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Posts posted by AmyJo

  1. Good morning everyone! :sSig_sup:


    I hope everyone enjoyed Father's Day yesterday with all the dads. I miss my father very much; he passed away two years ago, a year after my mom. Yesterday we went to the movies and out for lunch so DH had a good day.


    Well it is hotter than June seems to have ever been, which means riding my bike at 6 AM. A dragonfly followed me along for quite awhile this morning and I enjoyed his company. :flirtysmile4:


    Now, you all have me wanting root beer melts...I did order Root Beer grubby tarts from FP and that order should arrive this week sometime. That will be first to go into the melter. In the meantime I made DH go up to Speedway for root beer and vanilla ice cream last night. It was very good but I would prefer the non-caloric melts. [smilie=th_cc8]


    Debra, the poor Blue Jays, and you are very dear to worry about them. I'm glad you didn't find any eggs or babies on the ground. I realize that Nature has her ways but they aren't always easy.


    Mpfand, thank you for the good info on Kohls. I like reed diffusers so will keep my eye on those. Probably best for me not to go there at all but now that I know they have all those lovely items.... [smilie=superman]


    Michele, if you learned any tricks about the site with your daughter, I would love to learn more too. I'm just happy to be able to read and post here but it looks like there are other features behind the scenes. [smilie=th_idontknow]


    Well this morning I broke out another SGA mini chunk pie and it is delicious:

    SGA Grinder's Café (Latte, Old Time Bakery Shoppe, Sugar Cookies, Marshmallow Birthday) and it is STRONG. These cured for I guess about 2 months from when they were poured. I love it - the coffee and a caramel note seem strongest, which I love - but DH was not a fan. He got up and said, "What are you melting, it's swallowing us up!" but he left for work and I will WFH today so I can continue to enjoy it. [smilie=th_biggestgrin]


    OK dear ones, that's it. Yesterday I actually got a message on here that I had used too many emojis [smilie=th_thWTF] so I am trying to restrain myself.


    Have a good Monday and stay cool,


  2. Good morning ladies!


    Another steamy day here in Ohio, to be in the mid-90's again, and this is June?


    First of all, I just noticed that one of you lovely souls tried to PM me here on the forum but for some reason that feature isn't working for me. I was able to leave a "comment" but not a message so please check and I'm very sorry I didn't see this yesterday.


    Michele! Looks like a delicious Zeep order! You know that Push Pop was my first wax love. I'm excited to hear what you think about everything! Even Ashley's packaging is beautiful so enjoy!


    Debra - don't you hate when a long post disappears?? And that's too bad about the labels fading away...like you, I want to know what I'm melting. I try to guess the scents but sometimes I'm way off base. [smilie=th_pardon] You're absolutely correct - a B&BW soap order doesn't count at all in stash considerations.


    Honeybear, I hope you are still getting cooler weather and the rain sounds like a big relief after your temps in the 100's. :sFun_hot: I'm really sorry the toilet is putting up such a fight. I love the sound of that Dessa's Butter Pecan Crunch.


    Mpfand - Kohl's has wax?? [smilie=th_th1ptgno] What kind of wax? Any recos?


    Biolaeagles!! How was the movie? *details please* And Happy Birthday to your son today! That chocolate mint melt sounds soooo tempting.


    Susan - how was that Sunflower melt? I haven't heard of Huntington Home...*another one to research*


    Maggie - that's exciting that OPT may have another CYO event before they go on vacation! Be thinking about the next assortment for Maggie's Blends II! [smilie=th_aa21]


    Aria! How did the wardrobe shopping go? And that Bear Claw melt sounds scrumptious - I haven't ordered yet from CFTKR - that looks like a big black hole that I will surely disappear into because her shapes are all adorable.


    OK well I *may* have placed a few orders over the last two days - once the finger was removed from the dike, the waters did pour.

    OPT - three flip-flop orders in Maggie's Blends [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr

    VRC - Queen of Hearts chunks - yay! yay! Had a blood pressure spike when it wasn't among the loaves - messaged Sarah - she directed me to the chunks.

    Zeep - Coffee Sampler and Cupcake Sampler (both still available, which surprises me...Ashley must have made a lot! Celebration!)

