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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Posts posted by AmyJo

  1. Well good morning all and how are we in July already?! [smilie=th_foolish1] Michele, great title for our new month!


    Much much too hot for my liking but the whole country seems to be suffering. We're staying indoors and bike riding is limited to the very early hours.


    Debra, I love citronella candles, very much because of the scent, and if we get a couple of the large ones they seem to do the trick with the mosquitoes. I never leave the kind in the cans unattended - I had one take off on me a couple of years ago and set itself ablaze. [smilie=th_thConfus_55] The best thing is citronella shampoo, which can be Googled and ordered online - years ago we were camping in Canada and oh the clouds of mosquitoes swarming my head were driving me mad. I bought citronella skin wipes and shampoo and voila! Bugs be gone. That's a whole different level of flying squadrons up there.


    Yesterday a different kind of package arrived - a big, chubby box - and it was the Bee Wreath from Maggie's Etsy store (MyWelcomeWreath)!! We are over the moon! First of all it is HUGE - much bigger than the picture implies - and it is beyond adorable, beautifully made and sturdy. The bee in the center has the cutest little face and I smile every time I walk by him. It's so bright and cheerful and we are completely thrilled! Maggie, I wish you much success with your store! [smilie=th_happy096]


    Adding to the Christmas atmosphere around here, yesterday two small orders arrived - SEMO and OPT. :upssmiley1: I can't say enough good things about these vendors. SEMO comes in adorable little four-packs of pretty shapes and the scents! Just wonderful, lots of variety. And OPT - I've been ordering the flip-flops in House Blends. Both of these vendors are very affordable and send lovely samples. The smaller quantities help with keeping the overall intake a bit lower. Ordering lots of small orders is more manageable than one big order, right? Right?? [smilie=th_aa17] Thank you, I thought so too.


    So last night and this morning it's been (from the amazing giftie box from a lovely CF pal):


    CFTKR Strawberry Cheesecake - [smilie=th_OMG] - is all of Carol's stuff this good?? Just amazing scent, so true, soothing, luscious.


    CFTKR Raspberry Cheesecake - ditto! Ditto! I'm not pouring these out until every last speck of scent is gone.


    Peach Mallow Birthday Cake - from an extremely gifted CF pal - how do you DO this?? Beautiful! One of my favorites.


    Have a beautiful Sunday everybody and stay cool!


  2. Good morning everyone!


    So very lovely to be back home where I belong. DH and I were both so exhausted last night that we ate our supper and then went to bed while it was still light. [smilie=th_offtobed] We are The Wild Ones.


    Michele, I am so happy you are enjoying the Jersey Shore. With this heat, that sounds like one of the few acceptable things to be doing! [smilie=th_WE1summer013] And I have the same issue with summer air currents in the house - where is the scent going?? I hunt it down and sometimes it's all huddled in a corner. [smilie=th_confused3]


    Maggie, I hope you're enjoying pool time! I'm right there with you in having ordered too many large bags and too many loaves, lovely though they are. I woke up one day when a huge loaf arrived in a new scent that I ended up not liking. Trying to stick to single chunks and scent shots now. Most of the time. :sSig_Muahaha:


    Debra, you are so right [smilie=th_Skratta_Bankabordet] - I think all our pets have hidden wristwatches. If the food doesn't appear right on schedule, there is much paw on arm / barking / meowing behavior from all of them. Who is in charge here?! I think we know. [smilie=th_Animated20Dogs20wavin


    Biolaeagles, my DH would like to know if he can head your way for some of the bacon-wrapped beef, LOL.


    Honeybear, I know what you mean - sometimes it takes awhile for a scent to "morph" while it's melting. I have no clue why this is, but it's like there's some hidden secret in the wax that takes a few hours to come out. Some of the VRC scents are like that for me - it's like they mature in the melt bowl.


    Cookielady - anything with Raspberry gets my vote! :flirtysmile4:


    Well I arrived home last night and scurried up to the PO Box to find a gorgeous giftie box from a sweet CF pal! [smilie=th_teks0311] Now I have new vendors to try! So last night and this morning it's been:


    SGA Cucumber Mint Watermelon - delicious!

