how to handle these loaves? I love getting a loaf - there's just something about that huge chunky expanse of wax that's so appealing. I like to keep them whole and just take a piece as needed. I was using a regular knife to cut into them, but sometimes this would cause it to break apart at odd angles or in layers, depending upon how it was formed, and then it didn't look nice anymore. So I bought one of those crinkle cut/wavy knives and this has solved a lot of my issue - it makes for a lovely cut and the loaf doesn't break apart, so it still looks pretty. :flirt-2:


    Sometimes, though, it does seem as though a loaf will never end, especially if it's something I wasn't all that thrilled with. One time I cut such a loaf into very large pieces and melted it all at once in the many warmers to get done with it. I felt kind of guilty over this brute force melting, but gee whiz I just didn't want it hanging around staring at me forever. [smilie=th_c55]


    Michele, spill the details on the bowling fun! I am pitiful at bowling. How long have you been playing?? And congrats on winning mad money for wax!! [smilie=th_aa21]


    So this morning it's the CFOW Salty Sea Air Sampler (so completely delicious, and the last of it, but no fears! more is coming)

    Salty Sea Air, Lavender, Toasted Marshmallow (my most fav)

    Salty Sea Air, Caribbean Teakwood (ohhhhh exotic)

    Salty Sea Air, Pink Sugar, Toasted Marshmallow (very sweet)

    Salty Sea Air, Pink Sands (also very sweet)

    Salty Sea Air, Fire Roasted Marshmallow (bonfire by the sea!)


    Have a fabulous day all,


  8. Just popping back in here for a quick minute.


    Susan, that sounds like a rocky week so far. Hopefully things will improve from here! ????


    Michele, I totally get the "My wax is multiplying in the night!" feeling. I've been melting so much and have really reduced the stash, but of course I have ordered more... My goal is to get to where I can relax and enjoy one scent at a time! Lol


    Speaking of which: I have found another rare pearl, one of those scents that brings you to your knees. This afternoon was dedicated to Front Porch; Angie's delicious macarons (Cherry, Banana Berry, and Pina Colada, all amazing!) filled three warmers, three different rooms. Then I recalled that I had ordered a single grubby tart in Beachwood, and popped that into the warmer in the kitchen. And lo, a gentle driftwoody scent began to waft through the house... Oh my goodness. Just divine. I turned off all the other melts so I could focus just on that one. Heavenly! And I immediately went on her website and ordered more.


    You may recall that there was another Beachwood scent from CFOW, which was also glorious but was discontinued, and Michele is very kindly going to bring back. I'm not sure what it is about this scent... So unique and beautiful.


    Thank you for letting me rave about this scent. I know I have gone over the edge but hey, life is short! Melt more!


    Have a good evening,


  9. Good morning ladies from here in humid Ohio, :sFun_hot:


    I hope you all are well and that everybody is receiving lots of "A package has been delivered" notes. :confettistars:


    Honeybear, I think that getting a kitty is one of life's wonderful choices and I wish you well on your searching. And with DD#2 coming into town - this is so great and I'm happy for you! :skywriter: Did you get your CFOW delivery yesterday? What do you think about the Butterscotch Coke Float?


    Maggie, here are the scents I got in my SGA 6-Chunky-Pie Sampler:

    Grinders Café - bakery and coffee - delish

    Blackberry Lemonade Margarita Limoncello - like it sounds and the lemon is perfect, citrus and light, the blackberry coming through nicely

    Cream Soda Fizzy Pop - like it sounds and very summery

    Sour Patch Kids Strawberry Watermelon Blueberry - this is the most "fun" scent here, good watermelon, can't wait til it cures

    Big Bird & Cookie Monster - smooth bakery and lemon poppyseed, and I love her Cookie Monster which is dominant here

    Snowflakes and Cashmere - probably my favorite! Vanilla, cashmere, clementine, amber, wood - very different and exotic - I love the cashmere scents


    Plus the pie babies are adorable and the PO Box smelled so luscious when I opened it that I nearly tore the package open on the spot. That's a gorgeous sampler and lots of wax.


    Debra and Maggie, you are cracking me up about the emojis - I was never sure about that cat/ferret/otter type animal either but it's endearing in any case. How were our emojis compiled over the years? I really love them. My favorite is the little girl who is blow drying her little purple pigtails [smilie=th_thfoenen] or dancing with jazz hands alongside her buddies. [smilie=th_ahaaha] I look for every excuse to use those.