    CFOW - well, Michele sent out a gorgeous coupon, what was I to do? (Debra, you may have mentioned this) - anyway I ordered an assortment of her adorable or spooky shapes - The New Guy, Jack Skellington, 3-D Skulls, Mini Roses, Super Mario, Kitty Fish Bowl in whatever scents I wanted. Some of them were CYO blends, and since I don't know how to do that, I just added marshmallow to whatever it was. Honestly, I don't know how Michele keeps up when she is so willing to do these personalized orders - she is a marvel.


    So my justification here is that the largest order is the Zeep samplers, which will need to cure until Fall so it doesn't really count toward the current stash. [smilie=th_aa17] I may have to up my ounces per day to keep up with the rest of it, though. [smilie=th_insane]


    So this morning it's:

    FP Mac Apple - and may I say, IMHO there is no vendor with stronger throw, or greater longevity. Typically, right out of the mailbox, this is true. Angie is amazing. These particular grubbies have some cure time on them, which is almost a dangerous thing --- the horses in the neighboring farm can smell the apples. Gorgeous!


    OK as usual this is too long but [smilie=th_aa18] and hope you have an awesome Sunday.


  3. Good morning ladies!


    A fine Saturday to you all.


    Biolaeagles - oh, let us know how you like the Incredibles II! I love the first movie so much and would follow that family anywhere. Plus - Edna Mode! [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet] And a very [smilie=th_f0424ea25f87db180cc7d to your son tomorrow!


    Debra, bubblegum is a new addition for me and I used to think, ewww, I would never order that. I have Michele from CFOW to thank, because she sent me a sample of Hot Mess and it smells sweet and summery and fun and of course now I have a whole bag of chunks. DH loves the bubblegum so we are firmly entrenched. There is no going back.


    Also, Debra, come on, spill - the new smart phone [smilie=th_slider_flirt] - whatja get??


    Honeybear, did you get your iPad case? How are you enjoying the tablet?

    And how is the contractor work going?


    Michele, I thought that was you melting all the same scent throughout the house, and Maggie and Debra say the same - this really is working better for me. And as for that Zeep restock - oh my goodness, Ashley has so many beautiful new melt shapes and scents. My eye is on that coffee sampler. Like you, I might miss out because today I go to the hospital. We shall see.


    Also Michele - that SGA latte blend you mentioned - I have never seen it, sounds heavenly.


    Susan, it sounds as though you are enjoying that big CFOW sampler. I marvel at her ongoing variety of scents.


    Mpfand - oh, watermelon and mint together! - [smilie=th_LOVE] you know, Panera used to have a watermelon/mint cold salad that was the best thing in the world but I don't see it on the menu anymore. [smilie=th_smiley-crying]


    OK - breaking news - Lara from OPT now has "Maggie's Blends" under her House Blends (scroll down to the end in the house blend drop-down boxes) and we can order those scents in various adorable shapes, like flip-flops or scoops or seashells! My DH is obsessed with Peace in the Grass. Congratulations Maggie, you're a celebrity!! [smilie=th_23_32_7]


    11 EST is the Vintage Road restock. I am limiting myself to only one thing, the Queen of Hearts loaf. I imagine it will be in hot demand so I may miss out. But I will try. [smilie=th_BringItOn]


    Forgot to say what I was melting. :sFun_blahblah: in honor of the VRC restock, today it's the VRC Beautiful Loaf (lavender, Mac Apple, whipped cream, Sea breeze, cake). The notes blend wonderfully, so delighted with this vendor.


    Enjoy your Saturdays all and keep cool!


  4. Greetings ladies and [smilie=th_bb20]


    Debra, enjoy your day off...time to play with the furballs...what could be better? [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr Your key lime melt sounds wonderful.


    Honeybear, I hope the contractor work goes smoothly, especially that toilet swap. [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon Nothing like a parade of people through the house, even if they are doing wonderful things! And I think the early anniversary presents are a fine idea, especially linking them with Mother's and Father's Day. [smilie=th_stophierDancedancer04


    Maggie, have I mentioned that I like the OPT Peace in the Grass? [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet] Maybe Lara will add it to the house blends and we can order it in scoops or flip-flops, [smilie=th_aa17] since the chunkies are going away.