    CFTKR Cappuccino Brulee - coffee scents are some of my favorites and ohhhhh, this is delicious, just the right mix of coffee and cream.


    *drum roll please*

    CFTKR Sweet Berry Cakes Cream Cheese Frosting - [smilie=th_smilies-2] - first of all, adorable cupcake shape, and secondly - the scrumptious scent! The excellent throw! I am completely impressed. *ordering temptation ahead* Thank you!!


    Have a lovely Saturday and stay cool!


  3. Late-Breaking News from the Enabling Department: [smilie=th_th1ptgno]


    Firstly - and thanks to Honeybear as a trusted Co-Enabler - Dessa's Heavenly Scents Restock is this Sat-Sun from 10 AM Sat to 4 PM Sun, PST.


    Next - Closet Full of Wax has just added THIRTY new house blends for bags of chunks, website open all the time. They all sound divine.


    Lastly, The Scented Squirrel is making a change (after the current two pre-order samplers) from Pre-Order to Ready to Ship Samplers. She will have a new sampler every few weeks, including the State Samplers which have a unique scent shot for each state in the US. I think she's up to the third set of the State Samplers. (How can we get our hands on the first two??)


    You may now return to your regularly scheduled activities.



  4. Good evening all!


    A quick hello from the hotel. Since we have been talking about lapses in memory, may I mention that tonight I tried to check into the Holiday Inn, where I often stay. When they couldn't find my name, I pulled out my itinerary and yep, I was booked at the Howard Johnson's. I tried to laugh it off but the lady didn't smile. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_fluc


    Aria - yes, the short feature before Incredibles 2 is very different - I didn't get it at first. I've since read interviews with the creator and that has helped me to appreciate where she was coming from. I was glad to see something so steeped in another culture, yet with universal themes. I also found it startling at times!


    Maggie, when I travel, I bring an electric warmer. I was always forgetting the matches for the votive melters. Your Scarlet Raine melt sounds delicious.


    Susan, all of your scents sound wonderful and intriguing.


    Biolaeagles! What did you think of the Scented Squirrel website?


    Honeybear, your daughter is lucky to have such a caring momma. I hope she is settling in and feeling better.


    So that's it for now! I have a heavy wax rotation going here in the room (now that I'm in the correct hotel).


    Have a lovely night, all!

  5. Good morning ladies,


    Off on a short business trip today and tomorrow. [smilie=superman] Taking plenty of wax!


    Mpfand...I know these marketing folks get creative with their descriptions, but...firefly scent? [smilie=th_scratch] I have never smelled a firefly. I imagine some smell better than others, depending upon personal hygiene. In any case, they bring a wonderful image to mind!


    Maggie! I did cruise by your store this morning and you have added a watermelon wreath, extremely cute!!


    Honeybear, that Dessa's preorder is on my calendar for tomorrow. (Enabling alert, all! [smilie=th_ef3416a0] )


    So this morning while getting ready to leave it's gifties from wonderful CF pals: [smilie=th_teks0311]


    Ava's Country Cupboard - Citrus Soda Cakes - scrumptious and in adorable little owl shapes


    From a brilliant waxie maker - Lemon Curd Toasted Marshmallow Fresh Baked Bread - oh, delicious and comforting.


    Have a fine day all,


  6. Good morning everyone! :sSig_sup:


    Maggie, I love your Etsy shop and the wreaths are gorgeous! [smilie=th_yourock] The issue is that they are all lovely and now difficult to choose between! :sCo_hmmthink:


    Debra, I just love that you had wax from The Scented Squirrel stashed away - that Nymph scent sounds delightful - and Maggie, that you were stalking that site! The Key Lime lasted all night from yesterday afternoon, just lovely. The first words out of DH's mouth upon arrival last evening were, "It smells awfully good in here!" And I agree - that vendor is a keeper. :toppoints:


    Mpfand, what's in that Twinkling Summer Nights waxie?


    I *may* have placed a small order with The Bathing Garden, after rave reviews from yourselves. I am easily influenced by pretty decorations on the wax and hers is especially lovely, particularly in the Beach selections. A pretty shell or sand dollar will get me every time. :flirtysmile4:


    So, it's a SEMO morning - and here is ANOTHER wonderful vendor with beautiful wax that throws a mile, and with almost no curing. Also, her wax comes in 4-packs of pretty shapes and is very affordable, and everything you see on the site is RTS.