    Just so I keep my Enabler Badge, I'd like to point out that CFOW has a 25% off sale today!


    OK so this morning it's:

    SGA Jack the Clipper - still going strong from yesterday in two melters and I am reluctant to retire him

    CFOW Italian Waffle Cookies - mmmmm and I'm not the biggest bakery lover but this is very subtle and lasting

    Scentsations Cupcake - kind of that artificial bake mix smell

    Scentsations Morning Bliss still going strong from yesterday and I love that mighty grapefruit scent so much.


    Have a good day all,


  10. Good afternoon everybody,


    A bit tough to get back to work today. [smilie=th_oregonian_mornincoffe

    I took a quick break to run up to the post office as I received that magical note, "A package has been delivered." [smilie=th_slider_flirt]

    It was the SGA 6-Chunky-Pie Sampler and may I say I am completely delighted. This is 30 oz of beautiful wax in a delicious assortment of scents. I am in hog heaven. [smilie=cloud_9]


    Michele - you asked if CFOW needs a long curing time and in my experience, not as much as some of the other vendors ( [smilie=th_235F35F32] . To be on the safe side, I usually let it sit for a couple of weeks. And aren't her samples wonderful? One thing Michele of CFOW does that I LOVE is send samples of things currently available on her website. I have ordered many bags of chunks from her based on samples she has sent.


    Debra, that's really interesting that your votive warmers are keeping the scent in the room better than the plate warmers. And the 9-acre Rhododendron garden, ohhhhhh! That must have been so beautiful!


    So currently it's:

    SGA Jack the Clipper, two warmers (my best seafaring buddy! And yes I can melt this last bit in the bag - my new loaf arrived!)

    CFOW White Nectarine - so gently sweet and fruity - I love this and am sad that it's discontinued [smilie=th_cry2yw3]

    ScentSations Morning Bliss - in all its grapefruity glory - just gorgeous and STRONG - I had it in two melters and had to turn one off.


    Have a lovely day,


  11. Hello ladies,


    I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.


    This morning we had a partial power outage, in the sense that everything suddenly was running low-speed. [smilie=th_thWTF] It turned out to be a system outage robbing partial power to about 2000 customers. In my whole life, I never experienced that before. We turned everything off - including the melters - [smilie=th_cray] - so I broke out the votive melters because heaven forbid we go for more than a few minutes without any scent. [smilie=th_cc8] Montgomery the Pyr was not pleased that his personal fan (in addition to the a/c) that he sleeps in front of wasn't running. Happily the system has been fixed and we are back in (melting and fanning) business.


    Honeybear, I know how badly you miss your daughters. [smilie=th_cry2yw3] It's great that DD#2 will get to spend more time in Europe but I know you were so excited about her coming to live near you. My heart goes out to you!! On a happier note, I'm glad you have all sorts of nice waxies on the way. [smilie=th_200912104451] Let me know how you like that CFOW Butterscotch Coke Float because I ordered some too after trying the sample. [smilie=th_31]


    Maggie, really happy the wild weather held off for your party because we've had those same big electric storms, wow. And yes! I finally buckled and ordered two of your creations from OPT - the Spiked Citrus and the Peace in the Grass. I really have to stop now but they sounded too good to pass up. [smilie=th_ee29]


    I've been melting like a house afire and have made a huge dent in the stash. There are actually empty baskets and the backlog is running low.[smilie=th_sSig_what] This is a good thing because I have several other baskets curing and a whole wave of new waxies on the way. Now if I can just limit myself to small orders over the summer I may have found a break-even point. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Do not tell me about restocks...or sales...or clearance....oh, please do. [smilie=th_as]


    So this morning it's:

    CFOW The Lost Boys - raspberry vanilla, green grass, and salty sea air. This is just delicious and so fresh. Going in multiple melters.

    Zeep Juicy - honeydew, strawberry, and watermelon. Cured for two months and it's mouth-watering. I really like this combination.


    Have a great day - hope everyone gets to relax,


  12. Good morning ladies! :sSig_sup:


    I hope the weekend is going well for everyone so far. Last night's Messiah in Cincinnati was so beautiful. My best friend and I actually dressed up [smilie=th_thfoenen] and went to dinner beforehand. "Sisters Hit the Town." [smilie=th_friends] DH begged off as he is more of a jazz enthusiast.