    So late last night I checked the mailbox and [smilie=th_slider_flirt] there was a giftie box in there! It's all delicious, thank you so much dear pal!! [smilie=th_ef3416a0]


    Well I have a new melting strategy - melt the same scent in all of the warmers, and leave it in longer, instead of melting little bits of different scents and having to chase after them all day! *duh* Wasn't it Michele who encouraged me to stop the madness and take this approach, or Aria? In any case, thank you, because you were right. [smilie=th_bighug-1]


    SO - this morning it's:

    CFOW Hot Mess - a summer-fun mix of bubblegum, juicy fruits, and sweet cream. Honestly, this is so delicious and takes me immediately back to high school. :sFun_bubblegum: Which has been awhile.


    OK folks - here's me off to work - enjoy your day!


  5. Dropping back in...


    Susan,ohh those CFOW Moon Cakes... I'm addicted!


    Biolaeagles, your summer with your boys sounds like so much fun. And yes I am LOVING the VRC melts!! Such lovely soft wax... Beautiful scents... Long lasting... Good enough to eat.


    Which brings me to late-breaking news from the Enabling Department ????:


    Vintage Road Restock, Saturday June 16, 11 AM EST. There is a typo on her IG flyer saying the wrong time, 11 is correct. Special note: a special encore performance by the February Loaf, Queen of Hearts (strawberry-wildberry heavenliness).


    Zeep restock, also Saturday but 3 PM CST - as already mentioned, but here is a small additional tidbit - a debut of the new Coffee Sampler with 10 different shots, including Luke's Diner which you may recall is cause for ecstacy. Also the adorable new Cupcake Sampler with eight new blends.


    *you are welcome* ????

  6. Good morning ladies, [smilie=th_Hello_]


    I hope everyone is doing well today. Happy to be back home where I belong. [smilie=th_LOVE]


    Honeybear - I'm so glad the iPad survived the little tumble. I've surely dropped every electronic item I've ever owned. Yay for good cases, hope yours will arrive today!


    Well I've dived into the new stash and am in hog heaven. [smilie=th_ahaaha] So many beautiful choices.


    So between last night and this morning, it's:

    Vintage Road Lavender & Honey Cake - so soothing!

    Vintage Road May Loaf - Strawberry, Blueberry, Cake, Lemon, Frosting - very luscious and I can smell all these notes

    SGA Mini Chunk Pie - Cookie Monster & Big Bird - cookies and lemon poppyseed - excellent throw and very tempting

    Vintage Chic Daisy Buchanan Vintage Tile - sweet pea and pear - beautiful! Long lasting.


    Have a wonderful day,


  7. Good morning everyone! We're back online! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


    My phone version of this forum is still not loading...will have to fool with it.


    Maggie, you are too hilarious... [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet] no I can honestly say that "clammie backlog" was not in my vocabulary last year!


    Honeybear, I hope you will enjoy your iPads! [smilie=th_stophierDancedancer04


    Susan, I love that CFOW Paradise Garden - was that in the Moon Cake form?


    Mpfand - stay safe in that heat!


    Biolaeagles, best of luck with playing the piano for church! I can't believe you're melting Watermelon Sangria because that's what I had as a drink with the work team last night at Applebee's. It was extremely tasty.


    I took a small collection of wax with me in the hotel last night and had fun melting away:

    OPT Peace in the Grass (Maggie's blend - pear, cut grass, buttercream) - I love this so much that I may *need* to order more.

    Zeep Cherry/Lemonade Slushie - this was a sample, very good & strong.

    CFOW Overloaded Loving - strawberry, marshmallow, pink sugar - SWWEEEET!

    Lavender Patchouli - a delicious gift from a sweet CF pal - [smilie=th_LOVE] thank you!


    I have gotten through my backlog, clammie and otherwise. So now I get to launch on the many full baskets of NEW STUFF!! [smilie=th_aa17] It's like Christmas all over again!


    Enjoy the rest of your day, everybody.


  8. Good morning ladies,


    Quick road trip for work today / possibly tomorrow.


    Susan, I love that Plumeria Petals BH&G!


    Mpfand - I hope the Aromatherapy scent overcame the fajitas (but fajitas have a lovely scent too, LOL).


    Debra, I know what you mean - I have bought numerous lovely baskets and they are all full... [smilie=th_butbutbut]


    Maggie, I have been melting both of your OPT Blends:

    Peace in the Grass (pear, cut grass, and buttercream) - this is so lovely that I put it in the bedroom to sleep by

    Spiked Citrus - this one is in multiple warmers as I get ready to leave this morning and it's heavenly, tons of throw and both comforting and energizing with the sea air and the grapefruit.