    SEMO Creamy Pear Cotton Candy - in a lovely tulip shape - just dreamy. I have this in the living room while I'm working and [smilie=th_cc1]


    SEMO Cashmere and Cedar - ohhhh, I do love the cashmere scents, and this is gorgeous. This is in the back office and very sensual, IMHO.


    Isn't this just the most fabulous hobby? So much to delight in, every single day.[smilie=th_LOVE]


    Enjoy your Wednesday!


  7. Good afternoon ladies, [smilie=th_biggestgrin]


    This is a Mini-Enabling Installment (no sale, just vendor praise) [smilie=th_happy096] .


    I realize this is my *third* post for today :sFun_blahblah: but I have to tell you a bit about The Scented Squirrel. Small vendor, saw her on Instagram, here in Ohio (so must be good, right? [smilie=th_laughing] ) Anyway I got a small order from her, some shot cups and the small Squirrel Sampler.


    So it all looks adorable, protectively packaged, cute labels. I decided to melt a portion of one of the cups, Coco Goes to Key West (Key Lime Pie and Coconut Cream Pie), used only 0.6 oz - and wow, after a few minutes it threw me right across the house, and beautifully so. Creamy and strong and has lasted all day!


    *I'm in trouble...another fine vendor*


    I know you all needed to know this. [smilie=group_hug]

    Have a great evening,


  8. Good morning ladies!


    Still grey and threatening to rain here so I finally broke down and DROVE to the PO Box to get the Scented Squirrel order. The grass just keeps growing.... :unsure:


    Maggie, if you decide to make beach-themed wreaths, you will have another eager customer here. [smilie=th_aa17] The fact that it would be pre-marinated makes it all the more enticing.


    Michele, I love the bubblegum scents and Patrick sounds so delicious. I hope your appointments go well today.


    You all are cracking me up with the brain fog stories - Honeybear, that was good with the pizza! [smilie=th_laughing] Last week I told my DH I would bring home chili dogs, which he loves. And I came right home without them....it's so pitiful. [smilie=th_pardon] I've started doing the NYT Crossword Puzzle and maybe that will help... I like the easy Monday version (it gives me the false impression that I might actually be able to handle the rest of the week, LOL).


    So today is an OPT day:

    OPT Oceans of Blue - from the Maggie Blends! - blueberry, marshmallow, and SSA - beautiful.

    OPT Sugared Melon Coconut Noel - a giftie from a dear CF pal - oh! oh! this is gorgeous and I must order more immediately before she runs out. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_fluc


    Have a great day everyone,


  9. Good morning everyone,


    Wasn't quite ready for it to be Monday but here we are, and a busy work morning at that. [smilie=th_bounce]


    Debra, I'm glad your kitty had a lively day yesterday, although I'm sorry she didn't keep dinner down. These furry loves of ours will worry us to pieces! I hope she is feeling better today.


    Mpfand and Debra, yes I did find a lovely box for my CFOW unicorn, who even my DH has a soft spot for. Michael's had quite the assortment of display cases and shadow boxes, but none of them could be easily opened for admiration and sniffing purposes. [smilie=th_giggle] Then I got to thinking, I'm not sure I want sunlight on him all the time anyway, because he might fade. As luck would have it, they had 60% off all of their beautiful decorative boxes with the magnetized front flap for easy opening - so that's what I got. The design is aquatic, with starfish and octopus and such, which I have a lot of in the house. He fits nicely inside and seems very happy. And so I am, too. :flirtysmile4:


    Maggie, the wreaths sound beautiful and now that people have seen your work, that may be a dangerous thing - you will have order after order! [smilie=th_insane] It made me happy to see you melting Jack the Clipper, always a good guy to have around.


    So last night and today it has been:


    VRC Pink Sugar Marshmallow - oh, this was lovely overnight, so sweet and powdery. Long-lasting.