    Susan, how was Art in the Park?


    Maggie - did the weather hold for the deck party? [smilie=th_WE1summer013]


    Michele - I hope you enjoyed your dinner with your brother! Also - I love that SGA Beach Nights you were melting (and am waiting for the sampler of the same name!).


    Debra, how was the beach? The Melty Mallow sounds amazing with the swirling glitter! I am a glitter fan. :flirt-2:


    Yesterday was a full-out SGA marathon and I must say, the SGA blends are just gorgeous, long-lasting and unique. I'm really thrilled with this vendor. I also love that she lists the scent notes on the labels. They were:

    Cucumber Sea Sale Mint Cantaloupe Eucalyptus - ohhhhhh, so fresh and delicious. Must have more!!

    Fun Factory - Volcano, rainbow sherbet, watermelon - I love anything Volcano and this blend is scrumptious.

    Casper - Boo Berry, Marshmallow, Vanilla - smells tasty and tempting.


    This morning I'm bingeing on VCS and I also love her scents:

    Million Dollar Mermaid - ocean breeze, berries, bergamot, musk - fresh and exciting, a wake-me-up

    Chicago Outfit - blackberry, mango, ginger ale - ohhhhh! this came in a sampler as a loaf and I'm so glad I have lots of it! Amazing, fresh, fruity but that ginger ale adds a sharper bubbliness that I love.


    Today I plan to kick back and do very little! Have a great day all!


  13. Hello dear ladies!

    A quick note, a good and busy day.


    Michele, VRC is Vintage Road Candles, really great vendor.


    Debra, thanks for the L3 sale info!


    Maggie, have a great day on your deck and I hope the weather holds for your party.


    All you beachgoers, I am extremely jealous! You Know Who You Are!


    I received my first package in the post office box and that was pretty exciting to find it cool and nice in the air conditioning!


    Going to go hear the Messiah at Music Hall in Cincinnati tonight. I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day!



  14. Good morning ladies and the long weekend is almost here! [smilie=th_WE1summer013]


    Michele, CFOW's TAT is normally not very long (2-3 weeks) but she had that big Mother's Day sale so the TAT may be at the upper end. Also Michele (same spelling as you!) is so flexible and generous with special blends and shapes so I never mind waiting an extra week. She is excellent with responding to email. I hope you love that SSA sampler as I think it is exquisite. I'm sorry your parents' bank account is giving you fits and I hope you find an assisted living that is more homey for your Dad. You're a very loving daughter to help them in all these ways. [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_]


    Honeybear, I hope you were able to get some Grandma's Pearls over at VCS because I see that the Blossom Squares in that scent are gone this morning. [smilie=th_cry2yw3] Don't worry, I imagine Kirby will restock that as it is popular! And that FP order sounded lovely but yes she does have a softer wax so I think you were smart to wait until cooler weather. Or, you could get a nice PO Box! [smilie=th_biggestgrin]


    Debra, enjoy the beach!! And I'm right there with you, need to clean my house today, it has gotten a little out of control this week. [smilie=th_rk01_lavatricefare]


    Maggie, your deck sounds gorgeous. And you're right, I always *need* to melt a little bit of new arrivals to check them out...To increase my patience, I have set up a new shelf expressly for curing purposes. This makes the overall ongoing stash look so much lighter! So there is room for more!! [smilie=th_aa17]


    Not that I would *think* of enabling you girls at all, but there are some sales you might be interested in: [smilie=th_cc24]


    VCS - 10% off anything on the site (code AMERICA) until Tuesday morning (and the site is emptying rapidly, I see)


    VRC - 18% off anything on the site, active now through Sunday (code Graduate2018) in honor of her middle child graduating high school


    CFOW - sale thru Monday the 28th (code Memory15), guessing it's 15% off but the Instagram didn't say.


    I may have placed orders with those already....plus a small order from Zeep...plus the 6 mini-pies sampler from SGA...what can I say?? [smilie=th_yahoo]


    So it's a Front Porch morning around here - everything is very strong as usual with Angie's lovely little grubby tarts:

    Cabin in the Smokies (the spices are so delicious, a favorite)

    Baja Cactus and Sea Salt (so soothing)

    Pistachio Pudding Cake (good enough to eat)

    Orange Chiffon Jam & Toast (from the Bakery sampler, scrumptious)


    Have a fine Friday all!!