    I think you have a great talent for creating blends!! :toppoints:


    Have a lovely day, all.


  9. Good morning all and Happy Monday,


    Thanks all for the info on the vendors. I'm just window shopping, you understand. [smilie=th_foolish1]


    Honeybear, good to see you! [smilie=th_hello] I know you are sorely missing your girls. Happy Early Anniversary [smilie=th_slider_congratulation and I hope you will enjoy your iPads!


    Maggie, your OPT creation Birthday by the Sea sounds delicious and I'm eagerly awaiting melting two of your other creations once they are done curing. [smilie=th_aa17]


    Michele - that VCS Cream Cheese scent sounds so scrumptious - I am seriously in love with that vendor. [smilie=th_smilies-2]


    Well I received two of my last orders :upssmiley1: - an assortment from VRC and the Beach Sampler from SGA. I am completely thrilled with the VRC and a new favorite is Ginger Coconut Lime. Such a beautiful blend! The SGA Sampler was poured very recently and a lot of the pieces, while scrumptious, smell very soft and a bit the same, so I will give them at least a month's cure to let them come into their own. The SGA Mini Chunk Pies, on the other hand, are nearly done curing and they smell astonishing, all unique and strong. I have become a big believer in a proper cure!


    I think that by Friday I should be through the clammie backlog and ready to start in earnest on the newer waxies! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


    So this morning it's:

    Zeep Juicy (clammie)

    YC Cube Melts - Home Sweet Home, always a spicy favorite

    YC Cube Melts - Sun Drenched Apricot Rose, gorgeous.


    Have a lovely Monday all,


  10. Good morning ladies,


    Another steamy day, 90 F yesterday. I've been getting out early and riding my new/old bike. It's lovely to ride along the country roads and breathe the fresh morning air.


    Maggie, I'm so glad you got some rest - that's a lot of school activities. Totally agree - heels are agony. You've been melting a lot - the ginger/blackberry combo sounds luscious. [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]


    Debra, we love those British mystery shows too and are eagerly awaiting the next seasons. I loved Doc Martin and Father Brown, also Call the Midwife and Shetland. I agree with you, Benedict Cumberbatch from Sherlock is marvelous in anything he does! And you cracked me up with the dinner bill story [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet] - isn't it true?? That could have bought a lot of wax! [smilie=th_sign0164]


    Aria, that CFTKR Lemongrass & Sage sounds very tempting. You all speak so highly of that vendor and I am sorely tempted to buy some of her fruit/veg waxies because they are adorable.


    Susan, how did you like that Axe Kilo? That sounds wonderful with the amber blend, I love that scent.


    Michele, I'm glad your DH is in town. ????. What kind of music is your DS playing on the guitar?


    Honeybear! Where are yooooooou, we miss you! [smilie=th_wave]


    I'm continuing to plow through the backlog of clammies, plus I remembered I still have a few CFOW Moon Cakes from earlier this year. So today so far it's:

    BH&G Cashmere Amber (and this is fabulous, I had forgotten about it)

    Zeep Juicy - melon/fruity combo

    CFOW Moscato - grapefruit/pomegranate - perfect for the morning and one of my Moon Cake favorites.


    Enjoy your Sunday,


  11. Good morning ladies,


    Well it rained like mad last night and a big thunderstorm. As much as I miss my big buddy Montgomery...I'm glad he didn't suffer through another storm.


    Michele, you are so right - staying away from the restocks is the ticket when we're trying to just enjoy the stash. But gee that's hard to do... [smilie=th_cha66]


    Debra, what are you binge watching? Perfect for a rainy weekend.


    Maggie - did you catch up on any rest? [smilie=th_smiley-yawn]


    Well I'm still working through the old clammies. I'm trying to blend some of them together for interest. So this morning it's:

    ScentSationals Nutter Butter Cookie Bars, blended with

    ScentSationals Vanilla Bean

    .....and this has kind of backfired because the vanilla softened that nutter butter, which was too *cough* strong by itself, and it smells pretty darned good so I don't want to change it out and keep moving. [smilie=th_roll]. Now I feel like baking...


    Back of the house: ScentSationals Iced Lemon Sugar Cookies, very nice but not as nice as the homemade version of this by a sweet CF friend so I am changing it out. [smilie=th_LOVE]


    Have a great Saturday all!