    VCS Princess Grace's Juliet Cap, from the Royal Wedding Rose Sampler (pear, apple, peach, berry, melon) - beautiful - I love pear - and it was strong for about two hours and then disappeared completely. [smilie=th_sad-1] The others in that sampler have been long-lasting.


    VRC May Loaf, "That Thing You Do" (strawberry cupcakes, blueberry cheesecake, lemon sugar, cotton candy frosting) - one of the most delicious blends I've ever smelled and truly I want to take a bite.


    There is a small package up at the PO Box from The Scented Squirrel but it is raining, so I'll wait until afternoon break to ride my bike up.


    Have a lovely day all,


  10. News Flash From the Enabling Department:????


    Southbound Restock Today at 2 pm CST, featuring The 4th of July Sampler (which I do have and it's fabulous), along with tons of lovely RTS scents.


    VCS has announced that they still have lots of items left from last week's restock.


    And Zeep has an Overstock later today - wax Mystery Bags and B&B - time TBD but CST afternoon.



  11. Good morning ladies!


    A lovely cool morning and the sun is out after two days of rain. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


    Mpfand, I can't imagine 109 degrees...and you're NOT under a heat advisory anymore...how can you stand it? :sFun_hot: And I'm SO sorry about your a/c units.


    Maggie, I'll bet those wreaths are beautiful. Are they relaxing to make?


    Honeybear! How was the Wine and Wheel? *details please* I hope you had a Happy Anniversary. [smilie=th_0b464f69745090d9d8a0f


    Debra, I hope your kitty is feeling better today. How is she doing?


    Today I have one simple goal, to find a little display case for my CFOW Unicorn. This arrived on June 1 - he is teal-colored and adorable and I don't think I can bear to cut him up, so I am going to get him a little protective clear house so I can enjoy looking at him. [smilie=th_LOVE] His scent is Caribbean Teakwood which is glorious so I would like to be able to lift the lid of the display case and sniff from time to time. I'm going to try Michael's. [smilie=th_235F35F32]


    So it's a Front Porch day:

    FP Grandma's Blueberry Cobbler - ohhhhh so delicious. [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4] DH loves this.

    FP Peach Mulberry - a new one. Cured for less than a week and filling the kitchen/office. Sweet and soothing.

    FP Mystery Tart! I have no clue! Tri-color and I think it is grassy/herbal. I love it and want to know what it is!


    Have a fine Sunday, all.


  12. Good morning everybody!


    I hope everyone is well. The heat has receded a bit here in Ohio. I just took a lovely 6 mi bike ride and made it up the very steep section without getting off. [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy] The motivation was indeed a package. More about that in a bit. :upssmiley1:


    Aria...thank you for thinking about Montgomery...I miss him so much. I still catch myself starting to say something to him, as in eating pizza the other night and turning to offer him some - he loved pizza - and then remembering. The bike is helping because I can't bear to walk without him on our familiar paths. I love thinking about you and Ozzy. The breed "beagador" must be a wonderful mix. [smilie=th_huganimal] Thank you for the SGA Root Beer reco - I'm trying out the root beers from all the vendors, LOL.


    Debra - I hope your kitty feels better soon. Is this a cat thing, to eat and then not eat? It seems like they go through these little fussy spells and then pick up as though nothing happened. It's enough to add more gray hair, though. [smilie=th_catkiss]


    Michele, I always turn off the melters when I'm not here (worry about fire / cat mischief). I'm fortunate in that when I'm not traveling for work, I can work from home most of the time. A lot of our communication is done by webinar. As for why Zeep has to cure for so long, this is a great mystery to me too but it's worth it. It's just hard to wait!!


    Maggie and Debra... Thank you for affirming that I'm not alone in fog-brain...I walk into a room with purpose, but can't remember what that purpose was...


    Speaking of Zeep! I received a gorgeous order and along with the usual HUGE waxies (especially the Watermelon Crawl! GIANT WAFFLE), Ashley has outdone herself with the Coffee Sampler and the Cupcake Sampler. Lovely, unique scents in both and gorgeous packaging and labels. I will have a hard time waiting, but wait we will, for this to cure a couple of months. [smilie=th_LOVE]


    So the other two orders which have arrived are:


    Southbound! This is gorgeous! I got the 4th of July Sampler and each scent is better than the one before it. Also an assortment of clammies and they are multi-colored and delicious-smelling. Again, into the curing closet they go, but they are pretty to look at and I will be gazing fondly until we can melt.