  15. Good morning everyone,


    I hope you all had a good night.


    Michele, on my VCS order it says we need to cure from 4-8 weeks from the cure date. I guess I had repressed that memory from the last time. [smilie=bagover] I love that Kirby includes the pour date on the little bag for every melt! The Grandma's Pearls squares are much bigger than I expected. I used the last of my previous bit of that scent last night for bedtime, so beautiful. My favorite of all lavenders (and I love many of them). I'm eager to hear what you think!


    Aria, that Key Lime/Serendipity blend sounds seriously scrumptious. [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]


    Biolaeagles - you make your own waxies?! I stand in awe of you ladies who do this. [smilie=th_allah] How long have you been doing this?


    Susan, you have been making me drool with some of your latest melts - the Bento Black Cherry and the Hot Pink Lime. Also I love that little duck shape - I think it's Michele from CFOW who occasionally uses that shape and it's so adorable that I have a tough time melting it. :wub:


    Maggie and Michele, thanks for the pretzel info. Another one for me to try. I was having trouble imagining that scent throughout the house but it sounds like you both have enjoyed it. I love the flavor so I think it will translate well. [smilie=yes]


    Debra, yes we have a tough time with the storms. Montgomery knows well before the storm gets here and starts panting and drooling, and then he refuses anything by mouth. I turn on the lights so he doesn't notice the lightning as much and we retreat to a quiet hallway. Music helps him too, especially Jason Isbell. [smilie=th_sml29] And thanks for your kind words about my DH. I think I will keep him. We have fun together but we also do our own stuff and this is a good thing. [smilie=th_aa17]


    So this morning it's:

    VCS Grandma's Pearls - so beautiful - the last of the previous order and thankfully there is more curing now.

    VRC Sea Minerals - new order and yes I was impatient! - wonderful SSA scent, long lasting even with no cure time! Very soft wax and lovely informative labels (cure time, scent notes, colorful - perfect)

    CFOW Boardwalk Barbershop - Michele's blends are so luscious - barbershop, SSA and raspberry - I have this in three warmers and the house smells wonderful.


    So all of my melt baskets are full! But there is more on the way! Melt, melt with purpose!! [smilie=th_ahaaha]


    OK as usual I this is long. :sFun_blahblah: You may not believe I am pretty quiet in person. I make up for it here.


    Have a great day everyone,


  16. Hello ladies and good evening!


    A long workday and happy to be home.


    Good to hear the rousing level of agreement that we should not be feeling guilty for enjoying our waxies!


    Honeybear...you are cracking me up with your reaction to your DH's insistence that you need more wax [smilie=th_laughing] ]but I wouldn't argue with him! So - what are you thinking about ordering from FP?


    Michele, did you find any good assisted living for your Dad? My Dad lived in one for awhile and overall he liked it. Like anything else...some of them seem better than others...


    Maggie - your flower outside sounds exquisite. For all our waxies - the real thing is still the best. [smilie=th_hema1]


    Well, tonight I arrived home to packages from the two Vintages (Vintage Road and Vintage Chic) :upssmiley1: and everything is divine. These things were shipped before the post office box was set up so my husband put a cooler outside for the mailman and nothing melted. [smilie=th_ef7d03c7] The VRC wax seems extra soft and very fragrant - I got two loaves and a bunch of bundties. The VRC is the Royal Weddings Sampler and I can't even begin to describe how beautiful all the individual roses are. More scents than I can describe and on cold sniff they are lovely!


    Have a good evening all,


  17. Michele - oooh, ooh, you made such a nice order with VCS and I hope you will love it all. Maggie did say that VCS blends last about a year and then tend to fade - so go for it!


    Regarding guilt, once in awhile I think, whoa girl, you'd better slow down [smilie=th_cha40] but I love this so very much, it gives me great pleasure, I've worked all my life and this is "mad money," so - I intend to enjoy it. That said, I've made a good dent in the stash, and I have a set number of boxes that I have vowed not to increase. We'll see how that works. [smilie=th_giggle] At the end of the day, I figure there are many worse habits we could have. [smilie=th_200912104451]


    Life is short! Melt more!


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