  12. Good morning all, [smilie=th_bb20]


    Hot weather has returned to Ohio, or at least hot for us - nothing like you folks out West go through.


    Debra, I totally understand the "buying more" - I've been doing a lot of that lately! [smilie=th_a136]


    Last night it was:

    Strawberry Zucchini Bread - a homemade tart from a sweet CF friend - just beautiful! It relaxed me to sleep! Thank you! [smilie=th_slider_flirt]


    Today before I left the house, in my effort to work through these clammies, it was:

    ScentSationals Strawberry Cream

    BH&G Vanilla Cookie


    Have a great day all!




  13. Hi Michele, I love SGA Cookie Monster in any form. ????


    Please don't think too well of me - there are five full baskets in the curing closet and three more orders on the way. ????. I went a bit mad in May!


    I can get through it in a hurry because I don't like it piling up either, but melting like a madwoman is not what I had in mind for a relaxing hobby. Six melters, changing every few hours?! This is a kind of sickness. ???? I love to take my time in both the choosing and the enjoying and that has gone seriously astray.


    The total of the stuff in the curing closet plus the stuff coming in the mail is all gorgeous and i think if I melt 4 ounces a day, it will last about three months. That should be both doable and enjoyable. *There is a plan... But can she do it*


    Now if I can just place only tiny orders to keep the package fun at bay...


    I can just imagine you all howling with laughter when this plan goes south... Give me strength!!


    I don't know about the addresses, Michele. As for the emoji, it took me a long time to sort out where they were ???? so I'm probably not much help!



  14. Good morning ladies,


    Popping in between work meetings to say hello. [smilie=th_th1ptgno]


    Pleased to say I have caught up on the current stash with the exception of some ScentSations Clammies. There is plenty in the cure closet to take its place once July arrives. I would like to slow down the pace of melting :sFun_flight: so I can relax and enjoy it even more! This requires that inflow not exceed outflow. :unsure:


    Susan, glad you are enjoying the CFOW samples. So many beautiful scents, so little time!!


    Mpfand - I'm happy your a/c is back in action! To me any FP Peppermint blend has that gorgeous strong mint note and glad the lavender is coming through.


    Biolaeagles - [smilie=The_Hi] enjoy those busy summer days with your boys! And no - amazing though it may be - I did not end up ordering anything more from CFOW. I just received a fabulous big order from her and some restraint is in order. [smilie=th_sSig_what]


    Maggie, I hope you got some rest. [smilie=thzzz003] That Strawberry VRC blend sounds tempting.


    Debra, glad you enjoyed the nachos and like you I order only the non-caloric kind. [smilie=th_yeahthat] Glad you enjoyed the YC holiday scent for an out-of-season treat.


    So this morning it's:

    CFOW Beachwood - the new oil, lovely familiar scent, and *extremely* strong so I will use half the little butterfly shape next time.

    ScentSations Honeysuckle & Nectar - very floral and sweet, beautiful.

    From a dear CF friend who sent me a gorgous giftie box :thwetkissf: - Violet Lime - so completely delicious!! How do you do this?! [smilie=thank_you]


    Have a lovely day all,


  15. Good morning ladies,


    I hope everyone is well. Again in the 50's this morning which is a relief from the heat of May.


    Michele, I hope your daughter will enjoy the CMA fest, sounds like so much fun.


    Debra - not a waxident!!! I'm sorry! Doesn't it take forever and ever to clean up?? We have had a couple of those. Once I spilled wax all over the kitchen sink. Then this past weekend my dear DH came out of the bathroom to announce that he had knocked over the votive warmer. [smilie=th_m4t3zo4] He went for broad coverage and exceeded his goal. :toppoints: In your case, red wax in the grout....nooooooo, so hard to get out! [smilie=th_thConfus_55]


    Maggie, you are cracking me up, [smilie=th_jaja] I know you want to hear about these sales. [smilie=th_aa17]


    Well this morning it's:

    SGA Apricot Chamomille - little sample cup and just delicious.

    CFOW Fig Lychee - one of my favorites from the Moon Cake collection - very strong, exotic, like a fine plum wine and tons of throw.

    FP Cabin in the Smokies - this softly spicy, woody, comforting little grubby tart has been going for about 16 hours and still strong.


    Enjoy your Wednesday,


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