    VCS - another three bags of Blossom Bars - those big chunky squares are so beautiful and smell wonderful - and a Rose Bar, how elegant. I have rather a lot from this vendor because her scents are very pure and refreshing to me, not a lot of "wax background" if you know what I mean.


    Well the closet is full and there are actually a *couple* of orders still out there...these orders were on the small side but restraint is in order. [smilie=th_cha40]


    Forgot to say what I was melting. ????. Going since last night has been:

    SGA Cookie Monster and Big Bird, from the mini-chunk-pie assortment. Glorious and tempting. Lemony, cookie wonderfulness and long-lasting.


    Have a lovely weekend all,


  13. Hello ladies!


    Busy workday today but I am still melting away. It has been pouring on and off for the last two days. The grass is visibly growing before our eyes. [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon


    Biolaeagles - the Batman Lego movie sounds like a great choice for your boys and I'm glad you had fun together!


    Maggie - I'm happy for you that you are on Summer Break and I hope you will have a chance to relax. [smilie=th_WE1summer013]


    Michele - it's great to hear how happy you are with your CFOW order! I'm also so delighted with this vendor.


    Honeybear - I hope you, your DH, and DD#1 have a wonderful time at the Wine and Wheel class! And again - Happy Anniversary!


    Debra - I hope you are loving that grapefruit scent - that's always a favorite of mine too.


    Well today I got a couple of orders in the PO Box:


    OPT Maggie's Blends in Flip-Flop Form - WOW, these things are HUGE and smell just as amazing as the chunks! Plus Lara sends big samples. [smilie=th_slider_flirt]


    SEMO Wax - so impressed - I found this vendor on Instagram and such a beautiful, professional presentation and gorgeous scents!! Please, check her out!


    Last night I melted:

    CFOW Smurfette's Love Potion - so sweet and delicious - rainbow sorbet and cotton candy

    And this morning it's been:

    SGA Jack the Clipper!! Jack is Back! Sea air, cactus, and shaving cream - Jack, you will always have my heart. [smilie=th_smilies-2]


    Have a good day all!


  14. Good morning ladies,


    I hope everyone is well. Those of you with temps in the 100's, I send you cooling thoughts. [smilie=th_dd5]


    Honeybear and your DH: Happy Anniversary!! :cupid-arrow: And I hope you are enjoying your time with your daughter!


    Aria, I'm sorry you lost your post but I'm happy to think of you and Ozzy taking your walks. [smilie=th_806e4b7f]


    Biolaeagles, that Wednesday movie special sounds like a great deal and a great time. Which movie this time? *details please*


    Susan, how was that Cherry Blossom scent? I love cherry blossoms but I had a melt from B&BW which was overly pungent - to me the real thing has a gentle scent. How was yours?


    Debra, I'm so glad you are getting cooler weather for your package delivery. [smilie=th_200912104451] Even with the PO Box, I'm seeing a little schmutz on the waxie bags these days - I guess they get hot in the mail trucks. I try not to think about them sitting anywhere in the sun. [smilie=th_sad2hz1]


    I'm glad you folks are enjoying the little survey - I'm not trying to be all analytical about it, just interested in everybody's point of view. [smilie=th_slider_hi5]


    Well yesterday a *rather large* FP order arrived and I rode up to the post office on my bike to pick it up. [smilie=superman] I'm thinking a light backpack is in order for this. Anyway very happy with the order - Angie threw in some Mystery Grubbies which smell wonderful and right now I'm melting (yes, I know they should cure a bit, but gee whiz who can wait):


    FP ROOT BEER FLOAT - I am drowning in happiness - big lush scent and I cut up one little grubby total for the whole house and it is almost too strong. Delicious! [smilie=th_LOVE]


    I have been using a liberal amount of emojis but the Emoji Dobby seems to have retreated. I wish him well and I wish him gone.


    Have a great day everyone,


  15. Happy Wednesday everyone, [smilie=th_hello]


    Girls Night Out last evening with my best friend and we went to the Cincinnati Reds game, where our hometeam won 9-5 [smilie=th_blij40] (gave up those 5 runs in the 9th inning, can we say focus??). It was Fiona the Hippo Bobblehead night. Bratwurst and a small beer and a ride on the newish streetcar to and from the parking - Cincinnati's grudging acknowledgement of a need for mass transit. Someday!! Anyway a fine evening. [smilie=th_friends]


    Biolaeagles, glad you had a good Father's Day, and congratulations on the piano performance, sounds like you were happy with it! [smilie=th_happy096] Also glad your DS had a good birthday. We also saw The Incredibles 2 and loved it - I would follow that family (and Edna Mode) anywhere.


    So yesterday on break I *did* make the mistake of cruising by a few of the wax sites and I *did* make a few orders from VCS, Southbound, and Semo. :ssshopping:

    VCS - several Blossom Bars in Violet, Root Beer (impossible to resist after all the chitchat on here) and Sandalwood. I find this vendor so delicious.

    Southbound - the 4th of July Sampler and a few clammies - they all sound great and this shipped within a day.

    Semo - I found this one on Instagram and really like the professional, cute shapes and presentation, also very good prices. I got an assortment of shapes and it shipped THE SAME DAY, impressive!


    So yesterday afternoon I started up two of Maggie's Blends from OPT and they are still going strong this morning:

    Peace in the Grass (you all know these by now!!) - fresh grass, SSA, and buttercream - honestly, this is one of my overall favorites now.

    Spiked Citrus - grapefruit, SSA, and Baja Cactus. This is so good in the morning as a wake-me-up.


    That's it for now - enjoy your day!


  16. Good morning dear ladies,


    A very early call for work this morning [smilie=th_smiley-yawn] so the coffee pot is doing double time. I just saw that the meeting has been delayed by 45 minutes, so I have time to say good morning here, which is a much more wonderful place anyway. I love when meetings are delayed or, better yet, canceled. [smilie=th_snoopy]


    The emoji thing! and you too got that message, Honeybear! - I just picture some little Dobby-like creature crouching behind the screen, counting up the emojis and laughing with glee when some number is exceeded. :sSig_heeheehee: Well, he and I may end up having words, because the emojis on here are delightful and full of character and now I feel a perverse desire to use more than ever. :sFi_fencing:


    Debra, [smilie=th_jaja] you are cracking me up with the package thief ending up with a big box of wax. Perhaps it would turn him into a better person! Can you believe these guys... I hope your mailman finds a shady spot. Or you could leave a note and a big cooler somewhere? We did that once but it needed a little platform in the bottom to keep the box out of the melting ice...the whole thing took on a life of its own... [smilie=th_a136]


    Susan, if you only knew how badly I want to go to the beach, and the Ohio River just isn't cutting it...so I am really enjoying your beach scent descriptions! [smilie=th_aa17]


    Maggie, your little students are so lucky to have you. It's clear how fond you are of them. [smilie=th_LOVE] As for the dragonfly...he followed me for such a long time...it was where Montgomery and I used to walk. A dear friend said that was his spirit saying hi and I hope this was so.


    Honeybear, I know you are missing your Dad, me too...I wish I could be with him for one more day. I'm so glad your DD#1 will be home tonight! And your SB scents just sound heavenly...I'm looking forward to trying their scents. [smilie=th_200912104451]


    Mpfand, aren't those ScentSationals melts excellent? - they all have amazing throw. The Margarita one sounds delicious!


    You all are talking about that VRC Lavender Shaving Cream and I love that one too...that vendor has some fabulous scents and a kind of baby powder background that is just driving me wild.


    Speaking of VRC - yesterday afternoon I switched out the melters and here we are 13 hours later, still going strong:

    VRC Pink Sugar Marshmallow

    VRC Fruity Loops

    Both of these are really sweet and really strong and just fabulous. They were in the little oblong "Shotzie" cups and I'm kind of liking those, very tidy.


    All right enjoy your Tuesdays - I will miss the VCS restock too, Debra! - must take care of the day job - but I will be there in spirit.



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